
3/20/2016 18:53 – Facebook Post

From Michael O’Donnell

3:2O p.m.

Ha..Will you look at that,
the time, aligns with todays Date,
which is the exact day I arrived in New York 15 years ago today,

(To the music of Janet Jacksons album ‘Control..alluding to the battle of 15 years to “wrest” consciousness of Control-Fear mentality, by Full Circle “15=letter O”, proving the Consciousness Harmony is Supreme.. And thus, in a Energetic play, a great contest between these two took place in my literally experience, of two Awareness playing a game of Chess, with Humans- unaware, being moved…by these two Awareness.. Fear versus the Eternal Truth..)

It also aligns to My Sacred Portal 32, “Eros Kali” and Sacred portal 3-2 “The Trial off Divine Mother-Devi put on trial by the Children of the World.. Human Beings and their Spirits-Minds”

Captain America has been an integral part of the equation or anchors in this reality, beginning with my former colleague and host at 268..4th Street Generation X gardens…

Captain America.. C.A.. 3 1..Alludes to Sacred portal 31 “Resurrection Restorion..” And Sacred portal 3 and 1.. “Joy to the World”…

And to my recent 5 42 Face Book friend Christine Barclay.. C.B..
Which Alludes to the equation Truth-Love (Truth is Love and Love is C-Light..Consciousness..Seeing Correctly)
T.L= 2O12.. The date of the Mayan Calender…And the generated fear of the end of the World- really meant to signify an end to an Era…”
2O12 was the code with linked me to Green street where I was at the time and marked the beginning of my Weaving on Face book.. Green is the 4th Color, and left Green street to go back to East 4th Street (Color Green, Number-4), 268 Generation X Gardens whose co founder, A.Santana, who was aware in his own story of an evolution story and where Super Heroes- Evolved being would rise…


That was forth street and now I have been at 18 Mountain View 8 months to the day yesterday, (15 Years to the day today)…
with a code which links to a code represented by Donna O’Sullivan D..
Haun Delguidce..D (Jonn Blackwell), and posting on Michael O’Donnell page D… and to Devi…through the line of Davids.. I have 9 face book friend

I lived at 268 East, for 4 years straight, D, and total of 9 years (8 years 11 months to be exact..8 11…)..

The correlation of Green, the 4th Color in the Spectrum Rainbow visible to the Human eye…to Numbers (A Matrix.. 4 years Planet Mars- God of War, 9 years, Pluto-Hades, the underworld.. 8 months here – planet Neptune-Poseidon), then to people…with the letter D, also the alignment to Green… All manifested through Expression Sound…
A Constant talking, expressing creating since leaving the Green House in Soho which was a portal into the Under world. A place that had been transformed from a building with amazing potential but was a pigsty..
Into a Art Gallery exposing Intel for me about the mission, through the artists subconscious self rising and coming through the art which the Green House attracted…
I had met Sean Bono there.. who provided me with a Map- A portrait of my brother Nnamdi, whom he drew from his subconscious- and a painting of the three pyramids…

As you may have observed, I am explaining the way I Cee…See..

First I ground the facts.. Like Stones.. or Stars..
Then I link them.
Connect the Dots using a line of logic and reason which links A-B, which then begins to form a picture..
The Ground is Michaels post, the Image…is the “Ground” I am using as a basis, because, as I began to post- having no idea what I was about to say (I hardly use thought, I link.. much easier and less danger of becoming subjective and messing with the objective truth of the Intel..)..

