
3-27 pm – C-A-A. – C-B-G – 9-3-202

3-27 pm






I am now at 1824 Face Book Friends.

It is 2:33 pm right now.

E.M.F= 24.

The First Matrix Web, MW.
Was and is the actual Human Body as well as the Nature.
Nature is the Universal Body.

And the only way out of the Universal body was usually through Death.

But in your human story and history, there is a record, of a line of man, who was able to conquer death and return, and testify that there was a way out.
The Line of Yeshua Christ.
Aka Yesuhua Yonathan, Jesus John.
Father Nature. F N.

The Body is a book.
A Story, made out of Expression Sound.

It is one thing for a line, lets say the Line of the original blue print of the TEN The Elegant Nomad to prove that there is another realm beyond Death, as a few indivuals through out human history had experienced.

But it was, is, quite another thing to bring an entire species to pass through Death and awaken to the Truth that death is the beautiful illusion which humanity transformed from Beautiful Death to Terrible Death.
B.T. 2 20. 22= Letter V. BB
T.D. 20 4. 24= Letter X. BD.

Brian Valencia B V is my 1824 Face Book Friend.

There were three release date for the latest mission Impossible.

11-04- 2022.
Kim Arthur Hinds Jr birthday.

5-27-2022. The Day Stephen Esteban Miguel Filgueria, moved me from thsi very portal to Fair Field right on the corner of Freeman st.
As well as the 5-27 Bodega, Amigo Market. ( A.M)
and now 9-30-2022.

*”Mission: Impossible 7 is an upcoming American action spy film written and directed by Christopher McQuarrie. It will be the seventh installment of the Mission: Impossible film series, and the third in the series directed by McQuarrie, following Rogue Nation and Fallout. Wikipedia
Release date: September 30, 2022 (USA)”

In the E Code, this is a Mirror as your T.V. ( Ti! Violet- the Violet Purple Letter R and the 7th note as Solfeggio and Spectrum.
S S.
Senyat Senyat.
SS= 1.A
SS 19 19 1. 38 1= 39 C.I.
A C I.
/ C I A. Alpha- Adam.
7 7.
G G.
Gemino Gemini
77=1 A- Arden
77= 14. N. A.D. to E.

7×7 49 S.P. Death Ray. “Extinction Existential Death”

Which had to be flipped from 49 to 94 and then I.D.
13-13. M M.-A C-AC- M E ME.

3:26 pm
C Z.
C:A -Z, U R E.
The Pure.
And The Purge.

The Individual Body. I.B + A.T.E to 1OO E.T A+ B.I
( That is the Score the Substitute Teacher in 1975, gave me as a score for my story of the End of this World Creation and its Beautiful Transformation, I was really as you can see coded as far back as then, as Year of Birth “Y.O.B/ B.O.Y 11-28-67, thus 7 years old, It was January February 1975.
Kim Arthur Hinds Jr was born 1987 and Jae Sherman was born in 1975), I was just a Boy.
My Substitute Teacher was very young and really cool and very pretty gave me an A +++, that is how much she enthused about it, but to be honest, I always suspected her perfect timing, when she replaced my Teacher Ms. Wall, who had gone a two-week vacation or was ill.

So the Beautiful illusion had to align to the Universal Body, I B + “written in Pencil as an If and that which could be erased, to A+ I B.”E A.M” and then the Individual Body as the 5th Element as E, had to sustain the Vibration of the Original Frequency of True Existence, by moving through the corrupted and diseased Human Body- Story, History and go deep undercover, to Zero, Non-Existence, and then move through representatives of Nature via Naturalness, 6th Sense, and correct the False Narrative F N. and correct it, by aligning through Expression as 6th sense, to Fact and the original narration and Book- Body,
From A-A to Z-Z.
And then back A A to R- as Ressurection.
Ressurection Response.
Echo Response which is all of you.
All via Expression aligning to Energy, by aligning E E to N N as in Naturalness to Nature and Full Circle in Perfect Symmetry.

