
3/25/2019 17:21 – Facebook Post

3/25/2019 17:21 – Facebook Post

4:01 p.m


D O A… D A. D F A. Delta Gah!

C Y T S… Y Chromose The Source.

@ 1237 Facebook Friends

37th min is when the 5th Child of Liberty C Liscomb and Thomas Lang was born

Evolution of My Lady…
The E as Female XY not XX.

The last May McBrien

May is the 5th Month, derived from the names Mary, Margaret and Maius the Goddess of Increase.. Abundance.

The name of the Goddess shares the same meaning with that of the meaning of Joseph.

Mary Joseph
M J.
Mackayla John

23 5.
W E.

O’Brien means “Exalted One… or Emmimence”

M M is the Response to the equation and portals 58 and 85
Both resolved through People, and Movement Echo and resolved in this Script.

Eternal Harmony H.E.

13 13 Mary Mother
Infinity Harmony

M.M see Sacred Portal 26
“Eros Aphrodite”

E A.

See sacred portal 8
Love Links Desire as She Rises on the Head of the Head of the Pirate of the Caribbean
Father Johnny Deep.
Sacred Portal 104
Com Pass Me ..says Terrible Death.
Generation X
See completion of A.Santana to Andy Steenberg.
7610 East 4th Street.

4:20 p.m

A Play of the Full Circle, Pi.. Radius Diameter
RD Quarters
A Quater is 1/4
45 Degrees .. Eternals
Of 360 Degrees. 3 6 O. 366
(O is 15th letter 1 5=6)
1/4 360 is 90
366 one Leap Jump year.


25 cent of 100

C is 100 in Roman Numerals
C Y ..

A Challenge:
Equate and Quantify all Known Existence in a preset Holodeck in a Universal Simulation Awareness Matrix Programed to challenge you at every opportunity, while explainibg demonstrating enacting and resolving how
Everything as well as the One, rose from the Nothing and manifested Creation through awareness, evolved from Speaking the World into Existence and Being, but evolved through this play, through 6th sense.
Until it manifests as Solid Fact which no one can deny.

It’s Spring.
And all I wish to do is be outside, walking and enjoying the weather and the end of Winter-Hibernation

But I still, am made aware at every given moment that what I am experiencing in my Body is real.
And so I am constrained, restrained by the reality of the Truth even if it is only happening to me, and thus, it is my responsibility to take it seriously.
It affects everything I do.
It has transformed my Existence, my life, how I interact, speak…
It has affected everything
Asleep or awake, night or day
And is the sole reason I have come this far in solving and posting what I am aware that so few of you understand what I say In am doing..
And yes, under duress
Forced Cornered, my only option has been to complete this so that I can have my Body back.
And this “possession” once just one, then Ten, then so many and now just two- my Body and Being Convergeing Merging Emerging
As a New Man.
Through the completion of the Sacred Portal 37
He who transformed into She.

It’s Spring..

4:43 p.m

And I am weary of this 29 yr play especially the Challenge in the U.S.A.
No rest in 18 yrs..
A non stop intensity and physically exhausting possession : movement of Body and Being as if that which can not be divided had been divided in me, and the last two
Body and Being
Mirror and Reflection
As the Process of Mitosis
But backwards, the Two are Merging into one
B M.
Converge & Merge
BB M.R..
2 2 13 18
4. 31. 35. C E
4 4

4:48 p.m right now

4 4 8
Do you see it? The Perfect Timing

4 31..35. 8

I have completed the Decoding – breaking down the Wall E.T.
And am now equating that which I had stated in 2006, that I had completed the Full Circle of Existence and all manners of Being.

And from 268 4th Street to 7610 4th Street
A Santana to A.Steenberg.
Eternal Law to The Mountain Fountain made of Stone housing H 2 O
( Angle of fusion 45 Degrees)

But in truth there is nothing much to do.

I am grateful for Esteban Miguel Filgueira not only for allowing me the space and conditions which allow me for the first time in 17 years to rest my minds 24/7 alertness, impulses and stimulated by Shock Waves at this play going back 29 yrs.

I have had a few luxurious portals in years past, but I have always been working on these equations and riddles, fighting to put all the pieces back and then figuring out the play script.
But there is nothing more to really do now, the equation of Manifestation E.S P.
E M F. Is complete apart from perhaps last Echis from you confirming the last details.

So, for the first time, I have time to
Breathe Rest Shelter Food Yoga..
According to Stephen Filgueira’s foundation and the work he has sponsored

I now focus on what I can do to realign my skeletal,muscular and nervous system and physical movement coordination.

The Portal has always been the Ritz, designated as the last rendezvous point before the world truly understands what I mean by Evolution Awakening and the literal transformation of all Existence, not just Human.

That was 9 years ago that I recieved that confirmation 13 yrs when I proclaimed the Full Circle of Existence had been attained within the model set in New York City and 13 to prove how I knew that I had reached the Full Circle of Existence.

How did I know?
I can read, I remembered and I can equate.

5:11 p.m


True, I still have to fight the fury of what I really understand has been done and allowed by creating a Script like this, to resolve like this ending on Facebook… in a world reality such as this..
That is the Evil, impossible to conceive for me that it could not only exist but also weild such power..
A Script written alone for me to resolve alone, usurping the True Script of doing it together one by one
1 x 1
I & I.

5:17 p.m

There is nothing left but physical evidence and for my Lone Wolf existence finally come to an End by you all having the final conclusion manifest forcibly into your consciousness awareness and sight.

5;20 p.m.


But by then it will too late..

5:21 p.m


Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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