
3/11/2016 20:30 – Facebook Post

4:50 p.m


De-Vine of the Source I..

4th Dimension 5th Dimension..Green Blue

11-3-9…K.C.I.. Kolo Chukwuemeka Ikemefuna

All round Praise to the Creator for a job well done, the Prince and manly warrior whose Strength never abandoned him..


Code Consciousness is called Ki..

Ki is Japanese.. it means “Inner light, light, Nature Orgone, soul-Spirit-Elan…”
Its also called Spirit of Movement..
and Energy Spirit..

Some older Face Book friends may recall that in my Creation Story of the family of 1O, that the First of the family of Ten, “Big Brother”- Elder twin of Devi (Devas) is called Spirit E…
Energy Spirit, which is why I called Spirit, E-Spirit, as they French spell it..
This is because I sought to differenciate between Spirit activated by Energy or Expression Eternal Truth and Spirit as Memory of the Mortal Coil…

Spirit Energy.. represents the Color Blue, just as Devi represents the color Rose…

from Spirit E and Devi… E.D the twins came Clara Star Child and her twin sister, Noni Promise- The Tree of Life..
C.N…C-Speed of Light, Consciousness of Naturalness and Nature..

Spirit Energy is Devi..
and together they form the O and the A.. the Source and Alpha Manifest Expression…
And the I..Infinite Individual…


Here is another definition of Ki..(Q…K.h.i..C.H.I..X) I found…

“Ki is the spirit of the movement, from movement to movement, seeking that which is pleasurable.” And most teachers would not agree because of one word: pleasurable. They say, “You’re making it sound exotic or erotic or something.” No. It’s the feeling of the movement, going from movement to movement, seeking that which is pleasurable. So when we’re working out and you catch me on a really beautiful throw, it feels good, doesn’t it? Like a little “body orgasm.” And those are the things that keep us in the martial arts. When the body does a good movement it feels good! And that feeling at that moment is ki at its best manifestation”

Seeking that which is pleasurable.. of yes…
this is the way of Nature, it is Natural.. and is the way of Existence, Tao..Theta Alpha Omega..
The Universe speeding towards its Source..
The Orgasm, for all Existence is rooted in Pleasure..
From the Root Chakra Kundalini.. Sex the Seat and the Throne
“ISIS”…to the Crown Chakra- Age of Aquarius..
A Vision “Ruth”..
Its Truth.. for a dream or a Vision, does not echo affirm respond and insist…’I am Truth”

I have a new Face Book Friend…
Welcome… Anisa Jansson…

Thee perfect timing of your arrival as my 527 face book friend, links to an Echo Response confirmation of yesterdays play where I received for the first time in this 48 month public conversation with the Unseen E-Spirit Energy of Existence called the Eternal Truth, Eternal Love which I have been demonstrating moves through all Humanity, proving itself Existence through me and all of you…
-I received 4 then 5 Face Book requests on the same day..

And equation in this conversation which I have been aligning, linking and proving into Existence, in the very consciousness of this world and society at present, but not living in actuality…

In your name meaning and alignment right to the you being my 527 Face Book friend is the response of the “Ki” whom I call the E line..

Anisa means.. ” Close Friend, Companion, Intimate Friend..Lover..and Woman in Arabic..
Male form Amni-Anisha..Means “Uncle”
UN.CLE..Key Ki…

Recall that the name Ruth (Code Ruth Odom..)
means “A Companion Friend..A Vision of Beauty -“Pleasurable”

And if we add T..”Ti” which is the 20th letter
(Which in E Code represents two full circle O2..
H20…See aligned to Aqua Mentis…A.M..and April Maria…)

See sacred portal 2O in my Albums..
Lady Echo response and her Bird BA..21..U..Universe- Unique Personality Individual…UP..I..
4+5=9..9=Letter I.. Pluto Hades.. P.H.. Harmony Pandora the Explorer..of her big brother, Pans Door of A.H.. Alpha Omega..

