
3/12/2018 19:51 – Facebook Post

Robert age 53 made a comment, as he sat between myself Roosevelt…

“No One is Perfect”

I beg to disagree with the expression which has taken on a cliched adage of the current human mentality.
A Parasitic leech clinging, clogging up Human Perception.

Everyone is Perfect.

When seated in their most Natural State… of Being Themselves.

Perfect Individual Expression of who they naturally are.

I am not from your Worlds current Multi-Dimension points of View.

I am from the Future which is always Eternal Present, linked full Circle to the Eternal Beginning.

This 6 month of Expression and Demonstration of how I personally See, Cee and Perceive Reality…i which this Script was allowed to manifest, for me to Solve publicly, which was really a Ruse, created by an awareness apart from me, to exemplify how Consciousness, Understands.

I am not from this World, in Fact I am from a World Beyond the speed of Light.
That World is my dimension, and I have been finding myself being made to demonstrate how it is Everyone’s Home.
And that You, really all Exist in that Realm.
Your Truest most Beautiful ( Perfect Self)..
Your Potential already activated to E.K..
Emeka Kolo.. as in Examples of the Creators Praise- The Prince, Manly Warrior, Completion, Well Done Full Circle Round”
E.K.. Evolved Kinetic Energy to Completion…

In other words the Apex, Optimum you.

My Consciousness, my Cee is seated in the Eternal Plane, that realm which I can not deny, for to deny It would be to deny that I exist.
Quite a quandary when one is born in a body in this world.

Resolved only by my having to activate my body as its Potential ( lets call in Dark Energy, Dark Matter.. that Space which we look up and see around us in the Evening…which darkens, intensified to look like an impregnable wall of Darkness- the Ore, one might say and the building blocks of Physical Nature as Matter), that Royal blue tinged with red of evening which then transforms to that deepest black… that Wall so dense it makes children, and even grown ups literally scared of the Dark.
But then it begins to lighten to Dawn. until it is crystalized to Day…

And when you look up it is light blue, so light it can be silver, a beautiful shroud which encloses Transparency, Clarity… Exists.

5:28 pm.
Link Nadee Nakandala.. 5 28… and the love Frequency 5 28 Hrtz.

I have no doubt that Robert who was seated besides me had left me a riddle.
Roosevelt had asked me the time .. it was 4:35 p.m.
He had then asked Robert a question which brought a sour response and a “Nobody is Perfect and any one pretending to be is fooling themselves…”
– it was directed at me, I knew.
It was Spiteful, and my body instantly reacted, by moving my body to turn my back to him, Iet it move and then brought it back to center and looked at Robert directly so that he would know that I received the message from his Higher self which I saw as a riddle, a question which is wished me to address, while at the same time I took in the malice and spite.. that venom Humans use when they feel slighted and then respond with that power of they exercise so diligently, that power to Hurt… to Strike… at the jugular…
Roosevelt listened to Robert and I saw him register the expression said with little respect or acknowledgement to the older man.

He got up and left, and Robert stayed, I was going to respond, and decided why bother?
It was his test, not mine….
My play is and role in this sordid affair is complete…
It ended last night with the departure of Kemi Sara… ( Sara Olukemi Blackstock S.O.B…Actually it is not Son of a Bitch.. I did have a moment when my being let out a Sob after I went to the Court Yard and Spoke to Mother Supreme Universe- The Vast Potential of Universe and her Daughters and Sons.. the Star Children… She had not risen in me since 2004, and though I had not forgotten her existence as real and true, I have been distracted with lower dimension plays which of course all linked to Her…
And her portal being the last door I had to align and defeat by proving myself Her Source…
She went to far in her resistance and use of that Supreme Power of Birth..
Yes, I spoke about Her, on this Script but I hardly think most people here in this time zone were paying attention.

