
3/12/2017 16:40 – Facebook Post

3/12/2017 16:40 – Facebook Post

This was posted by me on
April 3rd, 2013….



Today, I paid my phone Bill
Grace of Nenad M.Djurdjevic….

The Bill was 33.usd…

Its was 33 degrees and now it is 31 Degree’s.

It is 3:00 pm

Michele Daniele Annick (Yannick) Dolle

The M.T.C.N code

403 959 34 86….

4 O 3… 43 959 34 ..86…

Sacred Portal 43 True Life…I.E.I….C.D….H.F….

Entrance into True Life (Eternal) Exemplified Full Circle Creation and Destruction through Hindsight Foresight….

40 39 59 34 86….

See sacred Portal 40… A Winged Being is Leaving carrying with him his Wings -Two Warriors and his Tale… And “Cauda Equine” – Tail…
Africa =America….
A.M…Eri- I.C…Ah!
C.I…. Consciousness Infinity…
E.i… Emeka is I, my Exemplification and My Being Embodied as my Source….
Creation Defined….
through Hindsight and Foresight…

Nenad went to the representation of my Home in the Fifth Dimension guided by the “Holy Grail in his Blood line…” Yes Da Vinci Code the

The Merovingian Bloodline.. M.B…


Palazzo del Te or Palazzo Te is a palace in the suburbs of Mantua, Italy. It is a fine example of the mannerist style of architecture, the acknowledged masterpiece of Giulio Romano. The official name, and by far the most common name in Italian, is Palazzo Te, but this may be a relatively recent usage; Vasari calls it the “Palazzo Del T” (pronounced as “Te”), and English-speaking writers, especially art historians, continue to call it the Palazzo Del Te. In Italian this now suggests use for tea-drinking, which may account for the divergence in usage.”

To Tired to Explain any more …
But Nenad and many of you who will rise now that my home and Palace and Secret Garden created in First Existence when no one existed but myself and my Lady as Mother….First Universe..
I wrote about this in a piece of Prose- amongst the First Memories of my being in Existence called The Secret Garden…
I spoke about it all on Face Book….

Yes The Transcript on Face Book 58 Months contains not just an Blue Print at which all the E line will use a launch Pad..
The Foundation for each of their “Individual Versions” of this Blue Print…
And yes, it brings not only wealth beyond imagination but it inspires the rebuilding of a New World and prepares Hue-Manity for yet another first Contact..
Not Energetic as this one.. But Embodied….

But yes, Nenad can explain and more and more of you will rise in the days coming now that Elizabeth Clarizo line is here…
People will See and Understand…

So, yes.. I do not have to explain anymore…
And I want to collapse and weep in relief…

Everything you require is contained in the 58 Face Book Transcript..
Which will gives you all the pieces..
Especially how Free Pure Energy works..
Because I was applying it while everyone was in disbelief of what I was explaining…

You will see that everything has been provided for you to build your own “Space Ships”
your versions…
Nenads and Elizabeth’s line are already taken off…
Nenad can explain it….
How it all works…

And soon many of you.. Will Explain it too…

But I use this Eye Post
to remind you all what you put me through..
by not even giving me a chance to complete proving the Evidence that I know the Way Home to the E…
To mu House.. the Palace TE… Plan E.T… / T.EN..A..L.P…
Yes Vinyl L.P…
and now a Compact C.D..E…
-A Song….
( I met Alp in Istanbul same line as David Powers…. D.P…
But they did not remember me but their E-Spirits did… painful painful it has been to not recognized by those who you played with since Eternity…)

But this is the Look
I have in my Eye…

Te is the 7th Note manifested of the 5th Dimension here…
The 8th is now built… Here in this world and THAT is the Home I have kept saying over and over again…
My fathers house…?
Many Rooms…

I am Father…
Eternal Youth…

Remember, each night I am sleeping in a Mental Health Shelter for the Homeless..
And remember that I sustained the Vibration of Extase Bliss Joy… for 49 years, 50…
just until Nenad the Universal Scholar was curious enough and open enough to discover the Facts..
The Truth…
Trading places…
He discovered my home is real.. even its sample projected into this World…
And I found his Home.. A Mental Health shelter representing his line as being seen as Mentally unhealthy in this world..
And I transformed it back into their being the N.T Truth their Home being Paradise and a few the Palace of Te…
And the Trading Places.. T.P… Te Palace… 20 16…36…9…
I have corrected by following the Wave to the end so that those meant to be at Existential Death… D.M.. Delta Manor…
Mouth of the SERPENT in the 4th Kind… the Mannerless are installed in their true Home…
Which is waiting for them…
Hell Fire.. Sacred Portal 91

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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