
3/24/2017 21:35 – Facebook Post

3/24/2017 21:35 – Facebook Post

8:00 pm.

Elizabeth Clarizio represents the Present.. Sent 50 usd…
(And offered to send any time I required it and offered me her home twice.. even when it was really Inconvenient…
Husband name is Anthony…
I sit by Anthony every day.. Igbo Russian Musicians who looks like the real John Henry…

Anthony Bienke
Anthony Rosemary
Anthony Spencer
Anthony John
Anthony Pitts

She has Two Sons… Emeka Nnamdi…

Sarah Nkem Blackstock is the Beautiful Past and she linked to Sarah line… Also Five Add Linda 6…Linda links to Both Beautiful Present and the Beautiful Past…
Nenad M. Djurdjevic links to the Beautiful Past…
(Alfie Nze)
Ezeufonna Ifennanna Nnaemeka the Beautiful Past now both Present…

Jose Roque is 5-15- 1969….
E.O…69.. Milky Way… M.W9 69… He is present right with me right besides me.. Bed 5 004… 5006…
And of the same Mind… Self Pride… Self Respect and Compassion…
“God does not like Ugly” he constantly states… reminds…
He has my brother Explosive Temper..
Mine which I had to Temper into the Sword of Truth…

And so lets do the name Codes of my New Face Book Friends and read the message…

Of 9 69… J.R… A.O.R…..
The R.O.A.R… behind Sacred Portal 115…

D.M.I.C..K./ T.P…115 A.G.E…

Code Kenneth Ezekwe…K.E….

Terry Webb T.W….O E.

English Meaning: The name Terry is an English baby name. In English the meaning of the name Terry is: Abbreviation of Terrance and Terrell. Terry is also an Anglicized phonetic form of the French given name Thierry from an older Germanic name meaning ‘powerful; ruler of the people.

a fabric with raised uncut loops of thread covering both surfaces, used especially for towels.

Webb.. W.E..B.B…

Webb Name Meaning. English and Scottish: occupational name for a weaver, early Middle English webbe, from Old English webba (a primary derivative of wefan ‘to weave’; compare Weaver 1).

Rosa Eden Maheu… R.E.M….I.N…D.E.R… I.C…E

(MAURICE..My Biological Fathers Name…

*”Structure. The pineal gland is the only midline brain structure that is unpaired (azygous). It takes its name from its pine-cone shape. The gland is reddish-gray and about the size of a grain of rice (5–8 mm) in humans”.

8:31 p.m.

M.A.U…R.I.C.E…. / E.C.I..R (E)…U…A.M…E….Soul Sol.. E.K)

*In vertebrate anatomy, the pituitary gland, or hypophysis, is an endocrine gland about the size of a pea and weighing 0.5 grams (0.018 oz) in humans. It is a protrusion off the bottom of the hypothalamus at the base of the brain.”

Pine Shaped P.I.N…E… R…I.C.E… ( P.I.N. E.A.. L…C )

Pit it U Ary… (Ari Zona… Harry Potter H.P.. Dawn Piercy)

Prostrate Black Butterfly…B.B…2 2… B.B.F… 2 2 6

Rosa means
“Behind the Name: Meaning, origin and history of the name Rosa. Generally this can be considered a Latin form of ROSE, though originally it may have come from the Germanic name ROZA (2). This was the name of a 13th-century saint from Viterbo in Italy. In the English-speaking world it was first used in the 19th century.”


* While getting ready today, I opened my Brown Perry Ellis Luggage from Jon Blackwell ( J.B)
And decided to see if there was anything left to put on the Alter Magic in my Locker…
I found a pink card with a unicorn on it with the number 5…
Pituitary Gland is 0.5cm… 0.5/ 50… E.O..
Emeka O’Kolo…
And I found a Red Rose made out of Chiffon Tissue… C.T…I.E..

I placed them together in the Locker near the Wooden Bowl…


Eden (Hebrew: ??????) as a given name, has several derivations, from the Biblical Garden of Eden, meaning ‘delight’; It is given to both boys and girls. The first recorded use is from ancient Israel in the book of II Chronicles. It is also as a variant of the girl’s name Edith and the boy’s name Aidan.[2]

Delight.. Paradise… D.P… 4 16… Dawn Piercy D.P.

* Edith .. The name of the Last Child of Ma Rosa, my second grandmother..and my age mate… 1967..
“Edith is a female given name, derived from the Old English words éad, meaning ‘riches or blessed’, and ??ð, meaning ‘war’,[1] and is in common usage in this form in English, German, many Scandinavian languages and Dutch. Its French form, also a common name in French, is Édith.”

