
3/10/2018 2:40 – Facebook Post

12:05 p.m.

L O E…. Light of Existence. S.P 86 & 97.

C.J..T.R….U E.

I am sitting a the T.V Room, back back is turned from the Screen of a Boot Leg version of the Black Panther.
Igbo Anthony brought it.

I would like to watch this version of my Truth, one day, but a good version of it.
Not a Bootleg.

I came back after my meeting up with Peter Nyarkô and Flip J Hendrixs who arrived later.

He had been dealing with an equation with his Lady Nickel.
I had already witnessed his reality.
It was Nicole and Alexis who I had seen immediatly after Flip J Hendrixs said that he would call hsi friend at the recording studio and meet at Morris Town.
And then Nicole and Alexa appeared as I made my way out side.
Nicole called out Melville Tyrone.. 44 that he had to leave- vacate where he was staying.
Morris Town M.T
Melville Tyrone… M.T.

She had called him Melville using his last name…
Tyrone Melville… T.M… T.M… TOM…TWIN.

Nicole… ( Nickel..) Alexis ( Alexa -Nickels 15 Year old Daughter- the one whom I had first met, then saw her standing by her Mother, and then who appeared in Metropolitan Ave when I was with Flip J Hendrixs and the two of them walked off home togther)…

Nicole means Victory of the People…
Alexa means Defender of Man…

Alexis made physical contact with me for the first time, Nicole did not say a word to me, but Alexis touched my elbo in greeting.

Alexa is 15… It represents 15 As the Letter O.
that is what she acted out not Sacred Portal 15 which shows the Jolly Green Giant being questioned by Ämazons” who did not have men but somehow had been able to have male and female children.
This of course, has been proven as a lie, not even fiction because Woman has not been able to prove that she can create Life without the Semen of a Male.
Where as I have proven that a Male can created a literal embodied truth of him self with Its own Unique Personality and Character.. And Indiviual as demonstrated in the embodiment of first Flip J Hendrixs and of course Peter Nyarkô, then to Robert Vlaun and to Jace Horsford…

The 4 who are two… F.P… S.P…. Flip J Hendrixs Sha-Ron who is Two.. Flip and Sha-Ron.. even 3…and Peter Nyarkô who as Ethan is as Planet E.. “Strong and Constant”.

12:33 p.m.

Flip showed me some Intel which mirrored the expression of Nicole to Tyrone Melville.

And Peter Nyarkô expressed it to Flip even before we all met upp, he was at the Oval when Peter asked him if he had seen the movie Get Out…”Get out!” he repeated laughingly on the phone.
I mumbled, “It is Script and a riddle and not until he finished the code. and the riddle….

“Here” Peter said, “You talk to Flip”…
Óh no”, I said, “and not on the phone, when he get here..

“12:39 p.m… I make a note of that time because Twice I have reached 1094 Face book friends and twice I have been moved back, first by two, to reach 1092… Which links to 1992 and my naturally finding the way home to the portal of the Eternal Realm and the Origins of the E.
And now again 25 years later, I have done it manually through reason cartesian logic and sixth sense E.S.P. explaining it and expressing the way home but this time in a Script and play fillled with deception and betrayal…
I have found the same sacred portal embodied as I did in Paris.

Sharon.. Ron.. Flip… Jimmy… All the same person…
Peter Nyarkô Paris New York… P.N.. Add I.. P I N.. CODE… G ODE… H ODE…

Sha-Ron Peter… S.P.. Sacred Portal.

I already knew what was happening in and with Flip J Hendrixs even though I was aware that he is Representing Nnamdi Eric… Evolved and that I have been in HIS Script in which Woman had thought She had taken over as the Creator, but in fact was Nnamdi E patiently waiting for me to reach him in his unforgivable script of proving that I am his Birth Father as his Brother.. His literal Big Brother… which is what he actually literally calls me.
Which I of course, I have done.
See sacred Portal 41..
And did again.. Peter…
and again Robert Vlaun…
and again today with the completion of Jace Horsford.. J..
Confirmed by Flip J Hendrixs…

Recall the code of Charles Tochukwu…Umeano… and he being used as Challenger by Seen and Unseen forces..
His grandmother is from Amawbia by Bio Fathers Hometown and his father is from Engwu-Agidi.. Umu-Nri…
My Bio father is from Amawbia and my Mother from Engwu-Agidi… But My Bio Father was an Illusion of Nnamdi my brother…
His was really from Oinri and was recognized by the community as being a reincarnation of the Umeano line..
As for myself , I came from my Grandmothers Line, Etitit…Enugwu-Ukwu… E..E. U.. All Oinri…
I met Nnamdi’s incarnaton in 1987-88 as the Eze Nri when I went to his palace with my grandfather while a studen in teh University..
I also met him again in my astral projection when I was a boy in Canada…

