
3/26/2018 11:16 – Facebook Post

N E O….


In 1999 the year the Matrix, I first came to New York with a friend Jon Jason Lee.
I came to shoot a short film called The Ethnic Odyssey (Teo)
but I was also aware that I was under cover, we visited stayed in the Lower East side and filmed on the streets of New York and the Twin Towers.
A series of events confirmed this.
And ran into the photographer who was photographed me for the publication of my books- where he had depicted me naked as as sort of Christ figure he convinced me that my journals had to be published and that I must contact Randon House.
7 years after they had professed interest, George Andreo of Alfred Knopf was delighted to hear from me.

I came back alone in 2000 and stayed in 5th Avenue renting a friends apartment on my way to visist my brother in Winnipeg Canada.

Before finally deciding to come to New York, after finding an Agent and at the urging of Random House to come to New York to discuss possible publication.
I always knew it was a ruse to get me to come to New York to complete the Saga of the Journals and the other dimensions it invariably plunged me into.

This was made self evident by my own words, of picking up the pen for the first time in 3 years, to speak directly to the Silence again, in the piece written in Jons apartment called “To The Silence One Last Time”
T T O L T… TT O LT… 20 20 15 12 20….
TT Pi… / T L O..TT… 20 12 O PI… ( 15 20 20.. 15 40.. 55)
*As you can see, the whole time I was speaking in code…
My E-Spirit Self took over which what happens each time I spoke to the silence, it Spirted me away to the dimension not of the Physical Plane…
The Dream state but as the orginal meaning of Dream “Music and Joy.. M.J”

The piece, which I poste here spoke about plunging, diving into into its depths and my own nervousness of going back to Talking To The Silence ( TTT.. S… 202020 19… 79.. 79/97…16 16.. PP..Peppermint Park 1990, Theater Restaraunt.. ( T.R.. 20 18… 38… 11.. New York 11th State… the Two sides of me which are One..2..1.. 3.. C….One Consciousness)
Micheal Jordans… 13 10 23 5…23 W… 5 E…
69… 66
* Last night Leo Placed a coffee besides me as if his Espirit moved him, I looked at it it was 66 2.. mine was 69 2…

I was understandably Nervous,because I noticed that though it is a state of being I prefer, I found that I am no longer graounded in this reality and I had made a vow after 1996 Paris to stay grounded in this world so that I could help my Mother and brother in this reality.

The article was about my preparing, and also I see now, a prequel to what I would face here in New York. It started by preforming breathng exercises, Jon was not around so I had the apartment for myself. I really was nervous of where it would take me, from 1989 when I first began to 1996 it had taken me on a roller coast ride which I knew I had not yet recovered from and at a speed so rapid I could barely catch up..
I then began to travel as I began my entrance Descent and Ascension into the Silence.. Ah!!!
I then described the process of putting all the frgamented pieces of my self back together, the pieces which I had broken myself into to play the many roles I had to play through out the years and especially the last three in Istanbul when I stopped talking to the Silence and had worked in so many profession and played so many roles that the was a cartoon made of me by the well known Turkish Political Cartoonist Ergun a dear friend, who introdcued me in his cartoons as the man who does everything and knows everyone…

The article was about less about how we defragment and break up ourseves into component parts of ourselves to deal with reality, but rather the very natural process of how I knew how to do that consciously and then consciously put myself back together. Basically deconsruct and re-construact myself by not only naturally being aware of the pocess by going back into the Silence- the True Dream State of Spirit Realm “Music and Joy”
( M.A J…IE… MAGIC.. Magic Johnson…. M.J…E…)

And so it began I Descend into myself to Ascend, and as you can see from the codes. that I went into the inner World of my Self, and then into the Full Cirlce.. The stream the D.AR.. The R.A.D.A.R….

I find that it is interesting that I found myself in the end in a place which first errorenously would diagnosed me as Shiziopherinic after a cursory 45 minute minute in a mens Health Shelter by a Chinese Psychiatrist who… I am more qulaified than…
And I watched as he perscribed me and so many others, so many other ophiods without a meoment hesitation and how I discovered this when in the ambulance an E.M.T. for whatever reason told me what they had secretly written on my Medical record…
I do not know what made him tell, me or why the Doctor treating ( not the cauasian one but the Latin one) insisted that I not take medication from that place.. or for that matter why the lady in the Inake Center insiste, even pleaded with me not to go there..
Delta Manor had a reputation it would appear…
It was all about the money, getting people hooked on drugs.
Everything is recounted here on my page.
Incuding my first two bed numbers 49.. and 007 At B.R.C Assessment Shelter.
To Room 5B, Bed 5-019… (EO.S.. Which means Dawn… Dawn Piercy)
69… 15… 6…
Then immediaely down Room 3A Bed 3-002… 32.. 5
( Jon Jason Lee… J J L… 10 10 12… 32… 5.. 56.. E Fact/)

Schizophrenia is characterized by thoughts or experiences that seem out of touch with reality, disorganized speech or behavior, and decreased participation in daily activities. Difficulty with concentration and memory may also be present.

Treatment is usually lifelong and often involves a combination of medications, psychotherapy, and coordinated specialty care services.

