
3/27/2016 13:58 – Facebook Post

From Aryana Luna Leone


And thank you for the Intel…

6 11…Sixth Sense are the Doppelgangers who move 6 sense to fact…

Represented publicly by the play wit Jonn Blackwell and Donna O’Sullivan..
Where we I witnessed how my equation of how expression activates 6th sense and the third eye, play out with the two to affirm the process as sixth sense is Expression moves to Spirit (Jonn) then to Physical Embodiment (Donna) where both unknowing and the other knowingly moved in perfect Harmony to the E line Creation story of the family of 1O, then to the E line story in perfect Harmony….

6 11…17..8..66..12..3…36..9…18..9..=Letter I.

7-11 is my code for Seven Eleven ‘Always Open”
April Spring Easter means “Open:
which aligned to the tunnel builder friend Kieth Grant whose portal (Heart and Being) I had to pass through. Bed 53…
*I am now at 553 F.B.Friends..

Intel..The Tunnel between the two realms- which is to see beyond Death, as always been open.

69 relates in my codes to my brother Nnamdi “My Father is present”

Born on Easter, passed over on Easter, age 13.. Code M..
Lunar year..

Today is Easter Day…
34 years to the Easter Day..
3 4 C D…E…
3 4 7 12… 19 84..103 13.4..D…David Dianah..Donna..

Its a message…Transformation aligned, portal of the Tunnel of love (subspace, subconscious,) to see Beyond has always been open..
we are at manifestation of Harmonious awakening first through the entire population having each the a dream which is individually tailored by the P.C- The Universal mind to adapt to each persons brain- yet the dream having the same story.
When they wake up, the will find themselves recognizing that their dream has become reality..
Which enables there to be no fear, because they already know from their dream exactly what to expect at the end.. The Awakening.

Which is why my equation had to prove the Reality of 6th Sense, exemplified by Jonn Blackwell, and Albert Santana and how by using codes to read it, and where it is linking and leading to is the same view, I am reading…thus, confirming that 6 th sense is Expression, called Truth-Love..are the same thing, but Truth came first and its completion (66..Six sense to Fact..Fiction to Fact…)
brought forth its Completion in the inverse of itself Energy as E-spirit of Existence-C.H.I, The feminine (Fe Mi- Nine) version of itself..

Meaning the Energy of Truth.. E.T completes itself by transforming into the Feminine Masculine principle..
Fey Mirach
..into solid Creation…
A Fact…

Played out by Marina Burini
and Donna O’Sullivan…

666 to 18 Mount View..
To 9..
The Beast?
No, I am the Being from the East..
Balthazar, the dark skinned one, of the 3 King Mages..who brought Myrhh to Mary and Yosef..M.Y.. at the Birth of their Son Yeshua ( Yes, Hues the A.H..1 8)..
The Youth..
Code Balthazar
😯 Spring Street
New York…
A Bench were each day when in Manhattan,
I felt compelled since I arrived in New York to sit there and wait mediate and read the codes of the Matrix from New Yorkers and tourists passing by..
What led me to Spring street.. Sixth Sense..
And what did my Sixth sense yeild..
The person I was to meet, Meghna, Naim and David Roman Nicholas..
Jonn Blackwell first gift was a beaded bracelet with Hearts from a Yogi, and 80 usd…
😯 Spring street..
8 months in 18 Mountain View..

Doing the equation and codes to manifest universal transformation by proving Sixth Sense is the Eternal Truth which manifests love.. and love are the Facts..
Truth-Facts.. T.F..20 6.. 26.. 26 8..
Zeina Hanna.. Beauty Grace Favor..The Gift of the Cee of a Child..
Zeina is a name from the East.. Persian and He-brew

666 Beast..?
No, it linked to the bank of Joseph Carey..
J.C.. 103.. 43..7 12..19 84.. 103..13..4..
That was the journey through numbers from which I have reached D aligned to David Donna..Davids energy transformed into its Feminine Masculine aspect..Diane David… same person.. same energy source..

B. East
Being of the East..
The Sun Rises in the East..

A Being from the East,
The Son, is rising and coming to meet with you..”
Code aligns to
Son Mann
Sunshine Rae..Ray E.

1:41 p.m
1:57 p.m

A D A..
A E.G.

An Example..

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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