
3/21/2018 21:41 – Facebook Post

6:05 p.m.




Fact E..

Flip J Hendrixs
Emeka Kolo


I am at Starbucks I am waiting to meet up with Flip J Hendrixs to have a meeting about putting my voice to recording – along with my “Story”-
After 17 years of sharing the knowledge for free, and surviving such an experience I feel a sense of relief.

I never wanted to share the knowledge that way, but it was not my script and it was demanded of the me by what I have been calling the Line of Nnamdi evolving from me, to his own line which represents the Everything evolving back to the E.
And thus it was his rules, his play which he had not taken certain things into consideration, ( such as my point of view) which led to a great mess of cause and effect, which I was forced to clear up..
But again His way, to Evolve his feminine side as the Everything Material back to E. Thus one might describe Him as the E-Spirit and He, as Her as the Material Nature.
S.M. in which he added a Role (Adderole thr perscription drug in this warped realities version) made me, play the part of the Awareness of Existence, Expressed and Explained as I have done.
Creating the Equation; S.A.M.E…E.E.
S A M E… 55…And consequently the play of the two lines of the family of Existence- The Ethereal’s and the Elementals, line of Expression and Creation, which then manifested the play of the Family of 10… “The Elegant Nomad”

It also led to the great Challenge of then having to empirically prove this Truth into Existence through this play, and challenge of Explaining it proving it into Existence through the 7 “Ages of Man” – Spectrum Rainbow Colors of Sound and then through Sixth Silence in harmony.
Basically prove a New Story into existence, but with the Caveat of having to prove it, by building upon the existing expression of the sum total of Humanity.
And then if this was not already overwhelming enough, I had to prove it through designated Avatars- while the raging force of Evil generated from Human Fear and Ideas called he Cause and Effect sought the annihilation of the Human Species and eventually Existence Itself.
Devi Devoted the second aspect of the family of Ten was the one who was Nnamdi’s aspect and the younger twin of I.E. was the one who now had to evolve to E, which I represent.
Thus, the D D.. 4 4.. 22 22… 2 usd I had to ask the 4 correct people using 6th sense and then only in Hindsight give reason.
Dre Donald… D D… and then it balanced outside to Nicola Robinson and Rahul D’Silva…
R R….

6:44 -6:45 p.m right now.

D D 4 4 …
R R ..18 18…

Do re me fa so la ti re Do… Do to Do…
R.O.Y-G, B I V..R…
Notice that it is two full circles of Sound Solfeggio.. Sound from the Human Vocal chords.
And the Color… Sound…

O O…

But then, another challenge was added, which to do this all Undercover and Unseen, because of the Rage of the forces of Zero, destruction, annihilation moving through the world and moving “Its Forces” its Avatars, if you will or Demons- the Unnaturals who were hell bent to destroy the plan.
This was a play which I wished nothing to do with, because it was not real… And it called for untold suffering for the person called upon to play that role and all the players….
I refused, and of course you all are aware of what happened.

That is the journey which I began in 2001 on this very day, when I was asked to leave the place arranged for me to stay by a friend called Nicholas in London. His friends name was, is Chuck and it was near very close to St John the Divine Cathederal..
Do you notice that the names Nicholas and Chuck form the code of Pi but backwards…
N.C… 14.3…
C.N.. 3.141 59 26 53 59…

*Yes Stephan Hawkings passing away on Pi Day…
My name meaning Circle…
Time now 6;59 p.m,
My being forced to do the full circle of Existence undercover in this world as well as in the Unseen world…
One equated with after Illustrating and speaking non stop for ten years..2001 to 2011…
I had to begin writing on Facebook from 2012 mimicking speaking to The Silence as 6th Sense, addressing E in all of you, while fighting in the Realm of the Spirit, which you call Mind, which was and is non existent to me, but I was forced to enter.

Even as I sit here waiting for Flip J Hendrixs, I am once more forced to contain my rage and being forced into such a “Drama” in which my own feelings and existence have been consistently negated…

7:06 p.m.

I am seated besides Reginald age 26, and I know that Flip J Hendrixs is always in Harmony and thus, if I am waiting here, then I am once more being manipulated to express and explain more.

Let me give you an example of the facts,
They young man who took my Blue Lighter, called Marcus turned up yesterday, and started told people that I am Black Panther…
I do not know where he got that from- but that is what he said as when he saw me in the courtyard.
He is a young man who is very much in warrior mode, with alot of words…
I saw him again this morning, despite my not wanting to speak to anyone, but it was as if he was waiting for me…
It was snowing and he of course began to speak to me, but first he called out to people that my name is Knowledge…
Black Panther… and now Knowledge….
He was wearing army fatigues which the line of David always wear.
I found myself being forced yet again to do the work…
I was so furious inside, my body rising everyone selfish thinking only of themselves. Non considering me, just as this Script which the Devi Devoted line had created….
Which is how the Evil rose because that is what Selfishness- not taking another persons point of view into consideration manifest…
By negating a person feelings, Existence you are saying that that person does not exist, and to do that over and over again despite the persons protests opens the black hole of Non Existence.
But it is not the person who you are negating who has opened that portal of Non Existence, and who is being sent there, it is the Negator.
That is the meaning of Non Existence, and this is what this entire Script has done to me, along with the manifestation of Evil.. That force of Non Existence…
This is happening even as we speak as I sit here waiting for Flip J Hendrixs with no consideration to my feelings or the fact that I am not able to buy a coffee, that I am being bound, controlled to be at a certain place, do certain things, against my will forced into it. And then informed that I must rescue the perpetuator from Non Existence, by controlling my fury at what is being done to me by rising above.
And to this I have said No. No…

