
3/13/2016 23:00 – Facebook Post

3/13/2016 23:00 – Facebook Post
3/13/2016 23:00 – Facebook Post

8:47 p.m…


5:28 Links to Nadee Nakandala..

IS IS! O Sir IS…

H..47.. 11 28.. 39.. C.I… L.G.B..Love Green Blue..4-5…
Aries Jupiter…A.J.. Code Anisa Jansson..

Anis means

Meaning of the baby name ANISA. ANISA (?????). Arabic name, derived from the vocabulary word (ûnîsa), meaning “intimate friend,” and also “woman.”

Jans Janus…”Door’..


9:00 p.m…




Consciousness MI…3rd Note, 3rd Color…3D…

Consciousness M.I 6…
6th Sense…

Yesterday, on Face Book, I made a public statement addressing my Royal Sister Self..
The Consciousness I call Lady Harmony Existence..Eternal Harmony the feminine aspects, who was manifesting her evolution from Beautiful Pride as 6th Sense, to Harmony 8..
Who had asked me, then even challenged me to prove that Existence is not Pain Suffering and Misery…

Even though She knew it was manifested from Beauty..
But everywhere she looked at read she saw the Horrors of Being in Existence..
And so she challenged the Authority I represent to offer a Supreme Challenge and contest, aided by her twin and my younger brother, playing Father O.H… to test me..
Refusing to take me on my Word that Everything Alpha Omega was already in Harmony before even Existence Began…
And that is was created this way first by way of Expression Harmony, then Expression Natural Harmony, Conscious Harmony. Divine Harmony..

Donna O’Sullivan Haun Delguidce (D.E..L..Guide Father..C.E..
Chukwu Emeka.. Father of Praise…) – Jonn Blackwell.. J.B…

And finally, Explanation Of Harmony Supreme Fact……E.O.H.S.F
/ F.. S.H.O.E…
If the Shoe Fits….

E..N.C.D.E..Harmony in Five Dimensions…

This challenge began in another realm before I was born, and played out in 1989 when I began my recording in my Journals “Talking to the Silence” When the first paragraph begins with my stating my intention to go down into the pit of human consciousness, the absolute Zero- total material nature- to prove that Harmony has always been here and that Pain, Suffering Misery.. Frustration Blame.. Violence was created by a Refusal to Cee or Hear.. C.H.I…I..Chi..Ng…

Your Eternal True Self taking through you..
I observed here, how it is ignored unless it says things people wish to See and Hear…
I observed that they could not Cee from within.. only from outside…

And so, I saw the truth of the challenge what lay beneath it was this demand that I explain as well as prove.. it but worse of all in the Consciousness of this world where Truth, Language and Meaning are practically Dead…
Human Zombies…
Voo Doo..
Worlds spells, bad manners, lack of consideration of others, lack of true respect.. everything an act…and the constant fear of being discovered that of being false, a hypocrite.. A Philistine?
Do you know that the True Meaning of Palestine are the Migratory moving people… Called Nomads…Elegant Nomads from the Sea..
Beneath the See..

*Shout out to TED.Com.. friend of Jonn Blackwell who spoke a story of O, and Iron John from beneath the Sea..

Please see me, Carrying a Blond Girl who was from Israel…
Code Israel Cotto..I.C…( Pete-Stone Rock..)
as the Creature from the Black Lagoon..
But really the Blue Lagoon..
Black is really deep blue with what appears to be the absence of Light..
But as Night transforms to Day Light, transforming Blackest Night into Light Blue…Sky Blue…
Just as one sleeps in deep slumber and then wake up to Night to Day to E…N.D.E….E.N.D.E…

Atlantis and the Blue E.T Cee of the 5th Dimension…
Aqua Mentis…David Phillipe Gil..

