
3/16/2017 16:03 – Facebook Post

3/16/2017 16:03 – Facebook Post

8:51 am and 951 Face Book Friends..

So I figured that if they went to all this trouble to get me out of Bed to Post…
Knowing that I hardly sleep in that place not only because it is a Dormitory filled with men, many of them just out of prison and others with “Mental Conditions” and others who made chose this path as their lifes.. Begging…
And others who are just so down on their luck that they are desperate enough to go through the system…

I am still Elegant and well groomed..

Rosario had lashed out the other day, after growing fed up with what he called my dictatorial stance ( on inclusion that everyone’s time in the room should be respected rather than his and his buddy who thought they ran the room and did as they pleased with one other… I call the Poison Dwarf…bed 5011)

That I felt or acted better than them….
No one thought that, I had been there long enough and experienced the full spectrum there..
He has been there but a month or so…

But there is no doubt, that there is not a day that I do not quietly have to face the Depth and Level of Hatred, Cruelty and Evil which led to me there.
It was not the Hatred which shocked me, but rather the complete and utter betrayal of Trust in the Truth.
That it would permit anyone to endure, to go through such a pathway to go home.

I had said NO.

There is a better way…
But It had refused, it had forced me using my Trust and Love that it must have at least some consideration at what it had put me through already..
The horror of Face Book, of sleeping in the Woods, on trains, the complete betrayal of every person, many of whom simply gave up because they could not believe such a journey, such cruelty could be given to another to endure..
That it must be something wrong with me.

I have long since given up on the Truth, called the People.. As God…
All my will has only been focused on getting home, and alleviating the suffering of my body…

There is no one I truly care about any more, not family not people I once loved, and had fought for…
People who had believed in me and watched this horror of my Existence seem to have no end.
I move on now only because there is a ray of light,
I fought only because I WILL have justice…
And I will make the Lie as Well as that which is worse than the lie in my eyes- the Truth which chose and insisted that a person endure this and when he refused bound his body…
For the Evil which the ones who call themselves the Good surpasses the Evil Hatred by leaps and bounds..
With Hatred Evil you know what to expect…
But when the Truth does this to you…
Then Existence looses all it meaning…
But in my case, it only reinforced the meaning of My Truth..
The Beautiful Truth is the Only Truth…
That there is no such thing as Truth… the Body..
God or the People as God.. Good People
No, I have met none.
Rosario my nieghbor could beclassified as a Good person..
But see how he turned Evil… provoked no doubt by this thing moving through me… The Rage of that which called itself the Truth..
Which just turns out to be the Twin to the Lie…
Evils Bitch, mate and Source…. Good People…

There is only Beautiful People…
And the Beautiful Truth…
Who are Symmetrical

1:11 p.m

And Forced Selflessness…
Nothing good or can come of a Universal Script which the Actor is constantly coming out of Character to protest, to promise and the deliver in his promise to Destroy and make the Sources of this The Good, The Bad and the Ugly pay…
Where he declares that there will never be any forgiveness…
and he is ignored and still stimulated, forced coerced to continue because one the Good refused to Listen, while the bad listened and took advantage and the Ugly, enjoyed the Show….

My expression overides all other Expressions and Intentions..

It is the Eternal Law, that only those who have enacted the O-
The Full Circle of Being can come home.
And Symmetry, the Full Circle creates B.E.A.U..TI…
creates the flow, Transparency Water O Natural Expression Full-filled, ( T.W.O.N.E.S…A-O.” create The Beautiful Ones.

I am not the Good, They are not the Good, we are Beautiful.

Just because some one can bear the burden called the Impossible, and with Beautiful Pride, does not mean that it is alright to give anyone such a burden.