8:48 p.m





Harmony Da-V.ID- Full Circle

R.A….C.Z.R A D .A.R.. E

David Arro Racz; D.A April 1st. True

David means “Beloved”

“The Biblical baby name Arrow is English in origin and it’s meaning is piercer or dart”

Link the Play of post yesterday of Dawn Piercy and David Arro Racz.

Arro meaning-

‘Unusual given names sometimes start out as surnames. In the case of Arrow, it was sometimes heard as a place name, likely from a Celtic word meaning stream, though other origins are possible

The places all share the same derivation, which is from the Old English pre 7th Century words “Guminga-hergae” meaning a heathen temple

•A submission from Georgia, United States says the name Arro means “Powerful and complete. Mountain” and is of Unknown origin.
•A user from Florida, United States says the name Arro is of Unknown origin and means “Prayer Warrior”.

Originated from the name of Serbs of XIX century and before (Rascians), supposedly a person of this heritage.

Meaning of the word Seb “Man”
From Serbo-Croatian Srbi, from Proto-Slavic *s?rb? ?(“ally, Serb, Sorb”?), from Proto-Indo-European *ser- ?(“to protect, watch over”?); akin to Latin servo ?(“I guard, I protect”?), Old English searu ?(“weapons, armor”?), Lithuanian sárgas ?(“watchman”?), Greek ???? ?(h?r?s, “hero”?), Avestan haraiti, haurvaiti ?(haraiti, haurvaiti, “he guards”?).[1]


Thus The Beloved Arrow- Which Pierces, darting in an out- a stream, streaming in an out from an ancient temple, powerful and complete from the Mountan peak comes the Prayer Warrior
A Man, who protects with Weapons and armor- The Watchman…. The hero who guards and protects.
Will I a.m… Desire.

I could not sleep because of my body- what people have described as the Glitches in the Matrix of my being undercover in it.
Last night as I sought to rationalize just how this was all possible, that a person could be put through so much, I tried to make sense of it while at the same time not really wanting to care and just wishing to tame my body to sleep.
But everything, my phone, my body, the book I tried to read, nothing would allow me access…
I decided that just as been happenin for the last 17 years that I was being controlled manipulated….
Then I got up went to the bathroom and when I came back, I recollected all the pieces in a blink of an eye.
I had gone down into the system in 2001..
I had left St John the Divine, near Columbia and I had then been set up to meet tow people Eric and Todd, whom I have never met. Each had given me a choice- a place to live.

I took the way of Todd, to Jamaica Flushing Queens
F.J.. Flip J Hendrixs F.J…H…Q…
And then into the system.. Intake Center 2001..30th Street.
It is what I always knew, always… that I had never left even when I left after a month, I never left…
I knew this, I did not wish to believe this, and it was easy at times to not believe it because no one else around me saw me, or cared to see the truth of my experince..
I was alone undercover in the Matrix. System of the damned.
I noticed that through all the homes, all the people I met that I was faced with decisions of Yes No yes No…
It was all about making the correct decision and a portal would open.
Each person, each situation was a riddle and equation.
I knew this, I had note books filled with calculations, codes all my undertstanding of the maze, the labyrinth…
I knew but I was so alone, and the pressure so great to conform, to break my focus and the truth of what I was experencing…
It was that I forgot, it was that test the intensity of it, strained my incredulity…
The passing through the Library, the Akashic Records… the Phantoms of the Opera.. the Nighmares, the death eaters of life.. the Minds of Humanity, the Cruelty of Humanity… the Evil…
But I knew something was not right with this Matrix because I had experienced the Beauty of Humanity, the generosity of Humanity…
Sure fear usually won out, but I understood why, I understood why… I did not and do not accept…
But I knew that from the moment I arrived to all the people I had met, none of them were real…
They were not real people not one of them, even to Randal to Blair all were programs, numbers, portals I was being asked to pass through.
Who I was meant to ask for money for support, the lack of work which a person of my qualifications has never had a problem finding.
I knew it, none one was real.
I had been sent into the simulation of Space as the Abyss yes no, yes no.. 10 10 101 01….
right to the portal 1011 I.C…
All the while, I was transforming, having to chose the correct portal, time and time again…Everything was preprogramed.

Everything… It was a test.. a Riddle .. A Stage
Flip the Swicth.. F T S…
Fontaine Trina Fountain.. T F… S…
Flip J Hendrixs the Descendant Avatar D.A..Sha-Ron Addison was correct I had to Flip the Switch as well as Flip the Script…

Flip the Script of the Play Theater…P.T
and Turn the Light On… T.L. L O…W…
Trance Drum and Base.. Heart Beat

Yes Yonathan Kahn.. Y. 11… New York…
N.E O… Original Jesus Osris Yeshua.. J.O.Y…
Harmony Music…. Phantom of the Opera tion
Enterprise Evolution Awakening…

I had to re-write the script..
Re-Wire the Brain…
Turn the Lights On Robert Todd… R.T… T R…
P T… Peter Nyarkô TODD
Sean Elliot A T… E

Akil Apollo Davis
Evan ALexander Judson…




Perfect Timiing…

A T. E…

S E A T…. E

Sean John…
T R US T…. E

11:14 am

Portal out of the Black Hole…
the simulation…

11:16 a.m.

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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