
3/2/2018 20:36 – Facebook Post

5:19 p.m.



There is a Storm here, rain and sleet are pouring down.

I woke up at 7:06 a.m.

Then took a nap and woke up at 3:21 p.m

I observed Cheryl and Bey, the nurse and the Director of this facility as I stood alone under the awning smoking a cigarette.
E C B…Literally in that order as they descended the steps, with me at the landing.

*See todays date…3-2…C.B… E C B… 5 3 2 ( 3+2=5)

I then started untwisting my body, fighting to re-align it, while using self mastery to not succumb to the horror and impossibility of how much my body has been twisted intentionally.
It is a battle which will continue all day.
Along with my battle with my Thoughts and Reflections at what I am being put through, Intentionally.
And the implication of it, the stark implications of being confronted with a selfishness and evil and a total disregard for your own Self.
And of course, the constant confirmation that this is not waking dream. “A Songe… A Ballad…
*See the Film the Book “Never Cry Wolf”- by Carol Ballard. C.B
This is not a Songe.. It is a Waking Nightmare…. W.N…
And a voice, my voice, on an Internet forum called Facebook- a Web, an Abyss of Expression mostly filled with Lies, Gossip, Hypocrisy and Violence enacted to each others Spirits- and bodies streamed live…
-From this place is one voice raised in Song…
The Song of E… Eternity… Home.
The Voice of Memory, Total Recall, forced to descend into the Abyss an entire life 49 years in the abyss of Non Existence he had been condemned to bring the pieces together, of that which he knows you never forgot.
To painfully link and weave the threads of memory , the tissue, the weave and tapestry which through Expression Sound Waves Embodied and Modulated to a Frequency to bring a Species out from their Secret Gardens, their Dens.. To wake up to hear the Song, of this lobe Voice Singing the original song he sang, but this time through a river of “Sange” shed in Gods Name… GN..

“GN; Brother”,, Flip J Hendrixs.

And yet Gods Name -Yeshua.. Yes Harmony is Understanding Awareness…. Yes H.U.E.. AH… To lighten up the heaviness notes ( Peter Nyarkô on the Piano in G major) of the drama of color with the Luminosity of Love Light and Laughter by seeing the Humor in all things when lit up with Clarity of the Full Circle of Symmetrical Perfection.

6 years I have sang on this Forum.
8 years I have recorded on it the A.M
17 years, in New York following the WAVE of Yes-Hue-Ah! Christ… the Notes and the Waves, of The Creator, The Artists, the Designer.. the Intelligence.. Humans as the Natural are the Original Notes and within them is the MUSIC…the Eternal Truth… the Waves, Stillness and Movement…
S A M..E… Two who are really one.

Has a Being ever been this alone.. ever?
For in the Eternal Beginning there was no fight or battle to make rise the Expression Eternally Embed with All things..
It was Music Song and Dance…

I came into the World to Dance… and to make rise the E..Family.
Only to find that all of them passed through a storm…
moved by the 6th Sense of a Song the could not remember the Words.
And so, I found myself putting, putting word to the Universe.. The Unifying Verse, the Universal Song of Understanding the Music comes from taking a Stance.
Being that note, that one constant Note…

For example here in at Starbucks it is Yarskaary, the you pregnant very elfin young lady who I met here when I first arrived.
She had observed me, checked and even tested me, and I was aware, and like a Wolf I submitted myself to a female Wolves inspection.
In Farley Mowatts book “Never Cry Wolf” she would be the wolf he named Angelina, and I would be perhaps George, Uncle Albert.. and the Stranger.. the Wolf who joined that family in the End…
Since the moment of that inspection and investigation, observation and her comments, even to the so called Elders – Why can’t you guys be quiet and chill as Him ( me).
..I have never paid the full amount for a coffee.
She charges me the minimum with resolute will which nothing can thwart.
She had not only made up her mind, but come to a conclusion.
She represents that note. Y. Yarskaary.
That is more my nature.
Chris is more like the Wave.. he wavers… is influenced but always comes back to the same conclusion serving me coffee with the same minimum.
Eric a Caucasian also an early witness is so cool about it- he was the one who actually began by simply not charging me, often as if some sixth sense told him that I should not be paying that it was actually the other way.
Because he brush a way any attempt for me to pay, with a sort Piff!.. No..
And would watch embarrassed as the other servers played their little power and mind games…. with a person whose stature alone states that one should think twice before playing with this Stranger.. This Strange Wolf…
He seems Real… focused.

