
3/22/2018 9:57 – Facebook Post


Its a Word.


This energy which rises in my body,
the same energy which has been moving my body
in graceful almost balletic courtly gestures and which makes me drop to my knees meeting certain people whom I gathered they represent in the Dna certain Blood Lines or Ancestries Human but mostly E.T,
Bow, and pat my own head…and other incredible intelligent gestures which even I the greatest inquisitor and rationalist have often felt as though I am possessed.

But one constant through the decade is the sound with always comes out of my mouth…
Forceful strong and powerful is the sound Haya..

I never suspected that it was a word, I am not sure why, perhaps because when it burst forth from m mouth, often as much as 10 fifteen times a day, felt more like a sound one makes of confirmation, like Ha! or Ouch!
but I never thought it a word.
There are other sounds which burst forth from me over the years, but this one word has stood out more and more…

It was only, a few days ago, an older man perhaps in his middle sixties who also goes the name Suleiman
( English Name “Micheal), who is friend of Dre…

“* Flip J Hendrixs song “Don’t Forget about Dre”
I told him about that and linked with him and my body went into paroxysm of motion which I could not control an as usual I lost complete control of my Muscle Co-ordination ( The Neurologist were correct to a degree when they diagnosed that something was interfering with ‘my motor skills)

*Modulation of muscle responses evoked by transcranial magnetic stimulation during the acquisition of new fine motor skills
A Pascual-Leone, D Nguyet, LG Cohen… – Journal of …, 1995.

But there is not Degeneration.
Rather the opposite y flexibility as Igbo Anthony and most of the people here have commented it at times borders on the Supernatural…

It was intense, I was completely taken over and I found myself forced to my knees three times.
I have never been able to get used to it, and though I have lived with it for over a decade.. and there is a definitely a certain resentment to it especially what it has done to my life.
But the other day Michael was standing besides Dre- they are friends, he had already heard about me, and as I began to speak in that Stream of Consciousness- a steady flow which is not my own flow, and which makes me nervous, ( but not anxious), because I recognize tat that is when this “Articulate Force takes over”
I could feel awareness of the two rising, until as usual, the flow of words and energy activates peoples awareness acting as a elevator, and the two of them burst out into smiles but it was the first time I had addressed Michael ( who just walked into the T.V room), and his entire countenance lit up and as is the case with nearly everyone- based on their language of cultural associations.. His was the Old Testament the same as Dre, and he began to speak in the language of the scriptures.
He went into exaltation, speaking about the fact that he could see the energy field around me, and that he had been born from childhood with the Sword.
And that had been his entire life. He had been in the army and in wars all his life but, he said really a spiritual war which he could see when he astral projected into the dimension of the truth which was the Holy war which had been going on in the world in the Unseen realms but played out here…

But it was the word Haya! kept on escaping from my mouth as he spoke, ( which for me has served as a confirmation, apart from the codes and my own Awareness, that the person speaking to me was telling the Truth.
This force serves at least, that purpose for me…and even then I still check.

That is when his face too on a look of Awe.. and he began to speak of the Creator and the Arch Angels and Holy of Holies.. and The arch of the covenant…
Each time my body convulsing into Motions, Movements of Grace and power.. I become taller, I feel it and the words Haya! again and again…

It is not the same as when I am with the E.T family, that feels comfortable an extension of my own self, and when they leave me, it feels as though a chasm has filled me, and I literally feel like sobbing like a child from the missing of that sensation of ..I do not know how to describe it, Lightness, Love absolute. a sense of Home..

Anyway, he kept on pointing out that I that the Sprit in me ( he like many others) saw that Spirit as separate from me…
It is saying Haya.. he said again and again with quiet awe… He is saying Haya… The Creator.. Jah is here he has sent us his messengers ( presumably me, I grumble to myself.. as I stated this is not my Script… and All know how pissed Off I am with the member of the Family line of the Unity Creation who played on the Idea created by Humanity as God…no matter the good intention.. God and Goddess… ? You have to be kidding… see the mess it created…0

Anyway, I decided that perhaps I should investigate the word and as I am writing a I want to be a small brief post on DISEASE… When it came up and I Remembered and here It is

9;56 a.m

A. Pascual-Leone

D. Nguyet

L. G. Cohen

J. P. Brasil-Neto

A. Cammarota

, and
M. Hallett

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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