
3/24/2018 21:19 – Facebook Post

From De Thinker….

In 1990 I was working at a Theater Restaurant called Peppermint Park where I met John and Sue.. J.S….
On my birthday Sue brought me a book on Rodin..opened up to Rodins The Thinker… TT…

It became a theme through out my life after wards which I rebelled against because I do not believe in “Thought” or living in the realm of thought…as I was forced to do…
Then in 1991 I was plunged into the world of deepest thought because of I sought to understand people, the way they perceived me, as Strange and Special, ( which I did not see), and how they could not see the qualities they perceived in me…
1991…19/91… 10/10… because I already knew that everything was, is one… One Infinite Harmony…

I had already begun the Journals Talking to the Silence by then..
The depth I was plunged into of Thought was so much deeper than what I intended to do when all it my work began as was, of my Reflections which were so light…
T.R../ R.T…
My reflections were “Obervations’
My thoughts were a “Understanding’; .. why the others could not Cee any longer that which was right before them, Reflected on the Surface in elegant and graceful simplicity….

1989 -1992… 3 years of reflections and I reached Completion and went home while still living to the portal of EO..Eternity Dawn Infinity Harmony… C.. Light…
C-Note.. Leland Johnson… 3 new facebook friends…
Peter Nyarkô and hos two Childhood friends.. A D P…
Link Axel Anderson ( Axel Love) Dawn Piercy… A D P…
1-4 -16….All aligned…

1989… 2018… 28- 29 years.. plunged into the depth of “Darkness”
Link Flip J Hendrixs Markus Vera.. born 1989…each recognizing me immediately.. Flip-Sha-Ron Cautiously and Markus instantly..
Both recognizing me Knowledge Expression ( Flip J Hendrixs)
Expression Knowing -Marcus Vera… who trust instantly which Flip J Hendrixs does not…
S A… Sha-Ron Addison ..
M.V… Markus Vera..

V= 22.. V= 5…5=E…

S.I.. S A M E… M E…

And then Link Brenda 6-29-61… Allen Murray 12-21-56…Age 61..
And then Link Kasien Thompson.. Ancient Egypt…the Gods… Elementals.. Death
Isis Osiris….
And Resurrection from Thought.. A.H… Thought Reflection.. T R..
Tamika Rivera… T R.. UE… A.H…
R T U E….
Rue means “Street way.. Road.. DRE… / E RD…
And R… TUE… Tue means “Kill”

R.AH…RE.. One Rises from Depth of Though Reflected… T R U E.. A H…
And the Other Kills.. R.T.. UE… I was Right.. Universe is Understanding E.. and so I kill that which refused to Rise and Challenged me to such a depth 28-29 years because they doubted and challenged me..
You were meant to check your refllections, your expression natural, naturally in Hindsight…
Not Believe…

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