
3/17/2018 1:41 – Facebook Post

12:20 p.m.

Latoya had a hard time accepting the nature of human intereaction here in the Hood
She had a sheltered childhood but not one without trauma, but was sheltered from the streets.

And it is this is what I found myself conveying to her,( apart from the higher play- which had manuvered this whole play – using money).

She had made a conscious decision as a child to not transform into what she had observed how people transformed into.
She chose.
But she was not sure how and why she had been brought back to a Hood- which even she did not recognize.
“This is not the Hood I recognize” I grew in a hood which had some diversity and people still comunicated.. There was still some form of community.
I understood what she meant, I had lved in the Lower East Side.
But I had also seen the genrtification and had been priviledged and forced to experience the full story of the ower East side, from the immigrants of Eliis Island, to Thomas Square Park, the the museum of slavery, to the drug infested war zone which my former host had grown up…
to its current status…
And then from there, or that play I had been thrown into the terrible past created as the New Order.. The future…

After all where did all those people go, who lived in these slums and fought for it and ended up not being able to afford it…
If they had not as my former host cashed in on taking control and ownership of these dipiladated buildings…?

She had moved to Staten Island and lived away for 6 years, until she was brought back to this area,
There is no doubt that this area, was a culture shock as she stated.
But I also asked her how it was that I who am a foriegner, have been able to navigate this area while living in a shelter and having no privacy in which I could simply close the door.

I told her that I felt that she was not being a Victim, brought back to the scene of he crime. punished…
And she stated that too, that she is dealing with things handling situation which she could not have six years ago.
She acknowledged the Hypocrisy of living in the well to do subhurbs and I fully understood the adanatgaes of the Civil manner of existing with each other despite being full aware of the Masks and the deception…

( O noted that 6 years the time she was away was the amount of Time I have been in Face Book.. From Green Street Brooklyn .. and before that L.E.S.. And that 6 years years ago she was 25 years old.. 31)

But I pointed out that for every clean cut nice environment there was a consequence imbalance created more and more and that perhaps she was here to understand the cost of having that Mask and Veil of Hypocrisy and the Cost.. The price…
And that this is what is was transforming into..
Bronx Ghetto worse in a way than the S.S Gestapo and the concentrartion camps…
And that Harmony which I could see she was representing because of her understanding of Communication and it being the thing which she first addressed or brought up when I for the first time was prompted ( forced by the script and not her) to engage with her at the cost of my comfort…

She could not understand the way people communicated
Ëvery one is so angry. they act so tough…
She thought that she had PTSD… But what she realized ( and what I realized as he had sat opposite Nicky the Nurse who had just completed here Masters on PTSD when I finally after 17 months was forced to call Starbucks Head Quarter to bring to attention that which was going on here at this Starbucks which would never happen anywhere else.. and the fact that there was none out there who seemed to care…
And I had to call again…

I told I I felt that we she could see very clearly and that the work was easy with her, and that she could not accept what she was seeomh being she had forgotten to take in the reality and that language of that which she had naturally over come… having made and choice having done her homework…
To see the Truth of an entire world in denial of being afflicted with P.T.S.D… And how it sweeps the mess the truth under the rug…
Shunting people to areas, and thier priviledged to Centers of Rehabilitation .. Rehab.. ‘No no no
änd Pyschiatric Hospitals… instead of dealing with the problem of how to live in Harmony…
That is was the riddle of existence and the refusal to pursue this as Truth..
It is the only way to bring Order… the alternative… New World Order…
And that will make the Nazi Experiments and Concetration camps seem like a walk in the Park…
Because the Mind bodie souls and the oe thing the people persecued then and those who perscuted still had…
Spiriuality Morality.. a Conscience…

Parker Maye.. P.M…

Park E.R….
Parker is a rather uncommon English language masculine or feminine unisex given name of Old English origin, meaning “park keeper”, hence also an Old English occupational surname…

Park Keeper… P.K… Peter and Kwame here in the shelter both are Ghanaian… kwame is bed 3017… 47….11 28…. AH..
P.K.. 6 11.. That was the coffee Peter bought me, and then later I bought one and it had the same number which in the 17 months had never happened before…
6 11…. 17… 66…. 8 12… H L… 8 3…

Maye… MAY E….

What does Maye mean? Maye ? as a girls’ name has its root in English, and the meaning of Maye is “the fifth month”.

So here is the completion of the Equation of Emeka As “Robert Coffee” Miami Florida…
E R C… I C… E I C AH…

Arab Bodega.. 18… 20..
Starbucks.. 21 5th Month MAY…. E…

Quaran Bible…

R T U E…. RT.. U.E…

T.R.U.E…. E

1:41 A.M…

1 Delaware December 7, 1787
2 Pennsylvania December 12, 1787
3 New Jersey December 18, 1787
4 Georgia January 2, 1788
5 Connecticut January 9, 1788
6 Massachusetts February 6, 1788
7 Maryland April 28, 1788
8 South Carolina May 23, 1788
9 New Hampshire June 21, 1788
10 Virginia June 25, 1788

Do you notice the codes…

10 V…6-25… Q H H…. Flip J Hendrixs 6 E… Age 25
12:25 a.m..

9… N.H.. Natures Harmony… 6-21… U.. Q.H H

8… S.C.. Source Codes ( Score musical) 5-23 E.W..VV Q HH..
THE Code of the year 1788… goes on from 10 TO 4…
Vigina to Georgia… V.G.. That is G=7 States…

Only Three are oF 1787… Q.. M.W 87….

Dawn Piercy Peter Nyarkô- Nuala Evans…

Then it moves to 7-1 O… V O…
4th.. 7th Georgia- G.. 7=G… Gay-Marie Bradshaw 4 7
5th… 6th Conneticut..C.. 5 6 3 Fritz Venneiq
6th… 5th Massachusetts… M…
( 76.. MM .. Z… Zarathustra Mohammadi)…
8th 3rd…South Carolina S.C..O R E.. Source Codes 8 3…
*This is where we are at now with the arrival of Parker Maye
( is there really nothing else going on but the Rent?)

9th, 2nd…New H.. Lived 8 Hampshire Bay
10 V June 25.. Emeka & Flip J Hendrixs…

Its a code of the past…

From Susanta Nayak

Memory of past LIFE …
Nothing last in the tide of TIME . Only sweet memory .

Emeka Kolo
There is no time.. Just the moment and Memories seen in Hidnsight of moments passed

Susanta Nayak
Really true …
Absolutely Time is nothing …
T2 – T1 = Time only for reference of difference of events

I done 30 paintings on this theory , keep secret for exhibition & Sale…
Best wishes always with U”

P.N… = 14 16.. 30….

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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