
3/24/2018 1:55 – Facebook Post

Its snowing in New York, Berlin and Seoul at the same time March 21st.

Ignacio Choi posted.

“Leland Johnson is going into sugery for his leg”
i just saw that he posted.

Dawn Piercy is off to work and Loving It…
“Dawn Piercy posted…

And then I here I am warning the World after 6 years of being forced to prove the consciousness of E, The Eternal’- a scenario which began in 2006 when Edmund Albert Ridriguez Sanatana ( E A

Deciet and Demeanor D.A.D.. D D.

Her fraud was far greater than his, but you wouldn”t know it from the consequences they face
Elizabeth Holmes versus Pharmo Bro Martin Shkreli..
She is estimated as worth 4.5 Billion U.S.D.

Comapare the line who are the true E.H.. And M.S..
And the false….
The Divide of the Wealth…and Poverty, for one line representing Selfishness-Evil, Greed and the the other Spiritual and Material Cleanliness…

“Stunning The Field…
‘N C A A Mens Tournament
Loyola ( jersey no 5)
Marques Towne, after Loyola-Chicago held off no 7, 69-68, it was the 11th seeded Ramblers 3rd upset, ( No.6 Miami, no. 3 Tennessee, and then 7th seeded Nevada. 6 11, 3 11.. 7 11..
*Please see my codes. The 98 team chaplain is 98 Jean Dolores Schimdt… J .D.S…
69 is Nmamdi code 69, David code 68…
David evolves to Nnamdi.. D to N. N to E..66, To F 89./ 98

Body Language B.L… U E
Welcome to the Doll House ( D.H)
Sideshow, Morgue, and cabinet of wonders that is
”Like Life”

Please see the code of the 100 usd which Leland Johnson found on the hospital floor…

L.B. 14429855 V… / V 55 89 24 41 B.L…

L= 12, B=2…14…14 42 98 55 V…

My coffee today was 6-42…thus 14 is the 14th floor Sha-ron and Peter… 98…Just completed the code with Sister J.D.S 55
Meaning even the code of money had to be in Perfect Symetry… Just as I met Peter before Sha-Ron.. P.S…
Which is the side of the Lotus and which is the Flower?
And which is the Fire… Lotus Fire… L.F/ F.L… Sunshine state 27 Forte Lauderdale, ( 2012) and the Flood…

E U L B 14 42 98 55 V U E…E U V 55 89 24 41 B L U E…
Flip it ( F I..6 9.. 15… O…Eternity)
6 Fact… The one embodied on the ground in person…
E.U…V 55 89 24 41 B.L. U E.

L J= 12 10.. 22.. V.
L=12, J=1O…13…. M…

14 is N.. Nnamdi… D=4, for David thus Evolves through T.E.N..To 14, then through TEN to 24…X, then to again, TEN 6 F…Flip J Hendrixs
M.V.. links to Markus Vera who called me his Big Brother, Black Panther, and Knowlegde.

This is the message I recieved from Leland Johnson link Lisa N.Johnson.

As i was writing a this a Voice- I recognized rose in my EMF frequencey- and Body Brain Radio…
“Cut him out”-
I do not hear voices, I am perfecctly aware of how E.SP works, as far back as infancy and used to prcatice it with my brother Nnamdi, just as I used to use the language of Eyes with my Sister, and Body Language with my mother.
The langauge of Feelings with my yongest brother and we all could read the Energy- Stress and Tension of my Bio Father.
It is a natural progression of Evolution…
The Body is a Radio, a Television, it has channels operates with EM.F..Currents Electricity… Waves.

Dre- Elvis, and Micheal ( Suleivan) came to me first Dre Elvis, and then Micheal wearing his wine red warrior gear..
He in turn and taken some photos of the sun, and what appeared in the images were extraordinary.. A face… eyes with rage, a Black Hole.. The being holdiing two Black Staffs…
and Wings .. and flashes of light…
And light flares shaped as the Anus/ A-Sun…
Then some Eqyptian hieroglyphics.. He said that these words came out of the mouths of one of the images of the Mouth…
I could not see as clearly as He and Dre.. Too tired and vibrating too low so as to communciate and post to this dimension and frequency…
He said a voice moved through him saying “Show it to your Brother…”‘
Recall Jamel 11 29.. linked to Kasien Thompson.. 1:45 a.m.
A D E…14 5… N E..

