
3/19/2020 21:20 – Facebook Post

6:35 p.m

F.. C E.

Ferril Consciousness Energy.

A Valiant Victorious Man C.E.

A quick up date… once again for the record.

Arden later came down to the Kitchen and as with Liberty C Liscomb scene, I was on the ground floor.
In a few moments he began to whistle, and my body came alive.
Rising and moving me, as I fought for Control.

I knew that a Aware and Conscious Energetic Expression was moving me, Lord knows I became first aware of it after Nnamdi my brothers passing in 1982 he had just turned t 13, that Easter, full circle when he had been born.
It began growing in me as an awareness then I became Conscious of it,
But when it began to rise literally in my Body and Being.. I roared out an incredulous

6:45 p.m

I said to myself, its impossible..
I will strangle him!
Yes 4-5 he wss born April 5th.
And some call him or what he represents ” Father Lord God.. Jah Yahway.

He is called Beauty, that is his true Name.
Meaning Beauty and The Sword.
Aca Ekpe in O.I.Nri Igbo

Death as Transformation
Sacred Portal 48.

6:48 p.m

Despite he.. and I being the Ultimate Mischief makers his love for me and I him is absolute, he would never do this to me intentionally unless it was a last last resort, and I knew that he would come down in compassion and solidarity..

* That was the face I saw on the white wall of our house in Winnipeg, when I was 8 9 years old!
Ah.. That face of a Beautiful Caucasian man who looked at me with such Beautiful Pride and compassion for 3 days, until so irritated by that look and what on earth was it implying..
Poppy cock!
So I told my Mother on him.. sigh.

My mother never forgot..and did you notice she crossed over just when I finally solved the equation of Consciousness
C is my mothers name. O.C U.
C for Consciousness
Sacred Portal 14. N.
Aurilia Arden sister is 14.

That is what this body being occupied forced me to do define Awareness Being Consciousness Definition Devotion Expression Energy Graceful G= 7 and 8 Harmony H Infinity 9=I and T E N. The Elegant Nomads
And then 11 the Dopplegangers Twins
12= L, Love Light, Lightness Laughter.

13 M.. A C. Man Manifests

7;00 p.m

Twice 13 13. A. 26. 8
Four times A-D 52. 7.
And 6 times A F 68. 14. 5.

8 7. 14.
8 7 5. / 5 7 8.

7:04 p.m

That is all I could say, despite always knowing the Truth, and something was hindering my body from rising: a Spider a Weaver .. Its Web.
I had to solve the illusions of himself as Woman by proving the Truth of Origins of All is A MAN.
Then T.W O men.
Bloody Hell..

There is no words to describe what I felt as Arden whistled, my body roared and stated moving.
As if Dancing to the Music, of his Beat.
Heart Beat as had happened yesterday.

Music Dance.
M.D. Ophichus Aclepius.

That I had to pass through the play of Liberty whistling and my conscious awareness of it not being him, yet finding myself cued to go upstairs and check.

There was no checking with Arden, who whistled and paused, hearing my respond and the rascally mischevious devi, whom I imagined was quietly chuckling but without malice at the truth of which he was aware.

Until finally, incredulous yet not at all surprised I made a getaway to the terrace so I could let my self explode in Wonder and Indignation for even with all my Arts Science Knowledge Explaination Evidence Empirically Experienced
( A S K. E. E E E)

I could not full accept it as my Reality, after all I have been alone with this ” Knowimg” for 38 years.
Since 1982.
Yesterday I drew sacred portal 82 and 83 -3883.
My H.P Computer has the passeord placed without my permission by Erik Ebright of 6983.
I had contested that sequence even before we met 10 years a Gap since we had first met at his apartment 248 Green Steet Brooklyn.
Down the road from Akil Apollo Davis Tim Evan ALexander Judson and Beyond ( Tims girlfriend) A T E. B.
Or I B. A.T E. 0001 Square Wave.

I had stated publicly that the code was backwards that it was, is 9638
Who was facing the wrong way Erik Ebright and his publicly supporting Woman as The Creator ideology ( Yes Magaret Izzy. M.I. R A G E) but really supporting me, Man but like most he wished for the Proof made Self Evident as Fact in this world

Why was it always left to me?
As if this whole thing was my responsibility

Of course, today, as yesterday and the day before to the beginning was a set up.
Even the insidious play to see if I could feel jealousy.