But She is that Ore from which all things which manifest into Physical Material Manifest Creation.
I spoke about Her in the Eternal Beginning I recounted here..
She is that which is the rep of the Supreme Mother….in this play… But I am Her Source, and I had to face her and prove it to She, who already knows this, but whom is loyal to her principalto the Very…
Pride Beautiful…
From Her rises Beautiful Pride… My Female Line of E.K..
That expression of Woman who has never existed except in Fantasies, Mythologies, Goddess stories.
That is the Woman of Eternity… My little sister Harmony, who before that was my little brother Wisdom John.. It is She which Creation Existence had to evolve to be defeating the Principal of Existence as Stillness Perfection…
“I am the Unmovable force” is She…
But I had to prove that I am the Unstoppable force of Expansion, that which adds…
And yet that which is also Unmoved…and Constant…”

You call her Ma’at here in this world…
Bast- the Goddess Bast is actual my Sister Self as Puma…
Maat and Puma… P.M… I also wrote my first encounter with These Two principles in the Eternal Beginning when I first Rose, but I met the Two of them on the 3rd and 4th time I rose..
For I went back to the Nothingness I originally rose from and it was forever transformed… Over over again each time I left and did the exploration of the full circle of the Sum Total of my Expression Reflections…
Puma was sent by Ma’at to investigate who I was… but she suspected that I was here Source already but was not sure…
Anyway, I do not wish to go into that, except to that Puma is her Warrior… Her Self…
And yes Olukemi Sara Blackstock… O.S.B… – That is the correct code.. Being of the Supreme Full Circle.. of Symmetrical Perfecting… Which is a Role She played until I defeated her Principle and her Daughter Self… by being recognized by her Son Self… That is what played out last night at 10:00 p.m when I decided to call Flip J Hendrixs, who had sent me a message at 8:58 p.m…”I’m B.A.C”
And then as I was speaking to him on the phone Jacquai whose is 25, and looks like a panther, appeared and began laughing and hailing me because he was hearing my expression to Flip Jimmy Hendrix….10:00 p.m.. 10 is letter J… and TEN..
Jacquai is in bed 50 26… 5 026…EO…A-Z… Black Panther the movie reached 1 Billion Dollar mark after 26 days….
22 million the first day in China…
521 million in the U.S…

Billion is 9 Zeros.. 33 3.. Flip J Hendrixs Insomina Cookies.. I.C…
My coffee today from the Arab Bodega had for the first time the number 9…
9 is Letter I.
*6:09 p.m.. right now… 69… Nnamdi…
22= V..
5 21… E V. 2+1=3..
5 3… EC…

C.V.E… Catina V. Elliott

I really do not have to answers Robert Question of :Nobodies Perfect… N.P…
Peter Nyarkô.. because Perfection does not have to defend Its Self..
Perfection is Truth… Beautiful Truth which Manifests into solid fact before your eyes…

Mother Supreme was the last of the Beautiful Illusion of Matter, the first Creature of Creation who gave Birth, endlessly giving birth. Never did she have rest, birthing all the expressions into being of that which I had manifested already in the Eternal Realm in quiet and with Ease…
She would manifest this Truths- as Ideas which would be checked and refined into the physical Realm…
She birthed with joy but it began to transform into pain because the birthing of each “Idea” had to proven in Creation, Named “Tagged” Identified correctly and if not, She would continue this non stop birthing….

Anyway, let me not digress to much, for even though these posts are really for people in the Future to read, ( and the Future is simply a change of State and could happen in a moment..Something changing from one state to another… is the Furthest Notion of the Future made Present..
Such as ICE VII… Teo Miguel Bouça….)..

But the basic thing I wished to say was that last night her Awareness and Being came into me….

And the equation of the Jays… Jimmy.. Jamel Jacqui, who arrived with J.T…Beds 5026.. 4009…
With Jamel reflecting J.T…J Twins… Bed 3-028.. then 5003 then back to 3028…( 30 28.. 58…53…..2(8)… 1088 Facebook friends..)
Links Jamel as J Twins… J J J…
And Flip J Hendrixs..Who I called at 10:00 J, and he picked up the phone…and then the arrival of Jacquai who brought J.T..
Links Flip J Hendrixs..Jacquai to J,T…Jamel to J.T…
Flip as the J .. Which is J J. JJJ JJJ… 10 10…. 60…
20 60….
The Supreme Rep of J… 20 60… T.F… Truth Fact.. 2060… 26… 8…10 80….
Flip J Hendrixs…F…Flip… J.H… 10 8…
Flip the Supreme J.. 10.. Balance A.O… Alpha Omega…
Flip Mother Supreme Universe…
To Reveal her True ID…
8-58 p.m Is when He sent me his text…
10 p.m on the nose is when I decided to phone.