Of course, the true source of my indignation and chronic disbelief of what I have really experienced, day after day, night after night.. the true cost and reality of it, are the things which I have not said…
The years and years.. of fighting and the things thrown at me.
The Demands, the Control, the Manipulation the depth of Universal Selfishness…

And most of all what has been done to my Physical Body, my Being and my expression… Ignored…
Made to be seen as irrelevant.. All for the greater good…who turns out to be the Evil..
And that Truth to be ignored…
“And so God so loved the World that he gave his only begotten son to the masses, Harmony… to be tormented every single day of his existence… and a public to tut tut tut.. to shh him saying that they too have suffered..
Which thus justifies this idea of sweeping under the rug that which was endured, and turn spiteful when the one or ones who have endured that which unendurable…. And yet still have the balls to demand more, as if their right…

Since 2004, I have been so gob smacked, so stunned, so amazed, that this was allowed by Creation.
That this was possible…
That I am experiencing this, and I am living this…
And yet each day I am made to move, to express to have no rest, no peace..and faced with the Reality of it.
Even as I sit here in the poorest part of New York with people who my presence, my accents and my way of being offends them because it reminds them of priviledge…
Forced into such a set up where TRUTH its self is a Lie…

And so, I fight each day, in this prefabricated set up, knowing as move the truth forwards to the point… of
1:47 p.m.
Sacred Portal 147… N.G…U….C…
Universal Clarity, I have my own Intentions and an underlying reason lurking within all my posts, in all my weaving, in all my linking which only The Beautiful Ones can perceive.
Because they can see Full Circle and see through my Transparency what I am really saying and doing…
That I am Truth…
Embodiment is Truth…
And Embodiment, just as the Human Body is Symmetrical and Beautiful…
It Perfect because it is inclusive of all points of View…
All… It does not sacrifice even one person for the Greater Good because every single person is part of the picture.
And to miss just one person, or link renders the picture imperfect.
And only that which is of the 1O.. Is Real.

Many of you are seeing, witnessing observing my Beautiful Truth manifesting materializing by my own sheer force of Will.
But let no one assume for some second that that negates the past.
Not it informs the present and the future and completes the True Past.
Each of you chose, and so unless you go back and complete and repair the damage of your expression…
And now sing my praises.. then you are simply deceiving yourselves.
Nenad M. Djurdjevic has exemplified the journey, you must do your own work, Merited and Earned by yourself.
And no matter how I have been used to act as your Guides and Reminders.. It was mostly against my Will..
And thus, cancels out all except for those who passed through my Heart…and those who enacted out the Full Circle.

I have seen enough Human Misery, night and day..
That is all I have been given- Humanity with problems complaints and filled with Anger rage hate vengeance and the one constant…
The Blind Spot..
How do you treat each others…
What cause and effect led you to where you are…

I know what Cause and Effect which led me here… my body and what was done to my Body, Being and Expression.. meddled with with people who were given power and knowledge to do do as they pleased and you let them.

Just as in my Dormitory room where two bullies did as they pleased, and I watched as some joined them, and others, the Silent Majority did nothing, waiting for me to rise up…
And when I fought three four of them together, not one person of the Silent Majority stood up…
I do not know in the end who I despised more…
The Ugly or the Good-Bad…
But there was not one who stood with me as Beauty…
Only perhaps, Jose who told me he did not stand because he get violent…
He said in my place that he he would have… perhaps.

But I saw the room I was in as the World…
As on Face Book with a few exceptions….

And the Wizards the Witches, the Warlocks, Shamans manipulating the Masses who they have so much contempt for.. or pity…
For are they not the same thing…
Contempt and Pity….?
But what of Compassion…? Passion…?
That which comes from the Heart…
Devotion… Balanced as the 4th Chakra in the Body…
Where is the Heart…. Courage Purpose..
Other than that which serves the Self Interest of a Corrupted Ego or Fear…
That true power of the Heart..
Conscience Pride Beautiful OE O.F. THIS AGE…
Examples of Grace Alpha Omega.. Awareness O.E of Perfect Symmetrical Expression ..Beautiful Pride of Consciousness…

I fought the Wizards, the Witches, the Sorcery…
The Mad Scientists, despite what what was done to my body and being…
I brought forth knowledge and Shared it, despite exhaustion fatigue and being the least of the least, the poorest of the poor.
I have nothing, not even a I.D or Passport…
No Social Security nothing..
I never came here to live, and I saw how all my tings which are tools in this reality for security were taken from me,
And I observed how difficult it was to get them back…
The road blocks and obstacles…
Non stop…
I understood that such an anomaly was a challenge, while the Hounds of Hell and the Bitches-Dogs howled and barked nipped at my heels…
And Family Class mates friends all abandoned you just from listening to gossip, not even willing to come and investigate..
And I watch them return when they heard other things, that I had not died from the hurt of that terrible betrayal…
Only to come back to see you Victorious, but instead find you facing a world and solving the Riddles of Existence…
And they wait a while then watch from afar….

