
3/16/2018 11:22 – Facebook Post

9:30 a.m



C.P.T…R U E….


” I see the Source the Consciousness is the point. Perfect Timing is the Captain of the Street- ( The Way)

I C O C (K) PT…B O.
I, the Cock, of the Dawn the Point of Beauty O Is Symmetry.. which is what Synchronicty spells out.

9:45 p.m.
I.D E….

Gay-Marie Bradshaw sent me this….

Synchronicity Wins

Athiest Ally Robert pins code on Dawkins…




BIAS TO No PI – 3.1415926535 – ARCHIMEDES 22/7.



The symbol for God’s anagram code is O.

It is called both the Anna (or Ana) code and the O code.

Anna calls it her PR tool (Ross Kelly)

the code has 5 lines in it, as we have free will, but it documents the 5 variables (Rev Dr Hollingsworth) .


I woke up to this tag, from Gay-Marie Bradshaw…
I had understood that I had not only completed my codes and demonstrating before the entire world for 6 years.
But that I had been challenged and tested by all other ideas- and philosophies which ever existed, to present.
And put through a simulation matrix to prove it on the terms of what I can only describe as The Adversary..
Which is what they call Satan, the Devil… but which is really the closed mind-being.

The challenges and testing was not done in the way being challenged through this dimension, but through the dimension of Mind and the WAVES of the “Universal Mind” concept a sort of living Matrix, Room or box.. Library where are ideas past to current are stored.
And I found myself placed in that room- where all Ideas existed and forced to navigate through them, by proving them out of Existence through a pre-designed set up ( not created by myself but by the Adversaries Rep who you could call the Devils Advocate.. D.A… 41…).

On this page, for 6 years you the public and facebook friends aware or unaware ( most will realize in Hindsight) that, this was what my incredulous experience was. And was why I was summoned to New York to this dimension calle by some the 4th Dimensiion, the Atstral Plane or the as the secret societies call the mystical sciences… Ascended Plane… Shamans, Scientists Artists.. The literal frequency wave length of ideas.
It is this realm which Durek Verrett was sent to bring to New York. As I recounted here, he was not the only emissary and I was not given much of a choice.
Which is why I refused.

And in hindsight, one can see why.

Why would I put myself through a challenge of having to knock all other Ideas of Creation Inception and Existence out ( T.K.O) To reach the end of a maze ( Maze Runner) a Worm Hole ( Dune) of a Simulation ( Armada/Enders Game.. Ready Player One…”Ernest C-Line, … Steven Spiel-Berg… S S… Gestapo… Secret Service… “Raheen Pritt” who calls me China Man- His initials P.R…R P O…’Ready Player One”)…
to reach the End which would be Evolution of the Species.

-A contest in an unseen dimension except for the “Invited” and the “Initiated” into the realm “The Gifted” – The Chosen Ones, brought into a Another dimension a parallel dimension in which you are forced to live in both dimension at the same time here and there and influence This Reality by resolving and battling through this Universal Simulation -Of Awareness to prove who solves the riddle of Evolution but also who knocks out the competition by proving thier ideas out of existence but through a play of the sub consciousness.. the realm of Thought… Thoth.
-The rational being so that as to bring forth the corresponding awakening there is no mental blocks on any dimension of being including the sub conscious right to the Dna.

Did you see the movie “The Highlander” .. Sean Connery…
Or the Jel Li’s movie “The One”
T H… E… T O E…. Or the Theorey Of Everything ( Stephan Hawkins.. Dawkins.. The Fact Of Eveything..
T- F O..E…*That was the the number on my coffee last night… on the 15th… 6 15… F.O. E…/ O F… E…
And the last one 706…