It showed a symbol of the Pi with a Skull an inversed 7 with a Line and Wings drawn like the symbol of Ëxsuence God I used in my Scared Portal….
On the side of the Envelope… E 600 66660…

I told them the meaning Terrible Death has entered the Word… Finally for this play of evil of the Guardians of the Galaxy, and Humans… the ruse of fear used to cover up a delay tactic and plans to find a way to destroy the E Play…

I told them to make thier minds now as children so thier brains could be relaxed to take in waht is about to manifest, I told Alexis- coming out from Undercover and my body literaly hurting me by the way it made me fall to the ground in a Kneeling postion…
And I came upsatairs… Randall was sittng between Don…the free place of a perfect alignment People seatd in the back row…
Stevan Elvis Edward.. Randall.. Emeka Don -Anthony… Connect and Daniel..

S E E R E D ( I) D A C D!

Emeka Kolo
Fri 12:00am
No word from you.. Ah.. I.C…11:59 p.m… 12:00 P.M… Our play is Complete.. I.CUT

THE CONNECTION.. Each to ther own truth…

Leland Johnson-
Fri 1:14am

I’m in Pulaski hospital admitted
2to7 days don’t no

Emeka Kolo

Jesus! Why did you not say something earlier… I waited your response and only something held me back from publicly noting your Silence and privatly cutting you out of my Consciousness… 138.. M.F… Mother Father line.. LE Land ing… A C H…I… Why dont you guys comnunicate ! You are so like Flip… I am just writing about Original Family… Flip and yes.. Damn it is rep by you…
do you know how close… And yes.. I know why you are in the hospital .. but what is the ailment..
Geezus I am tired.. I just did the code of D IS EA S E..E… These Evil Fools fighting our Landing Manifestation called us the Evil… The Source of Diease . See X Men District 9.. etc.. movies

Leland Johnson
My leg is so f ucked up

Emeka Kolo
Ah I see.. Moving forward.. but it is no that way they will could stop you… Let me know more… But it will heal…

Leland Johnson
What is motive an for what is their reason

Emeka Kolo
Its a code.. 138… A C H… E.. That is meant to mean “Aches and Pain.. A P… ” 2-7 days.. B G.. Blue Green.. 5th and 4th colors in Spectrum.. Sol and Fa… in Solfeggio… Sound…
2;07 am right now. . Meaning I am in Harmony…
The reason is we are in a play of Evolution Awakening… And a Matrix and a Web…
And there are forces who have sought to stop it all all costs ..
All the line evolving are represented in certain key ppl.. They rep the equation… And have no memory of the mission bc if you did you all would be infected by fear.. Overwhelmed…
I was made to stay awake and recognize the family undercover by my life being taken away to follow and surf the wave…
17 yrs of living like a Wanderer on the edge of Existence no pass port or documents or anything which relied on the system in order to be led to all of you…the Avatar Descendants.. To re activate..
6 yrs On face book..the abyss of human expression..
Abbey..Westminister.. West Minister Adminster… DA Vinci Codes…
Then 2015-2016 led to Green Point.. B R C.. into the heart of the system of the damned.. my body evolving.. Aches and Pains from this reality using Death Rays Sonic Sound.. Dna Sound.. to find the E line…using Frequencies… You guys were meant to pay attention to your NaturaL Expression.. Stream of Consciousness..looking back in Hindsight of your natural expression to see you all have Foresight… Sixth Sense…Supernaturalgifts of Evolution…
I have been walking up and Down Leland Av here for a year..
2016 B R C a Fuckin shelter… Locker no 007.. walking up and down the Pulaski Bridge b4 it was destroyed..
Sol Fa… S F.. Senational Feelings..
Stephan Fil Gueria rep On Face Book.. Fil Thread Of the Warriors of Life I was looking for..27 is the correct code.. SP 27 C Men… Conscious Men… A-Z-A…Ressurection from A Z.. Zombies Death To life..
See my post..
I was ready to destroy your line today
.. Divine Intervention.. D I..
becsuse u were not paying attention.

C Line.. 100 usd..
You are meant to rep Feelings Sensational… But your line brought me nothing but Aches and Pain.. I was fighting old age and and disease all lies.

rm 138.. 13..M 8..H.. you were meant to represent my

my code in being of Manifest Harmony Infinity…
And the price you almost paid was your leg becoming diseased… amputation and even death.. consequence for not paying attention.
The World is evolving.. Humanity becomes Extinct.. Hue manity take over… That was the Holy Warm..
send the code 100 usd.. Asap…
or take the risk to see if am full of shit..
you have until tomorrow Soldier of God..aka Manifest Harnony

Seen 3:31am
Chat Conversation End

3 31 … 331…

There was quiet… A C-Note.. Cleveland…
You he has been following me for years, he siad yes yes, I did all the work prompting him, the money he found… so it was “No skin of his ass to send it ” even as a gesture of good will.
And you could have sent someone to send it…

He did not tell me that he was due for surgery either, perhaps I would have been less insistent.

But now it makes no difference and that voice.. was corect see sacred portal 120… My post to him began at 12;00 pm
12 O…
L…B… V

1:55 a.m.

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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