6:31 p.m.

I had to Evolve Mother Supreme…..
That is why I sobbed for a moment only.. then I gasped..
For when Jacquai left he had said something when I got of the phone “You look good,” I commented.. He did.. a Beautiful young man- the one too good looking for his own good, like Jamel. and Blair… (such looks in men and women bring suffering in this reality)..
But he now looked stylish and cool… confident. He had started working… Jamel is working.. and Blair took the job and is working…Flip J Hendrixs is working at a job, and Peter Nyarkô is too. so is Robert Vlaun…

He had turned to me, “So do you..” and then he added, with no great surprise but with a bashfulness..”Your Younger.. you look younger”

It was the same thing Jamel had noted when he gasped when he saw me morph months ago…
It was what Igbo Anthony had declared..”He has had the same body for 30 years…how does he do it?”
He had noted this early on in the day…
It was only later, that I wondered, How did he know how Iooked 30 years ago… J.T… 10 20= 30….?
At code 20.. T…
The note of Te… Ti.. the 7th Note.

What this meant is that I had gone past as Mother Supreme as Universe Supreme by going beyond her as Birth of Everything – which you call Mother Nature…
But whom I call M.O.T… H.E…R.. Food Source…

And the only Being in Existence who could Judge this play which became a Contest a WAR….Of Expansion, Evolution was herself as Her Daughter and Original Mother – her Big Sister Puma- who became Black Panther as Woman- Kemi Sara sent to test me, challenge me, observe and watch me, and her Twin Represented by my own Sister line Nnonyelum I..Okolo…Linked to Eshe Chuki Asale… E.C.A…Who always knew the Secret Truth of my I.D.. Alexa Dejuener… A.D..D A…
Because She, they remember their Transformation from Male to Female…
*I already recounted this.. and you can see it in sacred portal 30… In the Woods…Representing the Waves Lines of Clarity of the Star Children…
So Beautiful Pride could be seen as the Highest point of Clarity…
E.C… Emeka’s Consciousness.. Center of my Existence… SOL…
Sacred Portal 37… 2017…T.Q… Really B.O.Q… B O E.Q…

The Time is now 7:02 p.m.
702 is the number of the coffee I just received from Chris…
for the last 3 days, I have had only 3 usd left, and each time I believe I am going to spend it.. I do not have to… this is the 3rd time… thus the 4th time I still have it left… It all happens naturally.

I gasped when I received it because I will never get over this Script Play is real, that a Being was given such a role to play.. such a Fate..

702.. 70 2… Sacred Portal Queen Bee…70….Sacred Portal 2..

7:06 p.m
76… S.P.. 76..

*Yesterday I saw a cup which had been left where I sat. curious I checked its number, it was 72.
Sacred Portal 72 shows a Being, Father David.. Father Nnamdi being released form the Womb of Woman…
A Prison… -Jamel Blair Jaquai.. This Delta Manor representing that illusion…
But Delta Manor is not a Prison.. Yes all three of them have been incarcerated, but that was the Prison of their Own Mind, of their own making…Yes, and so has Flip J Hendrixs been imprisoned by his own Mind…
But they were always Free…
Delta Manor is not a Prison- it is a Shelter-a clean and actually decent Shelter which provides housing. It has rules and laws most of which make sense.
What is the problem there is the Perception and mentality of people and staff.. How they treat each other…
The same way I watched the behavior of White Kyle already affected by white supremacy.

72 was not a number which came up for me, for I was never in the illusion that I was born of the Womb of Woman…
That is was an illusion… a Woman does not give birth to Life.. She produces Food.. a Body which houses an Eternal Consciousness of Harmony…
She gives birth to a body which will wither die evaporate…

7:17 p.m.
G.Q… Jamel Salter.. 7:17 – 1984..