Now, I have gone Full Circle out of my way, to explain how “I Rise” from the Ground.. and move up to Space-Mind Heaven- and a propulsion of Rocket Fuel of Transparency and using the Consciousness of “Logos 3 C, and Sixth Sense Facts..3 6, C.F to rise from Earth to Heaven by building “Ja-Cobs” Ladder of how the”E-Saw”…Sees..
And the facts stones are the links..
There is no interference from myself.. only the facts…
And then reaching the Heights is when you have gathered all the facts and then Full circle seen and read the meaning..
I see the picture from above of what the meaning is of that which is below…

I have expanded on a Picture of a Comic hero- taken in the expression of Micheal- and his alluding to WWII, when Captain America and other Super Hero”s S.H.. Were created…And why..
Versus and aligned to the my Factual experience of 9 years and and 8 months.. and 10 years (1O) since I left The Green House in 2006..26..
found myself at 26-8..Generation X gardens- where I had never met the persons who would be my host for 4 years straight and on and off for 9 years…Just as I had never met Jonn or Donna before, as well as all the peoples who homes I had lived in for the 15 years in New York…
Playing Sherlock Holmes.. S.H… A more logical Super Hero..
Evolved Consciousness…

*I recently found myself watching Sherlock Holmes.. the series with
Benedict Cumberbatch, B.C…
Link Christine Barclay..C.B… A Mirror effect… would you not say…
And which version would be the Original who is reflecting whom?

The time of this post, began- which prompted the direction of this post took was 3:2O… 32…C.B…

And so one sees the Chess game..
See Susanta Nayak painting on my page under photos…
There is muscle man, showing is strength, and a Chess Board wit Tan pieces…
Strength as physical force-Control Dominion.. versus Manipulation the subtle female consciousness perverted, just as the male consciousness perverted into physical strength…
And of course, the players on the board, lets say one player who is aware that he is being moved and fights back by using the Consciousness of Harmony to prove back into the two awareness the true Masculine and feminine principles..
See sacred portal 54…

Solving in the midst of an unimaginable viscous battle field the alignment of the two back into One.
Returning the two governing principles of this current Existence, back into one, through the language of this reality Reason Intellect and Logic-Order..
Represented by Michael O’Donnell, a clean consciousness of logos, so rare now in the confirmed, and certified world of this reality..

Which is where the relevance of Lord Michaels expression…
For in this play, it has been affirmed and confirmed that Michael represents the Best of Western or even the Cartesian consciousness…

And in this posts as nearly all of his posts, the alignment has been always a pleasurable process of our aligning each others expressions in Harmony..
Meaning My consciousness representing the E line Cee, and his representing this worlds “Healthy” Cee… grounded in this World view…
3D Consciousness where he is representing the best Minds and Beings Expression in this human time line of Western Philosophy..

Aligned to the Book, I read before I came here, “Sophie’s World”.. S.W..
S,A.W. E..
E-saw… Jac-Obi’s (One Kenobi..obi means Heart)

And so this is the end play one might conclude of linking the Cee of the E line to that of the Blue Print and template of the True Eternal Hero’s of the Golden Dawn..Zorro!
Under cover in the Western stories from ancient times to the recent past..
I am representing the True Present..
The moment to moment description of what is manifesting, as I post each day the News of the World.

4:32 p.m.

Linking right in front of you, from my not knowing when I begin a post, where it would lead to…
6th Sense in the Dark, but not Blind.. Moving from 6th sense to Light…
8 months here, 8-11 months at 268..5 years since 2O11 “Story of the True Conversation between Energy E and A.H.Tom, the Twins- the first harmony One and the New Harmony Eight.. O.E…
1O years since the Green House, 15 years to the Day
1.One full Circle…
since 1988, When I left University.. My thesis “The Circle”
1989- My response to this world- that I would prove that Everything is in Harmony from the very First Note…
represented in Jonn Blackwells codes-8-5, and Donna O’Sullivan codes 58,
Linked to Susanta Nayak Code 58. 57-58…June..6 month.. 66… 12..
in a Leap Year…

And So as you can see I have already given the View from 18 Mountain View..
A pinnacle and the Apex view of Michael’s post on Captain America..
Linking it from the ground from the image while keeping the meaning of his comment in the back of my mind..
And instead, using the steps to build a ladder or perhaps a pyramid (There is also the Elevator, Ascension.. but I am not allowed to do it that way in this play, 26-27 Years.. A-Z..Z-A…