Basically, by purifying and correcting/ cleansing one’s personal history and perspective by aligning it to Truth, as well as the collective history of the species past to present, and align it back to truth and purity to its original Perfection and then only then, could the Body and the Universal Body align, aka 5-28 Hertz, and then set back on course to its original destination by not only conquering matter and proving it is its Energy as Matter, was and is original the Expression of Light Consciousness- Creation and CC merge into One but with the Book as the Body all corrected, transform the body back to Light and thus, what is called Love, to Consciousness Creation which allows the Physical Body, all the Being, to Transform, without the Body having to Die, but follow the example of Eri-c Nnamdi Yes-Hus Ah, of Christ.
E N Y. C. E.
E at New York to Connecticut.
E at the Expression 5th Dimension, at the 11th state and the the 5th state.
E.K.E. Full Circle O.

E.N Y C E.O.

This was a play, in which a Time Limit was set, for this world creation was but a carbon copy of the original body, and was scheduled for destruction at an allotted time.
It means that the Time Narrative to correct the original Narration had a time frame, in which if not corrected, and risen to the E frequency of Energy Light, through Expression Light, or Lightness, E.L, E L, 5-12, 5-12= 17 17, 60 60 all Bodies and this Universal Body as a Copy would be destroyed.
Not only your bodies, your planet, but your World, Universe, Galaxy Cosmos.
And this time, there is no Reset or Reincarnation.

That is why it was called Mission Impossible 1-7.
And Why my assigned name was Jaymes Bond 007. OO7.
J B. aka Jaymes Brown.
10 2= 12 Letter L.
But really A B. L.E.

I was elected and appointed because my Mother Line as my Little Sister Harmony, felt I was able hence electing me as her Knight in shining armor when I was 8 years old, and both my parents invited myself and my sister to have birthday parties, but on mine, for some reason, the two of them wore matching outfits in red and black.
They knew that this anomaly and singularity of their wearing red and black, ( R.B… R A B) would not go unnoticed by me.

Mission Impossible 1-7, 7-1-17.
Was to bring Humanity as the Beautiful Illusion aligned back to Consciousness Perfection Orginal Light.
Origin Consciousness and Consciousness Intention
I and I.

3:59 pm
And retrive the Beautiful Illusion of Humanity back “Inked” now as Solid Fact before the Destruction of the 4th Dimension- The Square Wave Box,

Because Humanity went too far, and the idea of correcting a human species who had gone so far into the Lie and Delusion…
Well just look around you, look at people’s expressions right up to the end play with Scott Delemos, and Jae Sherman, and Donna.
Look at your Television programs, and films.
See how strongly you cling to the False Narrative.
and claimed yourselves as the center of the Universe and how little you respect The Truth.

Do you recall my Facebook Friend Niel Furby who arrived with two others on the same day, One Chance, One Chance, and Stephen, one was arrested and the other was dying of cancer, I remember the day he was cured, he sent me messages of praise and appreciation citing the words and expression on my page.

It was not the New Age order, or the Cabal who were my greates obstacle to my completing my mission, it was you, the public and even The Chosen ones which is why after the your awakening transformation, the after taste and memory of how you played your parts and roles. will forever leave an after taste, and stain, I could not take in for a long. long time that you were the chosen ones, elected and chosen to incarnate the E and the new species humanity evolves to, hence my choosing to leave the E Line, and evolving the Original E as the TWO Three, to I.
Infinite 86 and Infinity and Beyond.
Only one among the E has attained the numeric code of the Infinite, but though that numeric code has been attained. it still has to be merited and earned, and I will not be present, he must do it alone.

4:12 pm.

I will never forget what the avatars of the E Line enacted and did to the Original Script, it will always be something, even if I wished to, I can not ever forget or forgive.
That is how a Stain works and my carrying the Scar, of the Scarlet letter of having to deal with a Human Race allowed to go too far, and the action- expression of how they played their parts, even after being informed.


