
3/17/2018 11:07 – Facebook Post

10:30 a.m.


A O..C O…



I have to be honest with you,
I should not be posting any longer,
And I am only doing so now because this Energy which is moving within me.

As you can see, from the money code I shared sent by Leland Johnson L.J ( 10 12 ..22 V )
That I do do belive in this play this script.

And I do not believe that one can use Evil Cruelty, such as I have witnessed and endure and examined and battled saying that that what I am experiencing is Impossible… to manifest anything of Beauty.

Evil has triumphed, not the Beautiful Truth.

I fought day and night, especially these last 17 years to prove that it was impossible.
And despite my having proven that there is order and Harmony…
The fact that such a Script such an experience exists… means that in deed Evil Cruelty all the that can not be has triumphed and I can not in good conscience, negate that which I have experineced to speak of the Victory of the Beautiful Truth.

There is no Victory.

The Beautiful Truth was always present, as I have proven in you in the planet.. everywhere.

But this Script, this experience witnessed personally by me through out my life, the demands, the impossible power to do what this force has done, even if I am the only one who knows what it It really did, saw what it did…
It is like witnessing Beautiful of Existence transform in the Ultimate Evil, Absolute, and then force me to transform it bacj into beauty…
Absoulte means absolulte… ad Evil is Evil…

I can not post here any longer proclaiming the Beautiful Truth when such a Script has been made manifest.

I am aware that Evil has triumphed, even if it is simply by giving me this experience, in which I alone have had to bear.

I fought so hard because I knew that what I was enduring reeading, and living was impossible,
yes I can transform any experience back into beauty, I can transmutate it to Gold, I can make something give of the fragrance of Eternity…
But why should I?

When something is so vile, so far gone that the idea of transforming it to beauty is to me an abomination in itself.

This experience, i will no longer deny, and yes, I know what happened I know that something once beautiful took on the role of playing God as an ansolute power and force and brought about an evil, a consequence so far beyond…. unimaginable and then did the unthinkable, in that IT She refused to come clean, was too proud to come forward and admit what She did.
He did, but not She…

No matter how much I am forced, no matter what they have done to me, shown me that power which they used of creating a Power of an Ominipotent God contained in one being with all these so so stupid children of it who worshipped it sustained it giving it power….

It may force me, bind me because I was born through the illusion of a Woman and Womb…
It may feel that It can do anything to me, to make me turn in back into Beauty, but I will not.

I refuse…

It is Evil Beyond thought or imagination, and so whatever I have posted translated has all been under duress and not of my free will which thus renders everything I have posted solved and linked for it that which was not of my own expression ( such as my narration of the Eternal Truth and the Eternal Begining) is null and void
I make it so…
Everything which manifested from this Script I render null and Void.. a LIE…
Because it was not done by my free will, it was created and manifested through force torture, cruelty..

I will not transform this into Beauty.

I only express that which Is Is… all which I stated with my Free Will – the Beautiful Truth which was always Victorious, always present and it has nothing to declare… not even that It is Victorous.

This Script is Evil, Its source is Evil and Vile…
And it was perhaps once of beauty but it did the impossible and went so far from its true nature, and expected some one else to Transform It back…

But it went to FAR…
And I have said No…

No.. No….

There is only one thing which can be harvested from this whole Script and that is the recounting and Narration of the IS IS…


But this is the rest .. is of Satan and Devil… She Devil and the adversary of the Music

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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