I already saw the riddle and the connection…

Grandmother.. Amawbia.. Nri…
Nri is conected to Awka the black smiths.. the Ororo.. Crafts men of Ultimate Beauty… Wizards.. Hephaestus in Greek Mythology.. Deadauls- Icarus.. Minator…Architect Matrix…

That is why my back is turned away from the movie which Igbo Anthony brought…
The incorect version of the Black Panther…
They were never First Cousins, they are the SAME…
1 2 3…

First let us look at the play today…

C.T… Cookies and Tobacco I had mentioned to Flip J Hendrixs in a text…
Only later did I realize that it was a code… Charles Tochukwu but not the person.. The meaning of the name…

I was of course put at a disadvantage once again left with no money and the Insult and this play of getting the Truth but really is teh refusal to accept the Truth ( See the Book Witch Landers which Harold at B.R.C had handed to me as well as the Enders Game… Enders Game was the True Play… Witchlanders was the Usuprers play.. which had no substance.. Man could create life without Woman but Woman could not created without Man which is what this play was about to my eternal conempt and disgust…)

I was lured here, where of course, Flip J Hendrixs was distracted and set up.
As you can see…
A quarrel was set up with him and his lady, Nickle… she was used by the Mean Goddess cult which include men and women of illusion.
Alexa is Loyal to her Name.. to Man… defender of Man…
To Me… Alexis making contact at my Elbow..
Alexa seeing myself and Flip at Starbucks and waving at me, Flip left with her… she represents the 15 As O.15.. 6.. Six sense is Flip not Nickel… 6 E… Dejeuner her elder sister… D is really Delta… as me line… O D E… F…
H-G ode….

C.T… Coffee Tobacco… C.T…

I recieved a coffee from Sam… Sam Weslee Enyiagu Afam Samuel…
He is Caucasian .. Samuel means “Name of God”

1:11 a.m.

S A M E… C.
Peter Nyarkô with his usual natural grace bought me some tobacco which I had to ask him to… smh.
That is the T…

S.C… That was what Reginald age 26 was wearing… with the letter C..
South Carolina… C.. 8th state.. So I passed that test of having no money for coffee and having Sam who never intentionally gives me refills giving me a free refill because I asked him ( and had called him out on his hypocrisy with his deals.. to his credit he listened)

S C.. C… C.O..F F.. E E… CC Cee… 8 9..
( 2.67 USD Charge 54 cents on my card.. twice 108… J.H.. 108.. Closer of the Flower of Life)

Then Peter and Tobacco… P.T… 11 USD… “S.”P.. 35.. C E The Point.. P.T.. Perfect Timing…

And then at the end of the evening, Peter decided he wished to buy some Pop Eyes.. I then hinted at the terrible food at the Shelter..
They offered to buy me some dinner but I saw it was too late…
Flip J Hendrixs then decided to slip me 10 usd.. he only had 20 usd… he spilt it and handed it to me.

1:19 p.m.


I was proud of then both… TEN… 10…J.. 101.. 11.. 2 1… J.B… 1O.. A O B…
Sacred Portal 1 A… See the comment below the last post.. From some advertising films called Joy…
My sister works in Advertzing and so it seems does Charles …

Thus E.B A/ A B… E J T C…. E T C… E C…

Flip J Hendrixs was more Sha-Ron today and he called it out.. I was aware…
I had finshed the book Jimmy the Boy… and had begun Ïn the Name of the Rose

Peter gave spent 11 usd using a credit card… at Day and Night Bodega…
And Flip J Hendrixs gave me 10…

total 54.. usd..

54 cents refill of Coffee…

108… 18… 9… I…

S.P… 10 11… C.I… E GALAXY!

And Flip J Hendrixs invited me to record an introduction to one hos videos with my words…
The Story of Colors..

But I was furious, furious with the play the Script… that it would dare, dare dare go so far with its money play.. to Insult me, to insult and meddle and Dare…!!
Manifest the this Script to the End… and being stupid enough to not only think I would forgive but not give you a sentence which will be remembered and recorded through out the annals of Eternity… of a going out od Existence whch not only replies to your Dare as Consequence but which is carried out to precision to the last degree…
Death and destruction by Everything in Existence over and over again until completion and then only then will you be allowed to fade…
But you will be made to feel it in detail over and over again.. each time rising.. being reborn… No Mercy of Death…
And now for this play .. there is more…

This is what Consequence looks like…

I came back and saw Teo.. the asst Night manager.. he was wearing a T-Shirt…
Who is that I asked… of that is the Black Panther… but Alexis told me that this is not the real one, that the real one has a different costume kinetic Energy.. etc.. K.E…
And that this was was more only for prtection it does not defend etc.. it just protects the wearer.. “Potential I said.. “Potential Energy
K.E.. Erik Killmonger… E,K..
Emeka Kolo .. a perfect reflection.

No, I said to TEO… Teo Miguel Bouça…
Harmony to an even higher perfection that Alexa.,,,

Potential activated.. is K.E/ E.K.. 5 11 5 11.. 55 55…
16 16.. 32… 5… E

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