Expression Sound and Silence- linked to Color, the Numbers.. Painting By Numbers.. A Matrix a Holo Deck.. 10-9 years.. The Sun is the 1-1Oth planet…Pluto called Hades.. 9 Months gestation before a Woman gives Birth…

Sun Pluto… Sacred Portal…
4:46 p.m… Jonns car Blue G.T.I..13 46..see sacred portal 46..”First Drop from the Sky Heaven..(S.H..S.H.E.. Sherlock Holmes, John Watt-Son and Mary…Nut.. Yes Mother Night Sky, Father Day…

Sacred portal 4..and 6 both of the Divine Feminine.. D.F..46…
Who source is a Divine Mann..
Who moved from Solid ground and rose to the Height of the Cee of Existence through Being a “Mann”.. and so Earth Moves to Supreme A.H Heaven, through the expressions of others..
and now he seen the full Picture by linking all the facts, full Circle which creates a beautiful view.. And now with this meaning linked, I bring forth from the library of my mind the comment written by Michael…
And align it for that is how I must now ground,
in the Truth of his 3D expression Expanded to Infinity Eternity..
I.E.. by climbing from the Pit of Human Existence which I live Symbolic of the Basement.. the Under world.. to transform Darkness to Light..

Meaning a Mann was the first to Climb to the Heavens and bring it light,,
And what it revealed was the blue print of his very experience and expression from Earth to Heaven to see from a different light, and expanded view..
The Truth of Existence…only rise to see his own reflection
(Ja-ck and the Beanstalk)…Only to see him seated on a Throne on Cloud 9..
seated on a throne..
Isis Osiris
And in that instant “See! Cee.. Ah thats me!”
And after a Pause to take in which gave birth to Eternity..

I look down to where I could land in the Clean Mind reflecting this world..
And not them mind of the Insane who define them selves as the Beings of Reason… They very ones who discount that others exist, and have minds of their own…

And so, I see where I land perfectly aligned to Michaels Expression in which Propaganda- Gossip is the Lesson..
“Hiel Hitler”.. H.H.. is this not how he conquered the world..
not with an army but with his machine which still infects the moves the World..
The power of wrapping lies in truth..
by appealing to the Worst sides of a Human Being instead of its best
Sabrina Lemieux..Le Mieux… The Best…

And as one might have perceived,
if you can read..
Ebony Queen and Sabrina Lemieux
arrived together as 54O-541 face Book Friend…
Equation 5th Dimension..
And in Mind where does in land…
D D D D… 4 4 4 4.. Square.. 16…7..
Crown Chakra representing Ra..
Lines of Common sense logos and Reason the Sun…
Sunshine Re! E…
Sunshine Rae…S.R…Stone Ridge…

And where does this sunshine State land
Which part of Michael’s Post….will I land on?
All but the Sunshine is the understanding
Its is his expression of ‘Enter the Dragon” in which he describes in the language of this realm intellect and reason the same thing which I have proven using the same intellect and logos order reason…
but I am using the consciousness of the E.T
And he and I link and merge at the Consciousness of the Child..
Clarity Truth..Vision.. I.Cee!
That is the consciousness of a child..
And Creative-Magical linking all based on Facts and experiences down here of Truth and facts…

Every room of model of the Cube of the matrix, is there for a reason..
the cube expands-just as Bruce Lee smashes all the mirrors of self deception to kill the “Claw” to prove the truth of the “C-Law’ is not cowardly deception and manipulation…It is seeing beyond the viel..
Gay-Marie Bradshaw… yes they are blue beings…than-you for your intel..
Christine -Kristine Baluba
Susan Otelia Nelson..
Seers.. yes many now are seeing beyond the veil…

Each room expands outwardly,
but each room is a construct which this time line created through Mind..
And your journey is to Free your mind..
and the only way to free your mind is to open your mind to possibilities..
And then observe in the World mirror, the structure… if that truth appears..
Each Room, start with the first room you created as a Child.. your secret Garden, then Family, then Friends in school, then life, romance job, community, society world..universe… Your Existence..
All are social constructs, behavioral Patterns, illusion which you must break through one by one- by linking that which is true in each room and that which is false..When you have aligned that room- process- experience -existence.. You will see the correct image reflected on the World Mirror linked to the Reflection of Mind.. really Heaven…
Which of course is really on Earth and your Body and Being.. The consciousness at which you perceive the world…

Just as people witnessed me pass non stop for 4 years on Face Book,
through non stop people and their homes, each time defeating the illusion- by proving and raising the expression of the Eternal Truth..

