
3/15/2015 18:01 – Facebook Post

2:43 p.m.


Happy Birthday….

Zeina Hannah…

Happy Birthday.

Today has great signififance, especially in the Riddle of Existence Equation, Matrix..Roman Novel….Universal Simulation I am solving.

First of all according to the History Channel which my former host called my attention, he asked me to take note of when Hitler took over posession of the Spear of Destiny.

15 March 1938…
I went to Vienna and met two men on a Bridge in the strangest movie like set.
It was as if they were waiting for me.
I the were both from Vienna and hitler
As most are aware, I have been linking and solving an equation for the last 26 years.
An equation, I began solving in 1988 and recording it in 1989…
(Adolph Hitler. A.H was born 1989 and died 1945).
Whereby I knew I was going deep undercover into forgetfulness… Or death to prove that there was harmony and order in the Universe and that one can not forget.
And in writing that prouncement as a 22-23 years old young man, and writing it down as the first entry in what would become a 5 volumes Journal I called Talking to the Silence my life changed instantly.
I.had opened up a portal and was whisked away into in a manner which stunned even myself…

I am currently at my last portal 268, where I had arrived in 2OO6, August 26 and declared that someone was counter weaving the true story of Existence…
A Consciousness…
Creating non existence.
At age 26 in Paris, 1992 Christmas I fell into a Coma but already knew I was being summoned by Death which is where I saw the Light so beautiful… and the blackness which surrounded me and brought me back to complete a mission.

Notice that the number 26 keeps on occurring,
Zeina Hannah
Transformed to letters it is
Zeina Means Beauty
Hannah means Grace.

Zeina is 29 years old today.

Thus, we see are in an equation.

35 months, almost 36 months I have found myself reading and transmitting (and deciphering) what seemed at first like a riddle but which turns out to simply be decoding frequencies which form a story and a weave of manifestation.

In the last 14 years, I have found myself living outside of “known Existence” imprisoned within a role and literally physically bound in the ultimate nightmare or dream – depends on how you look at it..
Its a thin line.

Being spirited away to a dimension of being forced to live outside “life” to be an obseever of all that I am being asked to pay attention to.
The impossibility of what I am experiencing is where I know many who have walked this path or who have Extraordinary Sensory Perception who ended up in Bellevue…
Thinking that they were insane..
But with reason, and imagination (that of a child) one can navigate the truth…
Because you know you are in a story.

And I have been brought here (I saw “brought here” because I did not chose for what is happening to my body nor to be on Facebook I was literally guided here).

And for 35 months before the entire world I have been decoding solving mastering a story which I did not create.
I have memory as an awakened being of the story I created, I have memory which came naturally of remembering and memory which I had to step by step solve to relink to that Natural memory that everything I remembered before being born in this body was true.
But I did not need to know it was true, the story and the script writer of this story wished for me to know that what I remembered was not only true but fact.

Mortimer, aka Blue Jay or the main character in the story of written by Cornelia Funke means “Dead Sea” which of course aligns to the Akashic Records reflected in Neel Akash, (N.A.. A N.A) is indicative of what I have been doing on Facebook…
Aligning the Akashic Records which were discovered and indicated in the Dead Sea Scrolls the riddles of interpreting and aligning the sum total of knowledge expressed by humanity through out this Time Line… Neel means Saphire Blue..wide open spaces …Blue as the fifth note (E) and the Akashic Records within us or at least risen in me.
The Environment Atmosphere outside had to be aligned as one line- as a Horizon… The Rising Sum total of truth.
But of course there was a problem.
Since our bodies are obviously radios in with within us is the sum total of human existence true and false, and outside in the environment is also the sum total of Expression of human Existence -true and False….
It means to arrive at the truth, the body as the flesh has to be refined to a Lightness or refinement where all False information are filtered out
Which creates which leaves only room for truth.
This of course, to be achieved in this reality required Self mastery and distancing of one self from everyday life as real.
A life of a monk while living in the depth of this illusion.
Celibacy in all levels and dimension of being.
Non existent in at least the acceptance of this world Consciousness as being real.
Which can only be achieved by the non stop paying attention to the facts which point this out
Such as being able to read it as a script and even know what is about to happen before it occurs.

Then there is another problem, since the body now operates as a radio and T.V, and satellite, where suddenly you realize that all man made technology is naught but a poor imitation of what the human body is and was designed to be…
From space ship, to radio, to Electrical poles and Transformer..
Able to transform morph into any of these functions…
You suddenly realize the truth magnificence of the human body as a literal Living work of art.
An Akashic Storage of Data of the human body as potential….
And so you have Energy water and Wine (the human Body) able to reflect the sum total of Information as well as potential of the Human Being and Body- hirthro untapped.
Yet existing in human imagination and invention.

