
3/26/2018 23:56 – Facebook Post

From Iyke Ogbonna… I O.

Mirror Reflection of the One Father.

E K…Y.I…

Human Race…

Not of the Human Race.

H R 18 8… 26… Z.


Zombies.. End

There was no Harmony tonight with Peter and Robert and myself.
The One Harmony as 8 was represented in Rahul who I moved besides today where he gave me the books which perfecty reflected the play from the first book Sword of Truth (Kolo Journals) to In the Name of the Rose.
He is the Perfect Reflection.
Edward friend of Randall who I called the Selfish one noted him.
His selfishness is thus pure…
not Evil.

2 6= 8.

While the play with Robert who suggested we met up and had the movie Game Over Men..
which was not Game Over .. but rather the Game over for men was not the correct reflection because as tonight proved.
He suggested the Celebration.
R is 18…
Peter who morphed into my sister crossed the cafe to engage with Brenda who represents by choice another play of Woman as Mother Nature.. MN
When in Truth, it is M A N

N E O..

see my post this morning…
N E O….

22:45 pm.

Robert came late….
Peter who stated that he would go to get him decided to go and hang out with Ms Brenda and keep me waiting despite a recording which I had clearly stated that she was on a different side and had made her choice..
Game Over Men..

the time of the recording was 5:11 13…
E K..M.. E N ..

And he was lured over to cross the street to the side she was on…
And I watched, as an evening which they had suggested and was to be about me, was transformed into being all about them.

I watched the Evil Selfishness of which despite evidence of the Truth, each made a choice with that Truth recorded moments before to Peter.
The Spirit in him is pure but he chose to overide it.
the Body of Purity- He could read my bodies language.
Brenda Booth and Barbara sat together then Brenda B alone…
B B B ..2 2 2… 6…

B B 2 2…

My page was at 19 through out the play..
*Elvis had come to change the mattrasses today He noted by Bed number as 18 but also 19…

R..Rahul… 18. .. + 2 2… 22… V.

Only I can link the B B Body to Being to manifest the Victorious One..

Latoya … “Don’t trust Ms Brenda”
I already knew..

Don’t Trust Ms Brenda I had told Peter..
something which I never say..
But he Chose to ignore my expression boldly to my face.
I had done the Work with All three.. especially the Two..
And She had not done the Work with him..
But he decided made a choice which I had to respect because he had an astounding amount of evidence.
He crossed the Road when he was already home..
Only to hear Ms Brenda state there is only one way.
And then when he came over back to me..
I said the same thing at which he responded that that is what Ms Brenda had just told him..

And I said my portal is closed to him and the line he represents including my sister really my aunt.

I was angry not with him or any of them.. each to their own truth..
I had explained this on that which he had recorded..
And I had even explained the codes of 7min 2387 .. and
23:23 am right now..as well as 5.11 13..

But I also knew that all are Avatars and that there was no way I was letting my Sister Aunt line pass … but I was am, forced to obey the play.

I told Peter to pay me his gift meal…

How much? he had asked..
Whatever I said irritated knowing full well this money play in this reaality diminishes my worth and the value of my Truth and is meant to humiliate me.. the man of Beautiful Pride..

he gave me Six..
2 2 2..
I thus rescue my True Sisters ESpirit in him and take the R and the P from them as well as Brenda Boothe Barbara Eternal Truth..
The Gifts of the “Holy Espirit” and leave them the One Way they chose… to Non Existence through Ms Manners Ms Hell Fire..
which is the number of Facebook friends I have now.. I noticed that as Peter sat with Ms Brenda 2 new facebook friends arrived

I quickly pressed accept bringing me to TEN 91.. S P Hell Fire and left as I witnessed Peter and Robert begin to quarrel..

I said to them I am not of your dimension..

last time we had gone to Apple Bees A B
only I had the Long Island Ice Tea..

Chris had even called out the Wallet Peter had which he said was a gift from his brother..a riddle I had solved.

I knew then that peter rep the Web and Ms Brenda the Spider..
But the Orginal Weaver is I E.. Emeka..
Truth Serum..
Come Clean.

I got back here Markus Vera greeted me
then Karl..
Kwame arrived.
Manifest 11 11… 4 (1)

I saw Pierre downstairs Nicole then Alexis..
P N A… The Truth I have the True Espirit of Peter Ny ArK o..

Felipe asked me for tobbacco..
Allen Murray said his 4 year old Bitch Dog had been diagnosed with Cancer.. “Boss Lady” she is called.

Then Randall arrived.
then Stephan asked for a Cig wearing the Color Burgundy.. Wine Blood.. the Spear.. American Spirits..
then Alexis arrived.. then Edward

E R S A… E..

E R A S E A E… the 1 5..

We are the 51 I told Randall Wiltz..
Area 51..
as I showed him this..

23:51 pm right now..
23:52 Pm

We Alpha
We Begining..

23 53 am



W E D..

23: 55 pm..

One Blue Long Iced Tea.
The First Time at Apple Bee..
it was given to me…
No repeat..

23:56 p.m

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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