
3/23/2016 23:07 – Facebook Post

7:14 p.m.

G.N.. God Nature Naturalness…N then evolves to E…
G.N.E…/ E.N.G….LA.N.D…

23-3-9… W.C..I.. B.C.C.I

3-23-9… C.W..I… Code Cecilia Wiebers..I… C.B.C.I.. Linked to Christine Barclay…C.I.. Chukwuemeka Ikemefuna…
C.I is Consciousness Infinity…

When we align the codes arithmetical 23=2+3=5..E

C.W.E..I….. Code Links “to Cee Denny Ding Wei.. DD W”

Wei means.. “Infinite Limitless”..I.L.. “Brilliant Valuable”
As a masculine name:

?, “power”
?, “lofty”
?, “great”
As a feminine name:

?, “rose”
?, “small”

?, “only”

And C.B.E…C.I..


I have 3 new Face Books…

The last 5 42 was Osaro Eric Gabriel.. Whose name means
God Exists…
But as I see, he just left..
As I have been demonstrating for the last 4 years, Human Beings are being moved by a presence..
And Conscious Intelligence, who moves peoples whose names provide a response to an on going conversation between It and myself…

I do not control the play..
I was brought to this Forum after a lifetime of being aware of this presence, but not wishing to follow the path it indicated I must walk…
To what I could read was prove Its presence to the World..
by proving it through 1-6 Ages of man, from Instinct to the Age of Reason, that HE/S.HE Exist..

Each person I tag or who chooses to be my Face Book Friend (I am not allowed to seek face book friends out- which establishes the purity and integrity of the play)

Some people come, and not understanding the play leave- but not before I finish the Equation and translate the Sources Echo affirmation reply through the persons name.

Most people stay.. others go…
The ones who stay are of course, more aligned to the play, something resonates in them, when I decode and post..
Others rise and instantly participate in the play…
The Source whom I am Conversing with is called God by most of Humanity, or Nature.. or the Silence..
I have called it Nnamdi-Nnonyelum not because they are my siblings but because the God Code & Source Code identified and aligned to them..
Nnamdi means “Father is Here present… Nnonyelum means ‘Stay by me always’..

“Father Is Here present, stay by me always”
Nadee Nakandala represents the NN..28…

Hence a Conversation between N and myself representing the E.C..
Emeka Chukwuemeka….
N=14..1+4 (AD.E..Crown Royal)= E.

Thus, I am the one Expressing and Nature -Naturalness as “God Nature, is moving me.. to respond.

Each Face Book friend has a choice to respond, pay attention and even bring to their awareness that they are being moved..
Just as I have observed that I am being used as an example, of how each person can also converse with the Source.

In this play I am the Source…
And it Nature is seeking to prove how and why I am the Source by constantly challenging me to respond in this play to prove how I am the Source manifesting this Echo from the Past called Nature…
And in the same token, exemplify the process of how each can see see ones self as the source of the Universes they created…
By choosing to read this play or not…

The Eternal Truths within each of us is activated.
My mission was different from the rest of the Species because I am full aware of the meaning of this play and because my Higher Self- the Source in me is full awake and literally (Witnessed by countless others) is literally awake in me, even though I am asleep as everyone else, but full aware of the fact that I am asleep.

The reason for this set up is very clear, it is the Sharing of knowledge, a process of the E-Manual…of Emmanuel…
A guide book created, obviously for the near future of the process of activating your Eternal Self.

I have noticed that people always seem to speak for God, and offer no evidence to the public when they express their “Intel” of how do you know that it is God?”
What evidence…

About 7-8 years ago when I finally felt I had enough evidence, to tell my mother what was happening to me..
She asked me ‘How did I know that it was not something Evil moving within me..?”

I was surprised and a bit down cast by such a question, and it bothered me..
But I saw the intelligence in her question..
after all my life she had witnessed had become a living ‘Hell”
“You have been fighting since the day you were born”
And which God would separate mother and sons, for such a long time..
How did I know..
After all so many people had said they had observed a demonic presence in me…
And even I had questioned, what I knew that something sinister and cruel was seeking to destroy me..
But It was not in me.. it was outside of me..

