
3/22/2018 21:37 – Facebook Post

6:19 p.m.


Feelings Sensational.

Portal to that dimension now confirmed as Embodied in the Being of Flip J Hendrixs Sha-Ron Addison…
6 108… 19 1…

I am waiting for Flip…
Yet, again.
Of course he is in Harmony, I know that each delay in our connecting has to do with this Script and the Role each person is playing in the Script and Play of the Evolution.
And is each time he is delayed, it is because that gap is meant for me to be filled.

Flip J Hendrixs called me immediately after I texted him, which was so cool, it made me aware of the alignment of Communication which he represents and Connection which I am representing ( Connecting the Dots, Literally.. to form a picture, which creates a film which tells a story which I have been forced in a viscous war, to bring into Existence in this reality of all places… This century .. “Crazy..” that is the word the singer in the just stated, in the music which just started playing here in Starbucks.
Oh,yes, I am fully aware … S.A.. Self Aware..Expressed Harmoniously to the satisfaction

Randall arrived just moment before
Flip arrived at 7:22..23 p.m
He has to record some music, they just called him, 4 songs and 5 Hooks….
He was wearing a bandana from the Yemen.. Y.E-Men..
It is the past which is meant to Evolving to the E, holding me up with this their Script of doing it Their way…The Old way- according to the translation of my Family as Actors in the having created characters whom we indented into the Universal Simulation awareness to Inspire and Stimulate human Evolution.

See sacred portal 55..

Note the i usd from Felipe…
I used it to buy a Coffee from the Arab Bodega…
( Crown Prince Mohammed Suleiman is here in New York..)
The Arcadia
Filipe Arkadiusz..
Alexa Felipe

Arcadia (Utopia)

According to Greek mythology, Arcadia of Peloponnesus was the domain of Pan, a virgin wilderness home to the god of the forest and his court of dryads, nymphs and other spirits of nature. It was one version of paradise, though only in the sense of being the abode of supernatural entities, not an afterlife for deceased mortals.

Greek mythology inspired the Roman poet Virgil to write his Eclogues, a series of poems set in Arcadia.

Nothing to Chance, Not Even a Nap…
Once 90 hits on the Clock, its On.

J J REDICK of the 76ers’ the 12 year vetran shooting Guard is having one of the most productive years of his career.

reads page 9 of the New York times..

It shows Reddick on his back, legs, ass on display as he balances up a Lavender Violet Sphere between his calves.
the word N.E.W in White letters on the ground he lies on.
His back is on the W, his bottom faces the E, the N observes the entire process.

Barbara Wersba B.W ( William Bracey, W.B is the name my Govt Phone G.P 76, is under.. Tel 313 67 78/ 87 76… 313)
Died at age 85, Author for Youths.
Notable books, “Tunes for a Harmonica” 1977..
Carnival in my Mind” ( 1982)
Whistle me Home ( 1997)
Movies/Theater “The Dream Watcher”

Cynthia Nixon (C.N.. 3.14 Pi)
“..In Ms Nixon evolution from a star from H.B.O’s Sex in the City, to newly minted challenger to Gov Andrew M Cuomo..”

Mark Conditt age 23…( M.C/ C M.. 3 13.. C.Me 4/3.. my tel no.. Con Ditt.. Con the Say of the T.. Truth “Dit” means “Say” in French..) the Austin Texas bombing coming right on the heels of the shooting in Maryland Missouri by Austin Wyatt Rollins…
A W R… Austin Texas…
W=23 letter…Mark Conditt.. Marcus Vera here counted 18 steps R is the 18th Letter…

44 African Nations Sign a Sweeping Trade agreement, with 2 Key Holdouts”
Nigeria and South America… ( N.S A…14 Floor Nickel Sha-Ron Addison)

“An Oratorio Changes Key”
Nilo Cruz and Jimmy Lopez are collaborating on the Oratorio “Dreamer”
( N.C/ C N… 3.14.. Pi…J.L/ L.J…12 10…22 V… Obi Ckc Nwakonobi Leland Johnson)

“I feel I am part of a Great Moment”
Anok Yai a Sudanese model raised in the United States from Egypt, who is the first Black Model to Open a Prada Show since Naomi Campbell in 1997…
( N.C/ C N…3.14… A.Y/ Y.A…25 1)

Facebook admits to making mistakes in guarding Data, breaking “Silence” over Crisis.

