
3/20/2018 1:55 – Facebook Post

….. Stephan Hawking passed away on Pi Day at the age of 76.

11:55 p.m.

…”We have this one life to appreciate the grand design of the universe and for that, I am extremely grateful

“Stephan Hawkings…


C… N……O.B.I.B. F-.E.C.E. I….

Code Chukwuemeka. Nnamdi.. OBI… Obi Ckc Nwakonobi

I.E…C E F.B I.B…O.N….C..

Exemplifed .. Cause & Effect… live on Face Book….of Infinte Being, ( Beauty) is O.N…Perfection OH Naturalness is One

“*Renowned theoretical physicist Stephen Hawking died on March 14, 2018, at age 76. This story, originally published on his 70th birthday on January 7, 2012, is being resurfaced to explain how he beat the odds and lived so long with the disease amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). Stephen

The Truth Of Everything… TT.O..E Pi O.E

The Fact Of Everything… T.F.O.E…

TT O E. T.F. O F..

Link Trina Fountain…T.F. 1086 Face Book Friend…
( The Elegant Nomad T.E.N. Sacred Portal 86… Victor Light Of Existence
…Unlike Sir Professor Stephan Hawkings I did not “Wander in my Mind.. from an Ivory Tower sponsored by a system of the absurd
Ï moved through People and the Streets of the World while I quietly Danced to the Music of the Univsersal Harmonics and I sang, putting words to the Music- represented by the People to whom I expressed and explained, placed like obstacles in my path but really were those who had forgotten they they knew the way….
Even in a script, of which Suffering is celebrated and those who denied my way from begining to end….

Raheem Sarcar shared this on his page today, and I just happened to come upon it and checked it, only to find that it is edited version in which Raheem cut out the part which reads

Ï believe the simplest explainationism there is no God. None created the universe, and no one directs our fate. This leads me to the profound realization that there is no heaven or after life either…”

I understand very well, why Raheem Sarcar chose to edit that part out.

“Raheem Shabazz” R.S…. Has left the play, and he confined me his given name as Kevin Shawn Kasion K.S.K, before he left….
K S K…
And then my harmony was moved to see Raheem Sarcar R S.. post about Stephan Hakwings…
I met him at Starbucks and he listened me as I spoke about my work… After listenig he said, Ëither you are the greatest Mind who ever existed, or you are a truly a beautiful Insane man – character…
Öf course, he chose the latter and then after I introduced him to Rahul D’Silva ( Noting R & R… 18 18.. 36.. 9.. I.. connect.. 360) they both politely ignored me…
All recorded here..

And if you will see that in Stephan Hawkings quotes that he often contradicts what he said in this quote. Which leads one to question the Intelligence of making such statements with such certitude when you are not really sure….

“But he made some interesting comments..

4. Aliens probably won’t want to be our best friends

While we’re keeping trim, working on our environmental problems, keeping AI relatively unintelligent, and putting our feet on Mars, we should also try to keep quiet.

Hawking was convinced aliens were out there somewhere.

“As I grow older I am more convinced than ever that we are not alone,” Hawking said in a 2016 film, Stephen Hawking’s Favourite Places.

In a speech he delivered in March 2017, he claimed, “We are witnessing a global revolt against experts.”


“We are just an advanced breed of monkeys on a minor planet of a very average star. But we can understand the universe. That makes us something very special.”


“The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance, it is the illusion of knowledge.”

Black Holes

“They’re named black holes because they are related to human fears of being destroyed or gobbled up. I don’t have fears of being thrown into them. I understand them. I feel in a sense that I am their master.”


“Black holes ain’t as black as they are painted. They are not the eternal prisons they were once thought. Things can get out of a black hole both on the outside and possibly to another universe. So if you feel you are in a black hole, don’t give up — there’s a way out.”

Artificial Intelligence

A.I. could be the “worst event in the history of our civilization.”

Enders Game
Ready Player One..

The problem with brilliant men like Stephan Hawkings is that how can you Theroy of Everything not include All points of View… or every culture… all Times Zones, every country and of every Human Expression Science Art Music Expression…
S A M E.. which can be done by simply listening to all points of view and then finding the common denominator and then going out onto the field to investiagte the facts…

I will not deny, when I found a Wave of Expression and Energy moving me to literally investigate the Sum total of Human Knowledge I had read through reading a great deal of great summaries of all the sciences expressed by the greatest mind in every culture, at the age 25-28 I did not think I would be called on to go out onto the field to investigate and verify all that i already knew and recognized from that which was already within me and by my living in the Silence of my own private research and investigation and conclusions.. I had done this for myself so that I could live a life which was not only able to retain my inner truth and perspective, but which allowed me to naviagate what I had long since understod of this reality being Alien… and not really real.
But I planed to enjoy th eexpreience and ride by getting all the data on this strange realm.
But to go out into the field I balked… For whatever for?
I already had got my truth.
But no matter how much I sought to live me life, I was constantly “Meddled With”

Something of that sort took place today after I returned to the shelter…
Randall Wiltz

Wolf Shield… ( Lawyer… Law” he called out today when I returned to see him seated with Edward Mohammed. E.M.
Is the Sheild

I knew when he arrived alone without Edward and sat besides me and began to work that his Higher Slef as well as his Human self was recognizing me as the E… The Original Edward.)
I knew that especially after I completed the equation of Nnamdi and he arrived onto the scene and already knew my name…
I knew it when he spoke of Finesse…
I already knew what and who he represnted when completed the equation and post which disappared, vanished.. about the how E rose from the Nothingnes and that E ( I) was the source of that nothingness.. “Nothing is the MATTER

1.47 a.m.
S.P..147 A B…
And then my Reflection Rose when I returned full circle to the Inside of the I.. After doing the Full circle.. and how I left with him and went outside and completed the 2nd full circlebut with my reflection Embodied as my sum total of expression now in form of my B R O…
Link arrival of Nicola Robinson… see the meaning of Nicholas… N R.I
B R.O…

And so when I arrived, a play took place… with Edward rising to ask me for knowledge as I went to get my food from Alexis and Pamela…
But I have no more time or energy right now to recount what took place…
But at the completion of the play…
Randal winked… as I moved upstairs…
He had understood what had taken place and who was is the E..The C the I.. and the O…

1:54 p.m

And Peter Nyarkô bought me a pack of Tobbacco and wished to buy me food… but I said no, unless he could afford it wish I knew he could not really but wished to show appreciation for the work I had done so obviosly today..
Edward did not/

1:55 A.M

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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