
3/15/2018 10:32 – Facebook Post

My new facebook friend is Isabelle Sullivan
I have another facebook friend with the same name
Isabelle Sullivan


I.S. I S.

Isis Osiris


Isis means “Throne” Seat.

9:46 a.m.

( A Pause to solve link the Twin Astronaut Post
Mark and Scott…
M.S… S M… A E… S A M E….
Supreme A.M.. E…
They are not the same as I Reprented by aligning The Two.. Jimmy Jamel… J J..
Michael Mary M M
Dioniso David/Diana.. D D D

Oh yes, the Reflection -distorted view- of the Original Expression
The True Conversation Between Energy Existence and A.H.TOM… The One and the Two…
I.D. F)

8:58 p.m.

Flipped The Script.


Eternal Infinite Harmony Full Circle…

C.O.T R… U E.

C.O B..O…U.E.


Yes, I saw that number yestrday, when I was at 1083 Facebook Friends.

That it would be 82.

How Sixth Sense? E.S.P?

Yes, but also supported by Reason, Logic, Facts…

…the last tim I checked my oracle change pouch, it was 82 cents,

82 is the year Fritz Venneiq was born who was the one person took me to Pelham Bay Park where he and I camped outside ( more me) and where he woke up one day to excitedly recount to me how he had travelled and witnessed the Earth Evolution Transformation “Back”to its True Self…
He said the current Nature of Earth is but a very poor imitation of its True Glorious Self.)

82 is 28…. 82/ 28…110…. 11O… 1.. K.A…
Egyptian Mecca…Arabian… Persian Zarathustra Mohammadi was the first person to text me today..

8 2… H.B… Harmony Infinity Be… Being… B.E I N..G G=7.
( B E I N G…. 2 5.9…14 7 B O D Y… 2 O 4 25.. BODI..49)

28 Being Harmonious..A-Z= A B.. 1 + 2… 26+2= 28…

I am born the 28 Day.. Him Year… 82 is the years my brother self passed…
D… Delta.. where I am
Year… Y… Flip J Hendrixs .. I am the first Jimmy Hendrix “Big Brother’ DAD Kemal… D.K… I.D…K.E..

So yes…
The True Conversation between Energy E and AH Tom… Twins.
is True and real… and the DNA-DNE…IS one and the SAME…
DD.. N N.. EA…. R A-H.

A variation of Isabel, itself a variation of Elizabeth, meaning “devoted to God”

The old Gaelic name used by the Sullivan family in Ireland was O Suileabhain, which is partially derived from the word “suil,” which means “eye.” The surname probably means either one-eyed or hawk-eyed.

“The one Devoted to God-Harmony-G-Ode to Harmony, is the Hawk eyed…
Keen Eyed One…

Osiris who is the Husband of ISIS in Lore, as well as Brother…
Actually they are one and the same peson- his sister rose from wihin him.. His beautiful Pride…
He gave ‘Birth to Her’from his first “Womb’ Room in Space… Harmonies…
My Little sister Harmomy evoved from F.E. M.I.. NINE…. to Complete E.C…
Sophia Alexis Malia Esther Ijeamaca… Nonyelum Okey Nna.. Emeka…
S.A M.E I N..ON…E..

i have been posting- Responding to Trnasmission from the E.T… who have bee quizzing me, Examining, Testing, Checking, Investigating ( Q… E T C I….)
My Presenation of my defense of MY Naturals, MEN who were not the same as the Human Species who had warranted the Explusion from Universal Existence because they are a Virus ad parasitic…succubus leeches who contrbute nothing or add nothing to Creations Expanson but merely take.

My defense of Man and the Children of Man.. ( Not Woman who believe they were born and concieved in w Womb)
My defense of the Children of Man.. The Eternal Man who are called Children to Eternal Youth… Expression
C.T. E Y.E The Naturals who are not of the Human Race of Rage… But who have contributed to the Evolution of Nature…
By the Study of it and respect of it… understanding it.. Figting for it Outside of them in Their Environments and Within then as thier True Nature…
The Secret Garden …
To Paradise .. Eden..


10:31 a.m.

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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