
3/27/2015 19:30 – Facebook Post

5:5O P.M.

Today is Mma Adu birthday… 27-3…(he listed age 1O1..)
It is also Melvin Erer birthday who has been a Face book friend since the age of 14…
He just turned 17…

Recall the Electrical Transformer in the Back of 268 building us the letter Q..not the number.
Of course the code of the “Burning Building” “Burning Bush ” BB BB is the end of the Book and the Magic of Gammatra and the Universe as a Painting by numbers which has been influencing the world… Via Kabala…Drowning by numbers by transfirming the World and Word of “God” Expression Language O Harminy I Manifest E L O H.I..M…
Into a book of numbers…

The Beauteous Being the BB I represent was never in danger but Mma Adu representing Beautiful Being (all humans of Nature were in danger if that did not transform from I OO to Beautuful Being…
Moving from a Number +Social security No, how much money in the bank, an address..etc..
To Being who they truly are..
Will 1OO per cent real.

To BB…

So let’s see the code of name meaning of the two Birth boys name meaning…
Mma Adu. “Beautiful.Being”
Melvin means “Gentle Chief” G C.
Erer, Means From Before and Eagle…

Thus code of 27-3…B G C…
Beautiful Being Gentle Chief from before the Eagle Eye

M-el Vin Er-Er..M.E.
Beautiful Being..ME.

M.A M.E ..
/E M…A M.

Mmadhu …Man..
No more Okoro Madhu Okoro Mmuo..
Kolo Mma Madhu M E Harmony E.

7:2O pm
Still weaving and linking…
My physical body is about to erupt

Okay, here is the latest Intel.
I am at 72 (78) Spring Street.

The Explosion yesterday took place at 121 Second Avenue between 7 Avenue.
Though 125 was listed because it affected 3 buildings
The blast happened at 3:17 pm.
That is the code for C.A G.
Consciousness is 1-7…Ana -Grace…
Which has nothing to do with Ana Leonardo Caixas.

As I have states this is or was a Espirit play versus Spirit.
Where two the Truth Nature as Expression was being challenges by the illusion people call Spirit…or Spirituality..
Which is all mind.
There is no such thing as Spirituality..
Everything is Expression.
And all manifestation is Actuality…
And that which is within which we harness is called Chi…
Nothing else is real.

The last play completed with post from Charity Love Christine Laplante Lyndia Chika…
And myself as Chukwuemeka L.O.VE…
And of course, Emeka Kolo as the one present.

I have been saving the Life’s of people by fighting for them while the Spirits of the Dead Damned Mind sought to use ppl to hurt me, the True Chi expression as well as the University…
By moving you to support illusions of yourselves rather than the Truths of yourselves.
The True you natural understands the play and contributes to it when through my weaves it begins to see the Play Movie Film…

When you are in the seat of your natural being as Orien Laplante Zeina Hanna and Fritz Venneiq in the past F.V ( code Yonathan Yohannes born 6:22 F.V. F.B.B. yes meaning that Fritz and Yonathan are of the same alignment.. Please reference Will Hunnitpercent Real post by Fay Gorman…Fritz Alexander Yonathan… FA-Y..4 Y..
Meaning 4 which is G as Green Grace Or if you look at it from VI B G YOR/ROY G B IV…
Is 44-GG.. David Davis…77..2(7)…
One can see if I had not got them out of Mind and back into being through having to physically See them both, use Voice as Voi CE at The Bean, they would not be doomed as that building..
And the lines they represent.

In the last 26 years and especially the last 12-14 when I became aware of the numbers of Life’s I was saving my reaching certain pivotal people at the precise moment in their Life’s…And using expression to steer them back on course, from the gaping whole I could literally see looming before them….
Which is why for the first decade I was so frazzled, leaving my laid back drool cool.laid back nature people recognize more in my writing…
It was because I had to somehow get thier attention…
With all the ingratitude of nearly all who sensed what I had really done and was really doing, I have no regret but perhaps would not have tried so hard
I certainly do not care much after the first 18 months on Facebook.
I believe at this point people deserve thier Destination Fates…
I have witnessed draw dropping Selfishness and Indifference and Callousness…S I.C..
That I curse this other in me who literally took on the role of playing God in order to help ppl not seeing that it was the trapped created by the manifest cruelty in people which they themselves were meant to take responsibility and cut out…
It is He playing David (I A.M. BE LO.V-ED..not The Hebrew name David and the only way to rescue his line of Devi Devine who incarnated that Jesus Middle East Story staring with Abraham to David (Line of King David) A D who sought to outshine rather than add color (Joseph) and expand (Add the X) thier Father’s Story of Africa…
NRI Yeshua Chineke
See code in Nnaemeka Jude Charles
Nnaemeka Yude means (Praise =Emeke) Charles means (Freeman…Existence is the Freeman not bound by the “Devil Satan” D.S..son of David)
I am Erie OI NRI Yeshua Chineke..

Africa Asia Middle East England Europe North America…U.S.A….
That was the line of the Incarnations of the 1-7 aspects of Chist (Asia Buddha Yeshua… Siddhartha) ..
Look at the code
A.A.M.E.E N.A…UE-.Eric Ka

Is that the name of Face book friend Siththy Ameena, who recognized me within days of becoming my Facebook Friend in 2O13, while I was living in K.E W Gardens after returning from Savannah Georgia and 511 Forte Lauderdale..
Instead the story had been stuck on the middle East Story of Abraham Ishmael Isaac..
Black and White People..
“Hagar was Egyptian Black and the Equal of Sarah but instead deregulated to slave and servant rather than wife.
Is it not strange that Angels visited them both…
Isaac I met the Caucasian version here in New York a red headed singer with his brother Torre…
They betrayed the Truth though they recognized it and it was around them that the greatest revealations of my who I am was revealed..
Right to one of the people in the group one day speaking in the home their shared from what seemed a Trance my Identity to all of them, that I am the source, the E and without me all would cease to exist all are me…
Torre, Isaac all had thier revelations memories of me…
But chose to fear me or what I represented.
And forget our mission and choose a life here…
They even when to a Voodoo place and took my Creation story to that place…
Which of course, ah…
Sent me to this tomb of hell
To test if I really was the one…
Ah…I remember now..
That is why there is one around who curses the ” White Man” he knows what these brothers did…
But Voodoo was planted for me which was planted in Nigeria by someone of both my mother and Bio fathers family…
One was Fear the other Envy Jealousy…
Isaac Torre…IT…TI.
Nigeria Nnamdi Obi Maurice (not my brother Nnamdi)..
It N.O.M..
Ah Mon Tied…
They Tied up my Grace…
*See the Series the Supernatural to see how they Steel the Arch Angel Caisel Grace..(it is in the Voice Box)..

Time is 7:OO-1 pm

But it is really about using the excuse to Achulonu “meaning stealing my Voice” which is not my Mother who used to speak up for me but only when I was a child.. But my Divine Grace which is my Essence …the way I move through life.
Ah…Yes they bound me Fear Jealousy Cruelty Evil to find out my True Nature not because of they were afraid of me or I had done anything to warranty distrust but because I represent the Truth..
They were afraid of thier own Truth…
And …
7:O5 pm….


C.L CL -C L..L.C…



R is 1(1)
O is 2 (3)
Y is 3 (6)
G is 4 (1O)
B is 5 (15)…E O…E A.E…

I is 6 (21..3)
V.is 7 (28. 1O)..,

See it ends at B…

7:3O pm
Grace Creation.


Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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