
3/21/2018 1:55 – Facebook Post

1:04 p.m.

Sacred Portal 104…

Ah… Lord, I am tired of this…
But there is progress…

The first thing is that at 12:38 p.m I recieved a text from Leland Johnson in which he asked how was I doing.

I immediately, knew why, ( especially with the code 38/83 which I represent) I asked him why he had sent me a phot of the 100 USD He had found outside of a hospital.
He said that he figured that I could tell him the meaning of what it meant.

I asked him if he had not read the pos which I had tagged him…

He said no…

I saw the play, that I would have to respond to it, as far as I am concerned that play is over and done, but apparently not, I had to get his response before the play could be seen as complete…
It is no coincident the Time Codes..
It shows how it is a Test, not set up by me but by the Unseen Hand or Hand


What’s up how’s ur day been…

I asked you a question as to why you sent me the photographof the 100 usd? I did not get a reply… ?

Because a it was that you find reasoning in a lot figure you would have an put on why I found it in a store parking lot

I did, did you not see the post I gave evidence that it was actually for me… see the equation…
12:45 a,m,


Leland Johnson-

No I didn’t

You were being asked to contribute with having to pay anything from your pocket.. I am on LELAND Street everyday.. But in the end the choice was up to you… Ah you did no I tagged you over and over again.. Crazy…

Go back to the day that you sent it and read the post… It is good to know that you did not see it… My God… what a fuckin play.. it was to save your line…

Leland Johnson:

No I still am try to figure who ur r

What was I supposed to

It didn’t come in my notifications

Emeka Kolo-

Ah then that is your test… there is enough evidence I can do no more.. That play was an act of compassion and grace to you.. Send it as a contribution and or investment to me- It is not my script but is meant to state that you appreciate and see the vakue in my work for Humanity over the last 6 years and on a higher plane it means I was made to go through hell for you or your line of what your represnet in the Awareness Matrix play

That is why you found it in a hospital… I Heal.. even long distance… rep of Evolved consciousness… te Line you represent sent it to you that way so that it would not have had to come from out of your pocket. 100 USD. Is C in Roman Nuberals… Consciousness… I raised the consciousness of your line to C.ee

( see the play of Nicola Robinson Jace Horsford Excellent Healer)

Leland Johnson

What don’t understand please

* I wrote my response below and his last response was as follows and then nothing;

Leland Johnson

This was my response.

Emeka Kolo
Ah… I have been rasing human Consciousness on the Energetic plane by being forced into a play where I was forced to leave in the ASTRAL PLane… wait..you said Shit.. what do you mean by that..? That I a, talking Shit?

Ah then that is your test… there is enough evidence,I can do no more.. That play was an act of compassion and grace to you.. Send it as a contribution and or investment to me- It is not my script but is meant to state that you appreciate and see the vakue in my work for Humanity over the last 6 years and on a higher plane it means I was made to go through hell for you or your line of what your represnet in the Awareness Matrix play.”

But then to my amazement and gladness ( for him he responded)

Leland Johnson

No I see were I should have been more on point an need to go though so I understand what I haven’t seen cause wasn’t looking

Emeka Kolo

My God! well done.. I was just making public your response… Because believe that has been my torture and my hatred of this play in that peolple were and are not paying attention. Which is the test of the so called Judgment Day… It is a Play of Human Evolution and a scrIPT i have been forced
and tortured bound for the last 17 years ( to the day ) to solve decode and bring it to the attention of Humanity but they chose as I knew not to pay attention despite the astounding evidence that I come from th eplaceof th etrue origins of the species.. and that this is the Awakening… What do you wish to do now.. I most post your response of yea or nay…?”

I am way too tired…
He has to reply either by sending the code money perhaps after reading the evidence to discern for himself, or say no.
But my task is done.

As I stated and you can see by the nuber Code 12:45 am and the last one at 1:28.am ( I am at 8 Likes on my Facebook Icon)..
that it is the play of Nnamdi Nnoyelum… Nature Naturalness evolved back to Flip J Hendrixs and Peter Nyarkô rep…
Two men and then back to me as the Original ONE…
The Elegant Nomad T.E.N.

It is this Script which I refused and will never forgive- making me prove that I am E.T and the Source of the Sorce Codes of Creatoion to this reality, and in this way, created by another in which I had to pass through a maze and labyrinth of Human beings and thier Stories Ideas and all thier doubts and disbelif that the Unseen had that the Source of Creation is a Man..
A Hue man being. in a Script and conditions which placed all the power of the support system in the Human beings which I was meant to convince of the truth by passing through their portals and re-collecting all the pieces all the fractuals of the original shred of All creation scattered and distributed to all the secret chosen ones whom I had to indentify, through moving through a wave and a frequency of not only disbelif, but intent on destroying that possibility of my every suceeding, and in conditions so inhuam and of things allowed to be done to me Unseen in the invisible realm so obsecene representing the sun total of Human Cruelty and then my enduring it by transforming it ad all diseases etc.. by using alchemy all in Human form with everyone against me right to a Shelter …
Solving the riddles of Existence… in this World.. in this Skin Color.. in this world mentalty of racism ,bigorty, fear, neagtion and the power and infection of Money Greed Jealousy and not able to walk away unless I succeeded or went mad..
1:44 A.M…
See the 144 Code which was on the 100 Usd of Leland Johnson
L B 144 29 855 V.

Leland Johnson L J… 12 10= 22.. V…
see my post just now of Peter Nyarkô 22…

Brenda was present and then Latoya also arrived but she did not sit besides us…
L B…Is actually Leo age 17 who arrived today but did not sit down, he arrived wit a beautiful young woman, but he was there yesterday with Randall.. .L.R… 12 18….30… Yesterday and all the days before.. I represented he B.. E.B.. Beauty as well as The Beautiful One.. and my British name is Victor…

L.B.. 14 42 98 55

Love Light Lighter and Lightness Beauty Being Victorious…

This is and was my fury with this Script.. and my calling it Null and void because It was done without my consent of Free Will through coercion… and Extortion… duress..
And though I still managed to Naviagate it and reach its end.. only that which I chose to focus and harvest on is real and the rest does not count….

1:53 a.m

I am at 10.. TEN on my World Icon..
That is the play.. I am playing against an Unseen force called sacred portal 104.. Com e Pass me Terrible Death… north east west south..”

1:54 a.m.. Nnamdi as Pure Evil… Reaosn Logic R.L.. Without a Heart..

1:55 AM,V

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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