5:32 p.m.

And over 5O homes in the 15 years..
until reaching Area 51 …
Linked to the same meaning in realm of Fact and Fiction..
T.V..Tele Vision.. and Ti-V.i.e..
Meaning the highest note of Existence
the Crown Chakra Ti Note ..
is what did you do with your life…?

I watched Michael O’Donnell..
He chose to evolve..
Because he showed respect for my expression..
Listened not judging but instead offering his opinion which brought forth worthy exchange which I could correlate to with the usual stench of Caucasian Cartesian superiority…

So, yes.. From E Art-H- to Heaven -Supreme…S.H…E through Expression…then to the magnificent view..
and then.. looking down where this Light and blue print can land…
in the 3D mind…
Linking the Male Authority principle that is is clean and the true meaning of being an authority, is because you investigated the truth..

15 years you journeyed.. is it not Micheal
and never you said had you encountered an expression such as mine..
15 years to the very Day.. 3-2O, Day to the very Hour…
Did it ever occur to you Beloved line of M.I=K.E brothers..
that is you are reflecting the same Truth…
But in the 3D.. Mi.. R-OY-G.. Mi..Golden..
M. 1+3=4 D…
And explaining the 4th Dimension …
from moving A.B.C..to D..O.E/
and I am meeting converging merging at E.O
A B C.. To D.DO.E/E.O.H.F..E…

Full Circle both a Journey of 15 years..
You around the World and myself locked in New York..
and America- a prisoner the last 15 years…
A Slave, while Free, because people get hung up on the question of color..
And the rules of a society gone in sane..

The structures to break in the Alignment of the Architects perspective is the same as the alignment of All aspects of you which every Existed…
Aligned to one from here to Infinity…
5O-Homes 15 years… To reach area 51…
Energy Ah-Tom…the twins 8 11… 19..88… 27years..

“On March 3, 1845, Florida became the 27th state to join the United States of America. The state was admitted as a slave state, although initially its population grew slowly.”

2-7..B.G… Blue Green.. the Bee Gee’s.. Vocal range.. 5-4th Colors…
Fifth Fourth Note.. F.F..N.. 66.. Nature.. N=14=5..
All E..
Uniting the Eternal Heroes of the Golden Dawn…
They came down the Supreme Sensei’s back…
Hindsight.. the Past is the Universe…
Time and Space…
That means that though they came from the Past, they came from a place from beyond this Time Line..
because Eternal Heroes means they came from the Eternal Realm..
The 5th Dimension and landed in the 3rd via the 4th which is the link..
123-4-5… That is the past but also the Eternal Future.. E,F..56..
Eternally Present..
To solve this riddle was not difficult , because I used facts and empirical evidence , and the emotional experience lightened up to uses.. very similar to Susanta Nayak art…
Even if I had to alone and face the entire world and the filthy rotten stench of a Room whose purpose had been reached and instead of being Dissolved and then expanded to the next evolutionary logical step.. It became stagnant, content with living in excrement and feces, and swim in the Vomit of its expression- poisoning the Water and the Well being of the All..
Aqua Mentis
Ashlie McGrath..

Water is the A.M..Compos Mentis.. Cecilia Maurice…C.M..
Energy = C.Me 4/3… I am currently at 543 Face Book Friends
43 is equated to Sacred Portal 43″True Life” out of tis realm and into the Eternal Realm…
Its is the Son of Grace…Lady by the Lake, Ala Mami Water. A,M
Aphrodite Diana Moon..
Donna-Representing the Lady of the La K.E

LA DY.E.. Kolo meaning ‘Round Full Circle” Emeka- Chukwuemeka” – Praise the Creator Well Done..”

