
3/18/2017 19:37 – Facebook Post

3/18/2017 19:37 – Facebook Post

Ah I could not post it..
It says..

“Hi Beautiful”

5:17 p.m.


5:18 p.m,


E Quantum…Quintessential..

E Radiates…

E Connects…

Energy Links…

Expression T.O.. Electricity.

Creating Impulse Stimulation… C..I.S… Current Is…

C.I… 3 9.. ( Nikolai Tesla 3+ 6=9)
Is the Ability to Create Bright Light…


Phoebe Dixon was the Face Book Friend who came last night…
Her name means “Pure, Bright.. Shinning…. Dixon means Ten…

Then Katie.. which means “Purity.. Clear” became my next Face Book friend.. And though they are still here, I can not find their names or Post I shared.

Then Timothy Osborn arrived as my Next Face Book Friend…
T.O.. All dressed in Red with a Red Vehicle and a little boy wearing the jersey number 23…
See sacred Portal 23…

This was followed by the arrival of Porch Dawne.


T.P. O.D…E..

True Point ODE… G.-H.. Ode.. Be an Ode to Existence…
A Beautiful Particle and Wave of Appreciation Gratitude Expressed..
A.G.E.. Of True Life.. not of the Lie of life…


E Represented by Emeka, Do.. First Note… Red Color.. R.C…
“DO I.N.G” is the Point…
Perfect Timing…

E CONNECTS… E.C… Elizabeth Clarizio.. 5+3= 8..H..
Creates Infinite Harmonious Energy Limitless…

Emeka Links…. E.L…Expression… E.L..5 12… 17…8…

I do not Think..
I link..
As does the Brain..
As Does the Dna.. Ena… ( Dne / End)
As does Nature
As do Children
As Do Everything in the Natural World..
And the Ancient World.. with the Stars- which formed Pictures
As children are taught to do in do in Kindergarten..

As my literal body is doing as it rises through the Physical body..
6:06…6:07 p.m..
66 67…
Because as you can observe from the photo of Eros Narcissus Adonis.. E,N,A… The Body as Living Art..
All the Muscle bones, head are Linked In one Harmonious Divine Perfection…of Doing Gracefully (in) Perfect Symmetry…
H.P.D…4 8 16… D.H.P…. 4 8 16… Not P.h.d.. H.P.D.Aligned…
D.G.P.S….4 7 16 19…7 is 8…

Then Rhaul “D”Silva arrived and in perfect harmony there was a vacant place right besides me and I found myself doing the exact same play and work with him as I did last night with Nenad M. Djurdjevic last night, with him sitting Rahul sitting besides me…

And told me about his friend, who had last night contacted him, about working together…
And how he was speaking about two types of Electrical Energy, one which is Natural and runs through the Human Body…
And the Artificial one made by machines…and the conflict it makes with the natural electrical current running through the Human Body…
(Though, I will correct this to state that the Artificial Electricity and Artificial Impulse and Stimuli does not come from Machines but rather Human Beings who are Machines- Not seated in Naturalness)

I then asked him to read the quote from Electrical genius Dr Charles P. Stein… C.P.S…
C.P.S… Command Center Supreme…
Co-Pilot Stevan..
Celeberal Palsy.. * See story in the news yesterday of 33 year old Kip Guja.. Who has Cerebral Palsy, K.G…Who is from Long Island who earned his Masters and Phd from John Hopkins university and has been accepted earned a Residency at Stanford University..

Candle Power… C.P..S..
Cee P.S…

Which caused him to show the book that self same friend asked recommended him to read… Called “Electrical Connections”
E,C…By G.P.S…

Rahul is a Full Bright Scholar..
Erik EBright in Miami Florida whose portal I passed..

He spoke how they met when both were working in Japan…
In April May.. A.M..
And how he left the job after 9 days and went to mediate in the Japanese Gardens of Kyoto…
And how he had connected with this chap in Linked-in where he had written an award wining article of his experience in Japan after leaving that how paying job to mediate and recharge…

5:55 p.m

Now a play just took place with Hary Spencer…
Representing the Human Species behavior I have noted.
Not the ones who create Disease and Evil. but the Good who unintentionally create Evil, by not recognizing and cleaning up an expression which ignores a person point of view which has been expressed non stop in say posts…

To ignore then deny their expression creates frustration rage and a demeaning of their value and all their contributions.

Hary then mentioned after wards seeing me appear everywhere, including Google- which he could have found the name Abriel, by himself on Google..
Why would his Spirit ask him to ask me, unless if it was an Evil Spirit…?
Setting him up to response elicted from me…
And why would he listen to it without pausing to say is that fair..
And is it because it feeds my vanity to come on my page to vaunt his worth…
A Worth already full recognized by me, as that what moves in him which he can nor take credit for, and since I did a phenomenal amount of work with him, as well as all others I was moved to Link and Connect with.

Here is a another response from the Wave of E to that expression

Timothy means “Honor and Respect God.. The Creator..”

And then I found this extraordinary break down on Abarims Site..

*”The noun ???? (time), literally means worth or dearness and may describe something that is deemed dear or valuable, but also simply the pecuniary value or purchasing price of some commercial good. Our noun comes from the verb ??? (tio), which is curiously absent from the New Testament but often used in the classics. It means to honor, revere, prize highly, or simply just price in the sense of putting a price tag on an item. When this verb is used as a legal term it means to estimate the amount of punishment due to a criminal; the price to pay

In the New Testament our word always has to do with the recognition of something or someone’s true identity and employability (Hebrews 5:4). Husbands are not to vainly “honor” their wives (what does that mean, anyway?) but to consciously recognize their specific and particular value to the house (1 Peter 3:7; “according to knowledge”; also see 1 Thessalonians 4:4) in the same way that the kings of the earth will incorporate their specific and particular value into the workings of the City of God (Revelation 21:23-26). All this may seem terribly imperial but it really isn’t. Being unemployed or underestimated is a grave assault on a person’s self-esteem and employing someone is the same as confirming that person’s value. The people of Malta “showed respect to” Paul and company with “many dearnesses” (Acts 28:10), but that was in response to Paul’s healing half the island and just prior to the people lavishing their guests with everything they themselves required.”