But Marina Burini once got a message from my mother through the “Spirit world and epiphany’ that she wished me to prove my expression as a Human being… Her logic being if I came did it in my truest state, people would say it was because I had incarnated this being..
And thus, was it Him-Her in me who was the Source of all this, or was it me…
The whole concept was to prove that anyone can rise to remember and to “sacrifice” my life, for others, so they too could see the extraordinary possibilities in being a Human Being..
That there was no need for a God to grant you super powers, or great gifts- that all these potential already exist in Humanity..
That seed was planted and all the human being had to do was nurture and water the seed and watch the De-Vine grow.

Of course, I was furious, because I had done my work on my own, and had sought a Sensie, a Friend a Guide, but ended up rising on my own at age 26…
I was also tired, and very much apprehensive of entering the once more the consciousness of the world.
Peoples way of thinking really scared me, not because I was afraid, but because it shocked me how they could cee and respond from such a place…
In fact that is how I contracted the condition ‘Fight or Flight”

I literally preferred to leave the world, than go back down into this consciousness in which one had to explain the obvious, over and over again..
And deal with all the mean mean things people say..
The Expression which you know are the cause of War, Violence, Pain and suffering…
Because you can see the seed.
And worse still was the use of words language and the horror done to words and meaning…

And so, I found that for the last 5-6 years I have been trapped in my Mother’s E-Spirt’s understanding of the World…

And so my greatest suffering I had to surmount is the meaning people did with this most sacred expression and the meaning of my words.. Uttered in such Clarity over and over and over in every color of the rainbow-Age..
Instinct to Reason 6th sense, to 7th Vision code Aqua Mentis…Age of Aquarius, and then to 8 Harmony…
And now the what seems to be my explaining the consciousness of Infinity…
8 months moving to 9 months at 18 Mountain View..
9 years (8-11 months) at 268 East 4th Street…
Right to Istanbul…19 years ago..
and further back to my memories in my mothers womb, and even further back to Conception Inception in the Spirit World.. and even further back to the mystery called the realm of E…

How was I to express this all in the age language of reason, and worse still in this age in which Reason has become insanity..
Where people have been convinced to not trust what they feel and even see…

And so I worked from 2O1O- to 2O12, developing an art and science to explain it to the World..
And as if by magic, I was led to Face Book- without knowing why I was brought here or what I was meant to do…
Until I discovered that each time I post, that it would pour out of me, I could not stop the flow of expression and at the same time began to be aware of what I was saying, and that the river pouring forth from me, was also a moving magical mirror at which I could see me true.

And I already saw from what I was pouring forth from me, what was expected of me…

And so I began linking and then saw the pattern, of each new face book friend was already set up to come here but it was up to them if they chose to be Friend or Foe..
And I saw that I was in the same battle of the last 15 years in peoples homes and on the street where people were so attracted to me.
But not because of my boys charm or looks.. it was because there was something inside of them that recognized that which was in me..

I had to prove the Truth, that all are being moved by the Eternal Truth whom I call the E-Line..
A new story.. the Original Eternal family tree…
Not set in the past, but in the present, as most of you will perceive,
that I am not living in the past or in a future no existent, but in the Beautiful Present the code which aligned to David Phillip Gil…
‘Beloved Friend of Horses, Joy…”

Was David that being?
No he was a mirror reflecting me, and the portal of that truth he was representing distorted by the world..
Which I had to realign to truth before I could advance and pass through just as I pass through the portal of each new face book friend.

Each persons who I was sent to or made to connect with, had the seed of whatever name meaning they represent, so of people raised that aspect of themselves where they can become that person when they awake which is why I always point and confirm that I can see and give evidence, that though they are unaware that they are in Harmony or the E Harmony or at G.Ti…or the Full Circle..
Which means through someone else outside of you, Praising, Acknowledging and Ceeing your Eternal Truth.. P.A.C.Y.. E.T..
The blessing start coming to you and where ever you are in the World.. Your consciousness begins to rise and you begin to see…

Unfortunately, many go into Fear or the Roaring Ego shouting
“I am” which is not a negative thing considering all the years of being told that you are not, what you quietly undercover have suspicions of who and what you be..

