
3/20/2017 19:04 – Facebook Post

3/20/2017 19:04 – Facebook Post

A Dream within a Dream within a Dream within a Dream… within a Dream E.T.C..

Since Inception Conception…

I do not think so…

More like Like Endless Drama…

The BASE Meaning….
Equation Answer Understanding True Expression is to Dig..
Until you get to the bottom of things…
The truth that you can walk on and responds with Solid Confirmations consistently constantly linked with Logos and Reason…
Light Radiance….

Mine is taking place even as we speak, in my body… Inside outside, on face book, in the Shelter, in the past, in the present in actuality.. called the Future…

First Day of Spring…

16 Years to the Day I arrived in New York..
I took a Taxi from the Airport to Chucks Apartment right next to St John The Divine…
John Thomas David Beloved…

*(John Thomas is the Penis Cock.. The Beloved Sword..
ask any man if his Penis is not Beloved to Him…
That is the True Romance of Romeo and Juliet…
Jose Roque…
Jose means to Add.. He Raised… Roque Means A Rock.. To Rest.. and A Scribe Priest or Recorder…
Yes.. He Raised his Sword.. Engorged and as Solid as A Rock, he penetrated the Darkness and of his See and then used his Seed
“Nenad”…Nenad M. Djurdjevic also means “Seed”,
and then he paused, in Extase Bliss of Sensational Feelings which Enveloped him in his Awareness which became his Body of his See Divine, and then proceed to Record as a Scribe and a Priest at worship, the Blue Print of Existence with his Balls the Two as the Witness to the One”)

…Transformed by this Current Consciousness into Donald J Trump.. D.J.T.)

And the Taxi C.A.B..Played the Janet Jackson song “Control”
And within 24 hours of my arrival, his girlfriend jealous of the strong bond of the “Brother hood of man forming” made a play and when rejected, had her Chuk ask me to leave the next day…
4:44 p.m.

Nick had sent me to him.. N to C…
And from Nicky I had been at Jons… J..
J.N.C….10 14 3…
/ 3 14 1O….
3.14 1 O Is 15…
P.I..3.14 “1” 15…

It would seem that I am really I,P man who came to bring Dawn Marie (56) P.i… As WU-Man.

Before Jonn I was at Pascal house in Istanbul where I lived as I got my things organized to leave the Country leaving a massive trunk there because when it was time to leave he was no where to be seen..
Pascal Koloko…
Meaning of Pascal is “Spring… Easter”

Before that I had left my home all packed to stay with Clio Fotiyadis and her son Ege Mutaf…
And before that I was at my House….Rumelli Hissar.. R.H…

E..R.H…. E.C..P..J..N…( J O N) then across the “Pond” to C…

Nicky put me in touch with two old friends.. Christine and David…
N C-D..C…Thus my journey across the Pond began at N…
Nicholas.. Which Means “Victory Of The People”
( V.O.T.P…5 O..E O…20 16…)

From Chucky’s I met Eric and Todd… E.T… And I was invited to stay with both.. I chose to stay with Todd in Flushing Jamaica Queens..

Chucky to Todd… C.T… 3 20…
3-20-2001…. C.T.U…

Todays Date… 3-20-2017…

5;00 p.m.

16 Years.. See sacred Portal 16.. A-lien Mother.. A.M..
Event Horizon… E.H. 5 8… Sacred Portal 58..
Spirited Away Home.. “S.A.H..Assah!…Beautiful Exceptionally Beautifully… Sah! Sir….The Correct Way… ( T.C.W… Tom Cecilia Wiebers)
T.C.W… T.C…20 3… See sacred Portal 20 3 and 23….

I had a Doctors appointment… There is a New Doctor who has replaced Doctor Gauge..
Doctor Eileen Thomson .. E.T… 5 20. 2 O Two Full Circles

*Origin of the name Eileen: English variant of the French Aveline, a name derived from the Germanic Avila.”

Note St Theresa of Avila… Sacred Portal 8..
“The Ecstasy of St Theresa of Avila…”
Cecilia Theresa .. C.T.. 3 20…
(My Mother and her immidiate younger Sister who passed at age 50 Both went to Irish Catholic Covents at the same time..
My Two Mothers and Sisters”)

*Ellen itself is the Medieval form of Helen, from the Greek Helene, which could be derived from Selene, from the Proto Indo-European “light, brightness”. It can be argued that this is a second meaning of the name Eileen.[original research?]

Extase.. Light Brightness.. E.. L. B…
Elizabeth Lisa Brenda…

Emeka Lorenzo Beloved Oscar William…E.L…B.O.W..
Coude Coudre…

Thomson (surname) Thomson is a Scottish patronymic surname meaning “son of Thom, Thomp, Thompkin, or other diminutive of Thomas”, itself derived from the Aramaic ??? or Tôm, meaning “twin”. … The French surname Thomson..

