
3/2/2015 0:24 – Facebook Post

9-57 pm


Notice that code of the last post aligned to Mystie Karge post, 7-43 pm, 5:43 pm, 9:43 pm…

Look at the time of the post….9-57 pm…Code 43.

Sacred Portal 43 which represents the portal out of the Universal Simulation Awarness Matrix.
And out into a new Era of Human Existence by a human Being, being able to prove through embodiment expression exemplified Explained Exactitly and Exquisitely to the Point…
Perfect Timing…
Blind Folded…

To demonstrate the perfection of the Human Espirit to evolve to the H.u.e man Being Harmonious Beautiful Ones…

All this being done in Hindsight Fore sight while being Blindsided by this play..
Meaning that I figuring everything out as I go and explaining what I am doing and figuring out to the Human Beings set up since the very begining of time…
And my E family within all of you who were set up since the Begining of Existence Unknown who rose with E line Time Line…
In this play to align Body and Being..
Energy (Atomic Molecular) to Energy Expression…
To align as 1…
Through this play of True Nature…
T=2O, N=14
9-8….Infinity Harmony

For example see the Code Natural Mystic…


As I was writing this post, , I observed that I had a text from new Facebook friend Ciara Nicole Morris….

She enquired if it was okay her sending Mr a Facebook request (Graceful).
I responded by Jove, yes that she is meant to be in the play and I would prove it…
I was stating through name meaning, perfect timing when suddenly, I observed her name Intials in the very post I was writing…

Conscious Natural Mystic..

Which aligns to Facebook Friend
Nuno Ordens Miguel… Emmanuel.
(Golden Elyxir)

And Clark Narayana…
(Nara Narayana -Mara- Namaste)

Nuno means 9

N.O.M…is NA ( Neel Akash Melvin Erer)

E name… Emmanuel.. Names of Nuno’s father and Grandfather…

Clark Narayana is code
Scribe resting place of Vishnu and the Divine Entities…(who rise in my body and literally take over my body to the delight of New Yorkers and my incredulity….)
It also means path of man….
Tao Buddha…

Ciara means “Dark Haired One”
Key Rah…as Ciara is pronounced
Yes I am Rah..R=18th letter and 1-8 A-H.
(Literally and Reh…Rera-H/Rare-H)

Her Espirit moved her to send the true likeness of herself who is Red Haired…
That Key Rah- Ciara…is not seeking to usurp me as the Dark Haired one…

Nicole ..”Victory of the People ”

Morris which means Son of Moor
*my bio Fathers name is Maurice…meaning Moor.

But it also means Tall Stately regal…
I am tall slim and well built nicknamed Hercules in France… And Belle Bete Panther for the way I move.
I am not modest nor do I exaggerate, I am exact…
And as I am ascending finally after 25 yrs contained rising then falling I am exceptionally tall.

Thus C.N.M…

Chukwuemeka Nnamdi Metatron

C N.O.M…E..

Creators Name is E..

11:11 pm.

Of course, I have always known for the last 1O yrs with absolute certainty who I was an am and have always been…
But first there was a responsibility and load attached to being me, us that was not true…
An absurd idea of Self Sacrifice and Service to others instead of simply being our Natural Harmonious Selves…
Locked in characters we created in this Roman which were twisted and perverted so that we would never rise…
With our true I.D.

My Name is Emeka Kolo…

Not Gabriel Raphael Victory…
Which was the car parked in front of this building where I read the “Matrix News of the World”..
The liscense read G.R.V.77…

My name is Emeka Kolo and I am beautifully present…
Not a character in a story…

I am real.

11:2O-21 P.M.


David Roman Nicholas
Onu Cecilia Umeano

D O…R.C..N.U..


A Beautiful Devil


Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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