9:O7 p.m

But the roaring though necessary, has to be elegant and not wildly out of control.. Which could infect others who would misunderstand..
And further more, you did not inherit these roles…they are merited and earned..
Which is why there some of you, in Harmony with the E line consciously.. All are in Harmony with the E line because all are made of Energy Light..
But the ones who are consciously aware, because they did the work.. which is not contained in any philosophy.. but who read the writing on the Wall.. And where honest with themselves.. and cleaned their indentation on the World Mirror.. People are the Words..and the Child within is the World.. And Nature, numbers and inanimate objects, are the frame into which to read and view the World…

So here we should have been at 545 face book friends,
1 more up from 544 which is where the equation climbed to.. before it descended to 541..
Recall 6 -3- 2..3…1.. then the descent – 2 then 1, then rise +1 Osaro Eric Gabriel then -1, O.E.G (after playing his part.. the posts of his I shared of his yesterday… which ended through my reading, confirmed a play about Eternal Life and Existential Death..
With Kristine Baluba (Grandmother Turtle.. Note my Grandmothers is code Name the Dove), and Elizabeth Clarizio.. which turned out to be the exact same play between the Two..
Each texting me, One for 3 days in row
and the others just a moment of exchange where she established in her and myself Clarity is Supreme…

C is the Consciousness of Existence and not K.B.. The Doppelgangers in Being.. 11 2…22.. 11 22 David Cecilia..
Onu and Nnamdi… D.C..O.N…
Nor the B.K..Book…’Bible means Book”

C is Chukwuemeka..
Emeka E..
Which is why I honored Elizabeth because what she expressed in natural clarity, had nothing really to do with me.. I was the catalyst to a response so accurate that she even surprised me, because though I have explained the code of Life and death for the past 15 years.. I am not aware of anyone who understood what I really meant..
though it is was confirmed through out these years.. that I was speaking in a consciousness of infinite clarity, which Elizabeth expression affirmed..
And in the first face book friend of the current new three..
Who is the response from Nature Natural to what was affirmed yesterday..

Clara Johansen.. C.J

In my Creation Story Noni Promise -Tree of life represented the 4th Dimension..
-A Promise Covenant Vow Kept..
Elizabeth means “Gods Vow, Oath”

Clara Star Child, is the elder twin of Noni Promise…she represents the 3rd Aspect of the Family of 1O (T.E.N), evolving back to 55.. EE
and the Five…
Meaning Clara is the C… 3…

The remaining two aspects are Devi Devoted and E-Spirit E..
DD..EE…Devi Devoted represents the 2nd Principle Being Body.. and he is the twin of Clara and Noni Promise the Two.. as well as E..

E-Spirit E represents the 1st.. A..Awareness Being A.B.BA…

Now speaking about the three…which brings us back to 544..
E.D.D…So at least we know next is about the 2.. then the 1…

About the 3..

E= E.S.P…A.M.

Extraordinary Sensory Perception..Awareness Manifest

Energy Spirit Physique (Physical) Atomic Matter..


When I was a boy my Aunt and some teachers in the school, had suggested that I might have E.S.P…Extraordinary Sensory perception which explained my powers of observation, read what people where feeling but not expression and of course an imagination so vivid.. that people began to suspect that I was not lying as they thought at first or exaggerating.. But that what I was seeing though they could not see was literally real.

I later grew at some point to find it an inconvenient, what ever it was, and sought many ways to not Cee, Hear.. I tried so hard to not use my abilities, that a messenger came and warned me that it could be taken away..

And funnily enough my abilities were taken away when I came to New York, which I realize was for this play, so that I could manifest them once again through a tedious arduous training… Sigh…

And this was completed when I passed through Billy Hungs portal.. He had never had an experience out of the ordinary everyday reality.. Nor did his family prescribe in any other truth other than the material present realm..
I was amazed..
On face book it is recorded that after one month of intensive work and observing me work and solve the riddles…
We arrived back in New York on August 4th, 2O12..
That we paused just as we entered because Billy had begun to access the Supernatural…
Recall the first day he met me he said a light bulb had gome off in his Head…
Which prompted him to come with us to Forte Lauderdale..

For the next year, Billy consistently accessed that realm even to a memory he had forgotten as a child of a realm before he was born. A place where there were horses who were Spirits and he played with a friend..
And he began to give me messages from Father Nnamdi..

E.S.P is activated by the merging of the three realms or planes of Existence.. Energetic Spirit and Physical…
And example is how the Wind pollinates flowers aided by Bees.. Flower is the Energetic-Signature, Wind the Spiritual Guide which carries the Seed to fruit… is the Physical…
What links them is the Expression.. the Intention exemplified broken down into three.. Do re mi…1 2 3…

E =E Sacred Portal E…

E.S.P is the Seed planted and which is now manifesting in the World..
But a E-Manual was required for those who will inherit those powers.. Again, achieved through Merit-Earned…

This is the E line or Evolved Consciousness..