After watching how people on facebook, have categorically ignored my point of view, the same on the streets of New York, everywhere but the so few..
All is self Interest, all is Selfishness Evil…
I say no…
And so after I left Markus.. Mark Us… telling him to be as Snow- quiet… to learn to be quiet…
I moved to the quiet and let the snow fall on my face.
Moe was there and Mark Us, called out that Moe is a special energy…
“Meaning Of Existence” I said tired and with a smile at Moe.
Mark us followed me up the stairs, counting them as he mounted them 18… Letter R…
He had wears a sweater with the words NEVER… He spoke the first day of his cousin who had been shot and killed a day before, he was 14…
I had done the code to him as he was doing it himself the numbers which make up the Word N E V E R…
I said remove the N….which is the 14th Letter…
you get EVER… and then the 44… 4 Ever…. (Not Never Never Land)..
He had literally jumped for Joy.. shaking my hand…with a special hand shake of Infinity… 44 8.. His higher self was basically saying link 44 to 8… But I had told him that I am the 8.. that itis only by my say by being as the E that he could pass through my portal..
He was born 1989…. just as Jamel who works on the 14th Floor with Peter Nyarkô…
Marus Sha-ron.. M.S…Material Spirit..
E M A S….S…E. …
E S… S A M E…. E S is Spirit E, the Elder Twin of Devi Devoted the First and Original T E N…

As I went upstairs to rest, I saw Randall, and asked him his room and bed number… Room 5A, Bed 5010..
That was the bed Taylor Law ( Terrel Law..T L 2012 32 5)
the young man who had thrown himself off the top floor of a building who was having an affair with Lawrence… Recall that I sit on the bench on Taylor Ave which is parallel to Lawrence Ave.

Now here is Randall Witlz – a Lawyer on the same bed as T Law…
He said he would be going to Starbucks..

7:44 p.m.

He is here right now with the “Selfish” Edward Mohammed .
He had been seated besides Leo 17 when I arrived…
I am seated besides Reginald age 26…
Markus Moe… M M.. 13 13….
Mark U.S… Universe Supreme.. Meaning of Existence….

I am not representing the Mark of the Beast… Selfishness is…

Randall and Edwards are seated on the Wood side…

The code of 17 Leo has already been aligned by Flip J Hendrixs Emeka Kolo.. E F.. F E… Francis Frick has been chosen “Nickel” as the one…

Then I lay down, Moe came in and I shook his hands – Lorenzo then began speaking about the connection between myself and Moe.. Who was signaling to me that he was good except for Lorenzo …
Lorennzo then began to speak about our not being the correct connection that it was corrupt..
The Jealousy was so unseemly…
I picked up my book and blocked him out…
And then I saw that Jamel Salter born 7-17-1984
The time he contacted me was at 10:49 a.m.

49 are the last numbers of Flips Phone…

Flip J Hendrixs just gave me 4 usd for coffee…
One of the bills has a code letters on it C E L…
That is what Flip J Hendrixs…at first he saw 10 as I did 10 C… then 100… then I flipped it,
A 86 37 53 45..C…

The codes where in the Cel Phones.

Flip did the journey of Father… Big Brother as I did…

My Coffee yesterday had the numbers 702… and then 684…
Yes Jamel… Jamel is free, he has his own place now- and I am glad.
I knew that Jamel was linked to Flip, and that he being free was Flips Espirit being freed from the code of what is called the Devil in the Tarot, XV but the binds are not from the ant Devil but rather the Evil in man.
To cross over, into the Eternal realm you must be Clean “Nickel”…
And so Flip has proven that he is as Father TEN and he fought for the line of Peter Nyarkô as the rep of my sister brother represented in my biological family as Nnonyelum Obum…
But really Nonyelum Peter.. N.P../ P.N… Natural Perfection….

As Flip after demonstrating with extraordinary clarity of the codes and the play, telling me the story of Miami, how he was almost stranded but stayed in the correct vibration and how he was with a 17 year old called Alex, ( meaning Defender of Man- was reflecting Flip, just as I had passed through those portals Male and then Female- Alexis Dee as the defender of Wo-Man with Alexis Dee and .. Nicole… A D N…D N A.. A ND…”Na” in OINri Igbo… “Et” in French….) and then he paid 450 for a hotel ..for a night which they split…
The next day all went back into harmony…
His connect arrived in a yellow Lamborghini, called Dion ( Dionisio..and also named Leland or something similar Nelson whom he had just met) and then all went back into harmony.
Money flowed from sponsors, and all the monies he had to spend was reimbursed.
I knew that he had passed his test with flying colors- nor was there any risk or fear… Because as Flip stated he had used foresight to make sure that he arrived there with money.
They shot the video and it was successful and he honored Nickel by not fooling around despite the temptations abounding…

And I recalled the play with Peter and the code play of how to recognize and treat a Lady.. the line of the E…
Come Clean…
That is how to pass the Abyss of Ma’At… The Line of the Abyss which in truth is really my Female aspect, independent with a will of Her own…
See sacred Portal 148…

8:54 p.m.

