
3/17/2018 21:23 – Facebook Post

Because of the play which I was thrown into today.
I am forced to enter into this code…

The man who had been claiming that he is the Voice of the Creator…
( Not to be confused by Lorenzo who sleeps in the same room as I and is simply Delusional and aware of his failings…. He told me today that he prays for his imperfections… As I was going down stairs to confront the Enoch and accept the Challenge his Spirit had been throwing down at me since he arrived there….
I had chosen to ignore him… despite the words of such awfulness coming from his mouth as he spoke as The Creators mouth piece- words of such hatred and abomination…)

This is my answering that challenge….

Enoch is the Son of Cain… “Mark of Cain is Rage Anger Pain who murders his brother out of Jealousy.. Something which i was accused of by wishing my brother Nnamdi Death.. and that I would Kill my Bio Father for kidnapping my brothers and then making a speech about it…

Nnamdi is me… And I sent Nnamdi home to Death.. Which is our realm the Eternal Realm because this reality was transforming him…
into what my Bio Father had become.. a Mirror of the Evil of this reality had become…
An Illusion of himself… who brought forth such chaos and destruction..
Nnamdi had a part to play and we both knew this since we were boys.. because he is me.. but he was not me.. that is what his completion becomes…

8:04 p.m…
Through the completion of the Evolution of the Species as the E …
Flip J Hendrixs to Erik Ebright in Miami…
Sha-Ron Addison.. E.S… E A…
Emeka to Peter Nyarkô.. E P… E N…
Emeka to Robert Vlaun… E R… E V…
Emeka to Jace Horsford… E.J…. E K… E H… ( His middle name is K)

They gave me Mark of Cain to carry, to transform their own rage at what they had to carry as Father and Son… Maurice John-David… IK-Nnamdi… Obiekwe-Obiekwe.. the latter being the middle name they both shared…
O O… Which means “The Heart is appeased”
So yes they are represented by me reaching Onyebummuo Okeke… O O…
Two Full Circles… O O 7… Completed… O O 78…Through Two cycles of Creation…
Yes, transforming them from Satan and Devil back to their Original Truth as Santana Dharma… Eternal Order…
Emeka Okolo…

By proving that they were carrying the “Sins” of the Worlds People who in ignorance and created Blame for their own short comings in ideas such as the Devil. Satan.. creating the greatest evil of All… their ideas of Allah and God..A G… And then even going as far as to distort the meaning of Existence.. Which summoned my aspect into the platy the E…

The whole point of their carrying the Sins of humanity ( correct code S.IN.E…. My coffee today from Chris despite having not a dime.. is 19…Letter S… I.. 9… N.. 14… E.. 5… 19 1 14 5)…
Was until Humanity passed through the 1-7 Ages of Being as rep by the Spectrum Rainbow.. Sha Ron… and thus, having the knowledge and being able to take responsibility for their expressions…

*One of the things Enoch had said to me, as he challenged me, was “Are you my Father”- it was a strange thing to say because I am not old enough to be his far, nor do I look old enough…
But I realize now, that it was the release from that Idea of God-Father… the Guide Force… 7 6… It meant that he was saying “I am fully Grown now and thus can take full responsibility for his actions and expression and that He, and Humanity no longer required to be protected by the “Guardians…Fore fathers… ( what a con…test!)
… Humanity always knew…

Anyway, that was why Humanity was protected for so long from the Law of Cause and Effect for their expressions…
And allowed to go too, too far.. so far that they felt that they could get away with murdering Existence… the O… G O D… S O D…/ D O S….

Which I said No, to them when I was consecrated to fix Their mess… They knew know what they do.. there is no need for me to correct and clean up their expressions.. it was done intentionally.. they were all gifted with the E with them and the Espirit of Discernment… Conscience… A Conscience…. Consciousness…
Which is what I have been proving… while being forced to clean up the mess of ages by playing a role of Father .. As Self Sacrifice to the level of absurdity.. “Christ Dying for your Sins”- an intentional interpretation which served as the escape route of responsibility…

Which Father here in this world does that for his child who manifest evil as a constant.. who the Father sees clearly that the child knows exactly what he is doing…
That father would let that child go to prison. suffer the consequences.. allow the child to feel the burn of fire.. after realizing that is the only way the child will learn…

And after that he will let the child go if he continues… “Prodigal Child” but only allowing him to return on seeing that he has learnt his lesson.. and must then earn the trust of the family and all those he so brutally hurt…

And if he does not.. the father disowns him…. and cuts him from his heart being and says publicly that that child is not his.
And then he gives evidence to the Elders… who then agree and cut that child off forever from the link… but it must be just and all avenues exhausted…

I watched this play with Enoch…
Even as I observed myself being put in the pit unjustly… to accused of all these things while the Unseen and seen and even people in my family, in this world knew the truth.. they said nothing because they stood to gain…
And so today, I watched the Script say ok its enough when I had already written that post denying this Scriptcalling itEvil and BNull and Void… and I watched Igbo Anthony Otta play the Evil Role… and a Woman called Caroline James… A O… C.J… All the reps of what this world called the Anti Christs… these Evil of the Forest People.. who had used Enoch set this all up ( not them the Evil Spirits they represent…)
But I had already not only said, it but I had, have written it…
Why was Leland Johnson sent the 100 USD when I am on LE LAND Street… when the codes are aligned to me… ?
Is it not to create confusion…

Satan and Devil.. I have transformed but this Idea of God and the Creator… no…
I rip it soul and its sources and its followers proclaiming it in all but the Beautiful Truth out of Existence by simply writing the words… Solving the code…

Enoch means Dedicated… Devi.. Devotion… Da VI De…
E.N.. O.. C H… I…
H C ….O N… E…

I was at 1083 Facebook friends with Nuala Evans the correct 1083…
Not Parker Maye… P.M… N.E…
The code C.H… Is 38…
Flip is now in Miami… they have money but had not place to stay and spent 375 for one night in a hotel…
I sent him to Casa Bodhi… Erk Ebright.. E E…
its a portal… 69:69…
Erik placed the code 83 69 on my computer… 383…696…
Full Circles…

Emeka Nnamdi… O… ENO C,H…I… 8 is 9.. Harmony Infinity…
E+N… 5 + 14… 19… S… My coffee right now from Chris… C.. 19..
E N O.. C H I S… C H R I S T…. R T… Rajiya Talib…. Eno means “Four… Umeano… meaning 4 Divine Breaths Beings in One…
I..H. C O N E….S….Supreme… PINE CONES… P.C… Rep Forever… “Ever Greens… E G…

Dedication to the Truth.. the Music. the beautiful – transforming Fiction to Fact…
Not using a Lie to justify PTSD.. Or rape.. molestation as a child.. and finding oneself trapped in Desire and Conflict… of …blame Anger Rage and Hypocrisy.. and Jealousy…

8:57 p.m.

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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