And so now you are the optimum Human Being…
Energy Being Human.
5:28 Hrtz.
But now you have to deal with what is in the Air waves.
*Please note, I was formerly working through a Galaxy white IPhone..which was stolen outside the Cafe Bean…
And which was then almost immediately replaced with a Black Boost IPhone where I am operating from “Air Plane” mode..
A 747 Jet Li-GHT dimension

Link…I was formerly on a Computer lap top Silver Mac G4. (G D. 74) when I began, then I moved to a Black Lap top ACE.R. (G R.A C E) then it mysteriously stopped working.
Then a White Galaxy I phone…
In which I wrote that I was travelling on the Star Ship Enterprise Evolution Awakening through Space as Death picking up Facebook Friends representing dimension of human consciousness lost in Space and dropping others off who felt that they were unfriending me but were actually being asked to leave the Space Craft in a prearranged script after serving thier function.. .
And finally, I am on the Air Plane mode in which for over 8 months I have been aligning the frequencies -A mess from (Space of Death) to (Space as Life) Ahtmosphere-the twins Environment Earth EE (OZ-one layer …Zod as in Superman Clark Kent) Ana..
While retaining the Truth risen through a life time not allowed to full participate in Life’s play (which as the Lover of Life and Beauty was greater than any agony thrown at me by “Evil”)
While having to taken in all the Human expression in the air through the human time line, literally face the heaps of Intel, non stop entering into my consciousness and affecting my body so dramatically that I would literal have to yell out as quietly as I could on the streets and in the homes or portal I was passing through without calling attention to the agony of what the lies I I was passing through was causing me in order for those people around me or my hosts to feel at ease while they told me the problems of thier daily existence and I completed and solved thier riddles.

I had to solve the riddles of all I was breathing in of the Akashic Records of Human Existence..
Expression which created a Malice and Maleficent presence which fought me in a manner so visciously that if I had found away..
I would have walked away.
Despite knowing the Truth…

5:11 p.m is the time right now, meaning Time aligns with me affirming that I am speaking the Truth
5:11 is E K.
My intials

This journey or flight was of course the linking and filtering out the lies spread by Humanity versus the Truths within thier expressions.
Aligning it here on Earth and in this world through my being.
I became the Prism..
The Living Triangle and Pyramid (angle 51° EA. Rose Well Area 51…Phoenix ArE I Zone A) in which the Jet Li-ght was being refracted into a Beauteous Be-A.M) on Earth with the Sun Shine Rey Ray (the Gods Reh Rah) to the corresponding landing strips here in New York.

Which ended at The Bean 3rd and 2nd a few days ago and 8O-78 Spring Street (72 Spring Street Star Bucks) yesterday…
Where Aligned all these representative Portals back to 268 East 4th Street (Fah!), apt 1A (J O.Y..
Jay (Blue Jay… Cornelia Funke… Chris Franco) O (Orien (Orientation Orien Laplante) Yonathan Yonanathan Yohannes….

Johannes Christ-EN Graae
Nnaemeka Jude (Lion of Judas) Charles -Chinwuba Ezeufonna (C.E being his Father Grandfather..F.G. 67-76)

Nuno Ordens Miguel… Emmanuel
5:28 p.m
To the literal

Pascal Anah
Precy Arizechi
Ana Leonardo Caixas +Nocturnal Leondoom
Ines Guerreiro

Infact all 278 Facebook Friend to this Portal…
5:32 p.m.

Perhaps this is my most important post…
And hopefully the END….

But the 1-7 has operated as a tracking Beam- aligning all portals to one venue now that 5:28 and 11-28 and 1-28 have been aligned…to 3:28…

E.K. A.C E…

Thus G R…7-18..(AH R is Royal Purple, R.O.Y.G.B.IV)
E.K ..G R A C.E…B.H.P.G H….

4 is Deni….
5 is E.
6 is both David P.G as 6th age of reason and 6th sense, Nnaemeka J.C..C E
Dates of birth 6-16-6-18…66-11-68.

26-876.. Z H.G F….

Thus this portal is aligned write to Generation X Gardens..

The Real J.C is OINRI J.C.E…N.Yeshua Christ
And J.C is really Julius Ceaser…

We are at Rome…
Roman…C E.
By Cornelia Funke
Wife of Julius Ceases
Wife of Mortimer of Dead Sea Scrolls
Aka The Blue Jay. Silver Tongue
4 Grace C A.M.E…A LOT
Resa…Mother of Maggie.
Lots Wife.
Who turned into a “Pillar of Salt”
Which filled te S-EA.
Akashic Records E
E Truth

6:OO p.m

My Grandmother Lucy O Ji E.F I.

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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