Clara Johansen.. C.J.. 3 1O… linked to Shane Michael Robinson Sr. born 3-1O…

C La! Ra…

Clara means “Clarity.. Clarizio..”

“Clara or Klara is a female given name. It is the feminine form of the Late Latin name Clarus which meant “clear, bright, famous”. Various early male Christian saints were named Clarus; the feminine form became popular after the 13th-century Saint Clare of Assisi (called Chiara in Italian), one of the followers of Saint Francis,

Linked to Johannes Christen Graae.. J.C.G…1O 3 7..

Comes from the name John, meaning the ‘Creators is Gracious”

“C.J/J.C…”Clear Bright Famous”.. (C.B.F….C.I) is the Creators Graciousness” so easy to see.

Sreekumar Vadasserikara… S.V.. 19..22 Supreme Victory V=5th Dimension the E line…

Sreekumar is a Hindu mame which means “Divine Beauty…”
D.B..4 2…
*(See 542 Face Book Friend linked now a third time to Sabrina Lemieux, Christine Barclay and Clara Johansen.. S.L.C.B.C.J)…

It also means “Desire to be in association with people..Social’
Response to my life as a loner…
Lone Wolf.. was imposed and not my Nature…

And..”Shree (Hindu Goddess Laxmi, Wealth, Prosperity) + Kumar (son). Laxmi’s son is Manmadh (Hindu God of love and romance, carrys bow and arrow made of flowers. Cupid)

Erose Aphrodite C.UP-I.D.

E. P.C…

Vadasserikara… (Code break down.. VA Da SS Erika-Ra)

“Vadaserikara is a village in Pathanamthitta district, in the state of Kerala, India. It is one of the 11 villages in Ranni and sits at the confluence of the Pamba and Kallar Rivers..”
and 1 O…TEN

*Donna O’Sullivan placed 11 Roses by my bed side Table..

“Rani (Hindi: ????), sometimes spelled Ranee, is a Hindu/Sanskrit Indian feminine given name, which means “duchess,” “queen”, or “sovereign”. The term is the female form of the term for princely rulers in Southeast Asia and applies equally to the wife of a Raja or Rana.”

Hmm..Sovereign.. Kristine B…
Ebony Queen..E.Q…

“Divine Beauty is 5-43.. Sacred Portal… Justice Balance to bring forth the Divine Beauty, the one who is social and enjoys the company of people.. So of Lakshmi ‘Venus” Cupid of Love Romance and the Flowering of life, brother to Eros and Son of the Queen, the Soverign one.. Who is one of the Dopplegangers 11=K.. who resides by the All encircling River “Indra” The Princes…are the 11 The Twins
11 1O… Eleven Ten….
Ga La XY ZZ…C.I..1O11..

10:43 p.m

And Chinedu Ikenga Yagazie.. C.I…Y.. 544 F.B friend…

Chinedu is an Igbo name meaning “God Leads of the Creative Force leads.. ” C.h.i…N.E..D.U…

Ikenga means “Place of Strength”

And is the God of Achievement.. please see the Quote I shared of Clara Johansen… ‘Achievement”

“Ikenga is a personal god of human endeavor, achievement, success, and victory. Ikenga is grounded in the belief that the power for a man to accomplish things is in his right hand.[2] It also governs over industry, farming, and blacksmithing, and is celebrated every year with an annual Ikenga festival.[3] It is believed by its owners to bring wealth and fortune as well as protection.

God of Time[edit]
Two-faced Ikenga is the oldest concept of Ikenga in Igboland. It is a two-faced god, with one face looking at the old year while one face looks at the new year. This is the basis of the oldest and most ancient Igbo calendar.[4] As a god of beginnings, it has the praise name of Ikenga owa ota.”
Roman God Janus…

Yagazie means ” All is Well.. May it be well with you…”

“C.I.Y’.. The Creators C.H.I..Leads, from a place of Strength,
has achieved his endeavor, success and victory, looking at the past and moving forward to new Beginnings.. All is well.. May it be well with you as you leave the story behind.. of the 1-4 Dimensions..

1O:58 p.m.

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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