Dye See Lydia in the Bible…
Lydia/ A.I.D..Y.L.. Yellow 25 12.. 73… ‘O-Boom Boom. 5-2O-73..
E.T..G.C… See Sacred portal 73.. Sensie of Self Mastery in the Desert tempted and conversing with Wisdom who humans called the Symbol of Evil…D.E..VI.L..C

Evolve to 25=G…12..3.

E.T..God C.O.D.E..
E.T George Clooney… Sandra Bullock..S.B..Gravity…
Savannah Blair…
is conquered by reading the God Code… The Facts..

After all you did not create or Design the law and Structure of this 3D realm He/E.H.S did..
Respect would be reading the writing on the Wall.
The Instruction Manual Explained..

Instead of infecting the air with a point of view
consistently proven untrue..

6:2O p.m.

F.T…26.. 26 8..
Face Book Full Circle…

That is why the one unforgivable “Sin’
is to go against your Spirit..
because it is the Eternal E-spirit who
will always tell you the Truth..

And to deny It..
Is to deny your Existence…
Tis not Suicide which is the one Unforgivable Sin..
It is lying denying your Eternal Truth- Creative Force

Because He She is the only thing that is real..
And so to deny Him Her their expression to ignore it mock it..
you are sending your self out of Existence..
For Existence Creation is the literally the Eternal Truth..

David Arro Racz… That is why one must always have the facts,
and Confirmed Affirmed – because knowledge is as water, must be refined and refined, until it became pure transparent water.. Which has passed through so many filters..
In Jonn and Donna’s home they use a Q.C filter…
Q.C is Queens Counsel…
The E Transformer…
Stone and Rocks.. Crystals..
used as the first filter…

Filter your words..
because to poison the water
that is the unforgivable sin..
It brings non Existence..
This is the Lie is the ultimate Sin..
Especially if you forget or do not care to clean up your expression
the Eternal Truth will send you out of existence
but not without first sending you the Messenger of Everything the one who knows.. The Patient one.. Meaning of the name Sabrina…

And when He says no more..
then it is done..

A lesson for those who do not listen and to those who do not realize that the true meaning of God.. is Law…
Natural Law.. N.L..I.E.. E.N..I.L…Expression Nature Infinite Limitlessness..

Phew… 4 years of this.. The Unforgivable Sin..
Not respecting the Sine and Sign of Eternal Truth….

6;39 p.m


After giving the message right to the end..
And people being self centered to the End..
And who do nothing to help or aid..
but feed on his intelligence to the end..

Which is not of the Beautiful Truth..
Michael O’Donnell was the First to offer elegantly
Aid when I was living in the Shelter..
and I knew that he was not the portal I had to pass through because it meant leaving New York…

From the very first moment there was a recognition of value..
and respect..
And so I ended up instead being offered Jonn Blackwell and Donna O’Sullivan door..
Was it the correct door?
No. I made that perfectly clear..
It represented going once more into the Matrix…
And forging the portal through here..

I came here because it was where the play wished me to pass through…
6:45 pm..

There is something I had to Re-Create and Destroy…

And so, its was to Locate Paradise..
And manifest the true meaning of E Hell Fire
for those unforgiven because they lied to their very own Eternal Truth
and hence anything can be done to the because they do not Exist..
This is the only reason that I.E was really betrayed by the D line and C line..
They wished to give the World the proof…

But not at my expense because I already knew those who would listen and those who would ignore..
I already know the story.. I have been in this role and play before..
Which is how I recall the Eternal Realm as the Truth
and this world a lie.

15 Years of Living Hell…
A Gift of the Filthy Consciousness of this current World View…

6:52 p.m

February.. 28- 29
Leap Year..E..


Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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