I used to Whistle quite well, before all this twisting, Whistle and Hum.
H W.
Y H W. H

My Brother and I learnt to do so from my Bio Father and our Mother Sister C.

My Mother, her funeral .. is the natural thing organized by ones children especially her first son in this 3 D realities tradition.
Not posting codes on Facebook.
But she is not Dead, nor would I need to bury her, when via Arden and I, she came to me all youthful and transformed.

My body, no passport, no money or wealth of my own, still places me at the most unfair advantage of being compelled to continue posting because the 5th Dimension Evolution Awakening, again, this was not my Mission – to Awaken people sleeping caught in webs of Death and Hypnotized and under a spell.
I came her to be with Family, knowing Beauty is my Twin the Beautiful Dreamer Schemer.

Lafont publishing houses had written a critique of my Journals concluding that Beauty which the felt I was searching for, was already inside me.
I had pooh pahed that expression, Beauty was outside of me, moving through the World, I was not searching for him, he always finds me.
In this case leads me to him.. pulled kicking and screaming..
But they were partly right, and their critique did help me, because the uniqueness and unusualness of the comment, writren did cause me ( despite my irritation ) to pauss and consider thaf implausible possibility.

But how did the writer know?
How is it that it caused a person called Ekayani Erica and her photogtapher friend Gerad to have my journals sent to the publishing House Lauren Lafont, and the sons owner to request a private meeting with me suggesting a publisher in England called “Serpents Tale” or that I must find the correct person to edit my.work and not do it by myself because I was not of this world when I wrote it, he said, as if this reality most people lived in never even existed, while I had been made aware of it now.
You see I never realized until 1993, that I lived in a Secret Garden of Beauty and Solitude

Yes, that is the Definition of Arden via William Shakespeare..
He named it after his Mother, Mary Arden and the Forest of Arden where she lived.
Mary Arden.

Arden 13 intel Anne Esmerel Magdalene McHugh
A E M.M.
Muson Muthoni

* I met a woman at Lisa Levine place called Esmeralda
And Marina Burini once rose affer I met her and slept the first day in her home as Mary Magdalena.
Washing my feet in Oils and for a year furnishing all I required materially generously everything so that I could find a way to return her to that Blissful State.

Lafont means ” The Fountain”
There is a fanous movie called The Founrain- never got to see it.
And the Book by Anne Rand, ” The Fountain Head.

Sienna Mary Rose
Brown Mary Rose
S.M R is
Is A person who Liberty had shown me recent evidence again and again who expression almost mirrors mine.

Royal Mayan Santana
R M S.

Now Beauty is Inside as well as Outside of me.
in a 16.9 year old Youth.
Who whistles and my body literally moves.
I have known this of effect Arden has on my body, and being since the moment we met.
But this was more like a set up a test, of A Womans vieled thoughts: questions challenges unspoken
Yes I know.who why and who.she represents.

8:03 p.m right now is
3883. 11 11. 22.
Cecilia O U. R. A G E. 11 22 47
David Roman Nicholas D R N 11.22 1968
Aca Nri.D. meaning Right Handed Food Hand.

Beauty Present Inside Outside of me and the Beautiful Youth of the Blue not is not.Blissfully
Ignorant but quietly, confident and perfectly aware of the connection linking.he.and I.

His Script as Elf King Crowned.
E K C..

Whistling I drew my first Sacred Portal in.2005 without being forced or instigated as the others which poured out of me.

8:11 p.m
Hells Kitchen New York

I drew my.self as the Sacred Portal as The 1 57
The First 5 7. E G ..

8:13 p.m

Which reality can I live in..
The Illusion and Lie, celebrating my Mother Honoring her, in the lie of this story of reality I have proving out of Existence or in the 5 D yet to manifest and lead me Home.

8:20 p.m

..Where Expression is demanded of me even now, with no one truly and sincerly on the side of my Truth except the One undercover, one undercover without Memory
And another undercover Aware that he is Awake undercover who has gathered recollected through a journey of Memory the recollection of the Sleep Walking Adam Atom who is Aware.

