
3/16/2016 23:26 – Facebook Post

9:5O p.m..


Example of OH…Full Circle Harmonious Expression..
8 months at 18 Mountain View..
4 years on Face Book…

6 six years Since the Sacred Portal, 155-156 in total, Drawn forth through Six Sense, 6 years since Marina Burini and Tom Truman and the True man Show…And I began working on the 6th Sense equation of Evolution Awakening and on the Family of the E.

15 Years in New York..
23 Years since the appearance of “The Light in Paris”
26 Since I began keeping a Record of the Proof of Harmony..
27 Since I last saw my Mother and U.N..Cle
34 Since Nnamdi left on Easter the day that he was Born on Easter..
4O-41 Since I wrote the story of the Awakening as a boy..
48-49 Since I entered this world Dimension…
49 Since I battled the lie from my mothers Womb.

D.O.B 1984..31-32…Age..

8 4 6 15, 23, 26, 27..34..4O-41 ( 44 O.I), 48-49..(44 89)
Its starts with 84 and links to 84..89..H.I..
84/48…Perfect Symmetry…

D.O.B..11 28, 1984.. Age 31.. See sacred portal 31.. “Resurrection Restoration of Eternal Truth”
32 “Eros Kali”

49/94…89..Was to create Existential Death.. For what they did to my I.D and that of the line of E, sacred portal 94 “Literal Energetic Rape of our I.D.. the Treasure of All the I.D buried inside of me which they rapists and usurpers could not breech, but I will be honest, they lie did terrible things to me as in sought to destroy the Truth that I guarded the Treasure of the Origins of the Sons of Mann, and the Daughters of Lady and The Lad…
But I defied it…
Until reaching the present H.I..Harmony Infinity..

And I knew that the lie was attacking me, because in 1994 I wrote the Freedom Song.. Feeling Sensational.. in Paris..
So the lie created the Illusion of my-our being in Prison, when in Truth I already knew All are free,..

As you can see all the years are represented as codes..

Even 1966 and 1984 my Birth Codes…
11 28…
There is really nothing called Age, its just a clock and a timer, to give you an indication of how much time each has left in the Story and Game of how to awaken the All…

That is why I was 49, then 48/84..And will rise as a 32 year Old…
See sacred portal 32.. Erose Kali…E.K.. 5 11..16 7…P.G…
See sacred Portal 11 5…K.E..
A Being Break Down the Great Wall of China-Forgetfulness Memory..F.M.Band..And the Lions Gaze and Gate, licking the his Balls..
Loving the fact that E dared…
And reached the Knock Knock!

Calling “Open See-Same-Me…!
Have completed my 1001 knights…telling the Story..
Of how the E line came to Be..”

And then there is a Sound which responds…

EG A.S.S.A M’Pete…

I.S..A.G.E…and the I.M.A.G.E..
of M.E…
Eternal Youth was the object of the,
for all to Experience or choose…

H.E, Has come back to the E line..
The Family and the true Origins of the Son,
is A Man

Welcome Son Mann

The E.C.H.I and the E.C.H.O

Of the past three days Face Book friends…
Yesterday Today and Tomorrow..
G Tom Trueman..
Golden TT Portal to
Meaning, “Eternal Hero of the Golden Dawn”
Beauty beyond Belief..

6-5.1.. in three days…
6th Sense Expression in 1.. For 48 years,


32- 5
And ONE…

Son Is Mann..

1 5..15 is O 15 years…
6 years.. F.K…O.C.U/ U.C.O..

The Latin root word son means “sound.” This root is the word origin of a fair number of English vocabulary words, including sonar and sonata. The root son is easily recalled through the word sonic, for a sonic boom makes a deafening “sound.”

It also means ‘Fuck in Slang…To have intercourse.. vulgar”

Original meant ‘Child then evolved to a male child..’

Old English sunu “son, descendant,” from Proto-Germanic *sunuz (cognates: Old Saxon and Old Frisian sunu, Old Norse sonr, Danish søn, Swedish son, Middle Dutch sone, Dutch zoon, Old High German sunu, German Sohn, Gothic sunus “son”). The Germanic words are from PIE *su(e)-nu- “son” (cognates: Sanskrit sunus, Greek huios, Avestan hunush, Armenian ustr, Lithuanian sunus, Old Church Slavonic synu, Russian and Polish syn “son”), a derived noun from root *seue- (1) “to give birth” (cognates: Sanskrit sauti “gives birth,” Old Irish suth “birth, offspring”).

Sound “Fuck” Sunuz Sun-U.S.. Sunna/Anus..A Nu Supreme
Nu Ancient Egyptian God of the Abyss…Off Spring.. Birth..”

Mann..means..”The first being from the pre 7th century Anglo-Saxon and Old German word “mann” meaning man, and probably used as a nickname for a fierce or strong person or for a man as for some reason, contrasted with a boy.’

Mann means “Honor and Pride.. H.P’ ….H.P.C..Happiness’

And Vassal which means “Young Man’ in Welsh (Y.M..Y.A.M..)
And ‘Servant or Avatar…” Latin.

Son Mann
Moira Judith Mann..

J. 1O..A-O


Samo.. Means ‘God has Heard asked of God’..

Samuel…in the Bible- only one to successfully past through the portal of the ‘Holy of Holies’
Mothers name was Hanna..
Code Kelly Hanna, Zeina Hanna and
Anthony Spencer…
A.S… E…ME..KA..K.E..

Son Man… Father Son and Holy E-spirit…
Yesterday Today and Tomorrow” Echi..

The Son the Man and the Harmonious E-Spirit..
Are all One and the Same Thing..
3 in one and 2, Divinity and Eternity…
3 in 1..31
3 with 2…32…

And Divinity +Eternity..
Infinity Immortality


Espirit E…
Boom Boom Nna..
11:18 p.m


11:19 p.m K.I.A… meaning ‘Difficult Hill” in African Hausa, ‘Light Deity’ Indo European, and ‘Pure”, in Greek
Australian “Go Well”…

K.S.. K.I.S.S.. H.U.G…

11:26 p.m

A A-Z…
Alberto Anthony Spencer Zeina Hanna…

539 Face Book Friends..

E C.I..

Date 16-3-9..P.C..I..

3-16-9.. C.P.I.. Cee Consciousness Pi..TT.. Cee Plan-E.T..I.E
/ I.P Mann C.E..
3-7-9…Creator Blue Print of Existence…

11:51 p.m
11:52 p.m

K..Area 51…6th Sense

K.E.B..G..GO DE..

11:53 p.m

K. E.C..H.O….H.I

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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