
3/20/2018 21:42 – Facebook Post

5:40 p.m.


5-4… 5th April..

17 Years ago to this day I arrived in New York to finally face a story which had haunted my life.
As most of you are aware, or those of you who are reading this script in the future, I have been giving evidence that there is are literally unseen and invisible forces at play in this World.
Which has been influencing Humanity from the very beginning of time.
And other forced “meddling” with the blue print and the natural progression of the planet and the Plan-E.T.

The plan which had been laid bare in what i may call the Blue Print of Nature. Which demanded a simple thing of Humanity who had been given the gift of Reason.

And my being brought to New York- via messengers such as Durek Verrett to prove the truth of Existence being harmonious by a world Unseen which had existed here and then retreated into the shadows.
The realm of which of what people call the Magicians and the Wizards, Sorcery.. Magic.
But which is really Arts and Science, those who are aware of the Blue Print and the knowledge which is brought.. Nature.
But who also lost their way because they became unintentionally and many, intentionally corrupted by the power of the knowledge and knowing.
Arts and Science means “To Know..”
And to Know is to not become lost, and yet they were lost because they had forgotten the most important thing of all is sharing the information and to trust the expression of that Knowing exists also in the Blue Print.

Peter and Brenda just spoke about what brings them to Starbucks ( she seems aligned today.. but then this does not surprise me, this is a play… a deeply convoluted play and script and I do not take anything truly personally, but I take this Script personally. Because it took away my Free Will to prove that which is obvious and to prove in through the age of Reason.)
But I digress, They said that they come here to converse….
And then Peter said that conversations is Work…

And that is the basis of this my work, “The Obvious”
This is the Subject of the manuscript “The True Conversation Between Ah-Tom and Energy E…. Expression..”
It is that which I have been proving, that conversation raises the vibration of Awareness of Being…
And the Electro Magnetic Field…
And that is the subject of one of the Six Papers I wanted to Publish to avoid this last 8 years and posting on Face Book,
“Lyrical Conversation” – in which I stated and prove how conversation literally, literally affect reality from the molecular level to the very Fabric of Existence…

That it was Conversation which brought Creation into manifest being… Literally.

The problem
8:45..45…. Flip J Hendrixs just called Peter and then passed it to me, he was with a 17 year old kid called Alex who he had to take care of…
17 years in New York… but he said to me the first thing was that time exactly when he began speaking with me…8:45 : 45….right to the second. What made him say that… note that…
Nnamdi was born April 5th.. 4-5…
It is him and he did not link with Erik Ebright who appeared as if summoned on my page and whom I had said no to… No for his play… That this is not Nnamdi…
Here is the true portal of the Energy of Nnamdi…
6th sense…

Two code word by two youths just appeared before me one after the other…
One stopped before me wearing with the number 52 on his Knapsack. And the other with the number 0 but not as Zero in my perception but on Oval with the letters Okc
which I immediately linked to the human representation of the equations of Existence, logically represented by Human beings as opposed to abstract mathematical symbols, numbers- Obi Ckc Nwakonobi.
Another appeared, just a moment later with the letters C.V and Y.I. which alludes to the human avatar Anthony Malgren ( A.M) who was in bed 5-009 whom I recognized as the Avatar of my brother Nnamdi, and who in return recognized me without understanding why he felt a connection- which is always the case in this play with Human Avatars.
5-009 is 59.

At 5:59 p.m I connected with Cynthia Nichols. C.N.

Last year Chike Nwosu and old class mate linked to me by two class mates of my High School graduating class of 1982, the very year my brother passed, connected with my last year through another old class mate Dean Dunkwu, then just before than Patrick Okolo

6:07 p.m right now….
67 is the number which appeared on my coffee last night, first 688 which Peter, got for me.
EAnd the 670 When I received it myself.

As you know the equation for Pi…

Existence Creation is a Unified Field Of Energy.. U F O..E.
It is an E.M.F… Electro Magnetic Field and I have been proving that Individuals can literally ascend to vibrate on the very frequency of Universe Creation by following the Blue Print of Nature and Existence, by being Natural and Expressing Naturally.
Something which I am acutely aware, of how difficult this is made to appear to do and be.
But it is not.
And it has been my empirical experience that the more you ascend the more you vibrate increasing your E.M.F Current which then begins to harmonize with the U.F.O..E..
Which creates Attraction Magnetic.. which is linked to the Natures Blue Print of Existence. This Blue Print of Existence is actually a Wave- a Literal Wave as Science of this reality has confirmed of Sound and Color spectrum.
Meaning that Natures is a Symphony of Sound- waves of Music.
It is the C.I. SUM total of the Expression of Creation, and all which exist in the Natural world form the Music and the Notes, including Ourselves.

*( Yesterday I saw ETON..at the park “With No Name” -as I have just been told by the locals- which is a Full Circle… He is the one who sells Copper Sculptures…I had never met him there, but he said something strange- he said that he loved me and that I was a brother. ETON/ NOTE.)