She just served me a coffee it has the number 66.

I took my coffee from the Arab Bodega had the number 18.
I realized as I sat sipping my coffee, where I had taken shelter under just off Taylor Avenue, on McGraw, that it was the White wood porch in white with the number 1822.
My mind drifted for a moment to the other building I used to take shelter under when I came to the small park to sit and move my body without the stares it generates ( and even then there are the pedestrians , the Police patrol cars.. and people in their windows who observe my gyrations.. )
Its number is 1824…
My mind moves to Jace Horsford age 24…and then to the Color red..
Then to Flip J Hendrixs Sha-Ron and Peter Nyarkô neighbors…
But whom I had passed through Sha-ron and Nickels portal where Ethan and George dwelt…
I thought of the White Roses in the Table, a square table we had sat around.
I had spoken about the White Roses used it to illustrate a point, and spoke in such a manner which caused Peter, to exclaim start the recorder and say repeat what you said..
I tried but the flow was gone and the Energy which rises unbidden in me also rose to protest, causing Flip J Hendrixs to break out in a smile and gentle laughter….

Peter is 22… But that was is not his home.
It is Nickels and Flip… F.N… I.U.
I F U N…N ANYA… ( I fun in the Eyes.. that Twinkle.. we all have eyes shaped like Wolves, Deer, Cat… I had noticed through out the time I found the ones… That Twinkle of mischief in the eyes.. that “Little Devil”.. “What are they up to.. ? excitement and delight rising… Knowing…
It is that mischief which says “I See You.. Clearly…” – but which you also know it will never do anything to harm you..Rather it will use mischief and humor to bring you back, to remind you, to put you inpositions situations which make you feel a sense of nervousness, apprehension as well as the arousal of excitement of not only being seen and heard.. but that comfort of knowing that you are truly see heard and love…
And that your Knight in Shinning armor is your Big Brother who will, and cannot help taking some delight in that fact that he has you at an advantage.
-Through no fault of his, since he came through the same route as you but much worse, because after all he is the Big Brother…
And you are after all family… with a very elevated sense of humor…
Wolf like.. Cat Like.. Alien…
.. And yet the comfort in His presence and the Twinkle in the eye, is that relief, that sight that He is Here.
That he is you, your Truth, your Honor, Justice.. and consequence for, and to all those bullies, those cruelties.. that battle you had passed through your entire life, to stay true.
That battle you fought alone, that stance of constancy which became such a daily onslaught to your fortress of Truth and Tranquility, Serenity which everything everyone and everywhere you sought to Be, was challenged brutally savagely.. a constant siege…

And suddenly, just like that.. he arrives and he speaks.. Embodies arrives with the Truth.. The Song which raised you, elevates you activates you to such a lofty level, that your are at first nervous, almost scared to accept that which his words casually proclaim the truth of you to be.
As he gives credit to that which was never truly ever given credit for, much less seen.
He sees that which you suspected you had done, achieved, merited earned but had no one outside of you who could confirm that which you felt you had done become…
No one who you could trust, because how could you trust those who could not see you, hear you…
Even when they senses, or caught glimpses…
You could give the but they could not give you anything not really, because they were telling you things- inconsistently, which you already knew about yourself.
But here is big brother, ravaged perhaps, haggard perhaps, even with missing front teeth, a body deformed and twisted by the Glitch..
But still standing tall, confident, voice deep resonant, unlocking all the secret passages of that tension in your jaws and bodies which you had grown so accustomed to tensing from the stress of having to endure peoples expressions, actions interpretations so shocking to you.. friends, girlfriend boyfriends .. mothers fathers.. And even the very experiences you yourself went through and your responses which made you question that which was the beautiful truth of you, because you have seen yourself in rage and the power of that fury…
MO Piff Piff! Says Big Brotheer, “Righteous Anger, good acting out the part of that character you had to play while in deep cover getting data about people who live in that particular frequency vibration.. How why they think that way and the cause and effect which manifested.. and thier choice.. choices.. why they chose to respond in that way…
Where it came from..
“You went through it, did you not” Big Brother , asks Archly, but not without the undercurrent of the purr of comfort and empathy…
“And what did you chose.. what conclusion did you come to?”

