
3/27/2018 1:58 – Facebook Post

12:55 a,m.

“So you do not know the Truth”…
That was one of the last questions Peter Nyarkô asked me.

I began ivestigating the Facts before he was born,
I am in Script which has saved his Life, and so many other peoples lives over and over again.
And yet, the Script of this Matrix allows for these people to insult the Truth of Existence…

And the Creator and Source, by using these people as Avatars to the Representatives of the Eternal Life… and Non Existence.

I have no anger to Peter Nyarkô, I could see the set up but as Chris Franco testified Nikoma and Gin years ago,
that I am forced to pass through Rat Infested Diseased consciousness which I had already passed through in the Eternal Begining.

No, not Peter, nor Brenda or any of the players who are representing the illusion that there is a choice.
I am indifferent to thier choices, but rather it is the being put in the position, for 17 years non stop of having to deal with a Script whose main purpose was not to prove Harmony, but to destroy the possibility of Evolution.

Peter Nyarkô ended up giving me 6 usd, he had given me 6 usd before.. 6 6…

Time time is 1:04 a.m which represents my sacred portal “Terrible Death Com-E Pass me”

Francis Frick is behind me and we are the only two left in the second floor TV room.

F F.. 6 6

See Sacred Portal 66.

Ms Brenda Booth and all these other beings, have dared to challenge the Truth because of the Insulting Script and Role I have been cornered into playing even at this point.
The exuse being that it is to highlight the depth of Evil, Duplicity and Deceptiveness of Humanity.
This of course, is a lie.

This entire play, a simulation of the Space as the Room as the Womb of a Woman is a Lie.

I know exactly what the play was about today with Peter Nyarkô Robert Vlaun.. even that of Flip J Hendrixs and all the people before.
Each to thier own.. but the whole point of this Script has been my passing through the Hatred which is beyond anything that I believed possible.

1:11 p.m.
Dawn Piercy…

A hatred for Humanity so porfund, set against a Hatred for me beyond words to set me up in such a play…
All this is is hatred, yes I know it is the sum total of Hatred and Deception of the species set against thier Beauty.
And the indescible meanness, cruelty used to prove the truth of each person…
To prove me wrong, that Peter Nyarkô is really the Anti-Christ?
Peter the Rock crucified upside down?

No, Peter Robert Vlaun all of you are just beng used, set up by a force of hatred intent on proving the Species being Evil and thus, worthy of going on of Existence.
I am very aware of what Ms Brenda played out, malice… spite..
these are human qulaities which become manifest more and more by allowing such a play to go on…
And the preying on the weakness of the Human Nature and refusal to take responsibility.

I felt my stomach turn as I observed how Peter made it seem as though Robert Vlaun caused all this, when in truth he had arranged the meeting. Was it good intention really,or had the fact that he had been buying me tobbacco, the burgundy kind which Brenda had once bought me…

And why should a grown man, with my qualifications be forced into a situation where money is literally controlled so ingeneously by someone observing my habits, or that which I used as anchors in the script, anchors created by the Script which it creates a lull of saftety that at least these basic things will be taken care but at the very end of the play when all should be moving to joy and lightening of an unspeakbale load of 25 years be transformed so viscously into a play in control tghtened to the point beyond imagination where money is used to manipulayte and control me to make sure that I find a way to buy coffee with codes numbers on it…
And then mae sure there is no money t buy it except from and by chosing the only available portals designated.

Can you imagine that Control… that power which feeds of the Greed and all the weakness of the Human Spirit rather than it strengths, or facts or truth.

Oh I am aware I retrieved the Double 22 22 of youth from these two Avatars, young men who were used in a viscous play who had no idea play they are really in or the costs…

Peter made a comment at how he enjoyed talking to me more and that through my spoken word he could ‘See” the truth of everything I utter.
And yet I am forced to write and post which most do not have the time to read or the patience.

Humanity have been tested, in a Script so vile, of the very evil in the Species as a whole manifested. And I see the Victory of the play today of proving that Peter chose “Evil’ today, but was it a fair play?
Yes it revealed the Truth but it is his right, Ms Brenda Right, Robert Vlaun right to chose their reality and though I would never chose as they chose nor treat a grown mans dedication and expression with such derision…
Who can not see that the Script itself has encourage the Evil in Humanity to come out rather than thier Beauty…
Perhaps the people would always chose Evil-Selfishness, and I am aware of the Original Truth…

Yes, Peter I recognize the Truth as Well as the Beautiful truth, that is what fought so hard for you.
But this is Script not about the Truth, or proving Harmony, or anything other than to destroy… to hurt, vengeance, vindictiveness.
It can not really do anything to me, or to the truth I represent except to stun me to silence.
I have been here before recall Deja Vu… How do you think I know that no one here is real?
How do you think I know that way home and out of this play, as I did with my eyes closed when I was 25, much less now with my eyes wide open and explaining and proving it every day, that i do not even pay attention to the play until I am forced to be aware of it?

Or why I am so confident and went so far…
I hinted that Peter morphed into my sister, and he even stated that he had been almost cut out so many times especially if recent…
* Paulie is the only one in the room and now bed 4-011 Aand Francis has entered. I can read this like a book.. and now the Two Francis Agola and bed 4-011 have let…
Lets play a millionaire is on the question was Pandora used what tool to bring evil into the world… BOX… X= 24…
Peter kept on saying that the first recording was 7.minn 23 secs and in another it was 7 min 24 secs…
23 is W…
X is X…
20= T.. 2O B O… W… And Arrow…
Spear.. see sacred portal 40… Despite the play having already confirmed that the Sacred Portal is not 40.. Lorenzo’s bed who suffers from the same delusuion and mix up as Igbo Anthony though Igbo Anthony carries is better…

B O X.. Paulie F Agola and the wrected man in 4-011 whose character is so weak, just as Paulies is, both left after the question Box was Answered and began writing the code.

B..O.W… David Arro Racz post and Share..
Pierce… Arrow… Dawn Piercy…

Box..X.. There is no X men, Jace Horsford age 24 has not been around for ages he who repreents the Youruba Ancestor…

X is Ten… T. E N…
Double V VV… 22 22 44 8… The coffee Rahul D’Silva … R D…

I already know the way home….. Rahul is 32,,, 5.. E
Harmony 8 Infinity was already manifested in the Eternal Beginning.. and so no one is telling me anything I do not know.

Humanity was alway set to evolve, this play this script reminds of me a Abomination Monster toying with its food…

Cut them out and let the True Evolve instead of using this opportunity to take revenage of The Creator as a Man undercover… It serves no purpose what you have done to me, I already know who I am and the truth…
You are Fear… Afraid of the end I have prepared for you, and I assure you that there is nothing you can do or say which will change my mind. in fact you have simply made it worse as I created more consequence for this play in eaqual measure without loosing my cool.. My shock lasts less and less now and I always respond…

My Imagination as you have all seen is Vast and my Will Drive determination limiltless.

1;58 p.m.

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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