
3/23/2018 21:44 – Facebook Post

The Greatest Moment in Human Existence is taking place
right now and most of Humanity is sleeping, focused on the Great Distraction of the Great Illusion.
And the the Distraction of this World.

And they are missing the greatest moment.

The Landing Of The Eagle and the Dove.


I bought my coffee from the Arab Bodega today with the one dollar given to me by Stevan – the grizzly but slim and honorable War Veteran, who mirrored Michael, who gave me a gift of a 50 Cent green lighter…He to. is a war veteran.
Black and White…

(William Bracey White and Black People are One..Me)
Which made it 16 usd… 16.50 usd.
Planet Earth…

The number on the coffee cup was 54…

April 5th, 1969… I am Nnamdi.. Father ..All-AH.
4-5/ 5-4…
Wallee Bracey was on Bed 4-005 …4-5.

I had a meeting here with Flip J Hendrixs, but I already knew the moment that I was given the 1 usd that I was meant to go to the Arab Bodega and not the Recording Studios with Flip who wanted to film and record me in the video he is shooting.
And then I responded to Jamel Salter.. @11:29 confirming that it was like a war where he felt trapped.
11 29… Kasien Thompson.. was born.. He spoke about being buried and the Egyptian Gods” coming for him and taking him to a place where they stripped him of his body…
*Link Isis Osiris… I.O… Inside Outside…
I reminded him that was he not meant to shower appreciation on someone…
“Who?” the bastard asked.
I refused to be be baited…
Finally at 12:07 pm he wrote back “Okay thanks Mecca…”
spelling my name Mecca.

12-7… +x.. 19 84…Me…Him…

So I knew, that I was off to the Arab Bodega and not the meeting with Flip J Hendrixs.
I woke up from my nap at 5:06 p.m.
I had completed and posted the code of 40 16…
Sacred Portal 40.. The two African Warrior and Sheba…
( Dre Elvis and Michael Sulieman)
and so I knew I had moved up to room 5A.. And bed 5-006 where I was last year…after I moved from my current room 4B BED 40 16…
Dawn Piercy sent me the Painting which mirrors sacred portal 8..when I was in bed 4016… but I received it when I was on bed 5006…
* Room 4B to 5A… 4 5… B To A… 4016..ADD 56…
Sacred Portal 56…
This is the portal, it 40.. The Great Winged Being.. ( W B.. Wallee Bracey .my phone.. 13 47 313 67 78/ 87 76 313 74 31)
Leaving ( that was the past) it is sacred portal 56..
E.F.. Emeka Flips… The Script… T S… Tre Shawn formerly bed 4019.. Now my bed 4018… 4019 4018… 44 00 11 98…
8 O O 2…17….8 17… H.Q… 88 H H..
Heather Hastings..

*I know what is arriving, who is arriving and who that great winged being is… It is Me.. WALL E E.. B.-RACE- Y..
My Men Y male chromosome… Erose Adonis… Lords of Men.. our Ladies are rising HERE…

8:41 p.m.

When I left to come here I ran into Randall who was followed by Jose who used to have my current bed.
He is back in room 4A…
Randall was in front of him, room 5A, bed 5-010… 51… 6.. 6 E…

8:45 p.m.

Rooms 5-4… My coffee…

Reginald was seated besides me, I had no money for coffee so I asked him to use my card to get me a coffee, mainly because I saw Randall stand infront of the coffee stand…
Which was strange… Yes he is he Reflection which comes after the Original..
The City of :God:.. Mecca Medina came before the Woods.. Fear… the leaving of the Garden of Eden.. ( The Garden State the 3rd State to join the Union) C-Line.. C men sacred portal 27.

I explained a little about my work.. he does not speak much english but is a photographer to the Stars for People magazine Spanish version.
He asked me if I had included the name of the person to my Left – I said only the people I had a connection with….
But the man he pointed out I had seen many times before but we had never conversed….
Reginald brought me the coffee.. the number 642… 64 2.. But since I have passed that Portal 64 ( Joseph Carey Paradise Factor.. P.F…Paul Franklin formerly bed 3-005.. 35.. CE… P F.. 16 6- 22.. V…The Code is 6 since we are 6th sense.. 6E..

(Harry Potter, Unicorn Pink Flamingo and the University of Chicago Flyers on Sam the server’s arm… Right arm.. H.P. U P.F… on his left Party…

University of Chicago… My cousin Charles Tochukwu went there..
My Aunt Priscillia lives there…
The one whom I love. who is the first daughter of my second grandmother-my grandmoters second wife.. Unaku.. House of the seed… She is the one who contacted Luke Simon when he wrote the article about me, called “Professor of Beauty Doctor Love” and the one who took me alone to her home in Cincinnati Ohio in 1974 when we went to the United States for the first time to visit my mothers line of the family…And I saw her in the shower and saw her transform into a incredibly beautiful woman by a waterfall- which I later saw in OPI High School Nsukka sight of the most ancient relics 250,000 years old See Shaw.- the lady with blue green eyes whom I said I would marry…
She my sister and my cousin Odera – who came looking for me on face book if you recalll, are all alike…
I knew as the same person…
Odera is a Neurologist…

CHI C..A.. GO… the most ancient past…
Pu ma!

Her name is Priscillia, Queen of the Dessert…
Guy Pierce… G.P… 7:16 p.m..