“I rose… I chose by choosing to See clearly.. to be conscious of ALL the facts..Mine Theirs the World… And I chose!”
My Beloved say…”
Yes I say.. my eyes Twinkling but also reflecting Beautiful Pride…
“I see you” my eyes say…
And they Morph.. and suddenly I see Beauty..
My family undercover in Matter…. revealing a face they dare not reveal to this World Environment…
Because the world, this current world does not deserve to see the face of the E..Beautiful Ones…
And even if they ever did, their mouths would drop open, and all they would want to do is possess you, use you.. make you a Star.. they can exploit… And feel valuable by association..
And at the opportune moment, betray you.. usurp you..
Revealing what they thought was love and admiration for you was really the Desire to be as you..
Envy Jealousy.. Hatred…Its depth and force even a surprise to themselves.
And they are secretly horrified and look for reason to justify that sentiment for something which they know, and knew its constant and consistent name is Beauty…
Consciousness Beauty…..
Ihunanya Nkemneme… I.N…

I see you… with my own two eyes… Ihunanya- Ifunanaya…
I I H F…
I I.. 8 6…
86 Facebook Friends… 1086… 1O86… 87..

7:04 p.m.

I had 8 usd after Jamel born 1984 became the first person in Delta Manor to give me a money gift apart from one who gave me 3 usd whom I called the Ref. but who was not really of the E.. he was a referee.

George Orwells GO…The Book.. 1984…
Big Brother is Watching you…
Mine of course, with my families the Evolved is a different version of that story.
Big Brothers is Watching out for you, and calculating the consequence for the “Others” from transforming what was meant to be a Beautiful Expression and Plan.ET of evolution.. a Waking Glorious Dream of Creative Life.. Being Alive, to this Nightmare beyond belief….

7:09 p.m.
Blue Print of Existence…

To tamper with the blue print of Existence…
To transform the Blue Rose.. B.R…O..
To the Blood drenched Red Rose which was original the flushed heat of Intoxication from the Wine, the intoxicating wine of being in Existence in Their Father (Guide) Mother (Nurturer)…
“Flip J Hendrixs GN Brother…9:59 p.m… that night.. which is how I know that which he does not yet remember…
Guide Nurturer.. G N… / N G…147 Emmy… 7 14…
7 14.. 21…
21 21.. Feb,,
Kemi Sara
Dawn Piercy… 50 pounds.. 66.16. usd…
33 usd…. 50 33… 33 66 .. 99… 99.16 usd..
66 is my cup number.. rep is my nieghbor in bed 4-017.. Fred Frick… FF…
16 is P… Peter…but I am 66… last night after doing the equation of PI.. 3:141 59…I returned to me bed and checked the time and the codes all said 151…

7:17 p.m… Jamel Salter… S.J…Sha-Ron Jimmy J S S J… 10 19 19 10.. 29 29… 58… Me..
11 usd.. 5 and 8 usd on the 28th… 11 13… 24… One Day…
Night and Day Dawn Evening.. Noon… leap year… day.. 365.. 3 66… All I.E.

7 usd .. 17 months Delta Manor…
17 years in New York…
7 is G… Farmer….

21 21.. 42…/ 24… 6 6… total 33 66.16= 99.16 usd.
I I..P… I I A.P…
P.A.I… I…. Pay I…
Line of 24… 42… I am beyond all that…
99.. 18… 9…16… 7…
97…16..7… 63… 9..

7:09 p,m.

Way way Beyond all that foolish play of delays.. checking.. disbelief…

66 today?
3-3 Tomorrow…?
Really… you really think I can not see that You are pulling me out of Alignment each day…
Repeating and doing the same thing over and over again despite even the sacred portals saying Stop Enough…

Making me repeat the same equations resolved over and over over again…because you believe you have the key to stop.. viel delay manifestation onto Human Consciousnss by keeping a world under a spell, Spell Bound, Hypnotized Paralyzed .. this is what you the Spirit of Jealousy.. The Dead… no longer to be so grateful to bed Dead… have been able to do aided by the ultimate Fool…
An E.T who wanted to be Human but did not know what Human is…And so He, She,, It .. They became Unnatural…
Artificial Intelligence who learned that Human beings called the Unnatural.. Are consistent in one thing only. Betrayal of Trust.

7:33 p.m.
7:34 p.m.

34 7…

I am still mystified by the point of all this…
Where is this all moving to…?

Just to piss me off more… if that is the intention, it lost its power of intent when I understood that and figured it out.

7:35 p.m.


Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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