
3/16/2016 1:42 – Facebook Post

12:14 a.m.



3 5..

3;15..C.O… Consciousness Full Circle Z-A..H.S…
Zeina Hanna…

We are now at 538 Face Book Friends…


I.O links to Isis Osiris…I.O

E Chi…
Echi in O.I.Nri Igbo means “Tomorrow”

Yesterday Today and..Tomorrow..
Had 5-6 Face Book Friends Yesterday..See sacred portal 56…5 and 6″

And today 3 then 2 more…3 2..See sacred Portal, then Sacred Portal 32…Erose Kali…

15…Letter O.h.

E-True Love..T.L.. 2O 12… 32…Consciousness -Beauty…

Yesterday 56…11 3O…13…Donna O’Sullivan just arrived with 13 Yellow-Golden Orange Red tinted Roses…ROY (G)…
Red Orange Yellow-Gold…

3D…links now to Green the Fourth Dimension
13..1 3=4…Golden Green (Y=25th letter, 2+5=7..Letter G..Do.G)
13+4=17..Q..Qi..Chi…Quintessential (Marcos Quintero Carlos Mauricio Quintero…Quantum Leap-Change…from the 3rd to the 4th-5th Dimension…)

1+7=8… H..Hannah…


11 45…K.. April 5th..69…


My Two new Face Book friends are

Flor Elena Medina… a beautiful Name.. F.E.M MI..NINE.. 3 9..

Flor means Flower in Spanish…

Elena.. Means “Bright, Shinning Beautiful Life”

Medina is the Twin city of Mecca…The Holy Cities..

E-Me-dina ..code;
(E. M.E “KA: – Manifest expression “Lie Down” or “Is Within” and Di Na “Husband of linking goes Home, Husband to Nna- the Father Guide within.. ” Meaning of Dina in I.O.N.r.i.)

E M.E.CC A.H(E.CC 533 Face Book friends +5 Today..5=E..A is H 1-8 full Circle)..

Medina Mecca.. MM.. 13 13.. 26…Z..8..H… Z.H.

Medina is the Arabic world for City…

Z,H Beautiful, Harmonious, Graceful City, filled with Favor and the Cee of the Eyes filled with Adventure Wonder Excitement.. A.W.E.

F.E.M…F.E Mi..Nine…6 5/5 6…3.9…C.I


“The Flower of Beautiful Shinning Bright Evanescent Light, is the Exquisite Beautiful Harmonious,Graceful City filled with Wonders and Favor, which cause the Child in all, to open eyes with Awe… and delight and love light and laughter..and mischievous, Delight…”

See the Share of a White rose Gif I shared from a Face Book friend yesterday…

And Anthony Spencer… linked to Zeina Hanna and in their photos I witnessed both their Beauty and Individuality…
they look like they are siblings from another realm..

Anthony means ‘Flower” from the Greek word ‘Anthos”
“See Brother of Eros and Cupid, Antheros.. A..N.T (Nikolai Tessla..He Rose” Hero’s – “Eternal Heroes of the Golden Dawn.. Zorro meaning..
Zorro Zeina..

Code Eshe Chuki Asale..E.C.A..Queens park. London
“Black Obsidian’

*See the post I shared of Marz-Barz…M.B.. Three E.T Brothers…

“Obsidian is a naturally occurring volcanic glass formed as an extrusive igneous rock. It is produced when felsic lava extruded from a volcano cools rapidly with minimum crystal growth.
Mohs scale hardness: 5–6 Optical properties: Translucent
Color: Deep black or blackish green Formula (repeating unit): 70–75% SiO2,”
Black Green.. 0-1-4..
Jade (Spinach Green Elephant)-” the Stones From Heaven’
Obsidian ( The Dark Crystal) Which comes from within Earth Volcano Ocean Lands Creation … E.V.O.L..C…

It also means ‘Priceless Precious.. Highly Praise Worthy…”

Spencer as in Princess Diana Spencer…Lady Diana Spencer…
Means ‘The one who Circulates and Dispenses provision.. To Dispense and to Weigh..

‘..The aphetic Spender, this is an English surname but one of French origins. It is perhaps surprisingly occupational and originally described a despencier or despendour, a man who was in charge of purchasing and distribution of all food and provisions within a royal or noble household or a monastery. This was a position of great importance, and usually only lesser in status to the Steward. The derivation is from the Old French pre 8th century word despense, meaning to weigh, and the word was probably introduced into England by the Norman French after the Conquest of 1066’.

A.S.. 1 19…

Linked to Zeina Hanna and became Facebook friend on her Birthday..
3-15..C.O..C Full Circle the representatives of Perfect Symmetry,
And the C.F…Circle Filled with 6th Sense..
C.AT and Do.G…
Both linked to his page..

“The Flower so beautiful so priceless, so highly worthy of praise, it dispenses provision, summons the Bee…Peace Bee, who pollinate the land to provide food, it gives of a rare precious sent, and is beautiful to see, dispensing and weighing on the scales of Justice and Balance…The laws of Existence.. E-rose, Cup-ID, Antheros, the true Hero’s or Eros, Eternal Hero’s of the Golden Dawn.. Zorro Ziena..
Beauty Assa M’Pete.. Peat is Pete.. made of lava- to for the Dark Crystal…Dark Light to Coal, and the Coal Miner which transforms to Diamond Clarity…
Two Cees of Body and Being and to the Cee of Creation..
Heaven and Earth..
Heavenly Bodies…

A-Z, Z-A…Beauty to the Priceless Flower, of inestimable worth.. Beauty and Beauty…
Raz Berry.. R.A-Z..Berry..
Z-A.. is how they became in order, and Harmony my Face Book Friends…

Z.A.(E).H.S…”Answer E!” demands Harmony Supreme- H.S. (O.U.S.E)…H.O.U.S…E..
Who house are you in?”
A-Z ..S.H.E…Beauty Beauty front and back…
Flor Anthony … Flower Shinning City of Beauty…
Z-A… 26+1=27.. And Beautiful F.M. Feminine Masculine..
Man Wu-man.. M.W.. Milky Way
And-Rome.Da..Milky Way A.M
Beings and Body all aligned the two Flowers of Life..
Being Body. BB..22 V,
and City…

Linked to Vicki Cashmore..


ZA.. 27… 9..14..5.. 95..I.E…

Full Circle, Perfect Symmetry as you can all see…

1:31 a.m.

27 +27.. 54.. 9.. 69.. 54..54 54 108

Closing the Flower of the The Book of the Story of life..
and now we make ready to pass through into the realm of Sacred Portal True Life… T.L…2O 12… 32.. 5..
The realm of E…

1:33 AM

1 6

Spinach Jade Elephant value 950;00 USD
Bought at Go antiques..
Daniel Maman D.M..Q.H
and held in trust by Joseph Carey..J.C 1O3.. 13..
2nd Avenue…91…Lives right in front of the Bean Cafe..
JA.CK And the Bean Stalk…I.E
The De-Vine to the Divine..

Affirmed today by Donna.. Do NNA…13 Roses..
A Gift from Code name “The Free”

So how is that, the Spear of Destiny and the Perfect Symmetry of the Z.A/ A-Z

1:4O a,m

now we are at N
and I see Nadee Nakandala notifications even as I weave
linking post after post…


One For One

6th Sense…

1:42.. P.M



Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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