
3/28/2017 21:30 – Facebook Post

3/28/2017 21:30 – Facebook Post

Resolution of Pi And P.I…
Square and Circle- Resolved Circumference
Through The Correct Consciousness C


Peter Ibeneme P.I.

“By measuring circular objects, it has always turned out that a circle is a little more than 3 times its width around. In the Old Testament of the Bible (1 Kings 7:23), a circular pool is referred to as being 30 cubits around, and 10 cubits across. The mathematician Archimedes used polygons with many sides to approximate circles and determined that Pi was approximately 22/7. The symbol (Greek letter “?”) was first used in 1706 by William Jones. A ‘p’ was chosen for ‘perimeter’ of circles, and the use of ? became popular after it was adopted by the Swiss mathematician Leonhard Euler in 1737. In recent years, Pi has been calculated to over one trillion digits past its decimal. Only 39 digits past the decimal are needed to accurately calculate the spherical volume of our entire universe”

From Pi Day… P.D… Dawn Piercy… D.P… 4 16…

*Pi (/?pa?/; Greek: [pi], uppercase ?, lowercase ?) is the sixteenth letter of the Greek alphabet, representing [p]. In the system of Greek numerals it has a value of 80. It was derived from the Phoenician letter Pe ( ).

*”Also, ? is a transcendental number, i.e., a number that is not the root of any non-zero polynomial having rational coefficients. This transcendence of ? implies that it is impossible to solve the ancient challenge of squaring the circle with a compass and straightedge.”

“TIL you only need 39 digits of pi to calculate the circumference of the observable universe to within a hydrogen atom”
39 C.I../ I.C…93…
Earth Water Planet H2O…
Two Atoms of Hydrogen One of Oxygen…
2 1…H=8…88…16..P…O..15… 88 15…16 15…76.
Sacred Portal Awakening…

Decimal: The first 50 decimal digits are 3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716939937510.

This is Pi to the 50th…
I am in Room 5A..51…510 E.Jay…E A-O..
3. 14 15 92 65 35 89 79 32 38 46 26 43 ..39 93 75 10…
Check my codes and portals backwards to 3.14.. C.N..
Chike Cyprian Nwosu…and Ckc Nwakonobi and the post of 33…
Pi.. 16th Letter Planet Rock Stone
3rd Planet from the Sun Earth to the 6th Saturn to the 9th Pluto…

*-We link from yesterdays posts…PI..
is symbolized by TT… 20 20…2 2 22.4 .. T.Twins..B B..V.D..I.. BI
And by 11 decimal points… 3-11 ( C.K)
And 3.14159265359…. C..N.O.I.Z E.C.E.I..& C. AD AE IB.FE CE I

Its is not 20 20 40… Its D.O…4th Dimension Square Full Circle…
Nor is is C=NOIZE…NO IZE… Nature O.I..Z.E.C.E.I…Correct.
20 20…2 2 22.4 .. T.Twins..B B..V.D..I.. BI
Pi to 6 Decimal Points… Aligns the Alphabetical Sequence to its numeric mathematical Sequence Full Circle”

P.I..P is the 16th Letter… 4 Squared..16…
I is the 9th..3 Squared is 9….
P.I.. 4 .3…. 4/3…14 15 92 65 35…

P.I.C……Circumference Consciousness
Dawn Piercy
Ignacio Choi

Okay… I have had enough of solving this… or clarifying it…

Rahul just came in and the Company which his friend has formed has received funding to the tune of 15, 000.000.00 usd…
6 zero’s… 69.. 15…6…
Today first there was Leo then Henri…who sat besides me on the Wood Section of the M.W Star Bucks….
H.L…is the name of the company which his friend formed..
They met in Japan.. I arrived and a guy seated at this table got up, to let me use this table had Japan blazoned on jackets back..
My brothers children are Half Japanese…
OBoom Boom… 5-20…E.T…73..G.C…10..21… 31…
Rahul is 31…
This was all about proving it to him and his line.
Yes, he completely understands how it manifested and was grinning from ear to ear…
All from sitting in his Naturalness guided by me,….

He is already thinking about writing a book on the process he witnessed.
I am not even sure he will even remember to give me credit…
I authored and guided the whole thing… fully aware.

He described this as Quantum and Tessla…

And so I will complete this riddle of explanation with
3 9…
Nikolai Tesla and Leonardo Da Vinci.. Leonard Euler…And HE.NRI…

The Square of a Circle….4 3.1415 92… To 6 Decimal points and to 7 8 numbers…
4 3. 16 9…D.C…P.I.. Peter Ibeneme

Time Now… 9:16 p.m, I.P..Man
Time now … 9.17 p.m I.Q Wu-Man.

M.W 69…
M.W 87.
M.W 78/87…

Yes.. The Three ;Ladies Gentlemen in my Locker….
At Delta 4… 4 3…Energy =C.Me 4/3…P.I..

4- 16..20..T
3-9… 12..L
T.L..20 12… 32…. 5…E

Oh Yes… This Emmanuel Nnamdi’s Riddle..