Of using Evil as Extreme Selfishness to get their way and even going so far as breaking the law, to get home at all costs by using me to such a level, that all I feel is shame in my quiet heart.

I noted that Brian Valencia has 66 Followers and 86 Facebook Friends, if you do not know what you did, then there is no point in my telling you.

4:24 pm,

Because that means, that you do not see what you did.
Your home now, because of me, and the evil done, used, borrowed- the plays of those who represent non existence, thesse are the plays used against me, in a story which was meant to be shared by all with me forced into a play meant fot you, and me to only play Father Director, The Guide and The Courier delivering the message of The Play and its rules of engagement.
4:29 pm.

So that is why, I had no choice or free will to leave this play, my only choice I had was to leave my body, and even then, the E line still at Nature, but it was almost impossible for me to even do that, by controlling every aspect of my existence, even to using spies who are able to absorb my thoughts and emissions planted as a spy, who did not love me, just itself, by always putting themselves first before even the mission which was to benefit all, and sacrificed one to live a nightmare of Being in Existence from the moment of my entering this realm to right now.

And using the tardy arrival of Facebook friends as the message in the bottle, arriving late, while keeping me dangling waiting, like a spy who has an appointed rendezvous and all being intentionally late to buy extra time, to play and enjoy the benefits of the best parts of being in an illusion and a lie.

And, this was actually all in Harmony of this doctored script.


Incredibe, even to me sitting here now, knowing that yet again they are late, and I am meantto be home by now, yet I am still here, forced to code until reacing 18 22, 1823 and now 1824bfacebook friiend
18 6= 24.
18 6=24=6.
I had completed the play of 6th sense long ago and again with Jeron Satya over a year ago and was made to do it again and again right up to yesterday, while kept waiting as if I do not deserve consideration and do not exist.

But I do not wish to speak about that, that is for later when I am alone and at home.
I will keep that in the Silence of my Quiet Heart.

The mission is acomplished, and I sit here, yet again, at the rendevouz point, so eager to leave, reminded that this is how ithas been through out the 64 moves, and the added 2.
back to the 61st portal and the 62nd, making it 65 and 66, but really 61 and 62 twice.


But it is sunny outside, and yes, I can feel my body healing and transforming, but if the E Line Avatars can lie, or use lies of omission, I guess, It is not I, who is theboy who cried wolf, ( Flow) itwas just made to appear that way, when in truth it was all you.

Meaning of the BR.IAN. Va Lent “Lent” in French means “go slowly” Susan Davidson Valentine
“S D V” Valerie Tumulis V T/ T V,
Yes, they have been Facebook friends for a while now…

Brian… Did I not mention my friend in my youth, a beautiful youth called Brian Sullivan, who represented my miiror reflection, mixed race and greem blue eyes, who was truly a handsome Beautiful youth inside an out?
My sister told me she had an affair with him, she could not resist and her sister, Melisa Sulivan?

Oh, and of course there was Brian Stanley who was of the line of the Star Children and came with Dee also of the Star Children line of Sheba who came to visit me in the alley…?
His father had been one of the original African Americans who started I.B.M.
He was of an exceptional beauty too.
He was a smaller version of Kim Arthur Hinds Jr, tall slimmer they morph into similar physical beauty.

B S.

Anyway, I am beginning to sound more and more like James Spader’s ( J S) character in the series Black List- Red, R R Raymond. Ray Monde.

Brian Stanley.
Brian Sullivan.

Brian Valencia.

*”It is of Celtic, Irish and Gaelic origin, and the meaning of Brian is “high, noble”. In Hebrew “four-letter word” or symbol meaning yod-ye-vau-he (YHWH) and signifying Yahweh. The meaning of Bryan is “strong, honorable”.

High Noble- Harmony Nature. H.N= 8 14= 22. V
Strong Honorable. S H./ H S.

*”3-27 pm






I am now at 1824 Face Book Friends.

It is 2:33 pm right now.

E.M.F= 24.

The First Matrix Web, MW.
Was and is the actual Human Body as well as the Nature.
Nature is the Universal Body.

