
3/14/2019 21:31 – Facebook Post

3/14/2019 21:31 – Facebook Post

For John Mack

Mikki told me about your Dream of that which was holding your throat
Not allowing you to speak.
Which identified as Greek.

Please link the Greek Gods
And the G who are the source of the Romans theology God’s.


The correct equation is Golden Ratio

But instead these Gods
“See American Gods..
Watched it with Esteban Miguel FilgueiraE
at portal 29 on 3-11-2019
C.K. T.S.
See season 2 episode 1.
2 1.

The Greek story became the basis of Western Classical Eductation.
It negated all which came before it
G.is 7. Clarity of Vision to the Truth behind the Wall Mirror..Space Time.

The story of the impetus far from perfect meddling Gods are not the correct interpretation and translation the Room as represented by Natures Blue Print.

Thus G was reflected as Roman
One represented Chaos
See Athens Sparta. A.S ..Corinth
A S. C.
Expression- Democracy – spiltlting with the Gods

300 Gerald Butler..

There was no order or Harmony in Ancient Greece
A G.

( D M I C T P/ K 115 A G. E)

Then see Rome.. what it did with Order out of Chaos while lazily inheriting hook line and sink the Greek Cosmology.

The Gods actually are based on a Blue Print if truth
The King of the Gods is Death as Harmony and Transformatio
Pluto Hades
9 planet under world not Zeus Odin.

P.H/ H.P.
8 16 19 84 Birth code E.M.Filgueria..
The correct portal I pass through

E S P 3 6 9 .. I.S.

All planets

Sun. SUM. M V ..E M J. S U N. P

Can you read the Code

Humans where stuck in a Mirrored Room
McKayla Rays
No longer R M
But M.R..
Mr is Male.
Rep Christopher Filgueira
Tree Sage
Confirmed by arrival of Christian ThrowerChristian.

Both as 31
M IS 13
13 31 44

Rays Mackayla met Solierys Rosario
For the first time today at Stephends
Portal 29..
Sol is 5th Note
And means Sun.
5th planet is Jupiter .

I knew that she was not allowed to meet Sol until who had left her body as 7 to reach 8 the Harmonics of the 5th Note..
R R. S M.
1818 36 O. 9. I Pluto E S P

I S. M . Add A and E. Fact.
S A M E. F.

She has met with her self

The code
Decoded upside down G

Links to terrible Death
S P 104
“Cloaks of Death ..Expression Supreme ”
Meaning that the Codes of the Wall Mirror which continues to reflect your Expression and which traps you in a Room with a View of what you incorrect interpretation of the original meaning even of the Greek Gods and Pantheon s are all riddles whose names and meaning can be aligned to Nature which is where they were inspired from..
That you would be trapped in Pans Labyrinth
Pan is the Chief of the Old Gods
Pan / Nap
Pluto Neptune Uranus. 9,8. 7 planets..

Infinite Harmony G’ode

Not Gods

P.N. U. E
“Pnue” in French means a “Tire”-
Wheel of a Car..

The Labyrinth came a tower of Waves Currency of babble created from Expresion all reflected back into the Room.
Reflected back because it was not the same or correct translation and expression as the original Expression E and the Meaning of the Original Source of all Reflections was not mirrored in the other side of the Wall in the realm of Death
“Born of a Woman 9 months is to be born to Die.. returning to Pluto Hades where you started in Darkness.. Forgetting perhaps that you came first from the Light .. C Speed of Light and not the Sun which is the Portal of duality Life and Death.

We came from the moon
The Moon.Cycle
Physical Creation was Duality but not
It was all Death here and c.f.
The illusion of Light and Dark was simply a tool to bring forth Meaning

What is the Meaning of Existence?
42. Or 24.
6 6..
Alexander Andrew
66. 12. 3. C.

66. 36. 9 I

A C I.

I is Mercury Hermes ..MH..
13.8 Billion yr old Milky Way Galaxy

Greek Roman
7 18. 25. Y
They are one but Humanity was stuck in its Expression not resolved

It is now.
Notice how Esteban. Adam Waldron and then Mickky all changed their Facebook names in perfect timing
S.F… tm( S A F E ) to EM F
A.C. Adam Christopher to A.W…E
R.M to MR ..
B. E
Y Masculine Male Chromosome

8:50 p.m

Now look at this sacred portal
114 is the Rm 114 Grant Moor New Wington

See this sacred portal

Kiss of Death
Shadow of Death
Boy Stag. B S. 219

Death as the lie which negates Truth is the hand that stops Expression
Throat Chakra is the 5th.


If your throat is being strangled by your holding to the ideas of the Old Gods
I found a cap with the words “O.G:” a empty carton with the words Simple Human
at Stephen a day after or the same day John fed me some Mango and delighted me with his expression of Man Go.
Go in Japanese means 5 .
Man E –
O.G.. N A M ..N’ AM means ( My Father in an intimate expression relationship)
It is short for NN AM DI. DI. 4 9/ 94 I D MAN N. MA. NN E B H… E B T .. E 2 8. E 2 20. MAN E T

I watched at Stephen 29 portal
American Gods
I.rolled my eyes

9:04 p.m


“S. M V E. M J. S U N P”
Yes a code
Can you.read it

Add the Greek Equivalent to the Roman names Gods

And see Pluto as the Sum expression of the Galaxy Milky Way..
Sun-Sum= Pluto
S.P. .N U S. J.M..E V. M.

ends at M..Man Y

*John Mack recently sent two pieces of Intel
E.k.E.k O.

At 5:22 pm

And 12:48 pm.
L &D @ H

Life and Death
L. 12. D 4. @16
160 U sd stolen fromJohnny New Man

12 4. A Stage
12 by 4
S.P 48

9:14 p.m

16. 7.
48. 3

That is going too far ..going back into 7 after reaching Perfection P 88 Heaven Earth
3 at C E even after being made of Consciousness Emeka
C Eternity. C E. 35. 8
The Point

TP/K. 115 AG. (Silver ) messenger
Mercury Hermes

No need to check or go.backwards to 7 3
We passed 7 3. 8 3. 93 is what I opened up my face book page too.

9 3


9:19 p.m


Ian Stuart..E

5 28 Hertz Gift

And to deny I S. E

Ah Then Terrible Death has arrived
That is what John of Revelations
Jupiter and Mars
5th and 4th Planets
5 4. BLUE Green
4.5 Billion yrs Earth.

J.A M. 1966

5th Planet Jupiter Sol.. J S. 6th Satarn
5 6. 11. 1

It’s a Riddle a new language we had to decode

Greek Rome
Golden Ratio?
Ah that’s me E..E G R. E. E.K.
G.R.E means ” Able, Will Expression ”

E. G. R. E. E .K.

Do you understand John Macdonald..?
John Mckayla

Grip of Death
Grim Reaper
The Dark Prince

Kolo ” Princely Manly Warrior of the Circle Round Completed ”

3-14 -2019.
PI THE Script of testing who is The Source.

Full Circle Complete by the Human Reflections as Proof days ago.

9:31 p.m

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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