
3/18/2019 17:46 – Facebook Post

3/18/2019 17:46 – Facebook Post

3:58 p.m.

C E.H ..



At 1239 Facebook Friends.


It’s way too late to explain anymore how a small group of people from all around the world are each part of a Micro Macro play of the astral plane or 4th Dimension are acting out without awareness, are moved and acting out Humanities right to Evolve.

The people were Elected Chosen, just as I was used to prove that all these people are part of the play of Evolution.
My role was to link weave and prove the Original Family of Eternity are here present in this world.

We reached 1243 Facebook Friends, which aligned through 18 years of weaving all the people, Intel and knowledge they each had which I gathered through 18 years of walking on an E.M Force Field, weaving solving, connecting and cutting out, to reveal a picture echoing through you all, through Naturalness.

We moved back to 1240 Facebook Friends, which represents the Alignment of the Story of Time which began with Pangea -Africa, solving and forging a pathway to the original truth of Out of Africa and then back again..
Out of the Matrix and Pans Labyrinth.

And now we are back at 1239.
A.B C..I.

A B C alignment was confirmed by McKayla Rays who noted how she was with 3 children names initials forming A.B.C and ages 4 5 6.

12 39. Is also L C I.
Liberty C Liscomb
And Lights Completion Infinity..
* Meaning to End this long long Script of Evolution Awakening, Humans or a Human Being had to prove not only the E line
but attain the vibration and understanding of Infinity, expressed a Script on a Stage to prove Harmony.

That was my role, to translate, to decode and to prove my Father Mother mothers truth as well as the presence of Harmony in all things including this World and Reality despite the illusion of Confusion and Chaos.. Randomness.

This is what I have been documenting and proving for 29 years.

4:29 p.m

And that Harmony is Perfect Timing, convergence of meaning which Manifest as The Reflection Mirrored and Manifested onto this world witnessed by the E lu and finally one and all.

I had to make the Invisible, Visible and that which is Silent, become Sound ( He Sings!)
A Song through a Songe.
Add words to Creation – Natures Sypmphony
Universal Harmonics with words Added creating meaning and thus the full understanding of the Script of The Creator.
And His Blue Print of Existence Revealed and understood.
Harmony Infinity as always present here in this world, in Heaven and Earth but derived from the Space in between Air Breath, which we Breathe.
And that Eternity and the Consciousness of Infinity has always been within.

4:39 p.m

But because of how far the people of this world went into Fogetting, and distraction- chaos war anger hurt, it became buried so deep within, that I was lead to go so, so deep undercover, in the layers and layers of illusion, misunderstanding, misrepresentation and twisted knowledge and expression to rescue that Truth within all Creation- make it rise from the deep well within and like a fountain that stream of consciousness to release that which was so Damned, Forgotten…Lost
The Lost Innocence and Purity of which all have as the original frequency within

Remembering -Memory – Remembers-Everything

Which is what Esteban Miguel Filgueira represents by his 6th Sense from moment we connected- to every portal place thing he did without Awareness of it, being aligned to The Script I had solve and link.
He introduced me to John Mack, Mikki, Solierys Rosario JeffSullivan, Eric James Murphy
Elvis Visi Alex Vidaud Kelsie Bissell
Josh By-water, Nathaniel Thomas Bywater
Brooke Lee Lemery Christopher Filgueira
Sarah Kaizer, Alexa Vertefeuille..
Just to mention a few.

His harmony with the Script, Naturally is miraculous enough to demonstrate and prove this truth, which I have documented since meeting Albert Santana and Ritz “Marissa Montez” in 2006 at Generation X Gardens on 4th Street Manhattan
4th Note Fa!
4th Color green
4th Letter D.
4th Chakra Heart. Rep Hartford Connecticut
4 Square A Stage.
4th Dimension
4th Planet Mars -Aries
4th Month April.

9 4’s represented here.
49 D.I.
94. I.D

He sent me a recent last text at exactly 4:00 p.m
Just as he had done two days ago, while Tom Liberty, Geron, Nadava were here with me, and Mikki sending a text at exactly 7:00 p.m
With Thomas being born 4-7-1985.
And Liberty 2-7.

5:00 p.m.

4 7 / 7 4

Albert Santana was born 1974.
His mother 1947.

Almost 13 yrs ago I met him
At his building 268.

4th Dimension
7th Note of Ti – Crown Chakra ..Purple Violet

5:04 p.m

At 12 39 we link to Liberty and Thomas Lang
who I have observed and understood ( confirmed by their expression, enactment and awareness)
Sacred Portal 39 is literally them- their line embodied as the Gate Keeper and the Gate Way”

Had to rise to 5-8.
13. 40.
4 40.
8 16. E.M.F’s Birth Code.

24 …X.
John Mack and Mikki age 22 19.
Are called Generation X
V S. Add E A
E. S A V E. S.

5:10.. 5:11 p.m
Right now

E.J… E A.O.

The Original models I identified in Sacred Portal 39 were Julianne and Coco
2010. Chez Marina Burini
And now in conclusion
J.C Liberty.C.L
And Thomas L
Liberty for the Twins.

Jay Consciousness John Cee. . Jesus Christ
Liberates the Twins
Man Woman M.W 69
Man Male MM.

Got a call from Mr M.Manning from the British Embassy.. on the ball for tomorrow’s interview
5:19 p.m
Tomorrow is the 19th letter S.

I have completed the 13 yr play of the 4th Dimension which began in Green St Soho at A place called The Green House.

After completing the Manuscript of the Family of S.H.E.. 19 85
The very year Thomas Lang..(Tongue) was born on Easter Day.
Mother Father started out as a Man.

11 28. Add


Chukwuemeka Ikemefuna

E C.I. E

E H M. C.I. E H O M.E

Represented in this play as
Galaxy 1101 I C
E GA LA XY 1O 11 C.I

Just got a text from Stephen at 5:28 p.m

Responded at 5:28 p.m

5 28 Hertz

That is called the Love Frequency

That is the Flower of Life gift given to John Mack on his birthday 2-27-1997 by Ian Stuart

What does that mean?

5:40 p.m

E.M.F Field Current
Harmony Love True Clarity
Earth World Nature has risen to that original frequency

True Love
Loves True

T L.

2012 1220 32 32

Flora Restaurant
Flora Rainbow
Rose Flora

5:43 pm

F R / R F

F R E E. D. O.M… E

Full Circle

5:45 p.m
5 :46 pm.

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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