Pluto is the 9th Planet…smallest and furthest from the Sun…

Jansson, Meaning “Gift From God”
Jan’s Son.. Janus “Roman God of Doorways and new beginnings”

“So, in this way, we’re all a little bit like Janus, the Roman god for which January is named. Janus is usually depicted with having two heads. that face in opposite directions. One looks back to the year departed, and one looks forward to the new and uncertain year ahead.The god Saturn bestowed upon Janus this ability to see into the future and past. His name comes from the Latin word ianua, which means “door.” Janus is the god of doors, gates, doorways, bridges, and passageways, all of which symbolize beginnings and ends. Janus also represented transition, such as the time between youth and adulthood”

In Saxon January is called the “Wolf Month” Fenrir..
But March was the actual beginning of the Year, (And when I moved to New York), before two months were added, because it did not align to the Seasons…
A 10 month years became a 12 month years..

*”The 304-day Roman calendar didn’t work for long because it didn’t align with the seasons. King Numa Pompilius reformed the calendar around 700 BCE by adding the months of January (Ianuarius) and February (Februarius) to the original 10 months, which increased the year’s length to 354 or 355 days”

304 Days became 354-355 Days.. Code; 304= C.O.D.-E; 354..C.E.D (I)….355 C.E.E… Christain Edwin Edwin…
365..C.F.E..366 (This year) C.F.F… Circle Filled by E,
Circle Filled with Fact..

Which is why the code 1012…J.L..Joseph Lucifer..
meaning “Add Expand the Light bringer of Dawn, son of Venus..”

Saturn is the 6th Planet…and his Son is Jupiter.. the 5th Planet…
Though in the truest version, Jupiter is Father Son and “Holy E-Spirit.. Awareness…

6:00 p.m.. right now.. Sixth Sense..

The Doorway theme ties in well with the Script so far deciphered..

As does the sentence… “A Close Friend, Companion- intimate friend-Lover..Woman..is the gift of the Lord, Creator..K.I..
“Hey Ah Kid O”
that movement of Spirit Energy, moving through everything…
“White Light is the sum total of Spectrum Rainbow…
S.R..Stone Ridge, 18…
The Big Brother “Alberto Robert Erik” appears as I, or 1 on both sides of the mirror, as well within or outside…
Same thing.. Light is always One…
But Colors are the break down of this Energy Spirit light which is always one.. And so colors are illusion, yet each founded on the truth.
Seven steps, and seven notes which led you back to the One Eternal Truth, The One Eternal Light, the One Eternal line of Heroes of the Golden Dawn.. And of course the One Constant Beauty And Loves Light..
Brett Ball..B.B..22.. V
Aryana Luna Leone..A.L.L…”Noble Luna The One”

Thus, the Journey Adventure from One… to 1-7 was an adventure, a story of the One Eternal Light, a Book, a Roman- A Romance of two Brothers E-Spirit E and Devi… ED.. in which they, the two in one E.N.D (Nature Nnamdi- David would be Nnamdi’s twin self and son) which would manifested through ying yang, and this story, their other nature as Creation C, leaving the Story her brothers and Fathers and Grandfather Created, so She who is now “David” Twin- Divinity, could realize that she was a a character in a story, and by finding her Big Brothers Door..
Pans Door of AH.. Janus.. Jansson…
By understanding the lesson, of E.L is to give evidence og howdoyou know that you are not Vision
“Prove to us that your a solid and shakable in your knowing that you are absolutely real”

And once she did this, by finding the Door…
represented by Angelina Jolie..Beautiful Angel Baby..
Of the Blue Lagoon, that I was did photo shoot in Turkey
(Koray Erkaya)…”Hurriette News Paper July,1997..in which I rescued a mermaid once an Angel, Yes a Falling Shooting Star…from the Blue Lagoon… Brooke Shield..B.S (Sandra Bullock..S.B..South Bronx)…Chris Atkins.. C.A.. Catherine Acholonu…
C.A 31… B.S..A.C.. A.B.C..S..Supreme…

