
3/18/2017 23:24 – Facebook Post

Aligning to Nenad M. Djurdjevic’s comment below of the Star Melchidezek
Is the Six Pointed Star of the Individual

“Arrival of E- Meta Snow Flake I D

A O.E. M. ( E.K.A) S.F
Snow Flake
Sensational Feelings
Link code and name meaning
Stephen Filgueira

Crowned with Glory
The Thread of War.

When I was posting the slew of images yesterday, I paused 3 or 4 times here, each time about to share it in the Weave I was forming so rapidly yesterday that I myself, i myself look forwards to reading and seeing the meaning in Hindsight…

It was 6th sense of course,
And I was aware,
But I did not sweat it..

I guess I was waiting for
Nenads sharing this after or during our text while receiving.

10:43 pm

Seal of Melchidezek.
S O M. E

So as one can see
I have been at bed 5006 for over a month.
Sacred Portal 56

And yet, no arrival of 55
The Past.
Despite Being in Room 4B bed 4016

4 B 4 2
D O. P …H.D D
David Dawn Bed 5017
Dawn Piercy sent the painting late
( no blame)
3-3… 3-4
Still no transformation on the Quantum Level
And still my Body and my Spinal Columns and 31 Vertebra was intentional put in mis alignment- something plucking and the main String, stream string of Being and Body so as to make use of me again 3 months after the end of 2016
20 16

Timothy Osborn
Porch Dawne

T P. O D

T P E. O D E.

Lisa Natalie Johnson came in today and through no fault of hers personally I observed how she was used to bring me intel..
Which she had no idea the relevance

Her grandmother had 17 children
Her grandfathers name is P
Her grandmothers E
17 is Q

Quantum Transformation Pure Energy

Which I represent by that which called itself Evanescent White Light
L WE …
Who challenged M.E
L A W. E
As to who is the Law of Existence
Harmony Supreme..

Woman playing Goddess Queens



H. E R A



Harmonious Era..

As to who is Stronger…

11:01 pm

Galaxy 11 01 I C

“Black Women behind Nasa”

And pray tell me “What about the Black men.

I spoke about the Men and I B M

9 2. Manifest

But instead the Past as Woman playing God Gaia?

A tug of war..
Testing my Purity?
Moving your descendants
Interfering with their life’s
Pull my instrument out of whack to do your bidding, following your Will
Your Direction

Heartless Heartless Bitches
Calling themselves Queens
Of Existence
Queen Mothers
Manipulators who allowed themselves to go this far…
And the sons watched them…

Even fully aware of who I really am

Lisa was sent to distract me
But gave me all the intel.

Including speaking about her coccyx
Caudal Equine
C E. The Point

But you felt in your tug of War
Playing Gravity that you could defeat the nature of the Source as an “Ordinary Man”

See Sacred Portal 50

See Nenad s post “Male Seers”

Paradise 50 E O
And the old ladies demanding a Toll
As Death my role
For a Free RD Way

And sent me Here
A Mental Homeless Shelter
M. H S
Hary Spencer
On a Wild Pheasant Race.

I won the Race of the Hue Man Species

11:22 pm

You are late
3 Months Late
Your not Death
Your Dead.

Men Supreme Harmony E

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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