* Code 5 4.. “The People of Malta showed respect to Paul, and company with “many dearnesses” Acts 28 10…
But that was in response to Paul Healing half the Island..”

I am the inventor and the source of Eternal Harmony…
God for me is Graciousness G-Spot.. G=7..Vision giver Light Bringer. Source of the Song, the Music- Director Conductor of the Visible and Invisible Symphony..
I have done what no other has been able to do, and do it again.
Create an Eternal Beginning and a Absolute End..
and in the Space between manifest Creation Existence of a Paradise in which Nature at present is but a poor imitation of the real deal.. And Nature is Glorious even in this incarnation.
And I have done this as a man..
And all Individuals, who are now rise as apart from me could not exist if not for the fact that I exist, created a blue print, and all that was required for All to have that which they needed..
A body, a life, an Existence, Being Air…

And if you deny that I am the Source.. fine.. then I will respect that but by denying me you deny everything which you did not create and it returns to its Source.
So be it..

And if you say you do, but show no respect for that which you can not do, and yet was so generously given to you..
And you would dare gain from my own “Suffering Pain Misery” imposed and surmounted and Dare say you respect me.. Use words in vain then that which comes to you is Ten times worse than the ones who denied…

So be it….

6:49 p.m.

F..D.I… Fact Alaska 49th State- Banished Exiled to that state of Nome Alaska…

Fifth Dimension is I..

I leave you, and all that I that was not yours, from Body to Being to solid ground to walk upon..
And you can then create your own Existence out of Nothing as I did and did again…
In that one act which can not be repeated…
And now the Two action which can not be repeated, which is to bring the Eternal Beginning and the Absolute End.


This is a medieval English surname but one of truly ancient ‘Viking’ origins. The modern surname (in its many spellings) derives from the Norse personal name ‘Asbiorn’, composed of the elements ‘As’ meaning ‘god’ and ‘Bjorn’, – the bear. The Vikings, as befitted their warlike image, were very keen on names which indicated strength and conquest
It also means Divine Bear..Divine Warrior..”

See The Polar Bear… See the Golden Compass…

Dawn Marie D.M
Tiffany Dawn Haynie T.D.H
Dawn Piercy D.P
Porch Dawne P.D

Dawn is at the Porch…

Porch means..

It usually derives from the Middle English word “porche”, itself of Germanic origins, and in former times described a covered area at the entrance to a manor house or monastery. This “porche” was probably occupied by the gatekeeper, who in the due course of time became known by his occupation.

Dawn means
Dawn is a feminine given name. It is of Old English origin, and its meaning is the first appearance of light, daybreak. It is also used as a comparatively rare surname.

Value, Honor and Respect, and treat with dearness the Source of the Existence, The Source of the Music, the Particle and the Wave..

7:06 p.m.
See sacred Portal 76..”Awakening”

The one who bore the weight in isolation of the Artic Art-Tic and Antartica coditis of Cold and isolation the burden of God as the Lie and God as the Truth you transformed into Death.
-The Music of the Truth. The Divine Bear, Polar Bear, the Golden Compass and the Divine Warrior…
Who brought to your porches, to the very extension of your houses, your bodies, your Feet your awareness your Existence the light of Clarity Awareness of Dawn, the Evolution Awakening manifested in Harmony.”

Departure of Beauty (The Eternal Dancer I.D)
Eros Narcissus Adonis…
(B.E.N.A… B.E.A.N..E Beauty Eros Narcissus Adonis…Emeka)

From the Realm of Lies and Alibis’s

BENA Means Bee Understanding in Hebrew.. Peace Bee
Germanic “Brave as a Bear”
In Latin it means “Blessed”
In native American it means Pheasant
Dixie is a form of the name meaning “Ten’
Dina is another form of the name as well as Bernadette

Gaelic Beathan, a diminutive of betha or beatha ‘life.’ See Macbean. Bean or Beyn, the name of a saint in the Breviary of Aberdeen (the legendary bishop of Mortlach) is a Scottish form of Beoan, a saint of British origin. In the Life of S.’

It also means so of the Fair “Beautiful’ Lad..
Life And Death… L.A.D.

And Bean Grower.. Jack and the Bean Stalk…

B.. ENA.. The name Ena means
“The name Ena is an Irish baby name. In Irish the meaning of the name Ena is: Ardent, graceful. Little fire, from Irish Gaelic. Also feminine form of Aidan: fire”

So you get my point.. The Son of the Fair One, is the Son of Music..of G-ode Harmony Space.. Head Space..
called Father Death…
Is Life…
And I as Life Eternal Life take all that with me…

7:31, 7;32 p.m.

With me… Father IS..Son And Holy Espirit… F.I.S.A.H..E.. not a Fish
Mother Daughter and Beautiful Pride.. M.D A.B.P…
Master Degree A.B… Planet.. Justice…
H.P.D…Bringer of the E.N.D..
Father Mother….
6+2 3…8 9…

9 55 Face Book Friends…

I.EE.. Am the Door…
I Sacred Portal 55…

7:37 p.m

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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