*C..L/V is what a man who was “Moved” to come out from the line he was on, to come near me so that I could note that code he is wearing on his wine red cap.
C=100 IN Roman Numerals…
What is the relevance of this?
I noticed that the Two Men Dolls in my Locker Equation Art fell down today. These two men which I found on Taylor Avenue and McGraw and posted on line their codes which aligned to my very last sacred portal- which represent the First and last of my Sacred Portals- sacred geometry ( Well recognized Trina Fountain), represented by the Human Bodies ( Which I am in love with in their most refined and natural state, Male and Female this making me in that aspect perfectly B.I-Sexual when it comes to Beauty)
They are the Equation and portal of the entrance and exit into creation. Meaning that they represent the Equation of the Flower of Life of how physical creation manifested, but expressed through the literal flowers called the Human Body, the Ultimate Creation and the basis of my first clothing collection in London 1991 ( 19/91) called “The Body As Living Art” ( T.B.A..L.A… Truth’s Beautiful Alpha… 121.. Loves Awareness and the manifest Expression of Sixth Sense… which is the Solid Body.)
-This equation thus links to Sacred Portal 147 A. B..
147 depicts one being called “Emmy F.O.I… Fact O.I… Father Of Infinity… F.O.I.. Foi…”Liver” and Faith as Knowing…
The 147 Sacred portal represents Two Aspects of the Same persons who could be said to represent Heaven and Earth.
H.E.. Or the Two Awareness which the One Being Alpha.. 147 created the Equation or Blue Print, or Map, of the Human Flower of Life and Flow -Music of how to become One…

The sacred Portal 155 which depicts the Two men whom even the script manifested in this reality is represented by E and R…
Emeka/Edward and Randall Wiltz.
Emeka/Eric Robert…
Emeka/Edwin Rahul…
E+R= 5+18=se Mark…
E+R= 5+18=23

I just completed a extraordinary conversation with Peter which he recorded which lasted… 12 min 7 secs… 35 min 15 sec
I did not know the time, when I said that he should turn it off, because I knew it was complete. A moment later a person came in wearing these numbers
23 -45… 68…H.D…
And then I asked him the time…

As you can see that this aligns to Flip J Hendrixs when you go down and read further and that Peter is aligned to my sister…
He sabotages himself because he is afraid of pain, which is soo the story of my sister….
Afraid of being hurt

You and I.. is the music playing when Peter realized ” Emeka your an E.T” and so I began to explain, using back from the future…
And he responded,” we are in 2018 and you are…”

I responded, “I am from the End point of Human Evolution… Infinity the Eternal realm..
And that is when the music began to play “You and I”
Yes, you are from the same place..”

You see Peter Nyarkô represents something much more than just a young man who understands the value of the knowledge which I am sharing with him- he represents his name Peter and the Rock, the solid constant.
Even one might say the Rock Solid nature of my Truth which you see me standing on in sacred portal 147 A.B.
He represents the Evolution of the planet….
Link to Fritz Venneiq, Peter Nyarkô….F.P…V.N…
Free People Victorious Nature… Naturalness.
Yes Free People inherit the earth.
P.N… N.P… Natural Progression… Evolution.

Brenda is seated in front of Peter… B.P… Beautiful Pride..
Besides Peter is Meridith…. And he is seated besides me.
And besides me to my left is Nexy…

Do you see the Equation it forms?

I told Randall, the meaning of his last name Wild and extremely passionate and I asked him if this is true for him…
He said “Yes that is exactly correct…”
Named aligned to that in Being..

Excuse me that this post is so erratic so much is happening around me that I can barely write it all down…
But back to the equation of Pi… and the late Professor Stephan Hawkings and his death on Pi day…
I am the real Pi.. my name is Kolo…
It means the Circle Round… and as I went through today which seemed intent on irritating me, I completed a play with Lorenzo on bed 4-015 of calmly calling out his hypocrisy of seeing himself as better than the men in the Shelter…”At least they are not hypocrites” they are honest in the infection they carry.
I let him have it while Elvis and Eli who were working stood working…
They had indulged him, but I have no patience for such nonsense. The man would not stop talking to me as if he felt that he required something from me.
Morning afternoon and night….
And so I gave him that which he desired The Truth Honesty… a man on his knees day and night praying and representing the very evil of what men did to the truth, to the Spirit of their fellow man..
I am reading In the Name of the Rose….and in him I saw all that and I told this to him to the air and then I spoke in French to the Silence saying that I chose Francis Frick who is none of these things… He is an innocent and pure of E-Spirit….
I chose him I said… I chose him any day over this Hypocrite who knows better…
Then I left and I saw Allen Murray who had promised me 2 usd he had just opened jis dorm door.. he saw me and gave me the 2 usd.. Making it ten…
I walked to the Taylor avenue and a penny rolled out of my pocket and I looked down to see a pen with the meaning of my name “Round”

And so that is Pi…

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