And the only way out of the Universal body was usually through Death.

But in your human story and history, there is a record, of a line of man, who was able to conquer death and return, and testify that there was a way out.
The Line of Yeshua Christ.
Aka Yesuhua Yonathan, Jesus John.
Father Nature. F N.

The Body is a book.
A Story, made out of Expression Sound.

It is one thing for a line, lets say the Line of the original blue print of the TEN The Elegant Nomad to prove that there is another realm beyond Death, as a few indivuals through out human history had experienced.

But it was, is, quite another thing to bring an entire species to pass through Death and awaken to the Truth that death is the beautiful illusion which humanity transformed from Beautiful Death to Terrible Death.
B.T. 2 20. 22= Letter V. BB
T.D. 20 4. 24= Letter X. BD.

Brian Valencia B V is my 1824 Face Book Friend.

There were three release date for the latest mission Impossible.

11-04- 2022.
Kim Arthur Hinds Jr birthday.

5-27-2022. The Day Stephen Esteban Miguel Filgueria, moved me from thsi very portal to Fair Field right on the corner of Freeman st.
As well as the 5-27 Bodega, Amigo Market. ( A.M)
and now 9-30-2022.

*”Mission: Impossible 7 is an upcoming American action spy film written and directed by Christopher McQuarrie. It will be the seventh installment of the Mission: Impossible film series, and the third in the series directed by McQuarrie, following Rogue Nation and Fallout. Wikipedia
Release date: September 30, 2022 (USA)”

In the E Code, this is a Mirror as your T.V. ( Ti! Violet- the Violet Purple Letter R and the 7th note as Solfeggio and Spectrum.
S S.
Senyat Senyat.
SS= 1.A
SS 19 19 1. 38 1= 39 C.I.
A C I.
/ C I A. Alpha- Adam.
7 7.
G G.
Gemino Gemini
77=1 A- Arden
77= 14. N. A.D. to E.

7×7 49 S.P. Death Ray. “Extinction Existential Death”

Which had to be flipped from 49 to 94 and then I.D.
13-13. M M.-A C-AC- M E ME.

3:26 pm
C Z.
C:A -Z, U R E.
The Pure.
And The Purge.

The Individual Body. I.B + A.T.E to 1OO E.T A+ B.I
( That is the Score the Substitute Teacher in 1975, gave me as a score for my story of the End of this World Creation and its Beautiful Transformation, I was really as you can see coded as far back as then, as Year of Birth “Y.O.B/ B.O.Y 11-28-67, thus 7 years old, It was January February 1975.
Kim Arthur Hinds Jr was born 1987 and Jae Sherman was born in 1975), I was just a Boy.
My Substitute Teacher was very young and really cool and very pretty gave me an A +++, that is how much she enthused about it, but to be honest, I always suspected her perfect timing, when she replaced my Teacher Ms. Wall, who had gone a two-week vacation or was ill.

So the Beautiful illusion had to align to the Universal Body, I B + “written in Pencil as an If and that which could be erased, to A+ I B.”E A.M” and then the Individual Body as the 5th Element as E, had to sustain the Vibration of the Original Frequency of True Existence, by moving through the corrupted and diseased Human Body- Story, History and go deep undercover, to Zero, Non-Existence, and then move through representatives of Nature via Naturalness, 6th Sense, and correct the False Narrative F N. and correct it, by aligning through Expression as 6th sense, to Fact and the original narration and Book- Body,
From A-A to Z-Z.
And then back A A to R- as Ressurection.
Ressurection Response.
Echo Response which is all of you.
All via Expression aligning to Energy, by aligning E E to N N as in Naturalness to Nature and Full Circle in Perfect Symmetry.

