
3/16/2015 23:13 – Facebook Post

My Previous…

The Ring of Power
Or the Ring of Love Light Lightness Laughter Mischief Fun Adventures Exploration of Blue Open Space.

Murder is the story of the Ring in the Human Saga…
Cain and Able.

Onu Ana Cecilia O A.C..
Nnamdi O Maggie
N.O.M Emanual…Emmanuel

Code Emmaline Mackenzie..E.M.
Roland Akachukwu Emmanuel…R A.E.
Sunshine Rae…

I explained this code already…
But let me state the True Story of the One Ring and the Precious
Precy Arizechi…
Praise Appreciation…

Onu Means “I heard”.. And “Mouth” in OINRI Igbo…
Ana means “Ground ” “Land”
As well as “GRACE”

Cecilia means “Blind” and 6 as in SI X!
(YES X. 1O TEN…The Elegant Nomad”.. 1 Circle
Perfect Symmetry).

My Lady who Heard the Will of the Creator “Onuabuchi” from his mouth from which came the word “La-ND” (Nnaemeka David) and C.. See..

So she landed on the Ahtom (not Doubting Thomas) but on the DOT…the Twin of the Full Circle filled with the sources expression.
The Expression of his world he described was so Beautiful that he knew the only way to ascertain if it were true, was to land and See for herself..
Which she did, suspending disbelief she entered into the Words of his story, the music, the colors the emotions it stirred in her heart…The waves, the highs and lows…
Until she magically transformed into a world in which she felt something Solid beneath her feet..
She had feet legs…and she felt the E Art Harmony beneath her feet.

But it was all Dark..
There was nothing she could see..
All she felt was Ana beneath her Feet…
“I can’t see…it was so Dark, I can see anything
Was she Blind, where was everyone..
But she was Love..Ifunanya..
And she recalled the Light of mischief in the Narrator Recounters Idea And Eyes…
N.R.I.. A E…

And she smiled to herself and she was not afraid because she began to remember the words ” Le Mot ..
Ah Tom she smiled.
“I have landed on his Truth”
I can not see because I did not accept his Truth as Real…but I wished to see and investigate and so I am in a place where there is Ana…Something Solid beneath my feet…
That means its is Truth…
And it did not require my belief…
Just enter the words…
And T-ruth T-rue
Expression Consciousness

And suddenly as she saw the world she saw through his Expression by recollecting every detail of his Narrative..
A Story or the Truth…
A Dream Sleeping
Or Actuality Reality Expressed.

She already knew the Truth.
I can see it…through the recollections through my third eye..
I can feel it by the Ground Beneath my feet.
My eyes are open but my heart was closed
And now I see..
And as she let go of everything except the comfort of the Truth beneath her feet and the expression which moved now through the stillness in the Air..
And so, suddenly the Air began to move as wind by her Awareness as she recalled the words..
And she forgot the darkness or was even unaware that she was now awakening the World
She just let herself be carried by His Expression Air Wind Energy (E=A.W E) and the Air Expressed Music Mirroring her Reflection Reverences…E ME KE..
Meaning E Did Create…Creation
E Me!
E Did Do!

“I am A the Dream and H-IS expression is the Truth and the T Rue…
The Street the way..
The Beautiful O Way…
And she Bowed in Awe

And so the Beautiful Dreamer
Drifted away on the reflection of his words and the Silver Moon did appear ..
And soon all her reflections of Expression Narrative filled her body and being and her body became as the Earth a living breathing work of E art Harmony I…
And thus did the dreamer become solid and real and as her recollections of Expression Narrative Devoted (E.N.D) To Her Explained the more she began to Cee…
And thus, did the darkness arround her begin to recede like a Tide Ride Understanding Expression Of E.
T.R.U.E…O.6 X (F=6 X 24-6 ) Explaination ..
And as the Darkness lightneded as her heart become Lightened with Love…
And her body more solid she could finally see with her two Eyes EE…
All from linking full circle O Reflection Expression of the Words of Her Lord
And thus, did her she move from awareness to Being to Ceeing Dignity Planet…Earth as the expression aligned with her recollection went even further in Beauty of that which her imagination recollected ..
And she gasped when the C of Light revealed all in Daylight for her to See..
She Gasped…
The Expression Recollecting Dreaming helped her to see something more beautiful that it really did not have to belief..
But the Recollection Dreaming and the Dawning helps prepare her for what she did See…

The True Grace of the Creator…
A-G…In perfect Harmony… H.

In this story it went far beyond expression should be instead of A-G..E.
It move From A.G ( 7)
A-N. (14)
A U. (21)
A H.. (Add 8 to that 34….26+8)

And that is why he says…
No to those ingrates…

1-7 was Enough in the Begining..
1-7 2(7) is Enough in the End.

Nnaemeka Chinwuba Ezeufonna
N=14 called me First stating how the E rise up in him and speak through him.
And he spoke of a wickedness in certain ppl who even after all is revealed, they will still hate even as they go out of Existence.
David Philipe Gil arrived from address 77..
Being 77
Aligned to both Ana Cecelia Leonardo Caixas my 2-77 Face Book Friend and Inez Guerreiro my 2-78 Face Book Friend..
He is Born 78…
And in 77, we moved from Canada to Nigeria.
77 stays constant and in balance..
77 is the Filled Circle
87 is the Expansion of the idea
97 is I.G… Inez Guerreiro..
1O7…That is A.O.G…

Going Beyond 2(7)
Means the story went too far..
36 months on Face Book
4O yrs since he wrote the story…

14 years was the Limit
And so you will pay for making Emeka JA CK Son Father Source.
A Slave.
Mama Dawn..
Lucy Onu Nnoyeleum Obi Marina…
E T Nna.

AA:K: A.C.M..4/3…

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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