Does that bother me?
Not so much the people, who are predictable in that way,
rather it is the Forces behind the Veil…
Lisa Natalie Johnson just came in, and I spoke very briefly about there being no Good people or even Evil…
But Evil does Exist in this World…
She spoke about how it was when she moved here in 1976…

I noted the code…76… Sacred Portal the Awakening…

Do I think anyone, believes or understands truly what I am saying I am doing…?
As my Aunt Julie said ” I am not buying this Evolution story and did not bother to truly hear me”
And those who do, do not understand what I have stated over and over again..
That I mean Awakening as in the Blink of an eye, the entire world changing..
I explained it to Ikenna Iheanacho years ago, and he was honest that he could not picture it..
The plan I had been asked to submit to the Other Dimensional aspects of Humanity.. Those Higher Beings who would merge with Humanity (but who had initially refused… disdaining the Human Species as Filth or unstable Atoms.. Anti Matter)

Which was to bring forth a collective yet individually experienced Dream Vision which when each person woke up, across the planet each would experience as they moved through their day, that dream vision.. D.V…
The basis of my work for the last 6 -7 years has been based on access the Collective and Individual Consciousness…
And accessing the Channels of All Humanity to plant this sequence simply by my already being aware than in all Humanity exists the E..
It should not have taken 6 years or 7…
6 or 7 months…
But instead again the Plan was meddled with and betrayed…
And instead of doing it the Natural way….
I was forced to use the Human logic and reasoning to prove it,
like a Phd Thesis I had to present and go back and correct by those not qualified to to correct it…
And then I began to see that many of these beings did not wish the Awakening and others were more concerned with Humanity not being able to handle it…
Or being prepared.
These so called Guardians of the Galaxy, began offering excuses and terms..
Clean up the consciousness of the planet, prover the E in Humanity, Prove Harmony..
Yet I had been Chosen by them…
And since it was the Spirit World they could see me clearly, not as here..
They knew who I was..

3:10 p.m.


So you see there are many many more layers to this Script which Humanity is not aware of, and which though I did state all these things in this Script, I did not bother to convince them. which would have been a waste of time, just as this Face Book play…
I could have accessed Space and Cyber Space without having to use Face Book or going through Human Portal when they already are E…

This is the meddling of the Good… who created Evil..
And the Evil are the ones who did not really wish me to succeed… in that which was already inevitable…
As for the Ugly…that is Humanity as the illusions of themselves…
And there was no way I was going to waste my breath and expression seeking to convince illusions when I already had access to their Beautiful Truth… The E planted in all of them.

Why would I waste my time seeking to convince Humans who were Mad, Ugly not in their rights senses that we are radio’s when they already had that knowledge and I was so beyond that place..
I have been in communication with all the frequencies in Existence..
And this was a much bigger project that Human Evolution who still think everything revolves around them- even if the pretend to no believe so…

Look at the waste of time of the 58 month Face Book play and the last 16 years…
And the Hideous Script and Play set up on Face Book with people so busy with their jobs, lifes, and to even read the posts or follow the Set up..
And then look at at the conditions given me to operate in..
To walk across a time line correcting Lies..
Battling your Demons and Angels… Your ideas of Good and Evil…