I am talking to the Silence- transforming it into Sound on Facebook… and I am speaking out and providing evidence facts about a Crisis in Humanity.. Extinction of the Human Species and Evolution to the Hue-Man-E Species…

Randall arrived just moment before
Flip arrived at 7:22..23 p.m
He has to record some music, they just called him, 4 songs and 5 Hooks….
He was wearing a bandana from the Yemen.. Y.E-Men..

*Image result for yemen ancient historywww.cs.nmsu.edu
The ancient history of Yemen (South Arabia) is especially important because Yemen is one of the oldest centers of civilization in the Near East. … The centers of the Old South Arabian kingdoms of present-day Yemen lay around the desert area called Ramlat al-Sab’atayn, known to medieval Arab geographers as ?ayhad.”

It is the past..the True Version of the past..
Flip J Hendrixs is Solomon.. but in the E.T Family his real name and his Line is my beloved brother Wisdom John-Beautiful Pride.
The Bridge children aspect 5-6 in the Family of 10.
Who are meant to Evolving to the E, but are being forced or choosing to do it this long long way through Time…
holding me up with this their Script of doing it Their way.. Giving my body such pain..
Of particular note is Et in Arcadia ego by Nicholas Poussin, which has become famous both in its own right and because of its (possible) connection with the gnostic histories of the Rosicrucians. In 1502 Jacopo Sannazaro published his long poem Arcadia that fixed the Early Modern perception of Arcadia as a lost world of idyllic bliss, remembered in regretful dirges”

See sacred portal 55..

Note the i usd from Felipe…
I used it to buy a Coffee from the Arab Bodega…
( Crown Prince Mohammed Suleiman is here in New York..)
The Arcadia
Filipe Arkadiusz..
Alexa Felipe

Arcadia (Utopia)

According to Greek mythology, Arcadia of Peloponnesus was the domain of Pan, a virgin wilderness home to the god of the forest and his court of dryads, nymphs and other spirits of nature. It was one version of paradise, though only in the sense of being the abode of supernatural entities, not an afterlife for deceased mortals.

Greek mythology inspired the Roman poet Virgil to write his Eclogues, a series of poems set in Arcadia.

Arcadia (Greek: ???????) refers to a vision of pastoralism and harmony with nature. The term is derived from the Greek province of the same name which dates to antiquity; the province’s mountainous topography and sparse population of pastoralists later caused the word Arcadia to develop into a poetic byword for an idyllic vision of unspoiled wilderness. Arcadia is a poetic shaped space associated with bountiful natural splendor and harmony.[1] The ‘Garden’ is often inhabited by shepherds. The concept also figures in Renaissance mythology. Although commonly thought of as being in line with Utopian ideals, Arcadia differs from that tradition in that it is more often specifically regarded as unattainable. Furthermore, it is seen as a lost, Edenic form of life, contrasting to the progressive nature of Utopian desires.

The inhabitants were often regarded as having continued to live after the manner of the Golden Age, without the pride and avarice that corrupted other regions

As a result of the influence of Virgil in medieval European literature (see, for example, Divine Comedy), Arcadia became a symbol of pastoral simplicity. European Renaissance writers (for instance, the Spanish poet Garcilaso de la Vega) often revisited the theme, and the name came to apply to any idyllic location or paradise. Unlike the word “utopia” (named for Thomas More’s book, Utopia), “Arcadia” does not carry the connotation of a human civilization; Arcadia is presented as the spontaneous result of life lived naturally, uncorrupted by civilization.

Of particular note is Et in Arcadia ego by Nicholas Poussin, which has become famous both in its own right and because of its (possible) connection with the gnostic histories of the Rosicrucians. In 1502 Jacopo Sannazaro published his long poem Arcadia that fixed the Early Modern perception of Arcadia as a lost world of idyllic bliss, remembered in regretful dirges

8:11 pm..