Basically, by purifying and correcting/ cleansing one’s personal history and perspective by aligning it to Truth, as well as the collective history of the species past to present, and align it back to truth and purity to its original Perfection and then only then, could the Body and the Universal Body align, aka 5-28 Hertz, and then set back on course to its original destination by not only conquering matter and proving it is its Energy as Matter, was and is original the Expression of Light Consciousness- Creation and CC merge into One but with the Book as the Body all corrected, transform the body back to Light and thus, what is called Love, to Consciousness Creation which allows the Physical Body, all the Being, to Transform, without the Body having to Die, but follow the example of Eri-c Nnamdi Yes-Hus Ah, of Christ.
E N Y. C. E.
E at New York to Connecticut.
E at the Expression 5th Dimension, at the 11th state and the the 5th state.
E.K.E. Full Circle O.

E.N Y C E.O.

This was a play, in which a Time Limit was set, for this world creation was but a carbon copy of the original body, and was scheduled for destruction at an allotted time.
It means that the Time Narrative to correct the original Narration had a time frame, in which if not corrected, and risen to the E frequency of Energy Light, through Expression Light, or Lightness, E.L, E L, 5-12, 5-12= 17 17, 60 60 all Bodies and this Universal Body as a Copy would be destroyed.
Not only your bodies, your planet, but your World, Universe, Galaxy Cosmos.
And this time, there is no Reset or Reincarnation.

That is why it was called Mission Impossible 1-7.
And Why my assigned name was Jaymes Bond 007. OO7.
J B. aka Jaymes Brown.
10 2= 12 Letter L.
But really A B. L.E.

I was elected and appointed because my Mother Line as my Little Sister Harmony, felt I was able hence electing me as her Knight in shining armor when I was 8 years old, and both my parents invited myself and my sister to have birthday parties, but on mine, for some reason, the two of them wore matching outfits in red and black.
They knew that this anomaly and singularity of their wearing red and black, ( R.B… R A B) would not go unnoticed by me.

Mission Impossible 1-7, 7-1-17.
Was to bring Humanity as the Beautiful Illusion aligned back to Consciousness Perfection Orginal Light.
Origin Consciousness and Consciousness Intention
I and I.

3:59 pm
And retrive the Beautiful Illusion of Humanity back “Inked” now as Solid Fact before the Destruction of the 4th Dimension- The Square Wave Box,

Because Humanity went too far, and the idea of correcting a human species who had gone so far into the Lie and Delusion…
Well just look around you, look at people’s expressions right up to the end play with Scott Delemos, and Jae Sherman, and Donna.
Look at your Television programs, and films.
See how strongly you cling to the False Narrative.
and claimed yourselves as the center of the Universe and how little you respect The Truth.

Do you recall my Facebook Friend Niel Furby who arrived with two others on the same day, One Chance, One Chance, and Stephen, one was arrested and the other was dying of cancer, I remember the day he was cured, he sent me messages of praise and appreciation citing the words and expression on my page.

It was not the New Age order, or the Cabal who were my greates obstacle to my completing my mission, it was you, the public and even The Chosen ones which is why after the your awakening transformation, the after taste and memory of how you played your parts and roles. will forever leave an after taste, and stain, I could not take in for a long. long time that you were the chosen ones, elected and chosen to incarnate the E and the new species humanity evolves to, hence my choosing to leave the E Line, and evolving the Original E as the TWO Three, to I.
Infinite 86 and Infinity and Beyond.
Only one among the E has attained the numeric code of the Infinite, but though that numeric code has been attained. it still has to be merited and earned, and I will not be present, he must do it alone.

4:12 pm.

I will never forget what the avatars of the E Line enacted and did to the Original Script, it will always be something, even if I wished to, I can not ever forget or forgive.
That is how a Stain works and my carrying the Scar, of the Scarlet letter of having to deal with a Human Race allowed to go too far, and the action- expression of how they played their parts, even after being informed.


Of using Evil as Extreme Selfishness to get their way and even going so far as breaking the law, to get home at all costs by using me to such a level, that all I feel is shame in my quiet heart.

I noted that Brian Valencia has 66 Followers and 86 Facebook Friends, if you do not know what you did, then there is no point in my telling you.