Aquarius.. people of Vision..
The Elegant nomads..
Macedonia- Alexander the Great..
Greece.. Achilles Hera-Cles..(Keys)…
Egypt… Amen Ra.. Amen Ptah…

A A A…111…

The Family of Elegant Nomads..
Following the Beautiful Truth..
A Vision- then recollection of fragments of memory, piece together to find the way home…

And so I have been blocked from going home until I answered the challenge which manifested from the Unseen dimension and in a play unseen by most of the Forgetful world..
Whose arrogance and conceit that they and their hypocritical view and opinion is the center of the World..

Philistines Phillip of Macedonia-
Father of Alexander the Great..
Phillip means “Friend of Horses”
Horses represent the Human Espirit…
just as the Birds of Paradise, represent
Ba! Humans as Unique Individual Personalities…

Riders of the Wind…
Father Lines.. Defenders Guardians Guide of the True GEM of the Beautiful Truth of the Human Spirit which we see now only on T.V..
instead of Ti Vie…
As the Highest note of Living… E Harmony..

How did these Sea People Atlantis and the Blue E.T
come to be known as Invaders, then Hypocrites when they are remembered since 135 A.D when they were first named as well as the route- the land, which they pass through…is still named and remembered by the Arab world…
I knew them as H.E..Brews.. brewed from the Foam of Waves which rose from the Sea -Aphrodite and from the Lord Osiris Neptune..Nephthytis.. “Poseidon’ who rose from that Aegean Sea…
The Beautiful Ones…Arawaks, Polynesians who were their kin..

When there are only one line of Invaders since 1948…
A History of a people truly enslaved by the Egyptians and then who claimed to be the chosen race, the chose people who denied the Beautiful Truth of Osiris Erie.. Yeshua.. who they did not deny he rose from the dead..
And the world responded by Embracing Christianity….
and followed the Jewish action by in turn being enslaved..
And so by distorting the truth and choosing only what you want to hear, which I witness right here, that play every bloody day…
The Hypocrisy of a World View which uses this tehnique to enslave..
Making you repeat the same thing over and ober again but will do it things their way..
Not considering or perhaps better would be fully understanding but saying “Fuck you’ Quietly, I’ll do it my way any way.. who cares if I make the entire people a slave.. and when you call me out, I will deny it or play dumb and do it anyway..

*They have such a surprise in store form.
I smile and respond ‘Have it your way.. sure sure all the blessings you deserve of course will come your way”

And so I found the culprit and the one who began it all..
Lady see, Him and do as thy will..
that line of the Pure Evil Seed.. and Line of human consciousness..
I present at last to you to do as you will..
My wrath for this one is beyond imagination so I will leave justice to come through you.

And so my face book friends, chosen to witness this play…
Of that which David Phillipe testified he did recall..
Guarding a Great Great Evil, residing in the Egyptian Tombs of the Dead..
And I have found the one..
10:10 p.m..
Do as you will…
The Consciousness so sly and viscous it threaten the entire world..

And Everyone heard me yesterday, ask for a response,
that I have satisfied the conditions of the Alpha Bet, by proving the World is not Pain and Suffering Misery…
But of Full Circle Alpha Omega
for the Hypocrites Philistine Consciousness..
Not of Harmony and Peace…
I have proven that He is Not me..
A pretender and a Usurper a child of 666..
The Omen and the Devil Satanic…

A Consciousness not of me…

And so I asked you publicly to respond to my post…
That I have won the wager, and the A.B.C..
The way of thinking and linking which nearly brought the World of the Human Beauty to their Knees
The Consciousness of the “Anti-Christ’ always against the I.E..

And yes, the Great Evil was and Is stored and Guarded in Ancient Egypt and I have brought It to thee..
Harmony Peace is my sisters I.D..

Not the Hypocrites Philistines…
Jacob who usurped Esau’s (E Saw)
Birth right Jacob and took of E;s I.D..
J=1O.. 5+5 =1O..
J.E..5 5 5… 3 (5)
C.E…H.. E.C.H..