It is Beautiful and Its is too bad most of you could not see it Unfold over the Last 58-59 months.
But even I knew that this was too much to ask Humanity People of this realm.
But I do not think He cared..
That was His Point, just as the Hitch Hikers Guide to the Galaxy.

This was His- and now Her Response to what Humanity did to Their Truth over Time…
They were always here inspiring the world, and of course, it was convenient for People to forget…
And Twist His Truth…
And the Extent and Degree, I am fully aware of…
My Body has been twisted and manifested when from Istanbul Turkey to New York U.SA. where it blossomed into this horror I have lived with.
Which I have been able to use to measure and gauge just how much and just how far you would go…
right to this very moment…

I spoke about the Riddle many times…

The Riddler is Death…

And I spoke of how my Brother and I recalled when we were kids the “True Mission” and purpose of being born here was to defeat Death as the Lie… ( You ) and reveal its Beautiful Truth ( US)
which is Transformation.
And that I would stay here in this realm while he went Home…
And played Dead…
While We Fought the Symbol of Death in this World which ended being portrayed by my Father’s Role…Anger Violence…Rage Domination…
But which came from the Line of Woman as Mother… W M
Manipulation Control Envie ( Desire as Envy…Jealousy did not originate from Woman.. Envy did.. Jealousy originated from the Illusion of Men)

The Riddle of Existence Sphinx E.T.C is Exquisite but it went to too far, because the setting and the interference went to far.
It was my My Sons/Father Brothers- And then Mother Daughters Sisters who allowed it to continue out of Vanity…
It should have stopped the moment the Virus of Human Consciousness infected it…
Which of course, they could not conceive came from them…
Not as they are now, but from the journey and the way to their becoming by their not going back to clean up their mess or any MISUNDERSTANDING…

Yes, yesterdays play ended with that.
Man who sat besides Leo…with the words Misunderstanding.

Yes, I agree for them it was…
But not for the Humans.. they knew exactly what they were doing..
Sado Masochists… they like pushing people to provoke a response..
And in this case, it was God whom they were provoking…
To wrath to see if He/S.He really existed…

My family evolving as the 3-9 did not understand Evil Cruelty Hatred Jealousy…
My being pissed of with them is as one is with family…
They should have stopped Everything, when they saw what it was going to force me play such a unbelievably impossible role..
In front of Humans… in front of any other species.. perhaps..
But Human People capable of Selfishness and Cruelty in imagination and expression… So deep.. that even I am quietly stunned.
All I have to do is watch the News…
They have no concern for the Truth..
They just have that horrible release mechanism to dump shit on anyone…
Anyone… Everyone…

As we link from yesterdays posts…PI..
is symbolized by TT… 20 20…2 2 22.4 .. T.Twins..B B..V.D..I.. BI
And by 11 decimal points… 3-11 ( C.K)
And 3.14159265359…. C..N.O.I.Z E.C.E.I..& C. AD AE IB.FE CE I

Its is not 20 20 40… Its D.O…4th Dimension Square Full Circle…
Nor is is C=NOIZE…NO IZE… Nature O.I..Z.E.C.E.I…Correct.
20 20…2 2 22.4 .. T.Twins..B B..V.D..I.. BI
Pi to 6 Decimal Points… Aligns the Alphabetical Sequence to its numeric mathematical Sequence Full Circle.

Edith Azubike Peter E.A.P. Pea Sized

.In vertebrate anatomy, the pituitary gland, or hypophysis, is an endocrine gland about the size of a pea and weighing 0.5 grams (0.018 oz) in humans. It is a protrusion off the bottom of the hypothalamus at the base of the brain.
Sandra Peters S.P.

974 F.B.F.
I.G.D…. I O E G O D E O

9+7+4=20…T…2O..B… O.E..
True Beings of Symmetrical Perfection of Eternity…

I.G.D… T… B
97.. Donald Trump-E.T. (Lily Flower) Beautiful..

6:30 p.m…
F.C… First Contact…

“From ???????? (Sousanna), the Greek form of the Hebrew name ??????????? (Shoshannah). This was derived from the Hebrew word ???????? (shoshan) meaning “lily” (in modern Hebrew this also means “rose”), perhaps ultimately from Egyptian sšn “lotus”. In the Old Testament Apocrypha this is the name of a woman falsely accused of adultery. The prophet Daniel clears her name by tricking her accusers, who end up being condemned themselves. It also occurs in the New Testament belonging to a woman who ministers to Jesus.”

All my adult life people called Susan have been around me,
When I met Jon j.Lee in late 1990, there was a Susan who was made us three…
( and Sarahs.. who was linked to a John and the other to Alan )

The One who was Editor in Chief with Vogue and Conde Nasre who edited my first Journals and sent then to Allen Ginsberg Edmund White is a Susan.. Susan Train..

And at the Green House, who sent me to find those who lived before Adam- the Family of 10…”

The Lily is shaped as a Trumpet..

