
3/27/2015 19:34 – Facebook Post

What a Spectacular View…
A Blue Room O..

Ege means The Aegean Sea – Garden of Paradise in Heaven.

Mutaf comes from the Word Tawraf which is the Holy Pilgrimage to Mecca in which one circumvents the Kaaba- the Black Stone counter clockwise 7 times
Rainbow Colors…
EG..E example of E which is the line of Evolve…
5th Dimension Consciousness.

Cle-O Mehmet Ege..

Every person in ones life is so important especially in this play of my life

Yesterday I had a Vision Dream of a former flat mate in Istanbul who had a dog called Dali…
Jerry Behar…
In the Vision he was as a Sultan who gave Mr gifts which thieves tried to steal. But I ran into a room where I saw a magnificent view below..
A Garden Paradise…
The Thieves on realizing I had outwitted them gave chase…
I dropped the gifts to the people below and dropped down to the garden and together we chased the thief’s out of the Garden of Paradise..

Jerry came from a family who were Jewish and both Jewish and Islamic Persian New age all lived in Istanbul Constantinople…
All night I was travelling but this vision I retained by choice…
I like me meaning of Ege…
Garden of Paradise the Aegean Sea
8:16 pm

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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