Riches Blessed..War… (Raw)


“The name is derived from the name Aodhán, which is a pet form of Aodh.[2] The personal name Aodh means “fiery” and/or “bringer of fire” and was the name of a Celtic sun god (see Aed).[3]”

Bringer of Fire….

Sagittarius…Aries.. Leo… Emeka Nnamdi Nnonyelum..N N E N.N.C
(Mother…14 14 5.. 33…6…. 31…4.. 6 4. F.D)

Luke means Bringer of Light..

Luke A Wilson Formerly of Bed 4 Green Point… Room A.
Luke Simon.. L.S…
Luke Quinane…L.Q.


Maheo is the Cheyenne name for the Creator (God.) In English he is often referred to as Great Medicine, Great One, or the Great Spirit; Maxemaheo and Maxematasooma are longer Cheyenne names literally meaning “Great God” and “Great Spirit.” Maheo is a divine spirit without human form or attributes and is rarely personified in Cheyenne folklore. In some myths, Maheo is referred to as Heammawihio, which means “Spider Above.” This may be an appellation borrowed from their Arapaho kinfolk, who referred to the Creator this way to differentiate him from the earthly”

French : from the female personal name Maheu(t), a cognate of Mathilde, from a Germanic personal name composed of the elements maht, meht ‘might’ + hild ‘strife’, ‘battle’.”

The Creator. The Great God… Great Spirit…
Great One… Spider Above.. S.A.

French : from the female personal name Maheu(t), a cognate of Mathilde, from a Germanic personal name composed of the elements maht, meht ‘might’ + hild ‘strife’, ‘battle’.

In ancient times JASPER was a collective name for opaque stones but it is clear that in the New Testament the Jasper is a crystal clear
transparent stone thought to be a high grade diamond. It is thus a fitting symbol to tell forth the glory of God. It is the last stone of the breastplate and the first stone of the New Jerusalem. Christ’s high priestly work will end and He then begins His administration rule in His millennial Kingdom! “When he shall come to be glorified in his saints, and to be admired in all them that believe.”

(Ogemdinakachukwu Jasper Ahamefula)

Lumholdt… Lum Holtz..

Lum Family History. English: habitational name from places in Lancashire and West Yorkshire called Lumb, both apparently originally named with Old English lum(m) ‘pool’. … In some instances the name may be topographical for someone who lived by a pool, Middle English lum(m).

Holtz Family History. German: topographic name from Middle High German holz ‘small wood’, ‘copse’. Jewish (Ashkenazic): from German Holz ‘wood’, either an ornamental name or a metonymic occupational name for a woodcutter or someone who sold wood.

Pool… Small Wood…

Serap means Turkish feminine name meaning “mirage, will-o’-the-wisp”.
And in Code /Pure S…

Susan means..

“Greek form of the Hebrew name ??????????? (Shoshannah). This was derived from the Hebrew word ???????? (shoshan) meaning “lily” (in modern Hebrew this also means “rose”), perhaps ultimately from
Egyptian sšn “lotus”.

“Susan is a feminine given name, from French Susanne, from Late Latin Susanna, from Greek Sousanna, from Hebrew Šošanna, literally meaning “lily”, a term derived from Susa (Persian: Šuš), a city in southwest Iran that was the ancient capital of the Elamite kingdom and Achaemenid empire.”

Lilly means White Purity… Rose.. Lotus…
City Ancient Persia.. Iraq…

English and Scottish: occupational name for a miller. The standard modern vocabulary word represents the northern Middle English term, an agent derivative of mille ‘mill’, reinforced by Old Norse mylnari (see Milner). In southern, western, and central England Millward (literally, ‘mill keeper’)

Grinding Corn into Flour…

Gilbert Means…

“Behind the Name: Meaning, origin and history of the name Gilbert. Means “bright pledge”, derived from the Germanic elements gisil “pledge, hostage” and beraht “bright”. ”



The Powerful Ruler of the people, raised a tissue, with Loops at both ends, to make a Towel to to clean up the Mess their expression made of His Original Expression, and Genes of the People..
And to Remind the People by Weaving Webb, how they Rose and why they left The Garden of Eden ( G.O.E) of Delight, De-Light and Paradise- The Realm of The Creator, The Great Spirit… The Great One… Of Wealth and Abundance and sent into Battle with the Fiery To Live in Battles and Strife by the Pool of their Reflection surrounded by the Woods.. Their Fear…
Their Mirages and illusions…
Until they could remember their Purity and Splendor..
And then Rise with that Re-found Purity, with the understanding of Dharma Sanatan.. The Lotus of the Flower of Life…
Which is now ground in their very bodies as the true Bread of Existence…
Until they were Energy E Bright once
Forever recalling that all things Bright and Beautiful came and comes from E…”

9:35 p.m.

I.C.E… The Point.. C.E

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