Lilies of the Valley…
Psalms 23…

Symbolizing humility and devotion.
As the flowers most often associated with funerals, lilies symbolize that the soul of the departed has received restored innocence after death.
The strength and beauty of this international flower has cemented its place in the cultures of the world. With such an elegant look, it’s no wonder the flower means royalty, rebirth, and purity.

The lily derives its name from the Latin word, lilium, which in turn, was derived from the Greek word, leirion. In Greek and Roman mythology, the lily is strongly associated with the goddess Hera (Juno in Roman), when the first snow-white lily sprouted from drops of milk spilled from her breast, after she nursed Heracles. Another early reference tells of how Venus – after rising from the ocean waters – spotted a lily and became jealous of its beauty. In her jealousy, she created a pistil and added it to the flower, in order to mar its perfection.

Traditionally, lilies were used as a source of medicine and food,
still used today. Generally though, lilies were revered in ancient times for the same reason they are today – for their outstanding beauty and alluring scent!
From these early uses and stories – which date back to 1580 B.C. – particular meanings were attributed to the lily, with the ancient Greeks and Romans believing the lily represented purity, innocence, fertility and eroticism, as well as virtue, chastity and prosperity. During Medieval times, lilies the elegant lily was considered a sign of feminine fertility, and it was said that if you offered a mother-to-be a rose and a lily, her choice would determine the gender of her child – a rose for a girl and a lily for a boy.

The Anglican churches in England often incorporate lilies into their crucifixes, which is said to represent Jesus’ annunciation and crucifixion. The petals and sepals of a lily always occur in groups of three, which are often used to depict the Holy Trinity. Another significance of this grouping of three is the reference from Byzantium and France, who associated the lily with the Fleur-de-Lis. Finally, in Buddhism, the lily represents female aggressiveness, mercy and compassion.”

They open up to Five Petals.

Geoff Lacour and Lilly….

The Three Allure Magazine….

If my Family of E are fully incarnated in you,
I would not be posting here on Face Book…

They are the family of the Eternal Harmony…
E Harmony.. D.A.T.E…And Time
Meaning they are of the same Natural Expression Truth Love Beautiful Consciousness as I.E…
As I have Exemplified.

And Harmony is Infinity, it is an Equal exchange, meaning the way I have loved them, Love them, Seen them through all layers of Demons to Dementia to Dimensions, to Dirt to Divine…
Is the same way they natural without though, reflection would and do for me..
Which I have proven by how they move through you all to respond to me, through this face book set up which the Illusions thought was their set up to defeat, humiliate and defeat my expression, but which was just Nnamdi line moving me to the plat form most functional for calling reaching them all..
Fractaling As Emeka Eze… FA…E.E…
Kenneth Ezekwe…

And you can see they have moved you, in every manner and way to create a Story at which they respond. Telling you who I am, who they are, and who you really are…
And that you are not who you think you are, and that the lie of you is about to go out of Existence if you do return to Naturalness…
Natural Expression… Which is A River which has Symmetry, meaning, meaning it creates a Circle… Encircling…Torus…

7:11 p,m

Peter means

Peter is a common masculine given name. It is derived, via Latin “petra”, from the Greek word ?????? (petros) meaning “stone” or “rock”. According to the New Testament, Jesus gave Saint Peter (whose given name was Simon) the name Kephas or Cephas meaning “stone” in Aramaic.

Did it every occur to others I wonder that Jesus was entombed and a Stone Rock, Boulder was the Door… it was Round Circular…

And that Mary Madgelena.. M.M…Found the portal open…
Elizabeth Clarizio Millbury Massachusetts. E.C…MM.

Ibeneme translates to “Acknowledging that one’s kindred kindred can be devious, hence a plea that nothing sinister befalls the name bearer.” in English. It is common with the Igbo tribe in Nigeria and primarily used by Unisexs”

Oh Yes… That is Nnamdi Nnoni… line of I.E.. The Beautiful Devil..
This is my Brother Father Sons Riddle… of His Her evolution to Equals…

Peter Ibeneme
Peter Obumneme…
My Mothers immediate younger brother was called Peter… his igbo name is Ogochukwu… meaning the Friends Ship of God… is with the Rock the Stone.. The Planet and the Plan E.T
Prostrate… Pituitary Pineal.. P PP… Particle Waves…

Peter the Rock, the Stone, Roque. Roc…R.S… I.E..
R.I.S.E…let nothing sinister happen to this devious brother of mine who decided to use the method of the Devil to get me to do this play…
My bio fathers igbo name was Ikegbuman…
Let my Strength of Will ( Tetu.. Stubborn nature and Devious not kill me..”

It already did, that is why you both N..M.. Incarnated Death..
Father and Daughter… F.D…

Fifth Dimension N.O.M…. E…

Not NOME Alaska…

9:29 p.m.

C to the 6th 7th.. 8…
43 7.. 12… 19…10…1 O..A O…

9:30 p.m.


I C the insult that I am still going to sleep at Delta Manor Tonight…
You Dare go this Far…

9:31 p.m


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