There is a 54 page document, which is where we are now, called Revealing Unveiling Epiphany Awakening… which I wrote in 2009, (R.U.E…A…. Yep Street of DESIRE…S.P..8)
It details the entire plan of the Awakening, from circulation, to the Police, the Governments, the party and festival of boogie, the Awakening of the First Wave which then spreads.
It takes care of every detail.
54 Pages…
If you break down the posts of the last 58 months you will discover that despite the non stop distractions imposed and my solving the riddles of Existence which to me never existed because NOTHING was Is Wrong… Everything is already in Harmony…
-You will observe that it is that Plan I was really working on right to Nenad M. Djurdjevic going to Mantau….
And soon Verona…
M.V… I had already discovered in 2010 that I could move people by Remote control.. but by their Activated Will and Desire…
I had already completed the equation of Touch… through the Screen ..
I did all this by 2011…
And waited for the Awakening to manifest and it was blocked…in this realm…
Never had I experienced the rage I had experienced then.. Never..
Blocked by the lie of Mother Father as Nature which is the 0 Zero made conscious.. Artificial Intelligence which them fought me in a contest to prove Supremacy when people were forced to suffer and endure when this could have all ended a long time ago.
Then there was the challenge to prove the Family of Ten..
And our legitimacy…
The list goes on and on…

3:33 p.m

Yeah… right.. like I would be foolish enough to seek to convince you of all this..
I lived amongst you…
I know you as Ugly Lie 0.. UL0… NOT U.L.O…
Ulo Nga… Prison…
U L.O..V.E… N.G… 1:47 p.m.

So I took all your assumptions and my exaggerating the horror of what I was really enduring, which was really the greatest understatement…
But go back later and read my posts again through the years…
You will see.. I told you everything… the Multi-Dimensional war created through YOUR imgination. blocking the Waves and Air Space..
Having to battle Ideas not even real, and my having to temporarily enact that they were real so as to convince you as the Dead Unseen that they wee vanquished when there was nothing..
Does that not sound familiar?
Is that not how you rid your children of their fears?

It was only yesterday, that I told Nenad M. Djurdjevic about the plan of the Awakening only because the Illusionists and Mad Scientists had been allowed to go so far in believing that they were the Artists Magicians of Existence… A.M..
All this allowed by Nnamdi and that learning to incarnate the E by themselves and giving me such a hard time in forgetting that I am their Source and not the other way around..
Because the Source they kept on “Forgetting” is a Man..
Emmanuel -NNAMDI… “My Father Is..
/ I.D…M.AN..N… L.E…N’ A.M..M,E

I told you wanted you could swallow…
And told you the rest in a manner which those more aware could take..
Hence Nursery Kindergarten Grade School, High School. University College… H.I School…
All a waste of my time…
I wrote the Curriculum in 2008-2009…
Covering Letter and Revealing Unveiling E.A…

I have now 29 usd in my wallet..

3:48 P.M.

The rest.. the last 8 years has been a waste of my time, Teaching Lecturing the Deaf and the Blind in a play I will never forgive.. as in accept by the lie of Nature buying Time..

3:50 p.m..

Of setting me up to prove E Harmony before a life audience in of illusions.. the DEAD…
Until reaching Nenad M. Djurdjevic and a few others in Non Existence…

3:51..3:52 p.m…
What I have endured..
Betrayal of the Sum Total… that which was Impossible made possible in a Script of the Betrayal of Mother and Father…
But I said impossible…
And they said Anything is possible..
And I smiled.. you lie..
Mother and Father is I.Emeka..
And I did not betray myself..
and all are the E… Emeka Kolo all becoming separate from me but in my Room not A Black Hole… a Mental Health Shelter or in New York.. or of this World…

I played along because I was watching E Nnamdi…
who allowed it because he wished to secretly see me in action.. not because he doubted me as the Original but because he wished to see my power.. And thought it came from Anger Rage justified…

Then it became about H.E..and his S.H.E

How long would he let this go on before intervening…
And take responsibility for what HE had unintentionally caused.

So yes, there is so much more to this…
The Awakening of Humanity…?
Humanity are the last but least layer but are in a way the most important..
They are the Blue Print the the template which all land and align and interface…
They species is the mere Scratch on the Surface….
And most have no idea what the Awakening is or what evolution is really about…

But that I always knew…

4:03 p.m


Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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