76 is my Sacred Portal of the 123COCKsure of the First Dawn Awakening…

Please the codes of Clinton Richard Dawkins below… 41.. 76..
Born 1941… age 76… Initials C.R.D../ D R C…
ANA…. A N N A… PI.. 3.1415926535…
and the code of B.O.B.. Which I proved that through a process of elimination that all the facebook friends with the name Bob had left leaving me only Robert- which I have five of reps with that name… And the Robert Vlaun age 22 literaly arrived rep the Double VV through Age and Last name…and linked with Jay..
All reps of youth….
See the meaning of the name Jay and Robert…

Why would I put myself through such a hell, to convince others of a truth which they got wrong?
-To persuade and knoock out all doubt, all arguments which would impede their Agreement to rise.
“What is this? ” i had bellowed, “Since when does truth have to convince others of Its Being.. Truth IS…
Isabelle Sullivan
Isabelle Sullivan…
Is a Bell E.. Of the Hawk Eyed One… H E O…
Osiris is the Keen Eyed… K.E…

I thus, presented by Truth, not by creating theories but as the ULTIMATE UNDERDOG… in the set up, demonstrated that which others speculated and created wealth material organizations as buffers instead of letting their truths be speak for It self, as I was made to do- but with meddling and cheating of others allowed to intefer and try to trip me up…

I wake up for 17 months in a mental health shelter after 28 years of proving my Science… and Art…
( Did you know that the words “Science” means “To Know”?
T K O… Meaning that Science is not really an inquiry into the unknown but to the the Known… And thus that is why I am only Scientist present in this reality because Science is the breaking down of Knowing into Knowledge… And That is how a Might Mountain like Everest and K2 ( E.K… Energy Kinetic) breaks it down to how Potential “See- Cee” which becomes See Level.. C-Line.. the C Level which like a gentle marina brings the Pleasure Ship, the Body and Being in One, to the shores of Paradise never lost simply refound…

Art means” Kunst, the German word for art, seems to me to be more accurate. It originally meant “knowledge” from its root kennen, “to know”.

Science..Middle English (denoting knowledge): from Old French, from Latin scientia, from scire ‘know.’

Art and Science both means “To Know”

That is what knocks out the competition… the Doing Demomstrating…
Not Defendinding and Offending in a pre set up unfair set up of Haters who wish at all cost that you are wrong even at the expense of the Evolution Awakening of an Entire Species.

One just has to go back in the 6 year script to read all the alignments- how a person called Gabriel told me that I was being set up to refute Darwins theorey of Evolution but also to align it as I was forced to do with all those Ideas.. the Beautiful True one who touched upon the Universal Truth but not to completion or through seeing through the inverse- the Physical World and senses instead of perception of piercing the viel of material…

I did it without the S.O.S… The H.E.LP.. All others were given and for 28 29… 32 years.. since university.. 41 years when at 19 – ( 20-21 in illusion.. T U… UT…the orginal word for “Do” in Solfeggio” )
Alone through such a maze right to here a Mental Health Homeless shelter where the last act of my Challenge had been designated and a Starbuck cafe….
after all those years of consistently contributing to the Evolution of the species….?
Not allowed to publish my manuscripts, make my Films, share my Art and Science elegantly my way as others were allowed to…
To be brought to face book- to figure out an Alogorithm of likes numbers icons facebook friends which made it seem as though you are being negated when they unfriend you after you invest so much energy in making a connection with them…
Reminding then that the original blue print is Sharing..All of us sharing out revelations on one form to reveal a beautiful Opening Closing and Opening of the Flower of Life…
Revealing that within us all is the Knowing … A.S… S A…
K K.. 11 11… ALL 1… 4 – 11 11..

11:04 a.m.

In stead I am given this hatred and insult of knocking out unseen invisible foes and opponents ( whom I can clearly C… “I can read”) out of the play by proving my own expression as the Original Source of Their Idea..which they perverted…
As witnessd below…

No…I am done with this SCRIPT….