I will interrupt my posting for a moment.

After getting the coffee from Flip J Hendrixs, and seeing the code he was wearing, I understood what it was time to do.
There was a man – a Black man whose energy raised Sexual Awareness in me.
But rather the past, as Time, using Sexual Energy- and the true secret of the power of Sex (S E X) to wield power and influence over this reality through the ages.
The Story of Lot and the Two Angels sent by “God” – is that ancient secret of power generated by the energy of Men when they penetrate each other and the power it brings forth- the code of the two men.
But that Sexual Energy- used in some many ancient rituals including the Kabala was transformed into that idea of Shame, to conceal the truth of the power which it generates of the truth ofthe Two Men.
But that is the corruption of that equation because though that expression is true- it began as a Conversation between Two Men, and Energetic Expression first…
And since, I who represent that equation as the original 11.. Yes 11 USD, have never been sexual penetrated by a Man- which is the completion of the Conversation which brought Love-Consciousness into Existence, that from Expression-Energy- E-Spirit- Motion and finally, Physical Manifestation can only be manifested in Completion of the Expression of the E.
And it takes place as a most beautiful and sacred ritual only after the Evolution Equation is Completed.. Manifested into this reality with an All awakened and Evolved to the E.
Thus, that ritual and celebration completes itself in that action in a totally different realm of existence other than that which is currently present.
There is no culture of “Gay” in the E Consciousness- Wu-Man is culmination of that act… Two Men… The Men then to the same Ritual of Completion with Our Lady.

This corruption of the Truth only wielded power here, because it was the truth, but could only be manifest as True Power of Sexual Creation if they had been able to move from that physical act backwards..to Music/ E-Spirit- Energy- Expression Conversation in perfect harmony of the original sequence…
But They could not because the code is not 1-7-8..to I..E as “Ascension” Rising to the 89… Rather it began as a Descent.. to Ascend.. D.A… Not A.D…
From I.. O..to 8 7 6.5/5 6…4-1 is simply the Box.. The Theater the Stage.. The 4 is 1.
As I stated that it is from the Point within the “Box” the staging of the play where the Point Emerged as E.. The 1 which is called the 5 as E.. The Eternal, entered into this Play called the Box, Stage which I created, and then my Son/Father S.F/ F.S…then had to replicate to become the Equal of myself as the E by incarnating the same path I had laid.
Sort of my being the first to get my Phd…not Masters..
Masters then PHD..P.M…
(Peter Nyarkô Mikaela…not Mikeala Peter… Peter Micheal…Two Men.. And I am both Peter “The Stone Rock.. Spectrum Rainbow..Sha Ron.. Addison… “ADD I SON”-G.H.. Which he is and reprsents.. Apt 6E.. is an Embodiment)

Randall bed 5010 . 5-1 is now seated besides me and he is wearing Green- similar to the Lighter given to me by Michael Sulieman. And it must be noted that after he gave me that Lighter I went upstairs and surprise, surprise, I found the Blue one..
Green is the 4th Color, Blue is the 5th…
5-4-69… 5-4-66… Nnamdi my brother born April 5th on Easter was an illusion moving towards completion.

8:45 p.m right now… Which is why I ordered him to go back to the Eternal Realm and his Ethereal Nature, so that I would complete the equation myself by acting as a Guide Father for his aspect to emulate and understand how to beome corperal as well Ethereal.
Elemental… Not E.L.E.. Mental…
E.L.. Men.. T A L L…
Randall is tall but not so much nor is Flip but being tall is being slim proportionate…
And both appear Tall..
8:49 p.m.