*A song came on..”You were the only one in my way…” -I know what she meant… Her Elder brother was called Emeka, he died infancy…
The three Cecilia Theresa Priscillia… My mother and two aunts.. of the Elder… C T P…/ PT C…
The younger versions of the, Bene Franka Eucharits…
B F E…Best Friend E… Eucharits is my mothers sister living here in New York…

H.P.. computer.. me… U.P… C! Consciousness..

The Flag has a heart and ribbons… Infinity Sign Ribbons…

Just used my sixth sense…he was right infront of me and I asked him…)

6 42.. See sacred portal 42.. “Ohm of power.. the Golden Baba.. Budha which Geoff la cour called me, one eye showing the Lotus flower of life… Flip J Hendrixs F.. J H.. 108.. Opening… And in the other the flames of rage…
Marina Burini Tom Truman John Shaw testified to see that image when they went to the Woods in 2010…and Tom Truman transformed into a beautiful man crowned… while I was in the City… And was doing the work of the Shaman Art Science to show the truth of my work…
I did the work on a Wood Table… he thus is the Wood Cutter of the Great Witch fable…made true…
.. The sacred portal also shows, two people making love Man Woman… M W… They both orgasming and once more seeing… Lord God… L.G… 12 4… ( 12:04 am.. Jamel S.. 10 19… 29… 1 19.. 20… T… 2 O.. B ..O.E… Truth Beautiful Perfect Symmetry portal to Dawn EO… Eternity Infinity…
Thus Flip J Hendrixs is the Portal to in this play to Eternal Life.. My home…
While the Woods where Randal seats reflects the Fire and rage and the Blackest Death of the whole beings of this line burnt to the ashes… Fear….

I asked the guy to my left me his name… Rob…
I remembered I had asked him and apologized “No worries he said better to speak up and ask than remain quiet” he said.

Robert Coffee… R C…Miami Florida…

Randal and Jose… R H…/ H.R… Human Race.. H R H… Sacred portal 88..Ascension of H.R.H.. Ultimate and Supreme Death…

So, I see that this was all about the Fear of Who and what is actually arriving… The Annunaki Destroyers invaders arriving,, the great Fear of the “Alien Invaders: Stephan Hawkings.. that fear of which is all over the films movies and literature…
When in truth it has always been U.S as the one who are Universe Supreme who came under cover in the correcting stage of the play script to understand why People lived in fear and how we lived your lifes, the worst of your stories to transform them back.. I found myself telling this to Randal yesterday…
You should have seen the Joy on his face…

9:17 p.m.

I have sought for the last 6 years, to make the World Aware of that which is about to manifest, so that people of the planet would not erupt in Fear and their minds not snap, when that which they have waited for since the beginning of Human Awareness of a Higher Purpose.

I had been used as a sort of Clark Kent and ( Super Man) and despite the using of a sort of Kryptonite to seek to stop or weaken my resolve to bring to your awareness the events and what is about to manifest… really imminent, I have managed to fulfill all the overwhelming tasks which I had been forced to take on, including the Scribe-Court Records…

( Ge off La Cour.. Cielo… Sky…)

Of the LANDING OF THE Eagle and the Dove.

7:16 p.m.



C-W-T.R. C Double V. T R…U.E.


Peter Nyarkô is aligned as the Human Reflection of I.E (Infinite Eternal represented by myself Emeka Ikemefuna)

At 1085 Facebook Friends…

T.E.N. 85…

I am seated at 1385 Starbucks….Metropolitan Section.

Randall is seated in the Woods Section..

Ridge Wood… R.W…The code I found yesterday where I had sat near Nicola Robinson.. ( N.R.I… O.I N.R.I..)

He is working on his Black Lab Top.

I am on my Blue Stream H.P Stream H.P Computer.

( E. N… R I O S..Stephan Sulieman Micheal Manifestation.. M M.. 13 13… 26.. Reginald is seated besides me…
Rios means River…Tamika Rivera… T R… 20 18…)

E.R…/ R.E…
E.R R E… E.O.E… E I E… Full Circle
H E R E…. ICI…

R E – R A…

From Middle English -er, -ere, from Old English -ware (suffix denoting residency or meaning “inhabitant of”), from Proto-Germanic *warjaz (“defender, inhabitant”), from Proto-Indo-European *wer-
From Middle English wer, from Old English wer (“a male being, man, husband, hero”), from Proto-Germanic *weraz (“man”), from Proto-Indo-European *wiHrós (“man, freeman”). Cognate with Middle High German wër (“man”), Swedish värbror (“brother-in-law …”

A male being… a Man.. Husband.. Hero.. Free man.. Brother in Law…


a prefix, occurring originally in loanwords from Latin, used with the meaning “again” or “again and again” to indicate repetition, or with the meaning “back” or “backward” to indicate withdrawal or backward motion: regenerate; refurbish; retype; retrace; revert”

I have sought for the last 6 years, to make the World Aware of that which is about to manifest, so that people of the planet would not erupt in Fear and their minds not snap, when that which they have waited for since the beginning of Human Awareness of a Higher Purpose.

I had been used as a sort of Clark Kent and ( Super Man) and despite the using of a sort of Kryptonite to seek to stop or weaken my resolve to bring to your awareness the events and what is about to manifest… really imminent, I have managed to fulfill all the overwhelming tasks which I had been forced to take on, including the Scribe-Court Records…

( Ge off La Cour.. Cielo… Sky…)

Of the LANDING OF THE Eagle and the Dove.

Fear is the Destroyer…

I just took a coffee.. C O.. FF.. E E…
From Yasemine… Y… Code number on it..6 96…

96% Dark Matter.. Dark Energy

9:44 p.m.


Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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