
3/15/2018 23:19 – Facebook Post

From Facebook Memories.. just poped up…

March 5th… 2016 Adam… * A Note.. I was writing the word Adam and instad my finger moved to Asam- I quickly linked the A D A M to A S A M.. Add E..
Asam means “Loved” just as David means Beloved.. Mary means Cherished and Beloved.. as Micheal means “Water”
And Alexander… ‘”Defender of man”…

A D.S… A M…

Then I linked Scott as the Scott I met and recognized him as Love ( he was the one who introduced me to Kirsten Dunst- “Spider mans girlfriend) and who was Nnamdi energy- as Flip J Hendrixs, then I linked it to Scott Kelly the Astronaut…I posted about today…
Weinstein…It actually links to Dionsio.. Wine.. Blood intoxication of Life The Red Man… Wave Length .. Adam.. the First to Land on Earth..Matter.. Then I linked the translation in tis reality Harvey Weinsten.. The Scape Goat….

and to Anthony… and to Malia….

Who is this being so Beloved.. and by Whom?

P.S… This post is what I mean by how I see Eternal Love…
You Cee the beings so well to Eternity and are fully aware from the first moment proven to the last that these being would never betray you and if they had a problem or mi-communication they would find you speak up and resolve it…

That is how I knew that whatever is behind this Script is no Family of Mine…

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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