Let it them and all those who did nothing to support or help.. go to hell.. literally I have encoded my vesion of it in this universal simulation Awareness matrix… which I have ensured that no one can use my codes and knowledge with out first coming though me… I put a lock on it..
10 18…
you have to be a 28.. not 19….
Jean Morgan…
J.M… 13 10.. 23.. W… Double V… Robert Vlaun age 22… Emeka Flip J Hendrixs Sha-Ron Addison… ( Luke Wilson.. Luke Addison Wilson… L.A.W…E)

1O 13… 14… 5…N.E… Nuala Evans..

… The idea of existence being without law order logos… being having no determination.. rules so any one could do anything they wished was a wicked and absurd idea of the lazy cunningy sly decietful one masturbating in their library of their minds- enjoyimg the luxury of scholar schip, academic protection, trustes who never produce anything other than a response to a consumer demand such as the female based commericials I have noticed flooding the TV commercials…
A response to a new “trend” Me 2…
There is no depth no desire to resolve…

But there has always been Universal LAW…
U.L… 21 / 12… Of the full circle.. Consequence…
12 21.. 33… It comes back around
6th Sense..which is in the Collective and Individual Experience of All… they know it is coming…
6=F.. Fact….
I simply made it fast…C-Speed faster that the speed of light..
The Quickening…
After it had been slowed down to a crawl bogged down by inyellectual masturbation of those who DO K-NOT KNOW…
But who pretend to and the fools who sustain and finance them out of self interest unable to recognize truth… ?
No they deny it.. because it is inconvienient…

11:22 a.m.

Synchronicity Wins
Athiest Ally Robert pins code on Dawkins…

BIAS TO No PI – 3.1415926535 – ARCHIMEDES 22/7.
The symbol for God’s anagram code is O.
It is called both the Anna (or Ana) code and the O code.
Anna calls it her PR tool (Ross Kelly)
the code has 5 lines in it, as we have free will, but it documents the 5 variables (Rev Dr Hollingsworth) .

Clinton Richard Dawkins FRS FRSL (born 26 March 1941) is an English ethologist, evolutionary biologist and author. He is an emeritus fellow of New College, Oxford, and was the University of Oxford’s Professor for Public Understanding of Science from 1995 until 2008.”

Dawkins first came to prominence with his 1976 book The Selfish Gene, which popularised the gene-centred view of evolution and introduced the term meme. With his book The Extended Phenotype (1982), he introduced into evolutionary biology the influential concept that the phenotypic effects of a gene are not necessarily limited to an organism’s body, but can stretch far into the environment. In 2006, he founded the Richard Dawkins Foundation for Reason and Science.

Selfish gene” redirects here. For other uses, see Selfish gene (disambiguation).

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The gene-centered view of evolution, gene’s eye view, gene selection theory, or selfish gene theory holds that adaptive evolution occurs through the differential survival of competing genes, increasing the allele frequency of those alleles whose phenotypic trait effects successfully promote their own propagation, with gene defined as “not just one single physical bit of DNA [but] all replicas of a particular bit of DNA distributed throughout the world”.[1][2][3] The proponents of this viewpoint argue that, since heritable information is passed from generation to generation almost exclusively by DNA, natural selection and evolution are best considered from the perspective of genes.

Proponents of the gene-centered viewpoint argue that it permits understanding of diverse phenomena such as altruism and intragenomic conflict that are otherwise difficult to explain.[4][5]”

I have completed the Labyrinth Maze and still managed to prove the Truth of Evolution Awakening…
Alone except the few.. and no one who was not stained by Self Interest rather than Sharing for the benefit of all.. As for Selflessness or abnegation.. does not exist.. there is always always the sense of Self…

SELFISH Gene my arse…
And yet that is what became the reality of the World and Word and thus the seed of Evil which destroys a Species planet universe… blah bah.. non e of them real of course, because Species, Planets, Univese Cosmos Galaxy Being Existence al have O… H… A H… Perfect Symmetry… Symmtery Perfection Beauty…
Order Logos Law.. Harmony… not Dominon Control….

11 :29 p.m

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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