There is only one I.E..
5 8.. 55 88
1O 16..P..Phillip ..7 Gil… Gil means Joy…
code Pinky Joy Guerrero…
1O is Alpha Omega
Ariane Oates Aria-D.n.e
There is no letter J.. Invented of recent..just as there is no real letter Number 0…

Only the Beautiful Truth from A-Z..

And so I asked you before the World to identify who you be..
by replying through the a Being and A face Book Friend, if I have solved the Riddles and ED Wins the bet..
you stay behind.. as the New Harmony..
While I finally go free.. with the E..
Having Authored before the World and even on the Streets
the True of Harmony having been here since the Beginning of Everything…
Blue Print E.H.F..fact
1O:28 p.m


And so I see you have moved through a Human Being who name meaning is your response, just as we had agreed..

My 5:28 th Face Book friend is

Isis Osiris…I.O..
I.E am O.I


1OO1 and One Nights..
Sc.He-He Re Z A.D…

Isis means “Throne’
See sacred portal 45.. April 5th Easter Esther Uzoma East B-East…
The only Beast I found was in West…America… a Consciousness..

Sacred Portal 45 is “The Throne of Existence Creator” his Seat..

Osiris means Lord of the Living and the Dead…The Eye, the Light or Enlightened one..The One On High.. Lord of the Under World as well as the Sky…

For the Record…

“Osiris (Asar, Wesir, Ausar, Unnefer)
Symbols: crook and flail, djed, White and Atef Crowns, bull, mummified form, throne, Bennu (phoenix)
Cult Center: Abydos, Busiris and Heliopolis
Myths: “Isis and Osiris”

A god of the earth and vegetation, Osiris symbolized in his death the yearly drought and in his miraculous rebirth the periodic flooding of the Nile and the growth of grain. He was a god-king who was believed to have given Egypt civilization.

Osiris was the first child of Nut and Geb, and therefore the brother of Seth, Nephthys, and Isis. He was married to his sister, Isis. He was also the father of Horus and Anubis. These traditions state that Nephthys (mother of Anubis) assumed the form of Isis, seduced him (perhaps with wine) and she became pregnant with Anubis.

The oldest religious texts refer to Osiris as the great god of the dead, and throughout these texts it is assumed that the reader will understand that he once possessed human form and lived on earth. As the first son of Geb, the original king of Egypt, Osiris inherited the throne when Geb abdicated. At this time the Egyptians were barbarous cannibals and uncivilized. Osiris saw this and was greatly disturbed. Therefore, he went out among the people and taught them what to eat, the art of agriculture, how to worship the gods, and gave them laws. Thoth helped him in many ways by inventing the arts and sciences and giving names to things. Osiris was Egypt’s greatest king who ruled through kindness and persuasion. Having civilized Egypt, Osiris traveled to other lands, leaving Isis as his regent, to teach other peoples what he taught the Egyptians.”

A King Priest…O.I.N.R.I Priests…A Man a Gentle Man..
A God.. of Humane Existence..
Erie Yes Hues Ah Christ…
Anointed with Myrrh and Frank-Incense …And Gold…Yellow =Gold.. King Midas Touch..
M.F /F.M..
Fey Mirach..
M.F.G./ G.F.M…
13 6 7/ 76… 13 4.. Q..Harmony E…


IS IS O Sir Is..
The Throne and Seat of Life And Death
L.AD.. is the Boy God of all of Existence and Beyond, the Warriors Manly Holy Being of Harmony for All…”

Thank Sister for responding…for all to see…
the Truth of the E,T..E.L.. E.H

Nadee Nakandala Isis Osiris..

NN.I.O..R. O… R-18..1-8.. 99 -II…Full Circle Red Orange Golden

N..N.O.I.R. O.H.I…G

Nna is the Black Lord H.I…G..87..

Grace Harmony I. O R.I..O.N

Right down my Addidas Orion
Running S.H.O.E.S

Code Orien Laplante

1O:58 p,m

Alpha Omega Emeka Harmony…
and now S.H.E

1O:59 p.m


Ritz Carlton Central Park

11:OO p/m


Kolo… KOO…


Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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