Anisa Jansson.. thus would represent that door, of no longer it being A Vision of Beauty, faith hope a wish being her companion and friend..
But the Truth proven Fact, Solid and so real…
That the One is also the Eight.. O.E
By uniting David to his lady Dawn (Donna Ma-Donna Lady Wisdom Sophia).. DD..44.. 8.. Real..
Orgasm… Ki.. the One Key “Anisha- Ammin Anisha.. A AA..111)
Solid and For real..
by linking Nature to Naturalness… NN.. Nadee Nakandala 5:28
17 Qi Chi. Ki ..

I noticed that Anisa has 17 Face Book friends…

1+7=8..H…Horus Hathor…

Quantum Mechanics..
Transforming the polluted Air into the Air of Love…

..And that is how, the One Individual Expression
Has transformed from Characters in his own Creation story,
into his Solid Real factual Story into his Family of E Harmony..
Each Unique Individual in their own right..

But yes I am the Big Brother, who fought for his family,
represented in the Evolution of 1-7..Two Eight Nine..
The Elegant Nomad…
out of a Story created for them to understand him and themselves that they are literal the Embodiment and true family of Eternal Divine Light…

De Vine Of E..

I have long since noticed that before my now non existence love life, that red heads predominated my sexual encounters, as if there was a secret, to understand who she be..
One of such was a woman I met in England while in my early twenties.. Irish Celtic, flaming red hair, who I must, twas she who took me to bed, with such a passion and ferocity, I was a little alarmed..
And then we took around Marble Arch in London, (M.A/A.M)
singing, hollering and dancing until it was Dawn…

Great Fun…

W.U. Man…

is our E line Feminine Side..
Mandarin Cantonese.. Chi.ne.se
It means number 5..
JA Pan…Chi..nna

Aja means ‘Sands” in OINri Igbo..
Ajax… See Achilles and Ajax.. Heroes of Troy…
Ajax means “Eagle”

“From the Greek name ???? (Aias), perhaps deriving from Greek ??? (aia) “earth, land”. In Greek mythology this was the name of two of the heroes who fought for the Greeks in the Trojan War, the son of Telamon and the son of Oileus. When the armour of the slain hero Achilles was not given to Ajax Telamonian, he became mad with jealousy and killed himself.”

A quote from “Razzmatazzy” on thread..

This name does not have anything to do with the Greek word for ‘mourning.’ This is a common mistake because of the connection with the words of mourning used in the Illiad (Ai!) in connection to the hyacinth, which bears on its leaves the two first letters of his name (ai).

Truly, Ajax is named for Zeus’s eagle (in Greek, ‘aietos’). Before Ajax was born, Hercules prayed to Zeus that his friend, Telemon, also Ajax’s father, would be given a brave son. An eagle appeared in the sky as Zeus’s acknowledgment of the prayer.
Tele-Mon Ajax.. T.A
Hercules Hera-Cles.. Tele-mon… My T.V…

Achilles Heracles Tele-Mon..Ajax

O.N.E..- T.E.N…

O True Nature is E… In (En)
A-Alpha Omega..Balanced at Bee..

And so now that my Family are solid and real even in this world..
by the Completion of the Story of why we Are the E.H.Supremes
Family of the Morning Star and Zeina Zorro!

7:17 p.m


G= 7… Quantum Quintessential Transformation
the The Door to 8..Infinite Harmony..

P.S.. 527 Face Book friend E.B.G

Energy Blue Green-Golden…

E=Blue.. GG… 77.. 14.. N..E..

5th Dimension Tunnel of love “Cou”
The throat and choosing your Expressions
be careful how you act and behave and especially what you choose to say…

E=5th the 4th…54… I…2O.. T
Istanbul Turkey
I.Beautiful Truth.

7:36 p.m

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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