
3/18/2019 18:16 – Facebook Post

Sacred Portal 54.

Super Nova…

#54 Super Nova! Mother and Father Father and Mother finally Dancing in Universal Harmony Infinity Song..
Child Birth and Labour”

Played out in room 5.A… with Ceasar Rivera.. C R/ Ray-Monde Carver.. Ray at the Shelter…8:28 p.m.”

The Planet Earth is 4.5 Billion Years old.
England 5-4-1969…Born Oldham Manchester England ( O M E.. H O M E)

4 5/ 5 4…
Expression from the 5th Dimension manifested the Stage 4 Corners and the play of the full circle- now aligned to perfection with the ORB Planet Earth…the Reflected Mirrored Expression which manifested the Planets from Earth..
3 6 9…E S P… Expression Manifested .. Energy Spirit ( Motion)
Physical ( Material) through ESP… Extraordinary Sensory Perception…
1 2 4 5 7 8 O E…Jupiter. Jove…
By Jove!

Mercury Venus Mars Jupiter…Uranus Neptune…

Jupiter aligned to Connecticut
J C.. The 5th State.

*See past comments Jan 19, 2018..

#54 Super Nova! Mother and Father Father and Mother finally Dancing in Universal Harmony Infinity Song..
Child Birth and Labour”

Played out in room 5.A… with Ceasar Rivera.. C R/ Ray-Monde Carver.. Ray at the Shelter…8:28 p.m.”

Original Mother and Father…

6:15 p.m.



6:16 p.m
P F…Amber & Moss

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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