
3/12/2019 23:43 – Facebook Post

3/12/2019 23:43 – Facebook Post

10:36 p.m

What more can this world take away from me..
The Evil Spirit of Selfishness to the Extreme?

Family, Mother Brothers Sister, aunt…
Income, Body, Wealth, Name, reputation, independence Passports I.D.

I was left to die in the streets of Paris and in New York.

What have they taken away from the True..the Innocent the Pure..

No, I Tip the Scales of Justice of Balance 50 50 to 51 49
There are no Two Ways only One
One Truth aligned to the Eternal Energy Expression Beauty.

What has been done to me by you in your unnatural seat of being.
Is but material..

Physical manifestations illusions..

They left me to die on the streets and I fought back right here on this page, with determination will…quiet fury..

There was nothing which was done to me to take me away from the Truth.
Of this, of you and your Beautiful Truth.
My Beautiful Truth can not die because it is Eternal…
It will remain long long after you in this temporal guise of the Unnatural fade away.

Eternity will remain,
Harmony will remain
The Truth will remain
Beautiful Furious Power personified of Love
True Loves Expression
Beauty Clarity.

10:49 p.m.

No one can manipulate me, it.
Not through torture and Lord knows as Christopher Filgueira
McKayla Rays..
Torture is not.the word, torment, suffering, misery, isolation murder, rape, imprisonment in a Box…
Limitations threats bullying
No.one can..

I rose and rise from all this..
And to Bliss Extase .. Orgasm!

Walk in my shoes..
Believe in something beautiful, which is greater than you because it turns out to be the literal sum total of the love you have shared- perhaps rendered anonymous and irrelevant compared to having material power and gain.
But this is not the Real World and I am seen
The Ones of you who fought to manifest beauty within outside are seen.

It was never about Money but how it affects you..how you begun to treat people. Speak to.them those of proven worth.

I always felt those allowed to manifest great sums of money were meant to sustain those being a whose arts and talents would Inspire, creating new worlds.
And it was like that at one time..in Paris all over the World.
Artists Musician’s Scientists, Inventors who inspired the World through the ages always had a patron. Someone who believed in their art craft ..
Believed in it that they were humble before these great talents who often forgot to even eat, shower…
So focused on reaching the beauty they see, the ideas which beg release because they wish to share it with the world because they senses that thirst, the desire, the hunger for Beauty ..
To fill the growing void and chasm which the world people began feeling, stranded in.a vast world in which they could no see the purpose of life .

But purpose came through Creativity, through Inventiveness and even that which soon became defined as necessities.

The hardest thing to do in this world is to Love, but how can you love that which you dare not trust?

It is see each and Every one you come int contact with clearly.

There is no sense of the Hero in.me, or superiority for all were created of Energy and Light, but how can all believe they will rise equally after what each was given the free will to act out in roles assigned to them because these are what they chose.
This is what came with the roles you chose..
The experience even horrendous but you are given the role in this world and in.it some roles..
Positive True, Aligned to.Harmony but not to.this world which had no evidence of Harmony in their lake up because they did not fight for it..

But those who did, choosing roles.which would add not take away, you.were given the experience of enacting it out in a place which even forgot it’s name.
That was the suffering misery which you had to surmount and go through to understand just important that Beauty you represents is needed
How much you are needed by how hideous the world becomes without your presence, your being.
So yes, you can give up on anything you wish but the one you can not give up on is the Beautiful Truth of who you are.

That is what was needed, to never give up on.that most precious gift of all..
And the greatest Sin?
The Most of all is not just giving up on that but on pulling down, dragging down those who would not, did not give up on that gift so required in the World.

Who you truly Essentially Beautiful are.

That is why I could give up everything even this Script ( but I was not.allowed to)
But I could not give up on being myself
Emeka Kolo..
Despite the cost of my.simply adding Eternal Beauty in Humanity to the Script.

11:22 pm
11:23 p.m

I always fight back,
I responded to every challenge..
They most of you wanted to destroy me

Tell me which of you has supported the Knowledge brought forth of the E?

Not sponsored me out of some hidden agenda, use or need, or even out of a sense of lingering humanity charity..

No, sponsored purely my.work on.Evolution Awakening for its own Sake, for what even its simple promise can bring to the world?

11:28 p.m

It would have been nice in.the last 43 years if someone had believed in me, fought for me as I fought so so hard for each of you to rise and see the most beautiful view.

It would have been cool..But it was not the case.
Not did I Need any one to believe in me or do it for me..

I did it alone
There is no pride in that, it would have been better if it was shared for it is the Beauty which is was so hard to bear alone.
The magnificence majesty stupendous fantastic awe amazement…
That was the hardest load to bear.. alone

The cruelty, astonishing depths of cruelty evil.. etc..
That was not that hard to bear- you transform it
I carried and shouldered it, it.deformed my Body carrying so much expression of human cruelty but it always fades to nothing in the End and all that remains at the end of the day is the Wonder.and Awe.

And the Quiet
Beautiful Sadness of what could have been
But no.Regrets
For I accept what Is.

And the comfort through it all is that knowing in proven documented clarity that appreciation and gratitude that this is not.the True Real World EARTH.

11:43 p.m

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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