
3/18/2015 22:40 – Facebook Post

1O: O5 pm


G.P.H 9351

This numbers are the lisence plates parked I’m front of 268 East 4th Street.
The first is a Silver Atima.(S.A)
93 51.
I.C E A….
Universe 11O1 6OX I.C
51 E Rose Well 1947…147..47..7..G

The other a Black Range Rover (B R.R.O..
R+R= 18+18= 36..36O°…

Grace Planet Harmony (Beloved)
Backward David Philipe Gil H
Silver Line David Emeka.

The other YMF 1O 5O.(J E O…J=AO EO..(L.E O)
/O5 O1 MY F….F is 6 Sixth Sense Reasoning F-A C T.
Yonathan Yohannes MF….Mother Father.
(Nnamdi Emeka- Emeka YY Yonathan RM E

The Espirit and the Vehicle…E V.E
Body and Being..BB..22.11…V…E

Lord James Kerr X
Lady Ana Leonardo Caixas X

Demonstrated that they have the same see as I.

Lord J.K….J= 1O K= 1O11.
He saw me through the codes.

Universe 1O11 O6X C.I.

Lady Ana saw me behind a Viel while I was at 3-2.

Emeka Ana James….

James is Nnamdi Consciousness
Ana is my Mother Sister Onu Cecilia.

We see in the Present through the correct Consciousness.

And Lady Angela Marie Alexander has the mystical logical Cee in the present.

Thus Gala XY 1O11 O6X I.C..C I 6OX 11O1..

A complete Circle…
The Full Moon and the Blackest Night..
To see with Silver Light…
Not a Candle or Lamp in the Dark.
Through the Silver Discus Thrower.


As I stated I loathe this play.
But it was a test.
Sixth sense always applis reason Empirical evidence..
And I played my part in the Dark and the deep cover…

And E.O.N…
Emeka Onu Nnamdi
Emeka James Ana…K K.C.
Angela Marie Alexander… A.M.A..
1 13 1.
Full Circle …

Tired of this Play…E.Y.E.

1O:39 pm

A O ..C I.


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