Ecstasy.. Light Brightness… O.W… O.VV. O 55… O.EE…

5:52 p.m.
Yes it is a Play of the Divine Mothers.. Divine Sisters.. D.M… D.S…
They are present as we speak…

So let is continue…

..Are the Sons of the Twins.. The Two…
T.W..O.. 960… 9+6=15.. 15 Letter O… 158 O.H…
1+5=…6… F…

Eileen also means Hazelnut…

Hazel Nut Walnut Chest Nut.. H.
Prostrate Gland
Pineal Gland
Pituitary Gland…

*The prostate is a compound tubuloalveolar exocrine gland of the male reproductive system in … H&E stain. Urinary bladder (black butterfly-like shape)
A healthy adult prostate weighs about 20–25 grams (2/3 to 3/4 of an ounce). It measures 4 x 2 x 3 centimeters (1.6 x 1 x 1.2 inches)”

Wall-Nut.. Tu N-Law… Tunnel Law…

5:58 pm.
Pituitary Pineal 5 5-8 cm

I can not believe what the E.T line are making me do…
And Weave!

In vertebrate anatomy, the pituitary gland, or hypophysis, is an endocrine gland about the size of a pea and weighing 0.5 grams

Pineal It takes its name from its pine-cone shape. The gland is reddish-gray and about the size of a grain of rice (5–8 mm) in humans.

“hard seed,” Old English hnutu, from Proto-Germanic *khnut- (cf. Old Norse hnot, Dutch noot, Old High German hnuz, German nuß “nut”), from PIE *kneu- “nut” (cf. Latin nux ; see nucleus ). Sense of “testicle” is attested from 1915. Nut-brown is from c.1300 of animals; c.1500 of complexions of women.”

*”Meaning “crazy person, crank” is attested from 1903, (British form nutter first attested 1958; nut-case is from 1959); see nuts.”

*1958… Nut… 19 58.. 59…

*a dry one-seeded indehiscent fruit that usually possesses a woody wall
(not in technical use) any similar fruit, such as the walnut, having a hard shell and an edible kernel

A Head..
Nuts and Bolts…

“Egyptian Religion.
the goddess of the sky, sometimes shown as a cow bearing Ra on her back and the stars on her underside.

This is a Riddle…
I was sent a code yesterday with code P.I.N.E.A.L…
which is 5-8
The Pituitary is 5
The Prostrated is 2-3….

It is a Riddle of Transformation..
P P P … 16 x 3 of th 3rd Planet.. Sex Energy Sacred Portal 51…48
16 yrs x 3..48.. S.P.. “Beautiful Death Transformation”
Month of March 3rd Month…

4th Planet…

PPPP…Add Particle Wave God… 16 x4.. 64… The code again I saw all today… Fifth Dimension.
F.D…Fifth Dimension
4 is Mars… But really is April “Open”- Spring Transformation.
Heart Chakra…

PPPPP..with Planet… 16 X5..80… 8O.. H.O/ O.H
..Jupiter 5th Chakra Expression…
80.. See the Feminine Twins Sacred Portal 80… Around the World in 80 Days?
Hours 480…
Mins.. 480… 960 Face Book Friends…

No 80 Secs… 1.20…12 L.. Lisa Natalie Johnson was just here…
3.. C.. Speed of Light..

It ( Epiphany Realization News of the Awakening goes around the world 80 secs.. Compete at 1.Min 20…
1 2 0… See sacred Portal 120.. And 3.

16 x 6..
Add Praise… P.R..A.IS.E… That is is ‘Aise”
Easy like Sun Morning..
Exemplified by Nenad M. Djurdjevic after I guided him…
6 ..Saturn… 19×6=96…
960 Face Book Friends….!

It Ends at 6… 9 is 6..!!

I had Deborah she is still here but I can not find her probably because it because she went incognito…

See the Alignment

Lisa.. Brenda…

Brenda means

In Scottish the meaning of the name Brenda is: From the Norse, meaning sword or torch, this name was originally used only in the Shetland Isles of Scotland, but spread to other parts of the English-speaking world after Brenda appeared as a heroine in Sir Walter Scott’s 1822 novel The Pirate.”

“Sword Torch”


Michaël Trahé….

Frances Reynolds

Sali Iakane

First letter of their names Form a Code…

D.M. F.S…

Delta Manor…Divine Manifestation.. Feelings Sensational..
Face See.. Fact Supreme…


7:04 p.m.


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