
3/11/2017 22:05 – Facebook Post

3/11/2017 22:05 – Facebook Post

945 Face Book Friends..

Time 8:31 p.m.
Now 8:35 p.m

Welcome Tiffany Dawn Haynie

Link Dawn Marie
Dawn Piercy
… Tiffany Dawn Haynie

Tiffany SD.. Santana Dharma… 19-4./ 4-19.. Robert O’Sullivan E

D.P….P. D

T.D .H… H. D.T…. Harmony Donald ‘Magician” Trump…

Tiffany means

Transferred use of the surname derived from the Old French Tifaine (Epiphany), which is from the Ecclesiastic Late Latin Theophania (Ephiphany, manifestation of God).

Royal Epiphany Sacred portal 127…

1200 AD – “Tifinie” is used in Old French to mean “Epiphany.” It derived from a similar Late Latin word which in turn came from the Greek “theophaneia,” meaning an appearance or manifestation of God. (“Theo” = God, “phaneia” = appearance; the “phan…” element is related to such words as “phantom,” “fantasy,” and “fancy,” but not to the “fan” in “fan club” or “fanzine,” which is short for “fanatic,” and is from a completely different etymological source.) A later French spelling is “tiphanie.”
1600 – “Tiffany” has been borrowed into English, and has taken on its modern spelling. It is used occasionally as a synonym for “Epiphany,” and also as a name for a kind of light silk or gauze.
1633 – William Austin writes the following in his Devotionis Augustinae flamma, or certaine meditations, published posthumously in 1635, and cited in the Oxford English Dictionary in its definition of “Tiffany”: “This is Twelfe day… But more anciently and most properly it was called the Epiphany… Our great grand Fathers… as the legend sayes called it the Tiffany… we must know it signifies Aparition or Manifestation from above.”
1600s — The first Tiffany in America was Humphrey Tiffany, who was killed by lightning near Attleboro, Massachusetts riding with Miss Loh:
Squire Tiffany and Mistress Loh
By a stroke of lightning into eternity did go
Also among the Tiffanys is the inventor of the bazooka. (Source: Bruce Tiffany)

Feb. 15, 1812 – Birth of Charles Lewis Tiffany, the jeweler who would found the famous Tiffany & Co. in New York City, known for its elegance.
Dec., 1995 – Deep Blue Something has a hit song entitled “Breakfast At Tiffany’s”.

Meaning of Dawn

The meaning of the name “Dawn” is: “Sunrise, daybreak, first appearance of light”

Dawn M P.H…
True Dawn H.P.M… Treasured Dawn Harmony Planet Manifests…

The Name Haynie….

From the Islands of Wild Cocks.. Birds of Paradise
The Announcers of Day Break Light Dawn….

Elsdon Smith’s “Dictionary of American Names” states that the names Haynie, Hainey were English-Irish, meaning was: one who came from Hanney (island frequented by wild cocks), in Berkshire, or, the grandson of Eanna, an old Irish saint.

…Variants of the name are found in Cornwall and Southwest England, several of them bear similar arms. There is reason to believe that the name originated some place in Normandy, but its various forms make it difficult to locate exactly.

FROM OTHER SOURCES: “The surname Haynie is thought to have been derived from the Ancient Celtic word meaning “bird” — [this version is in agreement with the source “one who came from Hanney, an island frequented by wild cocks.”]

Bojana Kralj.. B.K… *(Bilal Khan… Kathleen Beard.. Book of Desire and of Pure Reflections of a Beautiful Mind.

Bojana means…;
Derived from the Slavic element boji meaning “battle”. This was the name of a 9th-century Bulgarian saint.”

Kralj.. means;

Kralj is a South Slavic surname and title. It literally means “king” and, according to Petar Skok,[1] is derived from Charles the Great (Karolus) in the same sense as Tsar is to Caesar.

In Slovenia, it is the 14th most common surname: it is present throughout the country, but it is especially common in central and southern Slovenia. In Croatia, it is the 49th most common surname, also present throughout the country, but most numerous in central Croatia.


Royal Epiphany, Its the Manifestation of God ( Eternal Harmony)
the 12th Knight, the Jeweler of Elegance…
Breakfast at Epiphany Royal Manifested of Dawn..
Sun Rise ( Rising Sun Michaël Trahé Nenad M. Djurdjevic)
Day Break when the Light will pierce through the Clouds of their Thoughts and as Thunder and Lightening..
the realization through the Cocks of the Sacred Eternal Isle of the Strutting Peacocks- the Beautiful Handsome ones will come this realization first at which is spreads as a wave through this world penetrating Humanity right to the lowest vibration of Existence
The King Cock has battled his way bring forth the Eternal Truth…

9:04 p.m.


36.. 360…. 36O… / 63…63O…
First Contact Full Circle with the I.D..
9:05 p.m.

of I.E..


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