4:24 pm,

Because that means, that you do not see what you did.
Your home now, because of me, and the evil done, used, borrowed- the plays of those who represent non existence, thesse are the plays used against me, in a story which was meant to be shared by all with me forced into a play meant fot you, and me to only play Father Director, The Guide and The Courier delivering the message of The Play and its rules of engagement.
4:29 pm.

So that is why, I had no choice or free will to leave this play, my only choice I had was to leave my body, and even then, the E line still at Nature, but it was almost impossible for me to even do that, by controlling every aspect of my existence, even to using spies who are able to absorb my thoughts and emissions planted as a spy, who did not love me, just itself, by always putting themselves first before even the mission which was to benefit all, and sacrificed one to live a nightmare of Being in Existence from the moment of my entering this realm to right now.

And using the tardy arrival of Facebook friends as the message in the bottle, arriving late, while keeping me dangling waiting, like a spy who has an appointed rendezvous and all being intentionally late to buy extra time, to play and enjoy the benefits of the best parts of being in an illusion and a lie.

And, this was actually all in Harmony of this doctored script.


Incredibe, even to me sitting here now, knowing that yet again they are late, and I am meantto be home by now, yet I am still here, forced to code until reacing 18 22, 1823 and now 1824bfacebook friiend
18 6= 24.
18 6=24=6.
I had completed the play of 6th sense long ago and again with Jeron Satya over a year ago and was made to do it again and again right up to yesterday, while kept waiting as if I do not deserve consideration and do not exist.

But I do not wish to speak about that, that is for later when I am alone and at home.
I will keep that in the Silence of my Quiet Heart.

The mission is acomplished, and I sit here, yet again, at the rendevouz point, so eager to leave, reminded that this is how ithas been through out the 64 moves, and the added 2.
back to the 61st portal and the 62nd, making it 65 and 66, but really 61 and 62 twice.


But it is sunny outside, and yes, I can feel my body healing and transforming, but if the E Line Avatars can lie, or use lies of omission, I guess, It is not I, who is theboy who cried wolf, ( Flow) itwas just made to appear that way, when in truth it was all you.

Meaning of the BR.IAN. Va Lent “Lent” in French means “go slowly” Susan Davidson Valentine
“S D V” Valerie Tumulis V T/ T V,
Yes, they have been Facebook friends for a while now…

Brian… Did I not mention my friend in my youth, a beautiful youth called Brian Sullivan, who represented my miiror reflection, mixed race and greem blue eyes, who was truly a handsome Beautiful youth inside an out?
My sister told me she had an affair with him, she could not resist and her sister, Melisa Sulivan?

Oh, and of course there was Brian Stanley who was of the line of the Star Children and came with Dee also of the Star Children line of Sheba who came to visit me in the alley…?
His father had been one of the original African Americans who started I.B.M.
He was of an exceptional beauty too.
He was a smaller version of Kim Arthur Hinds Jr, tall slimmer they morph into similar physical beauty.

B S.

Anyway, I am beginning to sound more and more like James Spader’s ( J S) character in the series Black List- Red, R R Raymond. Ray Monde.

Brian Stanley.
Brian Sullivan.

Brian Valencia.

*”It is of Celtic, Irish and Gaelic origin, and the meaning of Brian is “high, noble”. In Hebrew “four-letter word” or symbol meaning yod-ye-vau-he (YHWH) and signifying Yahweh. The meaning of Bryan is “strong, honorable”.

High Noble- Harmony Nature. H.N= 8 14= 22. V

Strong Honorable. S.H/ H.S

Celtic Baby Names Meaning:
In Celtic Baby Names the meaning of the name Brian is: In use in England since the Middle Ages. Possibly connected with the Irish word for Hill thus ‘He ascends.’. Also some texts define it as Strong. 10th century Brian Boru was a high king and great national hero of Ireland.

English Baby Names Meaning:
In English Baby Names the meaning of the name Brian is: Brought to England by the Breton companions of William the Conqueror, this name is originally derived from the Irish word for hill.

Norse Baby Names Meaning:
In Norse Baby Names the meaning of the name Brian is: Strong.