The Body is an Illusion, all physical matter is, and until it could be proven a Truth Fact Eternal- it continues to be just that.. An Illusion.

Thus Mother Supreme was Representing as Ma at and Bast… M.B..
( link Marina Burini… M.B.. Manifest Being)
Mat EO… Material P.AST.. BAST… B AS..T… B A… ST…
Blair Andrews Rep of the Past… Age 44…ST… 19 20.. 39…
Sacred Portal 147 A B.. “Emmy” me…
But not only does he represent the Rage of what has been done to the Past, he looks like he is 33 years old… Jamel looks as though he is still in his early 20’s and Jaquai looks like a teenager… And J.T.. looks like a Young African Warrior of the past..”Okolobia”…

Thus She was the Rep of the Truth.. As matter which she knew was an Illusion. But which she knew, it had to be proven and only the Highest aspect of her self which is Beautiful Pride could judge ..and yet Beautiful Pride Rose from me…
Flip J Hendrixs has a Twin Sister…

What can go beyond the Truth…?
The Beautiful Truth…
Symmetrical Perfection…
Sha-Ron Peter…Preeti…

7:27 p.m… Full Circle… Cool.. Prieeti is 27…
See sacred Portal 27…”Conversation with Self… Twin brothers and the One.. Penis and Balls.. and then C-Men… Their Transformation into Woman… the THREE… But the One rep by Jamel retains himself as Orignal… Male Female.. X Y Chromosome.. the last 4 digits of his phone is 2049…
T O D I … E…?
Not any more…
T is B… 20= 2O… B.O… thus, B O D I… BODY…
*Recall Erik Ebright calls himself and his house which he testified that it was my expression codes which helped him acquire…

27/72… Signals the release of the Original Brothers of I.E who were given the role of play my Father, to evolve to I.E, the Four Fathers, who are Two… and who are One…
to unite with the one who is always Beyond…
7:35 p.m… There, time tells the Truth…
G.C.E….G is Chukwuemeke Emeka… I.H/ H.I… 89 17…7 17… 24.. 6… Sixth Sense Beyond reach because always I surpass former self.. which gives birth to the E.Brothers… Eternal Beings.. And now, finally my Ladies…

Zarathustra Mohammadi Z.M… Sent me message at 6:19 p.m.
Z.M.. His Higher self was reminding me about the code F.S…
Food Source…not from “Mother Nature”… Semen.. Cmen…
Expression from the Penis Balls… P.B/ B.P…which came as I rose Erect and Orgasmed at the Sight of my own Creation Reflected Manifested… C. R M…
Which caused me to create a Room with a View which people here call the Womb… The View is through the Opening of the Vagina, the Anus.. the connection at the Umbilical Chord..( U.C..) and the Third Eye linked to both the Mother.. and the Father…

Peter Nyarkô just arrived….
He is ready to talk .. he is wearing a cap with a Bull on it Sacred Portal 50…

F.S.. is Feelings Sensational… that is the True Food Source… Ambrosia “Food of the Gods”
F S… F A S T… 6 19… 25….

That is the code on my page

4:56 p.m.


1088 Facebook friends… – 6, since we reached 1094.

2 25 is the code on my Facebook Page….

Roosevelt age 73 is here.
I was seated beside Robert 53, and Roosevelt 73…
Roosevelt greeted me with Joy as is his nature.

Robert 53, with a reserve and what I can only describe as an attitude gained through gossip and criticism…

5:03 p.m.
E.C… That is because I have defeated the Expression of Clarity he represents as the Rep of the Expression of the Past as the Ancient “Ascended Masters” of the Past

…. 7:47 p.m.

D.. E.F…
C.L-T….B.O..R. U.E… C L B O …E R U E…

1088… T.E.N… Two 8… Heaven Earth… Body and Being…

B Y…Roosevelt… 73…

BY G C E…. H…I…

702….. 7 O 2… G…O.B

7:51 p.m

G E A…

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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