It was not any desire in me for him but rather he being used as an Avatar of the Red Line- he was wearing all Red, and I had noted him. He took the seat I had moved to from where I had been seated before, and before that I had been seated besides Nicola Robinson.
I knew that I was in perfect alignment, especially when I saw the coffee I had gotten from Felipe.. Code Filipe Arkadiusz F.A…
FA! The 4th Note, the Story aligned when I saw the coffee had the number 80 on it…
H.O… Infinite Harmony in Perfect Symmetry…
H O P I… See their Legend of the Cleanser and the Cleaning which is the code of F O I…. Father Of Infinity.. FOI means “Liver” in French. and its function in the body is to remove Toxins…
4 usd from Flip J Hendrixs yesterday with the code cel written on it…
8;54 p.m .. right now.. 45/54… now complete..
Proving that what people suspected that the use of “Alien Technology of Cel phones was being used to put people in a spell- interrupting with their Brain Wave function…
( B.W../ William Bracey my phone)

So, I went outside and I called out quietly to the Power of the Sword to cut out the Lie and illusion of my Brother Sister Line.. NO.. and all they represent as that line of Man Woman MW usurping the Authority of the Power of Existence and its meaning..
Witchlanders… spell .. Never Never Land The True…

And as I called it forth, linking all those who hold onto the illusion of Man Woman manifesting the Sexual Energy of Creation despite the Secret Veiled ad acted out of the ritual penetration of men, youth and boys to access the Power to penetrate the mysteries…

Nicola Robinson N.R ..I sat besides her and opened up my page to see 3 likes.. C.. The Intel moving through Flip and Randall.. F R.. E E… Sha-Ron Addison and Randal Witlz…
S.R… A W…
Spectrum Rainbow.. Alpha Wave…..
D E..S I R.. E… A W E… S O M E… S A M E.. S U M E R…

9:04 p.m.

And my Espirit Roared Haya! As I thundered “Cut them out!”
again and again I uttered the words with the full fury of looking at the insult done to me, by the illusion of Truth, a Story taking advantage of Nnamdi’s earlier innocent expression of not speaking out to ask for Facts Reason as to how he could be sure that I am.. that which in his heart he had already decided was the Truth…
But he is as I, E.. he had to be sure, to check to get the facts.. but unlike most of the descendants of that story he pays attention – which has been proven by Flip J Hendrixs and his amazing attention to the details the facts..
And the quiet contemplation and reflections of Randall…

The two arrived almost at the same time.

.. I had opened my computer and noted Nikki’s comment, and yet, I was seated right besides her in perfect harmony…
I turned to her and said ” It funny is it not that here you have commented on my post ..the first and the only one, to comment on my latest post, and in perfect symmetry I am seated right besides you..”
What did I say she asked, ( which made it clear the reason why we write down… to remember to lighten the load of carrying the sum total of Expression…and why the true 4th Dimension is a Library…)…

“You said, Rest and Replenish” which is the perfect expression of the play”

Because the play and the War of the Story versus the Truth as Actuality is over…We the E own the Story the Actuality.. S.A… as well as the Reality.. and the World.. “Randall Witz…
S.A R W…

And thus the line of Ras… Nathaniel and all the Ras-Ta as the lie of the story of Solomon Sheba.. Haile Selassie…are no more…
Hail E.. !… S.E..La! S S.I…E..
E .I.S… S.A!..L.E… S!
And Sha Ron Addison.. Flip J Hendrixs The True Shah of Iran Persia
And Randall Witlz.. The Truth Sheath.. O-Zone
not a Con D-Om.
The Battle of the Bulge..
Which represents the atmosphere and not the battle with weight or Greed the fat of the land…
None of them Flip Randal or Peter or myself have Fat on our bodies, we have lean lean slim bodies of Sexual Nature.. Power and Grace…

The Codes of the New York Times above.. N.Y…T…
( the cookies given to me by Flip J Hendrixs yesterday he told me we worth 20 usd.. Letter T…)
Through Flips portal I have completed the equation of the 11th State, New York…
The 11 th State…
11 usd..
Pan is I..E… Naturally…

I found a Transaction Receipt (T.R..20 18)under the table when I sat next to Nikki, right across from a young East Indian American..
(Rav Singh R.S.. Line..)

Ridge Wood ..R W… Randall Witlz.. LE NS IT A… 313…
87 3….23…

B#232 NN 908.. CB 475..T# 1613…
Acct..42 83
Time Stamp.. 03-21-2018..11:11:14 am

Coffee from Flip 6 89…He was born 1989..Lives apt 6E..
Second Coffee..6 32

9:43 p.m.

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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