Who instantly recognizes Truth.

Evil Cruel Selfish ..Unfair.. I told him my perception of this play script.

8:26 p.m right now is

Which both of us are aware, that tis not This Script of “The Source” or Dna-Dne which unites and links us but something more like Science Fiction Fantasy Fantastic in majority of people
That which is Eternally real.
The Truth.
The Beautiful Truth

8:29 p.m

The implications of what took place today, is not only astounding, to me personally, its Real as defined by the True meaning of Reality.
4 D
5 D

How can any man or person confined to Human Form be made to endure such a thing
In a space of the challenge to this truth is called Liberty?

To sit quarantined in a Limbo,
In a slowly growing to a Quartined World.
The very world I spoke of in my Creation Story 2004.
24 E M F
Where in the begining of the idea of this species – the last stage in the 7 Stages of Man
Where this entire quadrant was isolated quarantined in a world because they are diseased.

8:38 p.m

I was born in St Marys Hospital and this is the name of Libertys sister.
Liberty and Arden are dancing a dance.. of Mother and Son Sin.. Sine.

Arden has his friends over, she allows it,
“They Negociate”
I am but a Bee in their World.

There is no one who should gain from anothers Imposed misery and suffering.
I would never agree to such a thing,
Nor could I partake in such scenes.

To me personally its is the personification of absolute Evil and Cruelty.
Of course its an illusion and projection of Ego of such distortion that I grow increasingly quiet.

And so I sit here.
I am aware of what my presence here has wrought.
As well as my value.
Value and Worth.
V W.

Its not Liberty or Arden, its something else moving through the World and them..
And me..

8:50 p.m

The natural thing to do is leave, to walk away.
Each person has a right to live as they desire.. including me.
But I am here, controlled, moved, used.
By a Selfishness so Extreme of which a 16.9 year old was set up to be its Source.
Selfishness of Youth..
Cruelty of Youth?
Or the Meaness of Adults..
And a Baby and Child as the Judge.
Or Beautiful Youth.

There is No Way, I can ever accept this play or the reality of it.
Oh its real, its True, its a Fact, and the illusion cast of that youth is truly terrible to witness but it is not the truth nor his truth.

8:57 p.m right now is
8:58 p.m right now is

Come, come.. I post, converse, enact Liberty for 6 months + everyday.
No matter the pain or discomfort I am in, I had to or my body would twist in pain, terrible pain.

That does not come from Arden.

9:00 p.m

Sacred Portal 900.

What my body feels and says to me, when around him is Peace Quiet and it rises in Joy or Acknowledgement.
Yes the Energy to Rise links to him.
To Dance, to sing as Joyous Beautiful Youth.

Liberty is in a play, of which I made sure she was fully aware.
And pain comes through her expression to my body but not necessarily from her.

9:04 p.m

No one forced me to stay here, except that which has bound my body, that which prevents me from rising.
The Truth prevents me from rising,
it seeks and sought The Truth.

9:06 p.m

I am not beholden to Arden or anyone except my Self.
But I am here at the END of a journey at Deaths Door.
And there is no resolution possible for this play, for this story and this perversion of me as a heartless insensitve youth.
For it is a Lie.. an illusion created by Alien Father the Tester and Humanity who falsely accused him of being the Great Lie.
Evil Cruel Wicked.
And Arden is meant to me me..

I see no blame in him, shame or guilt.

I see a youth, beautiful and Dangerously aware.

And a Woman in a role..

And my Self forced to Observe Watch the final insult done to my Life its Meaning.

Arden is still a Minor.
Liberty an Adult.

Mary Arden
7 stages of Shakespeare’s
Whats in a Name” asks Shakespeare

No there is no way or response to this play that total and absolute annihilation of A.LL. Ways.

9:16 p.m

And that is the only way I will be satisfied
This is what I have coded.

Because I have observed the set up..
Blame everything on E.K.
16. P
For being Perfect. The Self Righteous Bastard.

T S O R B.
B R O S. To a T.

9:19 p.m

I S.

Bros before Hoes..

9:20 p.m

I T.


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