The Harmony I observed in Flip J Hendrixs is beyond, he arrived the moment I was writing the code of 10:49 am of Jamel…
Note that 49 was the bed I occupied at the B.R.C in 2015…
And that after bed 49, I came back to bed 007…
Note the code to the bathroom here is 77450…
7 x 7.. 49….D.I…
Flip is 28 years old born 1989… 25-11…Y is the Male Chromosome….
14 14 N N…
Nadee Nakandala… 5 28…
N N A M…( 13 13- 26.B.F….Best Friend Harmony… and Z.. End Reginald is seated besides me age 26)
N N A M D I…Meaning “My Father IS…!”
N N A M D I/ I D M A N N…

I came down to help release Flips Line from the great Evil of the consequence of not communicating with me in the Eternal Beginning…when he innocently did not speak up with his innocent question as to how was he sure that I was and am the one I said I was..am…”
There is, nor was there anything wrong with that question..
You have to check the Facts… F..
That is what I do, but you have to communicate the question aloud, despite my having heard what he said because I am he, and he is now as Me….

9:04 p.m..

94…. 49…
ID.. D I..

9:05 p.m.
95.. / 59… I.E… E I…

E.I… NNAMDI… Bed 5-009… Anthony Malgren A.M… C V…
L/C.V… 110… 155….
Not Randall Wiltz ( who is innocent and simply being used by the Ancestral Spirit world.. but which I have also corrected that he will not be sacrificed because Terrel Law Taylor came to me just before he flung himself to his death and I opened my heart quietly to him because he did not go to Lorenzo, he came to me… he recognized me in the end as the code he represents… T L.. 20 12… 32.. 5…E)

Anyway, as Flip left, I went to buy a coffee after making plans with him for tomorrow to begin recording with him the story of E- after 25 years of looking for the correct persons that this expression was designated for… Which line…
It is Flip J Hendrixs line… that is the portal…
Sha-Ron Addison… S A… M E.. E…
Peter Nyarkô…
And I… P I N C O D E…To pass through Terrible Death now present…
How do I know, and where is it coming from…?

I bought a coffee, and it had the number 688… That is the same number which Peter gave me when he bought me a coffee Two days ago…
68 8…
And now 6 88… See sacred Portal 88… Ascension of H.R.G.. Ultimate Supreme Death… U.S.. D…
Mark U.S… Universe Supreme as the Beast…?
You dare!!!

Then Nixy from Chinese American arrived…
She was happy about the Snow.. I laughed…
First Day of Spring.. my ass… it is not set by a date, a number but by the Transformation of Winter…”The Winter of My.. our absolute Discontent…”

I then went outside, and saw a blue VAN Parked directly in my line of Vision…
Fucking was written on the side… and then there were Chinese characters on the front..
And then the words on the Windscreen …B.D…
But it was the license plate which caught my attention
My End is the Two… E,N..E.S… Emeka Nnamdi… E+N= 14+5=19.. S.. Sha-Ron…
E.S.. Emeka Sha-Ron… E.S… Energy Supreme…
Spirit E. Eternal…

9:24 p.m.. right now..
E S… 5+ 19.. 24… B.D.. While I was speaking hurriedly with Flip, Jace Horsford I noticed the appearance of Jace K Horsford liking something… I noted what his Harmony E-Spirit was saying… Jace means Healer.. Excellent Healer.. Maduabuchi Henry Excellent… The Two of Us now represented instead of One…
24=6… 6 6… 12 3…
6 +10… TEN.. 16… Letter P.
And Peter… P…
E S P… Extraordinary Sensory Perception…

Yes Patrick Okolo.. who recalled that of me 28 years later…
code 6:31 when he finally reached me… Recall he sent me a total of 510 USD… Randall bed 510 is on the side of the E undercover…
Dean Dunkwu sent 800 USD.. D D… 4 4… 8….

E S P… 5 19…and add the Planet P… 40… D.O… The first note of Do.. Manifested the Sphere Plants Round….
D O….I… NG…
Ali Diop..
A D .A M..
D A .-A.M…E.L… Lord E..

J.A M E L…and I finished our conversation at 18:04 p.m.
6:04 p.m.

Flip told me he had a Jamel connect to and was about to check his code cel number…
But so much was happening, I am tired…
I know who you are beloved…
Family of E…
S.P 110… And you have done the Journey I did and completed 22 years ago…
1996…In a place near Le Mann France… Poile Sur Vergre… meaning PENIS..

9:41 p.m.

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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