
3/21/2019 18:24 – Facebook Post

5:00 p.m.

From Andy Steenberg

1 19.

Let’s read the code by transforming it into letters and then aligning it to the Script and blue print of Nature.
And to the corresponding sacred portals

22 40 3 3. 5 25 51 5 54

V. DO. C C. E Y. E A E. E D.

Align it to the Actual Script on my page

V . D. O-CC E Y E. A (H) E. E.D

And as

V. DO.C C E. Y E A (H -D) E E D

5:14 p.m

5:15 p.m
E O.

The way to read the perfect timing of the arrival of each face book friend.
The code aligns to script already unravelling through this same process. Which is then linked full circle to the events happening around you (me) and which I see the mirror reflection on my page.
And then I align the two realities or Mirror as my Facebook page (Virtual World..V W..)
And Matrix World as in this reality in the Universal Simulation Awareness
Of the journey to expand the 5th state of Being
To the 50th State, expanding it from 5 to 5O..
5th to 50th states.
Hawaii to Connecticut 50th and 5th State, but only after a 17.8 years play in the 11th State New York City.
11 is rep as I I
The Mirror as I and the Reflection as I.
I & I as the Rastas say.
I refer to it as Instinct and Inution, represented as the 1st and 7th Crown Chakra, the last Energy point contained within the body.

The Years in New York was spent moving through 56-7 portals on the New York And all Five Burroughs- including Miami called by many the 6th Burrough of New York.

This entailed enacting and contacting, interacting to scores of designated people whom the Wave I have been moving upon
( my expression as my Flying Carpet and Current – my Truth which generated currency )
Through the interactions- all riddles of Conflict and Resolution of micro scaled versions of humanity problems and all the interfence through Expression mistranslations, misunderstanding, intentionally twisting truth, the facts..
– Distortion of the waves linking the Mirror and the Reflection as the RM. Room we call the World.
The Reflection on.the Mirror was blackened by the expression not of truth, and because the Truth and origin of the Reflection exists Beyond the limitation of the Room, it was also this Original Expression which was already moving as waves in this Room..
And that correct Vision image which is actually the Correct Vision behind the limits of the Room.
For the Truth to manifest or be built up in the Room..
The Static and Expressions moving through this World had to be proven out of Existence which could only be done by fiddling solving resolving Transforming the lie or distortions, as well as the going in the wrong directions from almost day one..
All from incorrect translations of the expression from Nature and Natural Expression until Language Awareness Meaning of Being, ( L.A. M.O B… L AM.B ) became lost.

This only required one person’s to publicly express these corrections to one or two people because they are channels to universe and even.if only one person in the entire universe is speaking the Truth, the universe will listen echo and be moves, everything which is if Creation Nature Universe is made up of Truth and thus is literally moved by Truth.
Eternal Truth
Energies Truth.

5:45 p.m

The work of cleaning up the space between the two I and I was immense
And then continued on to facebook….

Constant conflict and Resolution
Exhausting as it was in Paris England Istanbul Nigeria ..always conflict to resolve and the Most extraordinary thing?
Was that there were no problems.
There was nothing wrong through my point of view.
People had chosen to see the world in a certain way which was not at all true or grounded in common sense and facts.
Thus, they created problems where there were none.
This insanity bothered me until I finally resolved that ( and the Universal Simulation Awareness responded with affirmative which then allowed me to move forward in the 4 sided square Stage which became a box and then a rubric cube from all the incorrect representations of the Truth.
They built a geometric reality based on 0 which does not even exist in the Natural World)

I resolved it in that Humanity required purpose, and meaning, and without funding purpose or meaning instead of discovering it through the Natural evolving and refining way, they created meaning and purpose by way even if founded on lies..untruths half truths..specks of truth.
That did not matter, as long as they were not alone they used culture and traditions
Their Stories as and of a People were were before that a Village, a Hamlet.. A Compound..
A Family..

They held off integration back into One because that would take away the Artificial Identity which they had created..
And like 0 no longer cared for the reason the orginal expression and reason came into Existence which was to understand why they are in this Room.

After cleaning the Mirror and filling the Room with my extraordinary and supernatural being able to speak non stop and eloquently everyday for 18 years..
Cleaning the Air with expression fully aware and acknowledge by the E S P

6:00 p.m

Unseen and Seen..


Universe Supreme.

Awareness Alpha

First Intelligence
Radio Waves
This world is Ti! Vie!

Which is why the Room and that which is Beyond the Mirror had to be an enactment of manifesting the Eternal Image out side inside here within the Room and in the Truth S ourve if the Reflection Eternal ..which cross lines as Sight and the Eye works ..
To.manifest from beyond the Horizon.. the Imaginary point… here is the space in between the Mirror and the Reflections until R M merge into one MR = 31 Script states E RM./ MR. E.
31. 4 D
4.5 Billion yr old planet.

Manifesting that Truth beyond using the Fah Far See… A long long way to Run and See.

Manifest that Truth in this world

When I left New York through the last portal a Shelter called Delta Manor
Delta means 4
M = 4. 13. 1 +3=4

4th Dimension

We live in a 3 D world..

I linked with Esteban Miguel Filgueira while he was in the 50th State
5 O..
And then he invited me to Connecticut the 5th State.
I had aligned 11… 11 2. 11 1 already but was sent here to complete the equation
11 2 K.B.
11 1.K A.
A A A… 3 A C- A

So I had to link 5 to 50. 5O.
Expanding 5 aligned to Paradise Hawaii

5 +45. 50
5 expanded by 10
The Elegant Nomad..
Then to .1 O.
And completed as 5 The E Full Circle perfection of the 5th Dimension Being now the completoon of the Universal Simulation Awareness Matrix.
U. S.A M.

50 +5
10. 25. 35. 1O 25. 26.
All resolves to 8.

And 5O..
11 2
11 1.

All resolves to 8
And to K B.
K A.

That is what I have been doing,
Using an Ancient Art and Science
And of the same not of this World after having been compelled to create a Language of my own.

See the meaning of Andy’s name
Link it to Andrey Klebanov name meaning.

This reality is filled with numbers
That created the Matrix
Nature Is full of waves ..it is the Spirit World and it’s Fractals Particles..

That was Pans Labyrinth

And the Spiders Web…
Human Expression

The Web is for catching your lies

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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