He Ascends. H.A./ A H.


*”v(a)-len-cia, val(e)-ncia. Popularity:2641. Meaning:strong or healthy.”

Strong or Healthy

“He ascends, Strong and Healthy”,
*Yes with missing teeth, 6 left on the upper level.

*”The name Valencia is a girl’s name of Spanish origin meaning “brave, strong”. This lovely orange-scented Spanish place-name would make an inventive namesake for …”

Brave and Strong. B S. B A S-E.

*”The name Valencia is primarily a female name of Spanish origin that means Valor, Health. Spanish surname for people from Valencia, Spain. People who like the …”

Valor, Healthy. V H.

*”Meaning of Valencia: From a Late Latin name which was derived from valentia “power”. Cities in Spain and Venezuela bear this name. Statistics Of The Name …”


With Power & Beauty.

*”From the name of cities in Spain and Venezuela, both derived from Latin valentia meaning “strength, vigour”.

With Strength and Vigour. S V. SAV.E.

Valencia *’The meaning of the name “Valencia” is: “Bravery”.

Valencia is baby unisex name mainly popular in Christian religion and its main origin is latin.
“One who is powerful, strong, from the city of valencia.

*”Noble surnames, such as Valencia, evoke images of the ancient homeland of the Spanish people. The original bearer of the name Valencia, which is a local surname, once lived, held land, or was born in the beautiful region of Spain.”

Yes, David Campillo, Ignatio Campillo and Betty.
In Spain,
D C.
I C. B.

D I B./ B ID. Not Biden.

Yes, I am aware that this is a mirror and these names and meanings are meant to reflect me, compliments, which really have no impact and meaning to me.

When you are treated badly, and no longer Trust, and these same unseen lie to you, via intentionally omitting the whole truth ( W T/ T W O) such expressions have no worth or value to me personally.
And I never lived in Valencia, I may have visited but it was Barcelona and Figueras where I lived for a while. B.F, before moving to Paris France.

It’s true, that I knew and two people, in particular, told an audience what would happen to this world if I left my body before completing this mission, I would go home, but all of you would cease to be.

5:43 pm.

That is why Erica Ekayani was so desperate to cure my body in 1994 and the other who was a large child-like twin who was a tech wizard told his “Viking” line of the family in 2005 just before my being sent by that caucasian version of Lord Charles my mother’s brother to Agusta Georgia

Ekayani, screamed it out on the streets of Paris when she thought I was dead while staying at Elizabeth and Fred with her two children Valentine and Clement near Piere Lachaise cemetery.
When she saw I was alive she had me physically transported byy the taxi driver then and there to her home.
And I was pissed off, because I was ready to go home.

But I will never forget these two and a few others who saw, knew and spoke out, not carrying how people would react and respond.

If I went this far, itis because such people existed, exist but I can count the number of them on my right hand.
Elizabeth… and Fred. Valentine and Clement.
Fred Valentine and Clement I loved, they were Pure, but Elizabeth… she had been raped while at a party I helped design with the owner Philipe who owned the nightclubs in Paris called “The Entrepot” and the Casbar, he loved me so much, it made suspicious that he knew or had a sense of my Idenity- E the toilet but had in turned raped me while I lay so weak- she wanted my child and did not ask my permission, Erica did not trust her or even Sustan Train because she had seen how ambitious both were to use me despite their love for me, or what I represented.

I never trusted all the E Line and yes, both were aware,
I trusted F. V.C.
C V F.
They had no hidden intent or agenda same with David Ignatio and Betty especially Ignatio and Betty.

I could always see and tell the Clean. It was the way expressed. Beautiful Pure Innocent Clean but not naive- wise.

I went to the end for My Self, for Ignatio Betty line, Arden- Aurelia line who I knew existed in this world.
The True.
The Clean.

Who could see what intervened and who gave true praise and defended me so lightly elegantly and ardently with Beautiful pride and amazing grace that I felt proud that they exist.

6:12 pm.


Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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